
Chapter 44: What happened 5 years ago?

"Would it be ok if I bring you here with me?" Aiden asked the moment Dexter sat on the living room. He invited Dexter to his house to talk there, not wanting to catch other people's attention.

"Yeah, I already informed Lee."

"I wasn't really expecting that you will end up with Lee. I'm glad though."

"Me either but know what they say, expect the unexpected. Anyways how are you. What should I call you now?" Dexter went straight to the point.

"You haven't changed still going straight to the point. Call me Aiden I'm known as Aiden now."

"I see, so how have you been? Why didn't you just even called or get in touch with me? I have been worried."

"Everyone knew that Liam is dead. How will you believe someone who doesn't bare Liam's face to suddenly pop up and claim that he's Liam." Aiden laughed.

"Me I'll believe you and I'm sure Lance too." Dexter sighed. "I don't know what happened to you in all those years that you are gone away but believe me Lance didn't have it easy. He just didn't showed it to everyone but I personally witnessed it Aiden. As your friend I'm letting you know."

Aiden looked down to his hands before he opened his mouth. "You don't know what happened to me, it was tough Dexter. I was kidnapped, gave birth in that place only to know that my son had died, ruined my face, jumped from the second floor just to flee all so I could be with him but the reward I got after all those struggle is his betrayal. He was with Bea all along. I lost my mind but thanks to the Chairman they changed me to a new person that I am now. So no matter what happens I won't let myself get fooled again by my feelings towards him."

Dexter leaned forward and hold Aiden's hands. "Aiden did you even tried to find out the truth behind all that? Lance real relationship with Bea?"

"Why should I? It's all in the news? That bitch even took my own child so she and him could have a family!" Aiden shouted as he took his hands away from Dexter.

"You clearly did not do your investigation. You see me and Lee confronted Lance after the news of him having a child with Bea broke out. Lance made it clear to us that he will no longer marry and that the only person he will be tied to is you no I mean Liam."

"Then why did he proposed to her in front of the media after Lander has been found?" Aiden's question made Dexter laugh.

"That well Bea has been telling Lance that they should get married for Lander's sake for years using him as a reason to get married but Lance refuse each time and by the time Lander had gone missing Lance thought that Bea was right that what Lander needs is a complete family." Dexter didn't even finished explaining when Aiden reacted.

"What?! That bitch did that? How can she be so low?"

"I thought you should know by now when she tried to seduce your husband to have sex with her. Aiden I know you have been hurt so much and till now I can tell that you are still hurting but Lance is also the same. He has been carrying the pain since the time they announced that you are dead till now that he knows that you are alive. He's innocent in all that happened his only fault is that he easily believe that you were already dead and fall straight to Bea's trap. He easily gave up in finding you and your son but I think he already learned his lessons." Aiden remained silent he didn't even looked at Dexter anymore.

"I hate to see two of my friends hurting themselves because of misunderstandings that created by an evil and cunning woman. But the decision still falls to you, I just want you to think hard, analyze things and make a decision you won't regret in your life. I have made a right decision all because of your advice to me." Dexter took Aiden's hand and place on his tummy.

"Brother don't tell me your?" Aiden's eyes grew wider when he realized.

"Yes I am I'm already in my third months almost 4." Dexter happily announced.

"You weren't in my wedding but I want you to be my child's godfather."

"You're married?"

"Yeah it was a simple wedding, we only invited close friends and family of course none of my family members attended except for my best friend Maica." The news about Dexter's best friend made Aiden even more surprised than he already is.

"Lee let her attend the wedding? Wasn't he jealous?" Aiden asked.

'Nope Lee and Maica are good friends. Lee is much more understanding than what others thought aslong as he is assured that the person is not a threat then he will be docile. Though he's still as crazy as he was before."

"I'm happy for you." Aide. said with sincerity.

"And I also want you to be happy too. That's why I'm telling you this. This will be the only time I'll tell this to you cause I know you are smart enough to make the right decision. Your decision with your relationship with him from here on out will be on you. The only help I can give is to shed some light to what happened years ago. Liam whatever your decision is I will always support you." Dexter hug Aiden. "Just don't push me away or ignore me and don't ever act like you don't know me again." Aiden shed tears after that confrontation he and Dexter catched up. They chat till night time came, Dexter even told him what happened during his wedding and promised to show him the video of his wedding that also includes the Bachelor's night of the boys. When Lee called Dexter told him that he was with Aiden and decided that Lee will just pick him up from there.

"Looks like you are lost in your thoughts." Aiden looked from his behind and saw his father.

"I was thinking if what I did was right? If the results made me happy? After knowing things that I didn't it makes me question some of my decisions. Dad all this time I thought I was the only one who was suffering but with what Dexter told me it seems he didn't stop loving me after I was gone. I didn't gave meaning to the photos of mine inside his house and room cause I locked my heart tightly with all the possibility of me having feelings for him again. I thought he completely abandoned me." Aiden turned his back to the garden looking at the fireflies flying in the middle of the night like little stars in front of him.

"He still has fault with what happened. He gave up easily and let himself get manipulated by that woman. If he hadn't done that then he probably would've found you first than me. Since he gave up you were left with no one but yourself, if we hadn't found you there then your probably dead by now."

"Your right dad, because he's weak he wasn't able to protect me and our son. Even when Lander is with him he didn't even noticed all those injuries that my son had to endure while he was in Bea's care." Aiden agreed to his father and thought about those horrible thing that woman did to Lander.

"But son let this old man tell you something as an Alpha." Chairman Miller move to his son's side. "Even this father of yours that you think greatly made a mistake in my past too. Maybe that's Alpha's nature. We always thinks highly of ourselves that we always thinks we can no longer get wrong. We only realized it once the precious thing or person that we cherish no longer there beside us. I always regret realizing this so late when my wife is no longer here but him he already realized it. The real question is how do you feel about this, I'm talking about your real feelings here son?" Chairman Miller pointed Aiden's chest where his heart is located. "What's this thing inside is shouting."

"What if I get hurt again?" Aiden asked his father.

"Don't worry father will castrate that man if ever he hurts you again. I have ways in getting it done." Aiden laughed at his father's words.

Chairman Miller hug Aiden. He doesn't want to let go of Aiden but he can clearly see that the boy is struggling hard both him and Lance. "It's ok Daddy got you, you have me and your brother now. If Lance gives you a headache Daddy will deal with it. He can no longer do as he pleases anymore."

"Why does it feel like you have been giving me away to him hhhmmm?" Aiden joke still having his face burry to Chairman Miller's face.

"Of course not. If he's serious about you he needs to go to us first. He must court us and ask for our yes first before going to you." Aiden burst out laughing.

"Tsk that Lance think he can get my approval that easily." Aiden broke the hug from his father and looked at the person who just came.


"When he courts you tell him to court us first. We are not easy unlike you!" George point his fingers to Aiden.

"Me easy?" Aiden asked

"Yeah if he will court only you I don't think you will last for a week I'm pretty sure you will say yes and give in to his charm and flowery words." George added.

"Woah What?! You calling me easy?"

"I saw you coming home to our house twice with hickeys to you neck, collar bone and I'm pretty sure that animal is the one who made it!" Aiden blushed. Yes he can't deny it whenever Lance is beside him his body heats up specially when the two got intimate.

"So it will be us first before you."

"How will he court me when he no longer show his face to me? And why are we in the topic of courting? I still haven't forgiven him yet." Chairman Miller and George start laughing teasing Aiden.


"Lance." For weeks Lance burry himself with work and spending time with his friends with their new found hobby with his friends. He was not expecting for him to hear his voice again after he swore that he will never show his face to him again. He looked up to confirm if his ears are not deceiving him but to his surprise Aiden was really standing in front of him as to how did he get pass Ms. Kim he doesn't know how.

"I ask Tasha not to inform you." As if Aiden reads his thoughts he answered him.

"Sit." Lance gesture the sit in front. Aiden walked towards and seated in front. "Is there anything you want to discuss with me? If it's about Lander my lawyer can discuss that with you just inform him of anything you want and I will gladly comply just don't take my rights to see and spend time with my son that will be enough for me." Lance said trying to be professional, holding his feelings to the best that he can.

"I'm not here to discuss about Lander." Aiden inhaled before letting his thoughts out. "I'm here to discuss about us."

Lance looked at Aiden he closed his laptop and focus his attention to Aiden. "I give you my word I won't bother you anymore. If you wanted us to write an agreement about that then that's fine with me. If that will put you at ease..."

"I didn't came here for that either." Aiden cut him off. "I don't know where to start."

"Why are you here?" Lance wipe away the surprise on his face.

"Lance what happened 5 years ago after I'm gone?" Aiden asked straight to the point.

"What do you mean?" Lance was curious all of a sudden. Aiden never once listened to him he didn't even hear him out not once when he was telling him how much he still loves him.

"When you thought I was dead what happened to you?" Aiden continued.

"It was hell when they said that you were dead. I even tracked down those who kidnapped you hoping I could kill them myself but unfortunately they were found dead. I drunk myself but Sebastian reminded me that it was not what you wanted. I focus myself in pushing through what me and Terrence plan but Terrence was too broken because of Chester. Luckily Tea is there we both are dealing with our lost by helping omegas like our lovers hoping that it could lift off the weight that's been pressing us because of our loss. It was not easy but we were able to pull through. Months pass and then Bea came back with a child telling me it was ours. I have to perform three DNA tests to make sure Lander is mine. I have to take responsibility to my son cause he's my child but I refused marrying Bea because of that she insisted that the custody of the child will fall to her. That I can only visit and take Lander to spend some time. That's what happened after you were gone, basically my life revolves with just work, helping, Lander and reliving your memories in my mind."

"Did you ever thought of loving someone after me?" Aiden asked.

"Nope how can I when you have my heart." Lance said.

"Have you love me as Aiden?"

"To be honest I find myself having feelings with you but stopped myself from acknowledging it. I don't want to fall completely, I don't want to betray my wife even when I thought that he's already dead I can't bring myself to betray him even when you say that I'm starting to develop a feeling towards other people. Specially when I found out that Liam is still alive and just somewhere waiting for me, I never thought that you two are one." Lance explained.

"How do you feel about me?" Aiden asked. "I'm no longer Liam and there's no way I can bring Liam back anymore."

"What do you mean? Why are you even asking me these questions?" Lance asked.

"Just answer my question!"

"To be honest I don't know. I felt happy and because of my obsessiveness over Liam I chase after you. I was thinking that you are still him but after what happened I realized that you are right you two are much different from one another. Liam is timid, shy and caring man. He always relies on me but you, you are the own man of your own world. You know how to give commands and make someone follow your order. You know how to fight and speak your mind, you even now have the power and wealth but my Liam doesn't have those things that Aiden Miller has."

"Liam is weak but me I'm not. But Lance you didn't answer my question, do you love Aiden?" Lance looked at him.

"I have feelings for him but I love my wife that's all I can say. If I hadn't known about you being Liam maybe I will live denying my feelings towards you. Now I realize no matter how you change your form my heart just can recognize you. but my feelings for you is different from Liam. I have never spend time with you other than the time we spend at work so I can't say for sure if it will be the same as with Liam." Lance honestly answered.

"That's good though. I don't want to be in a competition with myself." Lance blink a couple of times he really can't tell what's on Aiden's mind.

"From now on Liam is dead and I'm Aiden Miller."

"I know you don't need to remind me." Lance agreed.

"Good then latter go to my house bring me flowers pick me up at 7:00. Book a good restaurant. Also bring a bottle of whiskey my Dad love those and bring a chocolate cake G loves it." Aiden got up preparing to leave.

"What? Why should I?" Lance asked Aiden's action is making him crazy.

"Just do as I said. Don't bring Lander." And just like that Aiden is gone. "He's as bossy as the first time I met him. He really is different from him." Lance smile.


"Why are you following me?!" Axel shouted after Lance had known that Axel is a spy Aiden called back Axel telling that his work is done, with that Axel thought that finally he will have the taste of real freedom as what Aiden promised him but it seems Axel can't fully enjoy it when there's a man that keeps on following him all the time to the point that even his not so trusting kids are now close to him. "And you kids why are you being too friendly to that guy? Didn't I tell you not to trust strangers?"

"Brother, uncle is a good guy, we can all tell it in one look besides you too look good together he might become our future brother in law if that happens." The little girl giggles as she tell him what's on their mind.

"Well I don't mind being your brother in law but that's if your brother agrees to it." Jules jokes about it. He doesn't plan on settling down and go crazy over some other people but the reason why he keeps on following Axel is because he interest him. It was his first time seeing an Omega as fearless and cunning as this one in front of him.

Axel sighed. "Follow me." Jules got up and followed Axel to his room.

"I didn't thought you will be this bold, though I don't mind." Jules said.

"Who said that. It's the only room in this house that is sound proof. Anyways what do you want? I don't have time to play in your charade." Axel said frustratingly.

"Nothing I just want to observe you for a little while. I find you interesting cause not all Omega is as strong, cunning and smart as you are."

"Aiden is the same as me. He can shoot guns, his aim is good too. He can fight why not divert your interest to him?"

"Aiden doesn't know how to hack but you, you do. I haven't seen you hold a gun though but I heard from Lance that you were such a bad ass during the hostage taking."

"You are an agent right? I'm betting that there are a lot of people that are more fascinating than I am."

"You even knew about that." Jules smirk he walk slowly forward making Axel move backward. "So what else that you do know about me?"

"N-nothing...." Axel stutter.

"Did you know that information is classified so I was wondering how come you know?"

"I look into it. It's part of the job." Axel explained. "Don't come any nearer!"

"If you are that scared then fight me. Make me stop." Jules teased.

"You think I wouldn't do that?" Axel bravely answered back.

"I'm thinking you can't win against me." Jules said

Without saying any words Axel hit his jewel, Jules didn't saw it coming. He rolled on the floor, it was not like any other kneeing what Axel did is a full force that he like heard an egg shell breaking.

"Who's your daddy now?" Axel smirk. "I think I just made you stop with your yapping. Does it mean I defeat you?" Axel continued vexing Jules who's still on the floor crunching.

"You! What if you damaged this? Aaawww aawww. How will I be able to have any children. Fuck! this fucking hurts! What is your knee made off?"

"This? This is a weapon of men's destruction, it's trained to crash men's family jewel so don't ever try to come here again. I'm going out for a while if you still love your manhood I'm expecting you to be gone by the time I came back home."

Axel went out to breath some air. He rode his motor bike and drove himself to the seaside there he looked at the sun set his favorite sight. Only when the cool wind of the dusk can Axel feel at ease. Back in the days he always wish for night time to come so he can finally have rest. All the harsh trainings ends when the sun sets in. Even now that there are no danger posted he still feels at ease by just looking at the sun set. "Children." Axel laughed. He raised his shirt slightly and saw the scar on his belly. "It's ok I don't need one anyways." He throw the cigarette and rode his motor bike back to his house. He keeps on convincing himself that the kids are enough after all who would want a barren Omega.

To be Continued....


Sneak peek to Chapter 45....

"This is childish I must say!" Zay whisper yell at Zeejay.

"Sssshhhhhh there they are don't be noisy they'll notice us." Zeejay tried to make his son quiet.

"But this is absurd why I have to be dressed up like this? If we had just stick to my plan those two won't even be out in a place like this!" Zay whisper yell again to his father.

"Who do you think ruined the plan in the first place? If you just denied it then we wouldn't have been caught doing the crime." Zeejay angrily answered his boy's question.

"What kind of father will teach his son to lie!" Zeejay answer back.

"Why? You lie so great in that game! Why can't you lie for a little to your mother?!"

"I'm not like you a lier who always lies to Mom! That's why he doesn't want to get back to you cause your a liar?!" Zeejay argued.

"Why you! So you want that man who look like a horse to be your father then?" Zeejay looked at the man that his mother having dinner with. His appearance is far from resemblance of a horse as a matter of fact the man is good looking but not as good looking at his father but still he doesn't want his mother to marry such man. From one look Zay can already tell that the man only wants to get inside his mother's pants.

"No of course not!"

"Then don't complain and just stick to the plan."

"Just for now I'll cooperate with you but don't think just because I'm working with you means that I acknowledge you. Don't give me that friendship craft I can see your real objective you Jerk!" Zay said stating the fact.

Zeejay gasp with what he just heard." You said the J word I'm going to tell your mother!"
