
Chapter 11: Behind Sabaody's Lines

Hey guys! I had hella fun writing this chapter, so it's a bit long. But a lot of stuff happens, so it's great! I apologize if any of the minor characters seem out of character, I just saw a few clips from them and based their lines from there. Also, Ace may or may not seem out of character when talking to Conan in this chapter, but frankly, I think he's out of character in general when he talks about his dad. I'm not quite sure, but Jew;ery Bonnie may be in the next chapter, but I'm not sure how that's gonna pan out. Let me know what yah think! Thanks and enjoy!

-Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or Case Closed

After a week aboard the giant ship, Conan felt the déjàvu of a full-blown, identity-crisis guilty trip. Just like with Rachel, he could only tell bits of truth and keep these men in the dark. But like with Rachel, he vowed to tell them everything when the threat was gone. But it was times like this where Conan wondered, maybe it was best to oust himself as Jimmy Kudo. Would it make that much of difference? The Black Organization already knows his identity as well as who the people close to him were, and was there any point of lying to the people here? He didn't know, and at the moment, he couldn't second guess his actions, too much was at stake. He was brought back to reality when he felt someone pet his head, looking up, he gave a polite smile to Vista, Whitebeard's fifth division commander. "How goes it, lad?"

"I'm fine Vista-san, just felt like staring at the water. My chores in the kitchen and study are done, and the nurses didn't have anything else assigned for me, so I decided to take the opportunity to relax." The detective said.

"Ah. A calming scene like this is exactly what the mind needs for stress." The pirate commander leaned on the railing beside him. "We all know you're hiding something from us, yah know." Conan tensed considerably. "But, it's as Oyaji said. You're a person Roger would trust with his secrets, no reason why we can't do the same. But Oyaji thinks you're rather certain of your deduction, lad."

"Out of respect for Ace-san, Roger-san, and Rouge-san, I won't say it. I promise." Conan clenched his fists.

"I know you won't lad, but that's why we're worried." The detective turned to the swordsman, confused. "You do realize the Navy will most likely have Cipher Pole go after you, right?"

"Which is why I need the information on the World Government." Conan reasoned.

"Yes, yes...and how long do you think you'll have before they call your bluff?" Vista questioned.

"It won't be a bluff, but judging by the Ohara incident, I'd say a week." Conan replied looking down.

"Understand that I don't disagree with your ideals of peace, it's just unrealistic in this situation." Vista said sadly.

"What's unrealistic is giving up without trying." The detective responded.

"Heh…that's exactly what Ace would say." Vista chuckled.

"Ace-san's furious with me, isn't he?" Conan sighed. "In order to find One Piece, I needed to establish a basic profile, which meant researching his past actions, his exploits, and his family. With that, I deducted Roger-san to be a great man who cared deeply for his crew, and quite literally had everything in the world right before he died. Which was why I found his death so confusing, why would he turn himself into the marines like that, yah know? Especially because…Rouge-san was pregnant at the time. I don't need to establish a profile to know how courageous of a person she was."

"You've thought deeply about this." Vista nodded in satisfaction. "Ace appreciates that you understand the sensitivity on the subject, and he is also grateful you never brought it up around him. He'd probably punch you. He's merely angry that you lied to him, and that you lied about being oblivious to his background. We're all a little angry at you for lying."

'They're going to be furious when they find out the rest later.' Conan inwardly shivered. "I'm sorry I lied, I just…didn't know what else to do, I thought it was easier."

Vista chuckled. "Of course it's easier to lie than to the truth, that's why truth is so hard for all of us to face."

That was quite a way to put it. "You don't say?" Conan chuckled.

"Of course. But that doesn't mean you need to punish yourself for it; you were scared, we understand. And you just want to see your family, so of course you'd be hasty. But you have to promise us, no more secrets." Vista laughed.

Conan's chuckling diminished completely and faced away from the kind pirate. "I…can't promise something I can't keep, I'm too used to lying."

"I see." Vista pursed. "Do you want to see your family again?"


"Do you want to see your friends again?"


"Do you want your freedom back?"

"Yes." Conan was getting sick of this.

"Why do you still want to find One Piece?"

"Because I want to see if I'm right!" Conan exclaimed, only shut his hands over his mouth a second later.

"See, being honest isn't so hard." Amazingly, the pirate wasn't about to feed him to the sharks. "You just have a harder time with it than others." Noticing the kid was utterly speechless Vista yawned. "Come on. We hit Sabaody's docks by morning, need to be rested." The detective wordlessly nodded and followed Vista's prompt.

Next Morning

Conan had now found another feature of this universe, he loved some of the weird islands. Sabaody was known as the half-way point of the Grand Line, and was considered one of the most dangerous islands, but it had a massive carnival and it was beautiful. As much as Conan hated to admit it, he had a blast riding the bubbles. And after half an hour of fun, Ace's patience wore out and he hoisted the detective back to the case.

Whitebeard had ordered Ace and Vista to scout the area before they made their move, after all, following Conan's logic, it'd be too suspicious if too many of them were in one place. Ace obviously budded with Conan, intent on talking to the boy due to Whitebeard calling him out on his lies. Walking along the marketplace, Ace spoke up. "So…anything else you'd like to confess?"

Gulping, the boy responded. "Not particularly."

"Too bad. If we're going to continue helping you, you're going to be honest with us in return." Ace took Conan aside into an alley. "Now speak. What else are you hiding?"

"…Nothing, Ace-san." Looking away from the pirate.

This just made the commander angrier. "You think I'm stupid or something? You lied about being an orphan, you lied about not knowing about me and my crew, and I'm pretty positive you're lying about what you're planning to do right now!"

"No, that last part's true! I am trying to get blackmail on the Admiral!" Conan exclaimed in defense.

"Oh really?" Ace sneered. "Which Admiral, and what's the material exactly?"

"I can't tell you either of them, because then it wouldn't be considered blackmail!" The detective replied.

"Oh save it! You just want an edge over me, Oyaji, and the rest of Whitebeard's crew!" Ace accused. "You're just using us to meet your goal, but you're not even thinking about us at all! Otherwise, you'd come clean and tell us everything!"

Having enough, Conan glared up fiercely. "And in the perfect world, I would tell you! I'd tell you and all my friends everything, and I wouldn't sneak around behind everyone's back to solve the problems they cause themselves! I don't deny I'm using you or your crew, Ace-san. But don't you dare accuse me of holding out on you, because everything's on the line for me." Ace was silent at those words. Conan took a breath to calm down and spoke again. "I'm sorry about what happened to your father, I'm sorry for what your mother had to endure, and I'm sorry you were persecuted for crimes you didn't commit. But frankly Ace-san, get over yourself. We've got bigger problems than your family's melodrama."

"Kid…" Ace suddenly felt bad.

"I'm good at finding my way around places, I'll meet up with you at that place." Conan pointed to the Ripp-Off Bar. "I'll meet up with you in four hours, see you later, Ace-san." And without warning, he activated his skateboard and rolled away from Ace.

"Conan! Wait!" Ace called after him, but it only took him a minute to realize the kid was long gone. "Damnt it, Oyaji's going to hang me for this." Ace didn't mean to get so angry with the boy, but when he realized just how much Conan knew about him and his family, he reacted aggressively because he assumed Conan was going to use that information against him. But thiking about it, Conan most likely just learned that through basic research the Navy made him do. Which made him thinking of how risked himself to save Coby from Jozu. A kid like that wouldn't exploit personal secrets, because the kid had his own secrets to protect.

"Well, well, if it isn't the son of Captain Roger." Spinning around, Ace prepared a fire fist, only to be kicked down with a strong shot of haki. Struggling to get up, Ace came face to face, with Silver Raleigh, his father's former first mate. The old man smiled amused at the disgruntled young man. "Please come join me at the Rip-Off Bar, my wife and I would enjoy the company of the Whitebeard pirates."

With Conan

Rolling aimlessly through the streets on his board, Conan deduced that he got enough distance from Ace, and put away his faithful tool. How it could us an upgrade from Dr. Agasa. Conan put on a thoughtful look and started thinking of how he was going to break into Mariejois; he could offer himself up as a slave, but those damned bomb collars might be an issue, he could sneak in through a delivery, but that was too obvious. He was so deep in thought, that he didn't notice someone approach him from behind and put a cloth over his mouth.


Shakky and Raleigh smiled at the Whitebeard commanders in their pub, very amused by their situation. "So what do you think, Raleigh?" Ace asked the old man.

"Sounds like the boy's trying to protect you and everyone from something that the Navy's stirred up. I wonder what that could be." Smiled the old pirate. "What do you think Shakky?"

"Sounds like the Navy made a deal with someone that they shouldn't have, and that boy's unfortunate enough to be in the center of all their conspiracies." Responded the calm barkeep.

"But what's he hiding, exactly?" Ace prodded in frustration.

"Who knows, my boy." Raleigh laughed. "But you better get to your captain, it's dangerous for children to be wandering around on their own, don't yah think."

"He's right, where is the young boy, Ace?" Vista pointed out.

"Er…about that…" Ace started seating beads.

"You lost him, didn't you?" The swordsman guessed. He could tell by the dejected look on Ace's face, he guessed right.

"Actually…he said to meet up here in four hours, it's only been two. So, he should be all right…right?" Ace argued weakly.

"Oh I totally forgot." Everyone turned to Shakky. "The Tenryubito ordered their minions to gather specimens for the auction house; anything remotely strange looking they said. I hope the boy doesn't fit that description."

Paling, the two pirates started to panic. For, Conan fit the requirements exactly. Whether or not the boy waqs being truthful about his parents being in Mariejois, he was going there anyways.


Groaning, the young detective opened his eyes, and found himself quite confused. He was in an iron-clad cage, behind a circus tent. Feeling pressure around his neck, he move to feel for the foreign object, but found his arms and legs chained. Eyes wide open, he quickly looked around himself to gather more information, and tried to remember what happened. He remembered his fight with Ace-san, but after he rolled away, he was knocked out with chloroform. Observing his surroundings, he noted he was not the only one in a cage, various men, women, and children of all shapes, sizes, and species were in cages as well. Hearing snickering, he turned to a group of mangy looking men, where the one in the middle seemed to be their leader. He had a long snout like an anteater, a huge torso and arms, but like Jozu, a tiny lower body. He and his gang were getting paid by a ridiculous looking old man with long grey hair, and star sun glasses.

"Well done boys, well done. Here's your payment, a well-deserved one to the Hound Pets. Great job today, Peterman! Keep this up, and you and your men might be slightly-respectable members of society!" The man with sunglasses exclaimed.

Counting the money, the anteater responded. "You holding out on us, Disco-san?" The weird man sweated nervously, and quickly pulled out more money. "That's better. Pleasure doing business with you, Disco-san." He laughed and suddenly turned to Conan. The detective's face remained neutral when the ugly being approached his cage. "This was an eas one, send him to some noble with a fetish, he'll be taken care of." Peterman and his group laughed and walked away.

After he was certain, Perterman and his men had left the tent, Disco approached the cage. "I suppose you find this confusing right now, so I'll explain. This is the Human Auction house of Archipelgo, the most flourishing economical aspect on the Grand Line, and most pathetic branch of the Navy. I am Disco, owner of this establishment."

"Conan Edogawa." The detective nodded, only to receive a painful jolt of electricity in response. It was right where his scar was, so the pain was excruciating.

"No speaking, unless if you're given permission to." Disco explained, without a facial change. Conan didn't speak, and allowed the man to continue. "Now then, as I was saying, this grand place is also known as the Public Employment Security Office. So, know that no matter what happens in here, it's completely legal and completely endorsed by our lords, the Tenryubito. Rebellious scum such as yourself nearly ruined this business awhile ago; a sluttly mermaid who didn't know her place called out to her merman boyfriend and his heinous group of friends, the Strawhat pirates. Their captain dared punch one of the Tenryubito." He kicked the cage causing, Conan to flinch. "Because of that, know that any mishaps from any of these cuts won't be tolerated, even from you, young Edogawa. Do you understand then?" Conan nodded mutely.

"Marvelous! Everyone start the final preparations! This is our grand re-opening and everything must be perfect!" The man walked off, leaving Conan to his thoughts. After he was certain no one was looking, Conan unhooked the chains from around his arms and legs, having picked them while the jerk was talking. He squeezed between the bars and then squeezed back in, determining his use for this trick in the future.

"Spst! Kid!" Conan turned his head and blinked, wondering is the jolt was making him hallucinate. Probably not though. In front of him was a talking starfish, with a Jamaican beanie on his head, trapped in a fish bowl. "Don't look so surprised, my name is Pappug. I saw what happened you, okay?"

Conan blinked but then gave a confident smirk. "I'm better than okay, Pappug-san. I found one of things I was looking for!"
