
Chapter 12: S1-E11: Inn at the Crossroads 1/2

Chapter 11: Inn at the Crossroads

"Feeling alright Geralt? You keep looking out at the swamps as if worried about something." Bronn suddenly spoke up, snapping the Witcher's attention to him.

"Old habit. Regions like this weren't that safe to travel back home." He explained. "Course there was war and banditry all about."

"Eh, give anything for a little conflict." The sellsword muttered with a small smirk.

Geralt simply shrugged as the group continued on, leaving the murky swamplands for more lush forest. Leaving the thick line of trees, the party of travelers soon saw their destination just down the short slope of a hill. The Witcher truly realized just how big the royal convoy was as it spread across the area, taking every open space up and surrounding the large cozy tavern which was bustling with attention. Music and laughter could be heard, showing that a small party of playing out among the convoy.

"Seems we arrived just in time! Seems they just arrived yesterday by my guess." Tyrion chuckled as he'd led the group forward.

"Wait…we're just going to stroll right into the King's private camp?" Bronn asked with a small chuckle.

"Why not? I'm family after all and I doubt anyone will be brother by you."

Riding into the main camping grounds of the caravan, they'd be greeted up pages who were quick to help the riders dismount and tend to the tired horses. Geralt thanked the page, yet was quick to look around the area, trying to find Ned in the mixed crowd of servants and nobility. "Best I go find Lord Eddard. I take you'll be fine on your own Tyrion?"

"Of course. No need to worry about me." The dwarf said with a small smirk. "Come along Bronn, time we get a proper drink. Heard this place offers a fine selection!" The Lannister and sellsword were off to the tavern while Yoren would walk up to quickly speak with the Witcher.

"As much as I'd like to meet Lord Stark…I think I need a good bed and sleep first." Indeed the Night's Watch recruit looked exhausted after the week and half of riding.

"Go ahead. I'll be sure to tell him to see you later."

Yoren nodded thankfully before he'd head off for the tavern building as well, leaving the Witcher to himself now. Geralt began to roam the main camp grounds, sharp eyes trying to find any of the Stark daughters or their father. However as he moved along, a smooth female voice spoke up to him, making him glance about to see it was Cersei. The beautiful woman was dressed in a fine red summer gown, the outfit showing off her fine figure and matching well with her golden long hair. She was flanked by two King's Guard, the men standing attentively as she approached the Witcher.

"Well, Sir Geralt. Quite the surprise to see you here." The queen said in a coy manner. "I take you had an interesting and safe journey up to the Wall and southward?"

He'd nod before giving a respectful short bow to her. "It was your grace. Seen a lot in my travels yet the Wall is unlike anything else." He answered back. "Had a few…complications along the road, yet nothing too serious."

Cersei gave a soft smile, nodding her head slightly as he'd walk beside the Witcher as they strolled through the encampment. "No doubt tiring trek considering how quickly you traveled. I hope Tyrion wasn't too much of a bother following along."

"A bit eccentric yet kept road interesting. Shared quite a few good tales along the way." He answered back. "He's not like the rumors say about him."

"Perhaps. He does have bad habits." Cersei muttered with a small shrug. "Family aside though, I'm curious to know if Bran condition has improved. I can't imagine how Catelyn must be feeling…any mother would be distraught having their child suffer in such a way."

Geralt was curious at the queen's interest on the matter, knowing well she had been at the tower where Bran fell. "When I arrived to Winterfell from the Wall, Bran had awaken, He's lost his memory over what happened yet it seems the fall was an accident."

When he mentioned Bran awakening he could sensed the worry about her, hearing her heart race yet she kept her composure. "Good fortune then for the Starks. Lord Eddard's mood will no doubt improve hearing this good news. He has been quite brooding ever since we left Winterfell and from constantly dealing with my husband. The two may have been friends during the Rebellion, yet so many years can change a man." She'd pause for a moment before continuing to speak. "Robert was heartbroken seeing Bran crippled and suffering. He suggested the boy deserved a painless death then struggle for the rest of his life. If he had suggested such a thing if our children had been in the boy's place…" She'd take a deep sigh to compose herself yet gave a soft smile to the Witcher. "The children are our future. No matter what happens they should always be cared and protected for."

Oddly that remark reminded Geralt of Ciri, thinking of all the years he spent training and trying his best to protect her. "I can agree with that." Geralt said in agreement. "Still I feel that one day we half to let them live on their own. Not be overprotective when the times comes."

"Perhaps…yet we all handle such matters different." She'd mutter back. "Personal matters aside, I do have a small request of you. Joffrey and Sansa had wandered off a while ago. I was hoping you could ask them to come back since it's nearly lunch."

"Won't it be better for the royal guards to find them your grace?"

"Yet you're better suited for such a task. Many say your tracking skills are unmatched after all. Besides, this surely can't take long for you."

Sighing, he guessed arguing wouldn't help on the matter. "I'll see what I can do. Any idea where they were last at?"

"Thank you. Last I remember the two were by the inn before strolling off into the woods. No need to worry, it should be safe out there for them."

"Shouldn't be too hard then. I'll have them back in due time." He'd give a small bow before slipping away, noting the woman's coy smile as she watched him. She was a quite smug woman…and quite a good actress. She was hiding something about Bran from the subtle reaction he noticed, although it wasn't any real proof he could use. For now though he felt it be best being in good favor with her by doing this small errand.

Going to the front of the inn, he'd focus his sharp senses to examine the wide mix of foot prints along the ground, quickly picking out two that moved off towards the forest, the two seeming to follow a trail that went closely to the nearby river. "Heh, the scenic route." He muttered as he followed along. Soon his sharp ears could hear young voices, although there was more than two from what he could tell.

Nearing a small clearing by the river, he'd find that Sansa and Joffrey weren't alone as Arya and a commoner boy was there as well. From what he could tell Arya and the boy had been play fighting with sticks yet for some reason Joffrey was confronting the commoner, his sword out and pressing to the boy's check. Sansa was standing back with a shocked look while Arya pleaded with the prince to stop. The boy whimpered as the prince slowly cut across his cheek, having a sadistic grin as he drew blood. However with his guard down, Arya sudden striked at his back, making Joffrey yell out in pain and surprise while staggering, giving the commoner boy to flee. He'd just duck from a blind slash from the prince, who quickly turned about swinging at Arya who just avoided the attack, tumbling onto her back.

"I'll gut you, you little cunt!" He snapped out, sword pointed at her in anger.

Yet already Geralt was on the move, rushing over to the group. "Alright enough of that!" He snapped out, making Joffrey and Sansa give surprised looks seeing the Witcher. Suddenly though, there was a snarl from the bushes as Nymeria rushed out at Joffrey, biting down on his sword arm and making the boy howl in pain. Being tugged down, he struggled as the direwolf thrashed its head about to tear up his sleeve and dig into his arm along him making him drop his sword.

"Nymeria stop!" Arya ordered, struggling up to her feet.

"Make her stop please!" Sansa pleaded.

Geralt was quick to reach the direwolf, grabbing her by the back of the neck as he'd growl out. "Let him go!" Nymeria did so, whining as she'd hurry away to Arya who hugged the canine closely. The Witcher kneeled beside Joffrey, the prince teary eyed as he gripped his bloodied arm.

"Gods…i-it mauled me! I can't feel my arm!" He groaned in pain.

"Stop squirming. Have to check how bad it is." The ruined finery got in the way, so he'd rip the torn cloth away to show the deep bite marks the boy had. While bloody, the muscle wasn't torn from what he could see. "Bleeding badly, yet nothing serious."

Joffrey bite back his pained cries as he'd look to Nymeria, giving a hateful look to the wolf. "Cursed beast! I'll…I'll have it skinned for this!" He threatened, making Arya hold onto her companion and give an angry look back at the prince.

"It was an accident…All of it!" Sansa quickly said, mainly towards Geralt with the pleading look.

"We'll see." He muttered before looking back to Joffrey. Tugging the boy up by his uninjured arm. He'd help him stand yet during that time Arya suddenly got up and run. Glancing about, he'd see her bolt into the forest with Nymeria close behind her. "Damn it…"

"They're running off!" Joffrey snapped out as he'd grasp his injured arm, wincing from the pain while Sansa was quickly at his side, trying to calm him. She seemed to whisper something to him that made compose him, yet he had a frustrated look remaining in his eyes.

"I can see that sire." The Witcher sighed. "Need to get you back to the inn and get that treated to stop the bleeding. Since you can still walk, it won't be hard to return." The prince was silent, unable to argue on the matter as the Witcher moved beside him handing the torn sleeve to the prince as a makeshift rag. "Keep pressure on it to slow the bleeding. Anyway let's move."

Picking up the boy's discarded sword, he'd lead to two young nobles back to the inn. Quickly attention was on them and already the servants called for Cersei and a healer. The queen was the first to arrive, a panicked look in her eyes before seeing Joffrey was alive. "Thank the gods." She gasped as she hurried to him, quickly checking at the bitten arm. "What did this to you?"

"Ayra's beast! It mauled me!" The boy quickly answered while Sansa stood by his side, eyes low and remaining silent.

"You had your sword pointed at the girl. You're lucky the wolf didn't go for your throat." Geralt warned, making the boy gulp nervously.

"We'll discuss this later. Right now he needs to be tended to." Cersei quickly answered back. Soon a servant came with bandages and ointments. "Let's get inside." She'd hurry her son and the servant into the inn, shooing any patrons out of their way while Sansa hurried to follow. However Geralt stopped put one arm in her way, giving a calm yet serious look to her.

"Don't hurry off. You need to tell me what was going on."

The girl glance away from him, nervous by those piercing yellow eyes yet she'd nod. "Alright…"

"Who was the boy Arya was with?"

"I…I don't know his name, the local butcher's son I believe. He and Arya were fighting with sticks when we found them…not a proper thing for her to do much less with someone like him." She answered. "Joffrey took offense that the boy fight with a noble and…challenged him."

"Right…very honorable. Fight a boy with a sword while he has just a stick." Geralt remarked in dry sarcasm.

"He…wasn't going to hurt him. Just was trying to scare him off."

Geralt glanced at the prince's sword. "Bloodied from what I can tell. Sharp blade…one which he swung at your own sister."

"It was in self-defense! She hit him in the back." Sansa argued.

"You'd say that still if he cut her open? A foot closer and that would have happened."

The girl paled sickly at the thought. "Please. Just…go find Arya." She muttered, hurrying into the inn before the Witcher could argue any further. He'd sigh as he'd put the princes sword through a loop of his belt. "Foolish girl. Not sure what she sees in that violent brat."

As he'd move for the convoy camp, he'd nearly run into Jaime Lannister who was in a hurry for the inn. He was dressed in a quite stylish tanned leather duelist outfit, clothing fitting for the region. Despite his surprise seeing the Witcher, he'd give a more serious look. "Should have known. Trouble seems to follow wherever you go Witcher." He muttered.

"Good to see you too Sir Jaime." Geralt answered back formally despite the harsh greeting he received.

"Where is the prince? What happened to him?"

"Got bitten by Arya's wolf for threatening the girl. It isn't too serious and is already being tended to."

"That is good to hear at the least." Jaime muttered. "Forgive my manners. I am thankful you aided the prince and brought him back swiftly. The news of Joffrey being wounded had me worried."

"Understandable. He is under your protection after all."

"Yes…now I must be at his side." Quickly the blond haired knight hurried past the Witcher, although be suddenly stopped by him. Giving an odd look to Geralt, he'd notice the fine sword in his hands.

"Should return this to him."

Jaime took the blade without a word before he'd quickly enter the inn, questioning the nearest patron on where the young prince was.

Just as Geralt began to move though, a familiar voice called out from the side. "Geralt! What in the Hell happened." Ned quickly demanded. One look at the man and the Witcher could tell he had a tried look about him, no doubt from stress and lack of sleep.

"Long story. Overall it involved your daughters and the prince. Arya's wolf mauled him and she ran off into the forest." He'd answer back, being short and direct with his words.

"Arya?" Eddard sighed as he'd rub his brow with one hand. "Please tell me she didn't get far."

"Doubtful. Hasn't been long and she's on foot. I'll find her don't worry."

Ned nodded, calming down slightly. "Good good. Robert should be returning soon from his hunting. He'll no doubt be troubled by this news and demand to know what happened."

"Of course. Anyway I'll have Arya back as soon as possible, but if I'm not back before sunset, organize a search party."

Ned nodded before Geralt hurried off, heading back down the trail to the clearing and then following the path Arya left in her hurry to escape. It was trickier to follow the girl, making him move more slowly to not lose sight of her footprints, yet he knew he was getting close. A good hour passed as it seemed Arya had gotten far and soon he'd hear noise nearby, soft tense breathing coming from a large fallen log. Slowly he'd approach, his footsteps just audible which made the girl quickly become silent, trying to hide herself.

"I know you're there Arya." He calmly spoke out, yet received no answer. "I'm not mad at you or Nymeria. I saw what happened. I know it wasn't you or your wolf's fault."

For a long moment there was silence before she'd speak up in a low voice. "Could you…come over here please?"

Moving around the fallen log, he'd see Arya sitting back against it with a sad look in her eyes. He'd realize quickly that Nymeria was nowhere to be seen as he'd kneel right before her. "Where is Nymeria? Did she get spooked off by me?"

Arya shook her head, taking a shaky breath. "Not by you. By me. I…chased her off."


Arya held back a sob. "You know why! Joffrey is going to have them kill her!" She'd look up at Geralt, eyes teary and frustrated. "He started it! He threatened Mycah for no reason! He wanted an excuse to hurt him!"

"I know. I saw the way he was grinning." Sighing, he'd move to sit beside the girl, being quiet for a long moment. "So Nymeria isn't going to come back. No doubt she'll be far away by sunset."

"Why does that matter?" Arya muttered.

"Means the search party won't be finding her. Told them not to come until sunset, so should give her enough time to get away."

At that point the girl gave an odd look to the Witcher, confused at what he had just said. "But…didn't they send you to capture her."

"No one said anything about capturing. Your father was focused on just you."

Arya gave a soft smile, yet still had a depressed look in her eyes. "What will happen though? I mean…I'll accept being punished but…"

"But nothing. If I was in your shoes I'd smack that brat of a prince over the head instead of the back."

She'd giggle at his remark, mood lightening up. "I'm glad Mycah got away. I hope he'll be alright."

"Hopefully. Maybe I'll go find him tomorrow just to be sure."

Arya nodded, shifting closer beside Geralt which surprised him. "So…can we just stay here for a while? Until the others come."

Geralt was silent, knowing the girl needed some time and peace for the trouble that was going to come. With one arm around her, he'd keep her close. "Sure. We'll wait as long as you want."

She'd nod, leaning against his shoulder before giving a small sob and shaky breath, holding back her tears while Geralt silently looked out into the woods. He swore that his sharp ears could hear the mournful howl of a young wolf far off in the distance, as if begging to come back.

The sun had set by now and already voices called out through the woods. At this point Arya shift, waking up as she had drifted asleep beside the Witcher. Glancing at Geralt, she could see he was awake, those cat like eyes glowing faintly in the dim lighting. "Time to go." He muttered to her, already shifting up to stand, offering a hand to help the girl up. Arya nodded before pulling herself up, dusting off her clothes after sitting around for so long. "I found her!" Geralt called out, making the distant torches and shadowed figures turn about to them. They hurried over, Ned the first to arrive as he'd quickly move to embrace Arya, the girl hugging him back tightly. The two muttered something to each other, Eddard's face seeming tense at first before softened. Nodding, he'd let go of his daughter before looking to Geralt, giving a respectful nod to the Witcher.

"Thank you for finding and staying with her."

Geralt was silent, giving only a faint smile back to the Northern lord as the two regrouped with the search party. The group of royal guards escorted the three back to the inn, Arya staying close to her father as they talk silently with each other. Geralt kept to himself to give the two time to talk over what happened, since he knew everyone would want the full story on what happened. Reaching the Crossroads Inn, they'd be guided inside were it seemed most of the main room had been clear of tables, with everything being pushed aside so the mix of guards and nobility to gather inside. Robert and Cersei sat at the far end of the hall with Joffrey standing close beside them, injured arm in a sling. The king and queen were muttering to each other in a heated discussion, obviously arguing on the matter, yet they'd quite down once the group arrived.

"It's a good thing you're found her Ned. Hopefully now we end this matter quickly." Robert spoke out.

Ned seemed tensed, yet he'd nod in agreement. "Indeed. Is Sansa here as well?"

The young woman stepped out from the crowd, shyly looking at the ground as she'd move to stand beside her family. Ned put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, yet the girl looked no less worried despite the comfort he showed.

"Now then. I want all three of you to tell me what happened. All of it." Robert said in a deep commanding manner, which had the young nobles gulp nervously.

A half an hour, the three were questioned before everyone about the events that had played out. Joffrey told a tale of how the butcher's boy had been overly rough with Arya and he stepped in to defend her, only for the boy to attack him. He claimed Arya order her dire wolf to attack him, before then telling how Geralt stepped him to save him. The Witcher was surprised the boy gave him credit in the end, he no doubt it was a small show of gratitude for helping him.

Arya's tale was the most accurate, telling how she met Mycah and they went off into the woods to go playing knights. She told the scene accurately, even admitting to striking Joffrey when he threatened the boy along with the fact the prince had attacked with his sword. The act had made Nymeria defend her, claiming it was in self-defense.

Last with Sansa, her story was a mix of the other two. She claimed Joffrey was simply trying the scare the boy off since it was improper of him to be fighting, even if playing with someone like Arya. Overall she made it sound like he wasn't as violent or threatened like Geralt had seen. She admitted that Arya hit him in anger and how he had snapped back at the girl, leading to Nymeria's attack.

King Robert sighed as he'd rub the side of his head, thinking over the stories the three had told. "Well one thing for sure, Arya attacked me son since the girl confessed it." Looking at the girl though, Arya kept a straight face to the king, making the man chuckle. "Yet it's not my place to discipline her. I'll leave that matter to you Ned."

"Of course you grace." Eddard muttered, seeming relived with the decree.

Joffrey seemed annoyed, no doubt having his own form of punishment in mind, yet he remained silent. Sansa seemed to calm down, knowing her sister would be treated fairly. Cersei though had troubled look on her face.

"Yet what of the boy and dire wolf? Surely they shouldn't be punished as well?" The queen asked.

At this point Geralt spoke up, getting everyone's attention on the matter. "Last I checked your grace, the boy got a scar across the cheek from your son. Punishment enough for over nothing."

The calm yet cold way he spoke had the women shiver slightly, especially with those yellow eyes judging her so. "He was involved. He attacked my son." She argued.

"Right…with a stick. Surely the boy was a legend to outmatch the prince armed with steel-" He started.

"Enough arguing you two!" Robert growled out, looking sternly at the Witcher. "Speak out of line with my wife any further and I'll have you flogged. I'm grateful for your intervention on this matter, yet you are not the judge of this matter!"

"Of course my liege." Geralt muttered.

"Anyway…the boy isn't among us and even if he was I see no reason for harm to come to him. But the dire wolf though…" Pausing, he'd take a deep breath before continuing. "I ask for it to be put down. It is too dangerous to be left alive."

Arya and Sansa looked heart broken, the younger girl biting back her words though. Ned kept a calm look about him as he'd speak up. "My lord. Nymeria is gone. She ran off after what happened and hasn't been seen since. I doubt we'll ever see the wolf again..."

"Yet we do have another." Cersei spoke up. Seeing the woman's small cold smile, Geralt knew what the woman had in mind. "If Nymeria isn't around to pay the price then, Lady will. It is a hard choice, yet a fair one."

"NO! YOU CAN'T!" Sansa cried out, tears already showing in her eyes as he looked pleadingly to the King and Queen, yet focused on Joffrey. The young prince looked back at her, unsure of what to do or say. He seemed to mutter something to her mother yet she quickly answered back in a hushed tone. Yet his expression said enough, a sorry look to Sansa.

"So be it." Robert muttered as he'd rise from his seat and moving forward to leave the inn, making Eddard and his daughters move aside. "A wolf isn't a proper pet for her anyway. Get her a dog." He'd mutter to Ned. Eddard gave a pleading look to his friend, yet the large man didn't look back at him. Just as the neared leaving the hall, Eddard spoke up to get the King's attention

"Is that your command…your grace?" He had hesitated on the last word, no doubt refraining calling his friend by his name instead of title.

Robert glanced back, one hand clenched tightly in frustration. Yet he said nothing as he hurried out of the inn, followed by a few guards. Sansa cried and sobbed more while Arya spoke to her in a hushed voice, yet the older sister seemed to ignore the younger's words.

"Where is the beast then?" Cersei said, a smug look showing on her face.

"Chained in a pen outside your grace." One of the King's Guard answered.

"Good. I think Sir Payne will do the deed. It is his duty as executioner."

At that point Ned stepped up and spoke sternly to her. "No your grace. I'll do it."

Cersei gave a curious look to the Northern Lord, a hint of amusement showing in her eyes. "Oh? This isn't some trick is it Lord Stark?"

"No. Lady is part of the North, so it is my duty as its Lord to settle this matter." He calmly explained.

For a moment the queen was silent before nodding. "Very well then. I expect the deed to be done within the hour."

Eddard grimly bowed his head as he'd turn to leave, ignoring the muttering pleas of his daughters as he moved to leave the inn. Geralt gave a low growl of anger at what he had just witness. He realized just how cruel and petty Cersei was. She hid it well under loving nature for her family, using her position to torment anyone who slighted her or her family. Quickly the Witcher followed Ned, catching up to him just outside the inn.

"Lord Stark, listen to me." He started before Ned turn about to face him.

"There is nothing else to discuss." He bluntly stated back to the Witcher.

"You have an hour. Give me a chance to…do something."

"No. You saw how the King's mood was after that outburst of yours. He and the queen will suspect you or me if Lady somehow escapes that pen."

"You could be very well be killing one of the last few dire wolves this world has."

"Do you think I don't know that?!" Ned muttered harshly back. "Sansa doesn't deserve this punishment nor her wolf. Yet Robert has made his choice…and by honor I must follow it."
