
Chapter 20

Komachi isn't Akari's girlfriend or anything. I wanted to set up a recurring joke where whenever those two go out for Dango, someone will inevitably make that joke. I'm sorry if anyone thought I was actually setting them up together, but I just wanted Komachi to be a close friend of Akari's. That's why I mentioned briefly that she was off being an ANBU with her 'boyfriend', Towa in Chapter 19. Hopefully that clears things up a bit.

To be honest, I don't know if I want Akari to even have a pairing.

Chapter 20

Akari planted a foot down carefully on the rooftop she landed on, wary to avoid dislodging any tiles.

After exfiltrating from the Academy when Sei got annoyed at her for messing with his Golan seal to screw up his senses and make him miss his throws, Akari decided it was past time she actually went to see the Hokage about whatever he wanted to tell her. From the summons she received, it wasn't something she had to immediately stop and deal with, to the point of cancelling plans or turning off ovens, but he still wanted to tell her something.

He probably wouldn't be happy at how long it took her to actually respond to those summons, but, in his own words, she was to take a week of mandatory leave, which meant she wasn't allowed to do any Shinobi duties unless in a state of emergency like a Bijuu getting loose in the village. "I know you wouldn't do that willingly buddy." She pre-empted Kurama's words. Since she wasn't really hiding her idle thoughts, Kurama could hear what she was thinking.

Of course, after assaulting him with mental images of activities, explicitly lewd things that would make Jiraiya himself blush in embarrassment, he hurriedly taught her how to shield her thoughts from him. It might have been a bit mean, and it certainly took a little effort to get him to stop pouting and moping around the seal ignoring her, but to protect her thoughts, there was no price too great.

How he didn't pick up on the Game earlier was definitely odd, perhaps Gamer's Mind protected certain incriminating thoughts from detection, idly defending itself against Kurama even as Akari wasn't aware of it. "Oh, really?" She muttered at the pop-up which appeared. "Is this shit going to keep happening?

+50EXP, +1 Wisdom for accurate deduction.

And, in answer to your question, it was supposed to have been occurring repeatedly. Just another thing which U.O.273 - 2 has manipulated into non-existence. From initial searching, more than a hundred various stat-increases have been removed from existence.

Humming in acknowledgement, Akari frowned. Those pop-ups were useful, but annoying. She was just casually thinking about how Kurama and how Gamer's Mind worked, and she got a wisdom point for that? That?! She was barely doing anything mentally challenging, and she was rewarded? It seemed a little silly really.

Feedback acknowledged, adjusting reward system.

Well, as you seem so knowledgeable, why don't you try to come up with a better system?

"...I can't just come up with a blanket system like that! I mean, you decided to reward me based on what? The fact I had a vaguely...intelligent thought. That's so stupid, I wasn't even being wise, just intelligent, using my mind to deduce that based on how Kurama didn't know about the Game despite everything pointing him towards it, there was something, possibly Gamer's Mind, which was blocking him from knowing about it. Hell, even right now he can't actually hear anything I'm saying to you." Sighing, Akari deftly avoided a loose tile, leaping across the gap between buildings with ease.

Then by your own words, you would prefer something that gave you something more mentally challenging? You would derive more enjoyment from that?

Akari shrugged, her action slightly destabilizing her path as she travelled across Konoha. "Well, personally, I would prefer to actually keep it how it is." The contradictory sentence threw the entity off somewhat. "I mean, I want to get stronger. I only won the battle against Orochimaru because of my inventory. He didn't expect me to suddenly pull a sword out of nowhere. In that fight, he outclassed me stat-wise. My tactics and abilities helped keep me alive, but if I encountered him a second time after using my tricks, he would kill me. If I want to survive against stronger enemies, I need more strength, so while I don't like it, I'd be happier if a deduction actually gave me more points for less work."

How...honest of you.

Akari stuck her tongue out at the air. "Well duh, why would I lie to you about that? But in terms of actual balance, you would want someone to actually make a strong deduction. For example, if I managed to deduce from small parts of evidence that Orochimaru was experimenting on orphans, I would get rewarded with a few points of intelligence and wisdom. If I looked at a crater in the ground and somehow deduced who created it, with how much force, and when it occurred, I would also gain a few points of strength, owing to the physical nature of the action."

I shall take your words under...consideration. Now, as you well know by now, U.O.273 - 2 has manipulated far more of your game than we knew. Your achievements have not been logged, then it was recently found that your Chakra Natures, which should have been reducing the cost of Fire and Lightning Jutsu, have not only not been doing so, they have been negatively affecting your Chakra cost. Your UI still displays the correct numbers, but you were actually using more Chakra, meaning you could have accidentally entered Chakra Exhaustion despite the UI stating that you had Chakra to spare.

To top that off, as you just found, your stat-increase rewards are not being procked. Fortunately U.O.273 - 2 didn't disable the triggers, he just removed the visual aspect and the reward. As such, you still triggered the objectives, so those can be easily tracked.

"Sorry, but...why the fuck did that entity even do all this shit?" Akari butted in with a frown. That U.O.273 - 2 seemed to have it absolutely out for her, but the Entity had never actually explained why the fuck it felt the need to absolutely destroy the system.

...Scratch that, four problems.

Before Akari could question it, she felt...something intruding in her mind. It wasn't nearly like Kurama's presence when he spoke to her inside of her own head, it felt...weird, but not wrong or anything, just...displaced. She stopped in place on a rooftop, sitting down then trying to stop her head from swaying about as whatever happened...happened.

It would appear that, amongst other things, U.O. has also caused mental changes, leaving you not as mentally clear as you should be with Gamer's Mind aiding you. Try to recall the words I displayed to you when I began explaining the general basis of what had occurred without your knowledge.

Akari threw her mind back to that day, surprised at her recollection of it. "You said that...oh. So he was unhappy with his position, took it out on me and...a few others?"

Precisely. However, you were the one he focused on the most, the others were fixable within a single standard day. The problems which afflicted them were far more minor, like singular quest-markers missing, a few hundred missing points of experience. By contrast, yours couldn't be more comprehensive. I do not know why he chose you for such a broad manipulation, but now we shall never know. Now then, allow me to...

Retroactive stat correction added: +11STR, +14VIT, +9END, +23INT, +15AGI, +37WIS, +11LUK

"Uhh, thanks...holy shit." Looking at her stat sheet, Akari gawped. Her health was a very respectable 11,030. But, her Chakra, thanks to the fact that evidently Wisdom and Intelligence checks were more common, had leapt from the already great amount of 13,000 all the way up to 32,620. As in, she could cast the Shadow Clone Jutsu 217 times in one single go before running out of Chakra.

Heck, she could maintain the Level 3 Susanoo for almost exactly 5 minutes, after removing the 2.5k cost for bringing it into existence. "Uhh, well, thanks I guess entity. So, how are you going to do those in the future?"

Unknown. I suppose owing to the fact that you don't mind the current system, but have displayed disagreement with the display functionality of the reward, it can simply be modified to display the reward at an alternate time. Is this agreeable with you?

Akari nodded, as that sounded perfectly reasonable to her. "Sure. Just...out of curiosity, where did those luck points come from?"

One of them came when you stepped on a tree-root, fell over, thus you avoided being struck by a Senbon in the back. Because you were lucky enough to avoid that attack, the system gave you a single point of luck. The other ten...

...were from your encounter with Onoki the Fence-Sitter.

Skidding to a stop outside the Hokage's Tower, Akari quickly brushed down her outfit, looking at the little model of herself in her inventory.

She honestly hadn't changed much of her outfit from what she wore 8 years ago, the only changes being that she now had metal arm protectors wrapped around her forearms, with seals having been inked on them to cover for her bringing items out of her inventory, as well as a light version of the Tokubetsu Jonin vest being worn over her fishnet mesh and tanktop. Her scarf was the same as ever, though slightly tattered with old damages which had occurred over the years and subsequently been patched over.

Her hair was part of the way down her back, long enough to look good without being too much of a vulnerability in combat. She wanted to eventually have her hair long enough to brush the pouch attached to the small of her back, but that would be an extremely grabbable liability when fighting. She was damn good, but against someone on Orochimaru's level, having her hair that long would make a fight far harder than necessary. She wasn't strong enough to be confident in having hair that long during combat.

Aside from that, all that had changed was that her face was now more mature, but that was hardly a surprise. Satisfied with her appearance, she entered the building, neatly sidestepping a hurrying group of genin who brushed by, eagerly heading off for their mission. Smirking to herself as she remembered her own first missions, Akari watched them leave for a moment, then turned back inwards, bypassing all the gathered Shinobi who were collecting missions from the Mission Office to start hopping up the stairs.

The tower itself contained various rooms and offices, making it even more important than before. Considering the Hokage and all his paperwork was also in the building, and the Shinobi Academy, it was almost certainly the best-defended location in the whole village, bar none. Of course, that still meant some Shinobi, who Akari wouldn't name for reasons, thought it'd be funny top skip going through the tower and instead enter through the Hokage's window.

It certainly didn't include her. Or Minato. Or Kushina when she was an active Kunoichi. Or more than a few dozen other Shinobi she could list by name.

Smiling to herself, Akari reached the floor which held the Hokage's office. It had no other offices or unnecessary clutter, only storage rooms for the ridiculous amount of paperwork the village generated and that the Hokage had to personally sign off on, alongside the main office itself. Waving at the secretary, Akari approached. "Can I help you?" She said over her glasses, looking up and spotting Akari. "Ahh, Uchiha-san, the Hokage was expecting you...three hours ago." Rubbing the back of her head, Akari decided that Kakashi had the right idea for excuses.

"I...got lost on the road to life?" The secretary narrowed her eyes, leading Akari to slump. "Whatever. Is he in a meeting or something, or can I just go in now?" The secretary plucked a piece of paper out of nowhere, peering at it with her hawk-like eyes before meeting Akari's wary gaze again.

"Currently Hokage-sama is doing paperwork, so you may enter." Nodding to her, she left the icy secretary with a slightly less enthusiastic smile, knocking once on the oaken doors which closed the Hokage's office, then pressing them open when she heard the Hokage call for her to enter.

The Hokage looked up from his papers to glance at her, then back down, waving a hand at one of the chairs in front of his desk. Deciding that sitting down was worth it, since as the Hokage his chairs were super-comfortable, Akari flopped down into a relaxing position, waiting as the Hokage scribbled a few things down. A few minutes passed, with Akari passing that time twiddling her thumbs and looking around the room in more detail.

A sudden thought came to her, leaving Akari looking at the Hokage keenly.

Hiruzen Sarutobi - Level 97

She had to suppress the urge to whistle, simultaneously regretting not observing Orochimaru, just to see how he matched up against the Hokage. Silently, she vowed that she would at least try to remember to observe more people, so she could get a better gauge for her strength. She was almost two-thirds of the way to approaching Hiruzen's level, but her observe didn't tell her stats, so she didn't know how well she matched up. For all she knew, he had plenty of Intelligence and Wisdom but lacked in Strength, Agility and Endurance. Or maybe he was just overall better thanks to his vastly longer life.

"I do recall sending ANBU Rat to deliver a message requesting your presence this morning. He came back reporting that he personally handed the summons to you before returning. Now I don't believe Rat to be lying to me, which begs the question as to why it took you three and a half hours to arrive when your apartment is only a ten-minute journey from my office?" Grinning, Akari shrugged.

"I got lost on the-" Hiruzen cut her off.

"I don't need another Kakashi, Akari. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I know I gave you a week off, but from what a few Shinobi have off-handedly mentioned, you seem perfectly capable, so I want to assign you an in-village mission." Perking up, Akari stopped relaxing, her body on alert. Say what you would about her when off-duty, as soon as something noteworthy came along, she was all-ears.

After all, the last in-village mission she had was to protect Kushina, and that was over four years ago at that point. Hiruzen took note of her focus and gave a near-imperceptible nod. "We've recently entered into talks of establishing a non-aggression pact with Kumo. Thankfully the treaty written when you and Minato accompanied me to meet with Onoki has held solid, leaving our north-west border fairly secure. Securing our north-eastern border against Kumo as well would leave us in a very strong position, leaving only Kirigakure to present a visible threat."

Raising an eyebrow, Akari waited patiently for the Hokage to continue. Seeing she had no question, the old man did exactly that. "Now, we have a delegation from Kumo, including their head shinobi. I don't think I need to tell you that we're wary of any deception on their part. That's why I want you to keep an eye on them, see if you can't figure out what they're planning. 'Look underneath the underneath.' as it were." Frowning, Akari spoke after a few moments of thinking.

"I get that you'd want someone to look into this, but, as I said about the Uchiha situation, I'm not a stealthy Shinobi. I may have control enough to hide myself from sensors, but my idea of a stealthy elimination is to just try and kill everyone. Since I never had a Jonin-sensei teach me properly that is." Hiruzen grimaced, making Akari regret bringing up the death of her old sensei.

"I do regret what happened that day, as well as that I never re-assigned you to a proper team. By the time I'd found a suitable one, Minato and I had already promoted you to Tokubetsu Jonin, and I presume now that you would...chafe under a Jonin-sensei?" Akari gave a wry smile and a nod. "Precisely. But...I don't want you to be particularly covert about this. There are other, far more applicable Shinobi who can undertake that role. Instead, I want you to be their visible 'escort', for lack of a better word. With luck, your presence will lull them into a false sense of security, playing on the idea that leaf shinobi are weak thanks to our mercy, leaving the more stealthily-inclined Shinobi a wider window of opportunity."

Grinning, Akari raised her hand in front of her face. "So I'm gonna be the bait? The slightly ditzy and 'weak' Shinobi who spends more time playing with her hair and nails than watching her target?" Hiruzen nodded. "Awesome, count me in." Pulling a scroll out of her pouch, Akari spun it on her palm. "Guess this'll be a good test of this scroll then." Hiruzen lifted his pipe, puffing it a few times.

"And what exac-" Akari funnelled a little chakra into the scroll, feeling the effect of the Fuinjutsu inscribed within. "-tly...oh my." Hiruzen had to act quickly to catch his pipe as it slipped from his lips. The scroll had disappeared entirely, but that wasn't what Hiruzen was so surprised about. In place of Akari was a slightly taller woman, with emerald eyes, blonde hair which was done up in a bun held together by a few Senbon, and wearing an outfit made up of a Chunin vest over a dense fish-net shirt, with a skirt flaring out under the vest.

The woman smirked, then spoke, her voice a far cry from Akari's. "Well, I haven't come up with a name for it. if I had to call it something, probably the Nikutai-Teki Sakkaku Fuinjutsu. (Corporeal Illusion Sealing Technique) I took the idea of the Shadow Clone, and applied it in my Fuinjutsu, creating this. Underneath, I'm completely normal, but this will trick the Sharingan and Byakugan. The Byakugan will know that something is wrong, but it can't actually tell what exactly, just that there isn't something quite right." Palming his chin, Hiruzen looked Akari over with a keen eye.

"It will d-" He stopped, furrowing his brow, then letting his eyes widen in earnest surprise. "Your Chakra signature!" Grinning, Akari flourished her arms.

"That's not all of course! Thanks to a little help from Bao, he's my Panda summon by the way, I managed to filter the Chakra for this Fuinjutsu through a storage script of Natural Chakra, distorting the signature. Because that is what's being detected when this scroll is used, it means my actual signature is completely unrecognizable. Even if somehow one of those ninjas had detected my chakra before, they won't be able to recognize me. The greatest part is that if I use a different storage script of Natural chakra, my chakra will be distorted again. if I use the same, it'll be identical. As such, I can make alternate identities."

Hiruzen nodded along, his expression unchanging after he'd schooled it of all surprise and back into an implacable facade, uncaring that Akari had now seen through that facade into his surprised expression. "Well, I was going to suggest seals, but to learn that you had one like this...Kushina truly taught you well." Rubbing her arm, Akari smiled wistfully and nodded.

"To be honest, I think she really cared, y'know? Even if she may have done things I don't agree with-" Hiruzen frowned at this, surprised that Kushina had done anything Akari wouldn't be happy with. Of course, Akari wouldn't tell him that she was so friendly with Kurama that he'd told her of how Kushina had treated him. "-I still think of her as family. Not as a mother, but more an older sister or something. I dunno, probably has something to do with how I'm raising her kid." Hiruzen hummed in agreement, puffing on his pipe.

"Well, shall we get started? The Kumo shinobi are currently living on one of the buildings set aside for foreign dignitaries, so finding them won't be hard. And before you leave, here." Hiruzen handed her a rolled-up scroll, presumably it was the scroll detailing her mission. Akari grinned as she took and unrolled it, but for an entirely different reason than Hiruzen would expect.

Quest received.

Eyes of the Beholder.


Escort the Kumo Shinobi within Konoha.


Reward: 150,000 experience.

Hidden Objective:


Her quests were back.

Okay, one thing.

I'm no longer listing techniques. Reading back, I'm an idiot. In chapter 11, Akari uses the Hiding Like A Mole technique, but she never learnt it. Rather than un-do that, I'm just going to list the more powerful Jutsu. Regulars like the Flame Bullet, Wind Blade, Hiding Like A Mole, etc will be ignored.

And, after reading it, I've decided that proficiencies have taken a back-seat. I do update them every 4 chapters, but to be honest, they really aren't used. So, you can kind of see how proficient Akari is, but they're more a guideline, they don't have a real effect during fights.

Reviews are like candy to me, I want an infinite amount, but I can only get a few. Plzgivesmesomecandy!

Name: Akari Uchiha

Level: 53

Age: 16

Experience: 41,435/53,000

To Next Level: 11,565

Title: Sannin-slayer - Defeating one of the three legendary sannin is no easy feat, but you managed it. Future opportunities unlocked.

Secondary Title: Tokubetsu Jonin - +25% experience gained during solo missions.

Health Points: 11,030 - (100 Base + (Vit x End)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 2106/m - 35.1/s - Vit x End - Halted when afflicted with bleed status.

Chakra Points: 32,620 - (100 Base + (Int x Wis)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 6424/m - 107/s - Int x Wis - Halted when continuous chakra drain Jutsu in use.

Strength - 66

Vitality - 54

Endurance - 39

Intelligence - 73

Agility - 65

Wisdom - 88

Luck - 41

35 Skill Points Available


Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - The eyes of a close relative. When in use, will no longer degrade visual acuity. Mangekyo Techniques will now also no longer damage eye-sight. Same abilities as regular Mangekyo Sharingan. Usage: 25CP/s.

Left Eye: Megami No Te (The Hand of Goddess) - This technique grants the user the ability to completely manipulate the ground around them within a fifty-meter radius. This requires great concentration but can be devastating if used correctly. Usage - 500CP/Cast, 50CP/s to maintain.

Right Eye: Megami no Mon (Goddess's Gate) - This technique will summon forth a corporeal spectre from the Pure Lands to fight or act on your behalf. To use, the name of the Spectre must be invoked, and the face of the summoned one must be in Mind's Eye. Spectre will have 2x Player's Chakra amount, and will drain Chakra at 1% per minute. Can use all original techniques of Spectre, but will use Chakra to fuel them, leading to a faster disappearance. Will follow all orders of Summoner, and cannot be affected by Genjutsu or compulsion techniques. Can be granted free will to act autonomously, but will mean Spectre can attempt to use loopholes in orders to hinder summoner if they so wish. Usage - 25% of total Chakra pool, will immobilize Summoner for 5 second duration whilst Spectre is called forth.

Susanoo: As the user has both Mangekyo, the Susanoo has been unlocked, a large Chakra construct capable of being formed around the user for protection and offence. This construct can be summoned in multiple forms, each one being larger, more protective and with more abilities.

Level 1 - A rib-cage surrounds the user, protecting them from harm but lacking offence. The form will slowly grow until it is formed into a large skeletal structure, where musculature and skin will grow, finally forming into a giant humanoid: 500CP/Cast, 25CP/s to maintain.

Level 2 - Armour forms around the Susanoo for added protection, though it is not a complete protection: 1250CP/Cast from nothing, 500CP/Cast from Level 1, 50CP/s to maintain.

Level 3 - The Susanoo will now form the final pieces of armour, becoming fully-enshrouded. The Susanoo will gain wings for flight, with Ornate robes over heavy armour granting the construct hefty defences. The Complete-body Susanoo is capable of summoning weaponry to assist it during battle: 2500CP/Cast from nothing, 1500CP/Cast from level 1, 1000CP/Cast from level 2, 100CP/s to maintain.

Shadow Clone Jutsu - Take the regular Bunshin. Mix on some more chakra. Then more. Then, just for good measure, a large sprinkle of more chakra. Voilá! You have a Shadow Clone. This Bunshin is corporeal, it can hit a foe, it can carry things, it can even (With an extra-large helping of Chakra) take a hit without dispersing. But, the best part? It shares its memories when it disperses. Enjoy! Usage - 150CP/cast, lasts 1 hour, every 10CP extra grants extra hour.

Kiri-Woka no Jutsu - Enshrouded in your own chakra, this Jutsu will allow you to evade the sight of near-all enemy Shinobi, as well as many of your allies. Imperceptible to the naked eye, but with the tiny risk of turning into stone, this ability can only be detected by high-level sensors and Dojutsu users. Usage - 5CP/s.
