
1.10 Tumblewood Forest/Encountering Other Players

Stream Chat:

BloodMoon: Good Afternoon everyone.

JayThePvPGod: Oh? You're finally online! What are you doing today?

AngelOfDarkness: You're online! I told my thief brothers and sisters from my adventuring group to watch you VoD's from last night and I was wandering how after you preformed that feint move, your hand suddenly accelerated to an even faster speed than before. Was it a skill?

I was reading through the chat messages and see a user named AngelOfDarkness.

"What I did then was a combat technique I learned from my father. He called it second acceleration. It looked like it was easy but actually requires you to have full control of the muscles in your body. Otherwise, you would just end up getting injured."

After telling them this, a surprise guest showed up in stream.

G.HeatherfieldCEO: She is right. Some combat techniques require extremely high amounts of precision and control otherwise your could risk damaging your body. Here's a secret for, you guys. There are some rare items called Combat Techniques Tablets in the game. These teach you anything from blocking and parrying techniques to crazy stuff like shooting beams of ice using the power of the elements from your blades. Be on the lookout.

Phoenix Wing: Isn't this the CEO of Dogma? I need to tell my guild about this.

SoaringDragon: Since she is telling us about them, they are probably just as rare as epic items. The more powerful ones might even be more rare than legendary Items.


After seeing the ceo enter my chat, I was a little stupefied but i was also curious why she would be here. Before playing this game, I did a little research on the background of the company. Her name is Grace Heatherfield and she is an ex-special forces operator. She is also the main reason why their company could use the military's technology in the first place. Other than being in the military, she is also know for being a fan of all things video games. Ever since she was younger, she would collect old video games and consoles. From games like The Last Of Us to Halo. She has played the majority of the top rated games that have come out in the past 500 years.

After retiring from the military, she decided to open up a game development company. In her Office, she has posters of all her favorite games. She can even be seen playing games in her free time.

Her favorite story in a game and one that had an emotional impact on her was Halo:Reach. It was different from the other games in the series that she played. It wasn't 1 man saving the world like the other games. It was about team of soldiers trying to find out the reason for the sudden loss of transmission only to find out that they were being invaded by an alien armada know as the covenant.

When she finished playing the campaign, she left her office with swollen, red eyes and when President Blackburn saw her, he asked. "What happened to you?" He was very confused as he had never seen her like this before

She replied while holding back her tears. "I played a very good game. The game reminded me what it meant to be in the special forces. We are the first to go in and the last to leave... if we have the option." After saying this, she went back into her office so she could cry silently. She had to maintain her image for the people that work under her.

(Back to the stream chat)

G.HeatherfieldCEO: You said your father taught that move? Is your father in the military?

I replied since it really wasn't a secret. "Yeah, my dad's name is Tim Belvins. He is the commander of the 223rd Division of the Special Forces."

G.HeatherfieldCEO: Your dad is Tim Belvins? What a coincidence! That hardass was my squad captain when I was only a private in the military. How is that assho- i mean... How is your father doing?

I was surprised when I saw this. My dad never really told me anything about his military days. All I know about his military career is his rank and the division he is in. What a small world we live in.

"He is fine. The last time he was home, he said he might resign since he is getting old. Maybe you and his other squadmates could link up at that time."

After replying to a couple more messages President Blackburn joined the stream.

President Blackburn: You are late for your appointment, Miss Heatherfield.

G.HeatherfieldCEO: i have to go, don't forget to pass the message to your father.

After that episode, the stream chat returned to normal.

I took out my map, and looked on the east side of the Buckwheat Kingdom. It looked like there was a huge forest before getting to the mountains. It was called the Tumblewood Forest.

According to the map, it is a level 14 to level 20 area. I proceded over to the forest with haste.

After reaching the forest, I saw my first mob of the day.

[Hobgoblin Warrior] Lvl. 15

[Uncommon] HP: 1000/1000

After I spotted it, 2 more came from behind it. I quickly entered stealth and approached them from behind. After waiting for them to spread out a bit. I went in for the kill.

I got behind one of them and covered its mouth. Before it could scream and alert its friends, I plunged my dagger into its neck and slid it across its throat. Then I entered stealth again.

[System] You have performed an action that isn't in our database. We have recorded your actions and made it into a skill book. What do you want to name this skill?

I was killed the other 2 Hobgoblins before looking at this system message.

I decided to name it Assassination. After naming it, I recieved 20 skill books in my inventory.


Cover the targets mouth from behind and plunge dagger into you victims neck before sliding it across their throat. Does 300% extra damage. Only works behind non-moving targets. Upon getting a 1 hit kill, it forces you into stealth and resets your cooldown.

Cooldown: 1 minute 30 seconds

Created by the player, BloodMoon.

Seeing these, I decided to sell them later. The hobgoblins didn't drop anything good so I just ran past them.

After that I cleared out 7 squads of hobgoblins, I heard a ding sound.

[System] You have reached level 15 You have recieved 10 gold and 5 skill points.

After that, I was going to spend my skill point but I suddenly heard the sound of fighting just ahead of me. I was curious so I decided to check it out.

I jump to a tree branch started jump from branch to branch. As the sounds of metal clanging together started to get closer, I was able to hear voices.

"I hold it off, you guys get out of here."

I sounded like he couldn't hold on for much longer so I sprinted at full speed.

After 15 seconds, I cam across a scene where a shield warrior was being pushed around by a huge Hobgoblin. While there was a mage and a priest not far away looking at the scene before them.

[Hobgoblin Commander] Chieftain Lvl. 16

HP: [3425/3900]

The shield warrior's health bar was in the red as he desperately tried to block its attacks. The hobgoblin suddenly went berserk and was getting ready to use a skill when it a blur in the corner of its vision. It stopped attacking the shield warrior and threw its cleaver towards its flank. The cleaver tore the air around it like it was just paper. Seeing this, I smirked and used Blink. The cleaver landed on the ground and made the ground quake. When the dust cleared, the hobgoblin was surprised to see that nothing was there. It was about to turn around and continue bashing the shield warrior when I used Temple Strike and stunned him. Then I circleed around him and used my newly gained skill.

[Assassination] 99% skill completion rate.






While the bleed effect was activated, I used all of my damaging skills and managed to kill it in 1 rotation.

[System] You got the final blow and killed the Hobgoblin Commander. Recieved 30,000 xp.

There was a golden radiance around the other 3 players that were rescued which meant they leveled up but they didn't seem to notice. They were dumbfounded by what they just saw.

"Holy sh*t! How did you do that?"

The mage cursed outloud and said what was on everyone's mind.

I walked over to the warrior and asked. "Are you guys okay?"

The warrior snapped out of his stupor. "Yea, barely. Thank for rescuing us. Would you mind telling us your name? We can't see it."

At this point, I realized that my cloak was on and lowered my hood. "Sorry, my name is BloodMoon."

"Wait, your BloodMoon? The one that cleared the trial on Hell mode?" The Mage looked at me with eyes full of awe and fanaticism.

I smile and nod then get back to what I was saying. "What happened exactly?"

The warrior replied. "We were clearing out a Hobgoblin Encampment when all of the sudden, a Chieftain ranked Hobgoblin Commander came out of a cave and chased us. We had 2 thieves with us and they died instantly. If it weren't for you, we would have all been wiped out." He said gratefully.

"My name is Storm, I am a lightning mage, would you like to join us? This place hasn't been explored by anyone yet so we might find a couple treasure chests. We would be able to clear enemies out alot faster with one more person. What do you say?"

"Storm! What are you doing? She is probably busy doing a quest."

"Sure, I'll help you guys."

I think for a while before agreeing. It would definitely be easier if I had people with me.

"Really?" The warrior was really surprised. He didn't think I would agree so fast.

"Yeah, I have to pass through this area for a quest but I need to level up first. So I don't mind."

[System] Storm has invited you to a party. Would you like to join? [Yes/No]

I press yes and their party pops up on my HUD.
