

"Drink the water." His voice sent chills to my spine as it came as deep and dark. He was someone I would not like to meddle with but what he said was confusing.

"Why is that-"

"Do it and see what impostor faces you."

I stopped eating and looked at him. Something about his words made me falter. He was on to something. I turned around to look at the other two whose glass was already empty. Their face held disappointment which puzzled me more.

Diane looked at me with a look that said words of question.

"You have not gotten your powers."

I almost jerked up when someone whispered in my ear which turned out to be the person who wanted them to drink it.

I could feel it. I was beginning to falter. I felt like a person who has been thrown a bucket of melted ice.

"Be calm Fin. Manage your image. You are breaking." I heard Nate in my head. I hid my hands which was slightly shaking.

I took a deep breath and looked at them.

Their gaze all held questioning looks and my brain was telling me to come up with another lie but something was telling me not to.

"I have not gotten them yet."

Kaval looked at me then scooted closer.

"Well that means, you are to lose. Your kingdom is on terrain with the breakage of the streak your predecessor has have built." He said with an evil smirk. I could feel his breath on my ears as I went to face away from him. He laughed as if he won over something.

I looked at the person who started it all.

He wore nothing but a poker face.

The people around us didn't come to notice to my relief but I know I was entering into a danger zone.

"All of the people here possesses one and yet a royalty does not? You are the weakest at this point and yet you were too much of a man to wear the image you had minutes ago. You are nothing alike or being close to a powerful individual Alexander. You are just a mere hypocrite, a liar and a royal in place of nothing."

I looked at him as he spoke. Each word that came out from him was like of sharp blades that aimed for me. Each second he was speaking, I was crumbling but I knew all long before that I had to face such words. I thought I was prepared, and I was, merely.

I looked at him and Kaval. I looked so little in their presence which made me want to run but my feet would not.

"Aw, the prince of the sea is cracking-"

I stood up rather abruptly making Kaval fall into silence as he looked at me like he wanted to throw me away this instant.

Diane on the other hand had a worried look as she faced me.

The others were looking at us now as well as the teachers and the headmaster, but I paid them no mind. I was consumed by anger, guilt and self-pity.

"Sit down." Kaval said rather harshly as if commanding me.

"And who are you to command me Kaval? I may have no power running inside me, but I possess greater heights than of you and your kingdom. Ordering me is like ordering a king to stand down in amidst battle."

"And that king is powerless"

"In terms of ability I admit I am. Yes, I am lacking. But do not overlook my head as you are now. I may not possess what strength you have over me, but I have knowledge and that is what you should try to fear. Place this in your mind, a powerless royalty is with you in the academia as of the moment yet you are still left to stagger behind my trails. You do not know me as I do you in yours. It is knowledge you should fear Kaval. For what is that ability you highly impose to rather highly when you are utterly blank and lacking to use it. With or without power, I still look over you as my underling that opposes nothing but empty words."

The room fell into silence as the attention was now centered unto us. I closed my eyes in frustration as I never intended for this to happen nor creating a scene on the first day but there was just something about these two males that irritates me to the core. I opened my eyes and was met by a pair of worried greenish eyes. I walked away from the table not wanting to cause any more trouble, but fate seems to be not favoring me.

The moment I was about to reach towards the door. I was grabbed harshly and was faced with the unnamed person in the table. "What do you think are you doing?" I spoke, voice stern as my eyes were barely capable to keep my gaze in his. He wore no expression and his hands got a firm hold on my wrist.

"Let go." I spoke yet again but it seemed as if this person was deaf at the moment as he only kept looking at me.

"You better let me go. I do not wish to cause further scenes." I spoke sighing at the end of my sentence and only then did I feel his grasp loosening.

"Your highness let us go. I have already informed the headmaster that you are tired and need more rest." Nate was now on my side, waiting for my further move. I felt numerous eyes on us, but I could not care less. The situation that I am in was like walking in thin ice.

One wrong move and my secret could be no longer what it was. I looked to the table where I once ate and found Kaval looking at me with nothing but a glare. Diane on the other hand was giving me a smile of sympathy and nodded as if telling me that I was better off for tonight.

"Hade Morningstar." My trance was broken when the person in front of me spoke. Was that his name? I only nodded in response and turned around hoping that he'd let this slide and give me mercy. I know, I am also having my self-pity moment right now, but I could never afford the circumstances if my secrets were to be known.

I mean I could if it was only my reputation at stake but no. The whole kingdom is at stake. So, I decided to act what's based on proper deduction at the moment. I can't go out there and fight these heirs that stand before my presence. If that were to happen, I wouldn't stand a chance and it will only bring chaos to the order that each kingdom has agreed on.

I was stepping far away from the hall when I heard Hade spoke, "Watch out princess, there are demons in this castle." as soon as the last word got out, the door of the hall closed with a loud sound that echoed throughout the hallway. I sighed moments later and looked over to find Nate in a worried state.

"I'm fine Nate, I know we're going to come up with something soon." Nate only nodded in response which I found that he is still not comfortable with the situation.

"So, how did your dinner go." I asked in an attempt to lighten up the atmosphere between us. Nate is the type to overthink situations that do not require much effort and when he does, he will lack the correct judgment to make deductions over the situation. I've seen it happened once and it was chaotic, to say the least.

"I didn't notice anything for I was focused on what may happen during that time and something did happen." We were now in front of my room and I looked over to him with a smile.

"Don't think too much Nate. You should know me by now. There's no problem that I can't solve. I may lack the power of will, but I have the neurons and knowledge of the mind so to speak." I said reaching out to hold his shoulders. He sighed yet again but smiled nonetheless.

"I will see you tomorrow morning your majesty." I nodded and went inside my room. As soon as I closed the door, I went to my bed and laid down. I have to come up with something and I can't reach for help towards Elevi or father. I have never done such actions and I'm not going to such actions now. Whatever may happen, I know that I can solve it. I solved countless problems in our kingdom, I can solve this lackluster piece of shit on my own.

The words that Hade said came running back to my mind. What did he mean by that? I know he and Kaval are up to no good but whatever it is they have in their minds, may it be a plan of my downfall or my entire kingdom, I assure them that they'll never succeed. No one ever does when they face me. No one approaches the prince with wrath without being drowned by their own anger.

I'm really sorry for the slow update. Also I have changed the title of the story from The Prince is Gay as well as the cover. I hope that you like it. Do give me your comments about it. I'll try my best to try and update daily or atleast a few times a week. I hope that all of you are well and safe amidst this pandemic. We will get through this. I have an update for this tomorrow too. I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit bland but I promise to spice things up soon.

AUVINEcreators' thoughts