
Damsel in Distress I

Selina immediately followed the three drunk people to a small, remote alley. In order not to be discovered by them, she hides behind unused boxes. It seems one of three has compatibility with Water Element. Although the place where they took the little girl forcibly was quite far from the crowd, the mist produced by one of the three drunk people made them unnoticed by anyone. The spell definitely has an illusion effect, though the spell had no effect on her.

'Maybe because my position is too close to them so the spell doesn't work for me,' thought Selina.

As for the little girl who was taken forcefully, she couldn't shout for help because her mouth was gagged. Moreover, her legs and arms were tied so that she could not provide significant resistance.

"Looks like I found a suitable target for my new stun gun," said Selina very quietly so that no one could hear it.

From the right pocket of her pants, Selina pulled out an ignitorem that she had modified before. Holding her ignitorem slash stun gun made her remember the first time she tested the magic device. This magic device does not work as she expected.

The ignitorem that has been modified by Selina does not work stably. The magic device sometimes emits high-voltage electricity as she expected and makes noise, at other times it emits low-voltage like a mosquito racket, and when she's not lucky, it doesn't work at all! She can only surrender to the Goddess of Luck to choose which of these three results will appear when needed.

Refocused herself, Selina sees a man who continuously chanting the spell with illusion effect. He is wearing a dirty long sleeve white shirt made of cotton and a pair of brown pants which is as dirty as his shirt. The smell of alcohol and body odor are mixed, causing a very unpleasant garbage-like smell. She almost threw up because of the smell. Luckily she held it in otherwise, she would have been found out by these three drunk people.

'How can anyone have this bad smell even though the level of health and cleanliness in this world is equivalent to my previous life's?' Selina thought in surprise.

Not thinking about it any deeper, Selina then quietly go after the one who is making illusion mist. Selina bent her body a little then she started to run as hard as her little feet could in the direction of the illusion maker. The man who was Selina's target had not had time to turn around when a high kick from Selina hit him hard on his precious jewel that was located between his legs.

"Aaarrgh!" The man shouted in pain which alarmed the two other people.

"Who's there?" Selina heard the other two shouted at the same time, but they were ignored by her.

As the illusion maker fell to his knees, she gave him another attack on his chin with a hard roundhouse kick which resulted in the man lying motionless. When the other two kidnappers realized one of their friends had fallen, one of them who didn't hold onto the kidnapped girl came and trying to subdue Selina.

"How dare you! You little jerk!" The one who is trying to subdue Selina shouted.

"Hmph! Don't underestimate me just because I'm only a child now," said Selina proudly.

Selina nimbly avoided the hands of the man who wants to catch her. When he realized he could not easily subdue Selina, he moved more aggressively. Selina also picked up her pace as she avoided the man's attack. This continued for several minutes.

"Hey! What are you doing? Quickly catch the child," said the other man.

"Shut up! I understand even if you don't tell me," replied the man who was trying to catch Selina.

"You little bastard! Come here," shouted the man.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Ah no... looks like you're the stupid one. Why would anyone want to come to you if they know you have ill intent," teased Selina who is trying to make the man angrier and lose his mind.

"What are you saying? You stinking little boy!"

"Don't you smell your body odor? You are the one who is stink," said Selina while covering her nose.


The man then ran without thinking toward Selina. Selina was silent and waited where she was standing. When the man was near and about to catch her, Selina dodged aside and stuck out one of her legs to tackle the man's leg.

"Ouf!" The man fell and rolled toward the unused boxes where Selina had been hiding before.

*Bug… Bog… Bug…*

Selina heard the sound of the unused boxes fell on the man's body.

Seeing the man fall and roll quite a distance and covered by boxes, Selina immediately changed her target to the other man who was holding the little girl. The man is short with a large bulging belly. His body odor was as bad as the man who had just fallen.

Selina started running towards the potbellied man. She readied her modified ignitorem in her right hand. When Selina is at a distance where her hand can touch the potbellied man, Selina stretches out her right hand while pressing the red button in one corner of the ignitorem's handle.

*Bzt… bzt… bzt…*

The noise produced by the ignitorem reverberated in the small alley.

'It seems like today is my lucky day,' thought Selina. She smiled broadly knowing the Goddess of Luck was on her side today.

"Aaaarrgh!" shouted the potbellied man in pain.

Selina didn't let down her guard around the potbellied man. She still attaches her modified ignitorem slash stun gun to the man's body. The man's body was twitching constantly because of the high voltage generated by the modified ignitorem. In the end, the man passed out with a spit of saliva coming out of his mouth.

"Hmm… Hmm…" The little girl glared at Selina's back.

Feeling that there would be a danger if she did not avoid her present position immediately, Selina hugged the little girl and threw both of their bodies to the side.

