
Chapter 38: Careful Judgement


Theon was sitting in the great hall of Ten Towers brooding, he could not believe his rotten luck. They finally got a taste of victory and now his father Balon Greyjoy was dead.

When he first heard the news Theon was not sure what to make of it. On one hand he was his father, but Balon gave him nothing but scorn since he arrived giving him so little while making it very clear that he meant for Asha to succeed him. He had forsaken his own son for a daughter.

"How did our father die?" He had asked Aeron.

Aeron frowned, "the way they tell it he fell off a rope bridge in the night while crossing it to the Sea Tower."

"Was there a storm that night?" Asha asked.

Aeron nodded, "the Storm God was raging that night and his wroth threw our king to the Sea."

"And what have you been doing nuncle," Asha asked

"I have sought council with the Drowned god and he has spoken," Aeron declared, "there is to be a Kingsmoot at Old Wyk."

"KIngsmoot?" both siblings asked in surprise. This was a significant turn of events, with their father dead they had to choose a new king. The Laws of the Greenlands say that the throne would pass to the next in line, which would be him. But this was not the greenlands, these were the Iron Islands and here the king had to be chosen by the captains and the kings. Their hadn't been a kingsmoot in four thousand years, two if the greenland maesters were to be believed. Had it been a decade ago they would have dismissed it, but ever since Stannis Baratheon smashed his ship and nearly sent him to the Drowned God Aeron was not one to jape.

Theon knew his chances of winning were dreadfully bleak. His first return was proof of that.

Asha understood that they would need allies so instead of sailing to Pyke they sailed for their mother's home of Harlaw. Their Uncle Rodrick Harlaw was a learned man spending as more time with his books than with his ship. His seat Ten Towers was unlike any on the Iron Islands. In truth it wasn't really a castle but ten different castles that were smashed together like clay to form one structure. Theon remembered then Prince Roland japing that the reason there were ten castles was because the ironborn couldn't decide which one was the ugliest.

To add to their purpose, their mother was residing here as well. Their Lady mother was often abed had been so since she lost her sons in the first rebellion. She now resided in the fittingly named Widow's tower.

As soon as she arrived at Ten Towers Asha began calling on the captains in preparation for the Kingsmoot. Asha and Theon climbed the stairs to the widows tower. Theon entered her chambers first and the woman inside turned to him. Theon could not help but gasp when he saw her for the first time in a decade. Alannys once looked regal and strong. He had no idea her health had deteriorated to such an extent. She now looked so frail with skin a thin as paper. Theon smirked at the irony that his sickly mother would outlive his hardened father. A jape from the gods that Theon gladly welcomed.

Upon seeing Theon she smiled and suddenly her faces seemed a bit healthier. "Theon, My baby boy," she said holding out her arms "come to mother, let me look at you."

Theon strode forward and knelt down allowing her a close look, "mother," he replied softly as he kissed her cheek. She responded with a kiss to both cheeks. He didn't mind the comment about him being a baby boy, he was after all only ten when she lost him.

"Oh you've grown up so," she said cupping his cheek.

"Forgive me for not coming sooner," Theon said as an apology, "I've been about other business."

She nodded, "your father often has Rodrik and Maron out as well. I have not seen them in so long."

Theon cringed at the mention of his brothers, he had no fond memories of them so he did not shed a tear for them. Asha had warned him that mother was still half mad with grief still thinking that they were still alive. So instead he chose not to press it. "You've heard about father I presume."

Alannys nodded, "there were time when I wanted to club him to death with that driftwood crown of his." She shook her head, "blind old fool nearly cost me my youngest boy."

'If only she knew how much I shared her sentiment,' Theon thought.

Allanys turned to her daughter, "thank you for bringing my boy back to me."

Asha nodded for once pleased that he was able to give mother some form of comfort in her recently bleak world.

It took a week for the captains to gather, Harlaw was naturally the first to answer her call. Following Rodrick's example was Lord Meldred of House Merlyn, Lord Harmund of House Sharp, Lord Sigfryd of House Stonetree and Old Lord Sawane of House Botley. The sight of Sawane caused Asha to think of Tristifer. His second son had died under her command and the loss of a friend was still deeply felt. Many had come but they were still too few.

The loud dim of the drunken captains allowed the Greyjoy siblings to speak freely. As he brooded, Asha sat next to him, "how are you doing?"

Theon shook his head, "who do you think the Kingsmoot will select?"

Asha frowned, "we are Balon's children. But Nuncle Victarion will likely have a great deal of support."

"Nuncle Euron is another contender," Theon pointed out, "he is Victarion's elder after all."

"Euron has not been seen in years," Asha pointed out.

"While we have had to behave ourselves Euron roamed across the world at will without ever having to give up the old ways." Theon replied.

Asha granted that, "all the same we cannot allow him to sit the Seastone chair."

"What do you suggest then?" Theon asked.

"Joint rule," Asha said, "as king and queen of the Iron islands."

Theon cocked his eyebrow, "we cannot marry, we're siblings."

"Who said anything about marriage," Asha laughed. "Our father would have wanted me to rule after him but I can do better if you were with me on this. I will rule as queen and you shall be my hand."

"The Iron islands has never had a queen," Theon said highly unsure, "let alone a hand, it seems like a greenlanders thing."

"There's a first time for everything," Yara replied

"Why bother with me?" Theon wondered. "Though I am Balon's remaining son, the captains care not for me it's you they respect."

"I will do well alone," Asha admitted, "but I can do better if you support me." Theon sighed and nodded briskly.

One of the captain came forward and bowed to Asha, "my queen he began I swear to you my honor and allegiance."

Asha nodded, "Lord Botley, I am sorry for loosing your recent losses."

Sawane Botley bowed his head, "too many wars with so much loss." Saware sighed, "one son lost in Moat Cailin, another lost in Deepwood Motte. Now my brother drinks with Euron Greyjoy, they're plotting my death I know it."

"That will not happen," Asha promised, "and my uncle shall never seat the seastone chair."

"Euron surrounds himself with mongrels, monsters and maeges," Sawane grumbled, "many have already flocked to him, Orkwood, Saltcliffe, Drumm and he is Victarion's elder."

"He may be the elder brother, but Theon and I are of Balon's seed and we come before all Balon's brothers."

The doors opened and everyone turned to see Lord Baelor Blacktyde enter in a tunic of black in green with a sable cloak clipped by a seven pointed star. Like her Harlaw nuncle the Lord of Blacktyde stood out amongst the ironborn not for being bookish but because he is one of the very few that worshipped the greenander's seven."

"Lord Baelor," Asha greeted him, "you are welcome at our hearth."

Baelor bowd his head, "thank you, I am sorry for your father's death, I had little affection for him yet he was your father. Balon the Bold they call him, I name him Balon the widowmaker."

Aha nodded, she could wholly disagree with him on that point, "what brings you to Harlaw Lord Blacktyde?"

"We cannot stand against all of westeros, Robert Baratheon proved that and now Balon has led us into another war with even less success." Baelor shook his head, "Balon was mad and Aeron is madder but Euron is the maddest of them all. Your nuncle Victarion would continue this mad war." He turned to Asha, If I call your name at the kingsmoot, will you make an end of it?"

Asha nodded, "you are right on all counts, if we are to survive we must make peace only then can we forge victory from it."

Baelor smiled and nodded, "then you shall have my support during the kingsmoot," he declared before joining the other lords at the tables."

After the feast Asha and Theon went to see their nuncle and ask for advice. Knowing Rodrik he was likely in the Book Tower the fattest of the ten 'castles', Sure enough on the fifth level they found him with bent over a table with a mound of scrolls and a book in hand. He forbade any food or drink i this tower for fear they would ruin the parchment.

"Nuncle the siblings said with a bow of respect."

Rodrick looked up from the book he was reading and removed the Myrish lens he was wearing. "You come late," he said, "what time is it?" Looking out he saw the night sky, dark already I see, time is often ones greatest enemy."

"Do you believe father's death was an accident?" Asha asked.

"Most believe so," Rodrick replied. He isn't the first to fall off those rope bridges, I often pressed they should be replaced by stone ones but you know Balon, too stubborn or arrogant for his own good." Theon nodded knowing all too well how pigheaded his father could be.

"I heard Euron had returned," Asha noted, "three years away yet he returns just days after my father dies."

"The Crow's Eye's return was...convenient timely to say the least," Rodrick agreed.

"That's one way of looking at it," Asha murmured, The captains that have gathered are less than half of what I hoped for. Most are from Harlaw, Merlyn and Botley from Pyke and recently I manage to get Lord Blacktyde."

Rodrick nodded, "a good number all thing considered but it will not be enough to stop your uncles." He shook his head, "this is madness, I shall not go to Old Wyk and if you two were wise neither should you."

And miss the first kingsmoot in 4,000 years? Asha laughed, "Not a chance I wouldn't want to miss this for the world."

"You will can't win," Rodrick sighed, "for the love I bear you niece, I shall support you but that is all I can do. Ten Towers did not go to my elder sister the Seastone Chair will not go to you. Even with Theon by your side your nuncles have too many supporters."

'What would you have us do then?" Theon asked.

"You need to be wiser than your father, you need to be wiser than your elder brothers. They made mistakes that have cost them their lives, do not make the mistakes they did. Stay here and I shall name you my heir, when I die Ten Towers will be yours let Theon have Pyke. Your mother had lost enough, at least let her die know her children are safe."

Theon looked at his sister. Ten tower had always been more home to her than Pyke and he could see from her eyes that she was sorely tempted to take the offer. But Asha shook her head, "I will not bow to my nuncles," she declared. "I will seat the seastone chair."

The next day Theon, Asha and all their followers set sail for Old Wyk led by the Sea Bitch. Both siblings looked from the bows of their ships out into the horizon contemplating the kingsmoot.


The March back north had been delayed when a raven came from the Blackfish. A Lannister/Tyrell harrying party of 2,000 was spotted marching towards Lord Harroway's town where refugees from the southern riverlands were a gathering. Further more a force of 7,000 valemen loyal to Lysa had manage to slip past the bloody gate and had ridden to the town

Not wanting the town to be sacked, Roland immediately diverted his army there. Another reason was the nearby Ruby Ford, Aside from the twins, the ruby ford was one of the main ways across the trident, Control of that could hamper Roland ability to move troops north and south of the river.

So Roland set up an ambush at the northern ford with a force of 9,000. It occurred to him that this would be his first battle riding Bane and wielding Red Rain as well as the first battle fighting alongside Robb. In the dead of night Roland led the infantry in engaging the vanguard while heavy horse under Robb Stark took the rearguard. The commander of Joffrey's force tried to rally as best he could but the surprise and swiftness of the attack forced many of the men into the river. A vale Knight bearing the Lynderly sigil led a break out and manage to escape with 3,000 men, the rest were not so lucky and were cut down at the banks of the ford.

From his horse Roland cut his way through many men at arms Red Rain made short work of them all. Soon he reached the commander of the army whom Roland realized was Lord Harys Swyft. Roland beheaded him with a single stroke from Red Rain. Seeing their lord dead, the remnants of the army surrendered.

The Battle of the Ruby Ford saw the deaths of 4,000 Lannisters and Valemen, with another 2,000 wounded and captured. Due to the surprise of the attack Roland's own losses numbered 1,000. Roland selected the 1,000 most fit prisoners and wrote to his grandfather. He would trade these 1,000 for the 1,000 Tywin had captured during the Battle of The Blackwater. He tasked Brynden Tully to oversee the exchange.

As Roland and Robb surveyed the aftermath of the battle along with Roose Bolton and Eddard Stark, Roland had his men strip the dead bodies of everything save for their small clothes. As Roland sat on a tree stump cleaning the blood from Red Rain, Roose Bolton gave him a tally.

"Four men dead for every one of ours," Roose noted, "not a bad number."

"Doesn't make it good," Roland said taking note of the dead northmen.

Roose Bolton nodded seeing that some of them wore the Bolton banner. "Half the prisoners will be exchanged but what are we to do with the rest? We have nowhere to keep these prisoners and we barely enough men to feed our own."

"We're not executing prisoners Lord Bolton." Eddard said sternly.

Roland nodded, "at least not all of them, it would be wasteful to discard of able bodies and skilled laborers."

Roose nodded, "of course my king." As Eddard looked around he noted with sadness some of the dead bearing Arryn sigils. "When this war began I never dreamed that we would be fighting those who served the man that had been my second father."

Roland placed a hand on Eddard's shoulder, "we will end this war Roland promised and when the smoke clears Lysa Arryn Will pay for the bloodshed she has caused her own people."

The sound of a man's pleading caught their attention Roland stood up and they walked over to see. A young man was being held down by a silent sister while a young woman took off his boot to reveal a badly infected leg. "No, don't, don't, please!" He continued to beg.

The woman frowned, "the rot has set in," she said grimly as she pulled out a bit of rope to tie up the leg stopping blood flow.

"It will get better," the man insisted futilely, "it doesn't even hurt."

"The rot will spread," the woman replied, "if we don't cut it off now it will kill you."

"What is going on here?" Roland asked as the young woman prepared to amputate the leg of a lannister soldier. She looked up at them and Robb knelt down to hold the man in place.

"What are you doing?" Roland demanded. Robb just gave him a look before turning to the man.

"Ser please," the man begged Robb, "I don't want to loose my leg."

"You'll die if she doesn't," Robb explained.

"Our men need your help more than thus one does," Roland told Robb.

"Your men are not my men...My Lord." the woman snapped at him causing Roland to smirk at her boldness.

Roland knelt down and cupped the man's forehead, "what's your name?"

"W-Will mi'lord," the man stammered."

"Do you have a trade?"

"F-fisherman mi'lord," Roland frowned and rubbed his chin. "Please, mi'lord," the man pleaded, "I don't want to be a cripple."

Roland sighed, "As you wish." Then without warning he drew his dagger and plunged it into the man's heart. The Man gasped and looked up at Roland and for a brief moment his face showed shock then relief before he slumped to the ground lifeless. Roland stood up and took out a crimson cloth wiping the blood from his dagger before sheathing it. He looked up and saw everyone staring at him in utter shock.

"WHY?! Eddard asked in disbelief.

"You heard it yourself, he didn't want to be a cripple."

"I don't think he wanted to die either!" Eddard protested.

"The way I see it he was a dead man either way."

"My son Bran is a cripple, and an assassin thought the same way as you."

Roland's eyes narrowed, "you seem to forget that unlike your son, that fisherman doesn't have a nice warm castle and an army of servants to take care of him." Eddard continued to glare and Roland threw his hand up. "What would you have me do? Cuddle them all the way to the wall? It would take us till summer."

"Send him home," Eddard replied.

"To do what?" Roland wondered, "waste away in a sickbed the rest of his life? A commoner's life relies on his ability to support himself as well as his family. How exactly do you expect him to survive with one leg and winter coming?"

Eddard didn't know how to respond to that and Roland turned to Robb who had engaged in a conversation with the young healer. The woman who was still in shock from Roland's actions

"Who are you if you don't mind me asking?"

"Talisa," the healer replied turning to him.

"And your family name?" Roland asked.

"You want to know which side my family fights on?" she bristled

Roland overhearing the conversation stepped in with a short laugh, "hardly I already know that the answer is none." He lifted her chin with his right hand and looked at her closely. "You're not westerosi, that much is certain, You say Talisa so definitely the free cities."

Talisa frowned and finally replied, "Maegyr."

Roland's eyes widened, "Maegyr? Surely not THE Maegyr family from Volantis. If I recall correctly it's current head is Malaquo Maegyr, head of the militant Tiger Party."

Talisa nodded, "the very same."

Roland chuckled, "well this is interesting, A girl from the Old Blood of Volantis working as a healer in the humble west. "You're a long way from the palaces and finery of home Lady Talisa."

Talisa hopped aboard a cart "Volantis has not been my home in years," she said.

Roland smirked "you will tend to our men first before dealing with the rest," he commanded.

"And if I don't," the woman asked.

Roland's eyes narrowed, "then you will help nobody."

Talisa frowned, "you are a cruel boy."

Roland shrugged, "War is cruel, no amount of honor can ever refine it, The crueler you wage it the sooner it is over." He patted the cart which rolled away taking the woman with it."

As the cart rolled further away, Roland took notice of Robb who was staring after the young healer. Roland rolled his eyes and smacked him across the head causing Robb to come out of his trance.

"Don't even think about it," Roland snarled.

"What?" Robb asked innocently.

"You know what," Roland replied, "you're thinking about tearing off her clothes with your teeth You're promised to another Robb so banish all thoughts about that pretty little strumpet and remember your honor." Robb replied with a glare as Roland turned to Roose, "Strip the bodies and separate the nobles from the rest of the captives, dispose of all lowborn prisoners unfit for labor."

Roose nodded, "yes my king," and left to carry out his orders though Roland noticed the small smile on his face.

"What are you going to do with the nobles Roland," Eddard asked worried.

"The nobles may have valuable information some like Ser Lyle Crackhall may be privy to my grandfather's plans. Under the right motivation we will get them to talk."

"You mean torture them?" Robb asked

Roland shrugged, "if necessary, It does tend to yield results better than asking politely."

Robb looked around, "executing prisoners, torturing them, there's no honor in this."

"Honor?" Roland asked incredulously, "honor clouds judgement, what place does honor have in war."

Eddard and Robb glared at him, "what are you saying? that we should not have honor?" Eddard demanded.

"I'm saying that you need to be smart about this." Roland replied. "Remember what your honor brought in King's Landing? It nearly got you, me and Sansa killed."

Eddard sighed, he didn't like a thing Roland said but the painful part was that it was true.

"Do you truly intend to wipe out the Ironborn?" Robb wondered.

Roland nodded, "I do Robb," he took note of the sullen look on Robb's face, "do you disapprove."

"Is that also necessary?" Robb asked.

Roland nodded, "especially in this case, it should have been done ages ago."

Before crossing the ford, the host stopped at Lord Harroway's town to rest. Roland's Renegades conversed with Robb's own personal companions. Robb noted the defferences between them. Robb's companions were all hignborn sons of his parents bannermen. Dacey Mormont use to be part f the group until Roland made her Sansa's sworn shield. Roland's companions on the other hand were a mixed bag of nobles and commoners with knights, hedge knights, outlaws and even a few sellswords comprising the group.

As he rode through the streets he took note of the unusual amount of smallfolk gathered at the town. Lucas Roote the lord of the town was having a hard time caring for them all.

"There's so many people here," Roland grumbled as he dismounted.

Eddard nodded, "with Tywin burning half the riverlands and the destruction caused by the Brave Companions have chased many people to the northern settlements."

Roland shook his head, "if winter wasn't coming I'd be doing the same to the Westerlands."

Suddenly Bane started snorting and pacing the ground, Roland patted his head in an attempt to calm him but without warning Bane began trotting over to a nearby group of refugees before stopping at a particular pair, a farmer and his daughter. The pair took note of them and bowed with the typical "my king". The girl looked cautious then Bane began nudging the girl. At first she didn't seem to understand then she placed a hand on the horse's head and her eyes widened in realization.

"Bane?" she wondered. The horse snorted and continued to nudge. Her mouth widened in a smile and she turned to her father, "papa, it's Bane!"

The Farmer glanced between the horse and it's rider in disbelief, he turned to Roland, "how did you come by this horse?"

Confused by the question, Roland nevertheless answered, "he is my horse after all, we were separated after the war started."

The Farmer's eyes narrowed, "this horse isn't yours it belonged to this sweet girl that lost her family at the mummer's ford."

Roland raised an eyebrow, "are you certain this is the same horse."

The Farmer nodded, "I can never forget the creature that saved my Sally from brigands."

Roland tilted his head to one side, "these brigands, did Bane cave the chest or skulls in?"

The Farmer nodded, "and he even killed one that tried to flee."

Roland smiled, "that's Bane alright, he does have a killer instinct." Now a new question nagged at him, "the girl he was with, what was she like?"

"Her name was Bella," Sally answered, "she had dark hair and grey eyes and had this little thin sword."

Roland's eyes widened in realization, looking around he made a gesture with his hand. "Come with me," he said sternly, "there is someone I need you to talk to." The pair followed Roland without question and they came to an Inn where the Starks were eating. Roland turned to the Starks "A word in private if you would?"

The Starks nodded and followed him to an empty room with the Farmer and Sally in tow. Roland locked the door nd turned to the Starks. "This farmer has a story and I believe it's one you're going to want to hear." He turned back to the Farmer, "I want you both to tell them everything you remember about the time Bella spent with you and leave out no details."

So Simon the Farmer began telling them about 'Bella' and Eddard was the first to realize who he was talking about and listened intently. Once he was finished Roland told them the truth.

"The Girl you sheltered was none other than Arya Stark and the horse she had was my own." Simon sat back in shock at this, he was a host to the daughter of a great lord and the horse belonged to their king.

Roland placed a hand on his shoulder, "you have done us a great service Simon, and as a small token of our gratitude, you and your daughter shall be granted residence in Riverrun for the winter and if you so choose perhaps make a permanent life there."

Simon got his second shock and knelt before Roland, "My king, I-."

"You need not say anything," Roland said kindly, "you have done enough." After dismissing them Roland turned to the Starks, "this now gives us a strong indication as to where Arya is," he said.

"How?" Eddard wondered, "all it tells us is that she was alive at the time."

"Based on that story along yes," Roland agreed, "but you forget that Bane was also with her. If she were dead then Bane would have been killed as well. Arya is clever and resourceful so she will ride to Riverrun. From what the farmer said his farm was at the southern part of the Gods Eye but between there and Riverrun is-"

Eddard's face paled, "Harrenhal."

Roland nodded, "so if the Lannisters captured her then Tywin would have definitely take notice of her since she is not like other girls." Eddard could not argue with this and Roland continued. Tywin would want to keep her close so he would have taken her with him to King's Landing. When Lord Rykker captured Bane he mentioned that he was caught from the south from the direction of Kings Landing. Therefore if Arya is anywhere then it is King's Landing."

"Eddard was silent for a moment, "if that is true, he said then we must do everything to ransom her back."

Roland nodded, "indeed and fortunately we have what we need to make that possible."


Olenna studied her opponent carefully wondering what her next move will be. The two had been going at it for about an hour the longest game yet. Her opponent had never played Cyvasse before but found it interesting. Once she had been taught the rules of the game she proved to be a fast learner. In the beginning she moved her pieces too aggressively which made her easy for Olenna to predict and beat. but as time progressed she learned patience and moved more cautiously thus the games lasted longer

The pieces included.

1 King

1 Dragon

2 Elephants

2 Trebuchets

2 Catapults

4 Heavy Horse

4 Light Horse

4 Spearmen

4 Crossbowmen

20 Rabble

The Dragon is the most powerful piece able to take out all pieces.

Elephants are second only to Dragons, can only be killed by Dragon, catapult and crossbowman.

Catapults and Trebuchets are the only pieces that could beat dragons. If one dragon fights another both pieces are dead.

Rabble are used often a meat shields but are able to move fast if they reach enemy castle they could perform an exchange for a previously taken piece

Heavy Horse beat Crossbowmen

Crossbowmen beat Trebuchet

Spearmen beat Light Horse

Light Horse beat Catapult

Catapult beat Heavy Horse

Trebuchet beat Spearmen

Finally her opponent moved an elephant to take out her opponent's remaining heavy horse which was threatening her king.

Olenna moved a dragon taking out the elephant.

Her opponent moved her trebuchet and took out the dragon

Olenna took the trebuchet with a crossbowman.

Her opponent moved her heavy horse in a position to take the king

Unfortunately this left her opponent's king open to attack and Olenna moved her light horse, killing her opponent's king

Olenna smiled as Arya cursed her own carelessness. "Well played Arya," She congratulated the girl, "You have much to learn about patience but it is clear your improving with every game."

"I still don't get why catapults and Trebuchets kill a dragon though," Arya said. "it was a scorpion that took down the dragon Meraxes."

"The volantene made this game long before that happened," Olenna replied. "But I never credit those people with an over abundance of brains. An old city ruled by old men and old beliefs."

"Sounds like King's Landing," Arya noted.

"Yes," Olenna agreed, "though I'm certain Volantis is cleaner."

"I never understood why anyone could call this stench filled city the capital," Arya replied. "One would think that with Tywin's gold he would have renovated it by now."

"Most girls are more interested in songs and pretty dresses instead of thinking about such things," Olenna smirked.

Arya shrugged, "Most girls are idiots."

Olenna laughed out loud, "you don't have to tell me. Speaking of which what do you think of my granddaughter?"

"She's smarter than my sister and she clearly has that little prick wrapped around her finger."

"I taught her well," Olenna said proudly. "A girl of her position needs to be sharp if she wants to survive. Watch us carefully my dear and you might just learn something."

Arya didn't respond and simply nodded, "again tomorrow? Arya asked.

Olenna nodded, "Indeed, run along now."Arya jumped from her chair and rushed off to see her blacksmith. Shortly after Arya left Tywin summoned her to the Small council chambers, Tywin poured himself a glass before offering one to Olenna. "so what do you think of her?"

"She's a fierce little thing," Olenna remarked, "pity she's a stark."

"Yes," Tywin nodded in agreement, "were she born in my house or yours she could have learned so much."

Olenna smiled knowingly, "you like her."

Tywin 's lip curled, "she's much like my daughter in a way."

"Yes, a bit" Olenna admitted, "but more like Joanna I think."

Tywin didn't respond to that even though he had the very same thoughts at Harrenhal."

"So what are your plans for her?" Olenna asked. "As Eddard Stark's daughter she will certainly be worth something."

"What did you have in mind?" Tywin asked.

"I would have arranged for her to be married to Willas if I wasn't certain she'd stick him with a cheese knife."

The very thought almost tempted Tywin to marry her to Tyrion, but decided against it. After all she was last in line to take Winterfell had yet to flower and thus hardly worth anything.

"She does seem to have taken a shine to this new blacksmith of yours," Olenna noted.

Tywin nodded, "they seemed to have formed a bond since Harrenhal, what of it?"

Olenna's smile turned sly, "I think you know what. I may be old but I remember the tourney's of old, I remember when the late king looked every inch the warrior, traits that passed to his second son. Seeing that Blacksmith is like seeing that face again."

Tywin sighed, "yes he's Robert's Bastard."

Olenna cocked an eyebrow, A curious thing that you should bring something that most would consider a blight on you're daughter's honor."

"The Boy is skilled and his work is beyond exceptional," Tywin remarked. "I will not let petty feelings get in the way of our men being well equipped."

"I suppose keeping him close helps keep our wild northern guest occupied," Olenna smirked. "What is it about Baratheons and Starks that draw them to each other?"

"Fools like fools," Tywin said.

Olenna cocked an eyebrow, "I didn't know Roland was a fool."

"Trying to usurp his older brother and rightful king, waging a war against his own family. What else would you call it?"

"Oh yes," Olenna concurred, "treason is indeed a grave thing, Though as I recall you were not so loyal to Aerys Targaryen were you?"

Tywin's eyes narrowed, "The realm had nothing to gain by keeping a mad man on the throne."

Olenna nodded "of course, in any case it's water under the bridge. Betraying a king is one thing. But, trying to kill your own brother? Where I come from kinslaying is widely frowned upon?"

Tywin 's face betrayed no emotions, "Roland is too much like his father, sympathetic to the Starks. So he made a malicious lie to garner support and excuse his freeing of their lord." Tywin didn't like lying about this but it was necessary to retain good relations with the Tyrells.

Olenna shrugged, "lie or no you must admit it is enough to convince people. Convincing enough to divide every region in westeros and get them to cut each other up."

"Roland will be dealt with in time," Tywin assurred her. "But that is not the reason why I'm here."

"Is it the Royal Wedding again?" Olenna asked exasperated, "I already told your son that House Tyrell shall pay for half."

Tywin shook his head, "I made an offer to your son Mace to marry his eldest son Willas to my daughter Cersei."

Olenna nodded, "I heard about that, And?"

"When he brought the idea up, you resolutely refused."

Olenna nodded, "I did."

Tywin drained his goblet, "may I ask why?"

"It just can't be done," Olenne replied Draining her own goblet, Tywin offered to refill it but Olenna declined. "Willas is the heir to Highgarden and the keenest of my grandchildren. Your daughter on the other hand-"

"Is wealthy, the mother of the king and the most beautiful woman in all the seven kingdoms." Tywin finished for her.

Olenna laughed, "I may argue on that last one, your grandsons will certainly have something to say about that. In any case Cersei has already married and is too old."

Tywin cocked an eyebrow, "Old?"

Olenna nodded, "Old, I'm a bit of an expert on that. The effects will be upon her if they haven't already and they will bear down on her like you did with Castamere.

"The years punish us as well I promise you that." Tywin assured her.

"Not in the traditional sense but when it comes to birthing. Age tends to affect us long before you ever feel it. Walder Frey is proof of that. How old is he now? Ninety? And getting his new wife pregnant."

Tywin's lip curled, it wasn't often that a plan of his didn't come to fruition but it wasn't entirely a necessity. "Very well then consider the matter dropped. So since you are doing your share of paying for our grandchildren's wedding I assume everything has been arranged?"

Olenna nodded, "indeed, so when will the wedding take place in your mind?" We can't very well wait for the war to end."

Tywi nodded, "fully agreed, and due to this wedding's extravagance. I have decided to host it at the beginning of the next year which would also mark the 3rd century of Aegon's Landing."

Olenna smiled, "that sounds reasonable. Now that, that's settled let's discuss another important issue."

Tywin turned to her his green, gold flecked eyes studying her carefully. "Roland has proven particularly stubborn during this war. Causing havoc in not only the Westerlands but now the Reach as well. How do you intend to solve this predicament."

Tywin's eyes narrowed, "You worry about the Royal wedding and I will worry about my wayward grandson."

Author's note: Apologies for the wait tried to do an Arya chapter but couldn't do it so I gave up and worked on a two page apology about Euron. Next Up the Kingsmoot.
