
Chapter 13: The Chase Part 1

Zeejay can't believe that they took him for a shop lifter over a hat and a shade that he forgot that he took to cover himself up. If it weren't for the manager who realize just who is he then they will really going to send him to the police. Zeejay immidiately looked around him trying to find the two at the parking lot. He was hoping that those two are still around. He kept on looking and looking till he found the same car that they used when they came to Lee's house. He run near to see if it's really the same car and saw the two putting all what they bought at the trunk. Zeejay saw a woman getting to her car so he walk towards her.

"Hi." Zeejay said to the woman.

The woman instantly sqaeel in excitement after seeing Zeejay that Zeejay has to cover her mouth.

"Sssshhhhhh. Don't scream ok?" Zeejay whispered to the woman. The woman nodded and gave an ok sign so Zeejay let go of the woman's mouth.

"I can't believe that I'm seeing Zeejay in flesh in front of me..." The woman whispered yell.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" The woman instantly nodded.

"Everything for you, so what favour it is that you wanted to asked?"

"I parked my car far from here but I need to follow that car over there. Can you give me a ride?" The woman sqaeel in excitement. So Zeejay have to shut her mouth again with his hand.

"Don't scream or they will notice us." Zeejay said. "So is it a yes or a no?" The woman hit his hand for him to uncover her mouth.

"I'm sorry." Zeejay said.

"Ok ok, get in. I can't believe I'm giving Zeejay a lift." Zeejay get in the front seat beside the woman, both of them followed the car where Nicolas and Drake are both in. When the car parked in front of an apartment building. Zeejay got of the car as well, he thank the woman who asked for a photo together with him.

The two went to an elevator. Zeejay knew that if he followed the two inside the elevator he there is a chance that he will be caught by the two but if he let this chance go then he might never know just where the Omega is staying so he gambled in following them inside the elevator. He went with the crowd and stayed at the end corner of the elevator. He waited till the floor stopped at the 10th floor and the two got off and was no longer in sight that's when Zeejay decided to get off the elevator as well. He hide himself by the post as he quietly followed the two till they stopped in front of an apartment unit. The two went inside so Zeejay followed and looked at the apartment number where Nicolas is staying but the thing that didn't sit well with Zeejay is the fact that the man got inside Nicolas apartment. Zeejay was already thinking of different scenarios that might be happening inside specially if it's just the two who are there alone. He keeps on pacing back and forth torn between kicking the door open or just wait till the Beta go home.

"What if they are already making a baby? A brother for that kid Zai* The voice inside Zeejay's head said.

"NOOOO!!! I won't permit it." So Zeejay with all his determination knock loudly on the doors apartment. He keeps on knocking and knocking till someone finally opened the door.

"Hey are you planning to break our door....Zee?" Zeejay can see the surprise in Nicolas eyes but he shake it off and went to his original plan.

"Where is he?" Zeejay went inside trying to find Drake.

"What do you mean where is he? Who are you looking for? Hey" Nicolas followed Zeejay and when he finally caught up to him he hold him by his arms to stopped him from coming in further.

"I saw him came in with you. So where is he?" Zeejay insisted by Nicolas doesn't understand what Zeejay was talking about. He is more worried for the Alpha to find out about Zai specially when Zai made it clear that he is not interested in meeting his own father.

"Mom who was it?" Zai said. Zeejay looked at the kid who looks like in his teen that called Nicolas Mom.

"Zai get inside." Nicolas said to his son.

"So the kid even calls you Mom now? You are that close to that man's child aren't you?" Zeejay laughed.

"What are you doing here?" Zai asked

"Kid where is your father?" Zai looked at him with question it took Zai a minute to figure out that his father doesn't know that he is his son but Zai wonders who is the man that his stupid Dad think his father is.

"Zai is everything ok?" Drake asked.

"Drake can you take your SON inside." Nicolas said emphasizing the word Son. In that moment Zai's realized that his father thought that he is his uncle Drake's son.

"Dad let's go inside MOM has a visitor." Zai emphasize the word Mom which made the man that his mother holding angry.

"Kid don't call him your Mom. Your Dad and Nick aren't married just yet." Zeejay corrected.

"Why who is it that my Mother's going to marry? You? Aren't you married?" Zai asked.

"Zai just go inside please. I'll follow you as soon as I'm done." Nicolas plead his son.

Zai didn't say anything and just look at his uncle Drake. "Let's go DAD."

"And you what are you doing here? Please don't cause some trouble here Zee." Zeejay hold him by his arm as he turned him to face him with force.

"You why are you with them? Are you living here with them? And why are you letting that kid called you Mom?"

"Zee whatever it is that I do is none of your business. There is nothing in between us anymore so if Zai calls me Mom then that is my business not yours. If I live and sleep here together with them then that is my business not yours. I never meddle to your affairs so why are you doing this to me now? Why are you acting like a jealous boyfriend? Zee there's nothing between us now so please stop doing this. Stop acting like we are still together. The relationship we had has been long over, if you can call that a relationship."

Zeejay hold his both hands. "Nick I want you... I want you back....I want to be your boyfriend. Can we start over again?" Nicolas took his own hand away from him.

"Boyfriend? And what? You're only my Boyfriend when it's just the two of us. You only love me when it's just us. You only looked at me when there's no one around but when other people are around I was nothing to you. Zee I tried to drown myself from the illusion that there's us that even in those simple moments I kept forcing myself to believe that you were mine but no. You are the kind of man that doesn't belong to anyone. You don't belong to me or to anyone you are having another relationship together with your relationship with me and that's the most painful part of all, accepting the fact that I never even got a piece of your heart cause you are selfish Zee. You are selfish...."

Nick wipe the tears that are streaming down to his face. "You don't want others to own your heart while you take the heart of others only to break them. I thought you could be my prince charming the man in my own fairytale story but I was wrong. Maybe the Prince charming that I'm looking for doesn't have to be an Alpha. Zee please just let me be happy, let me go. I finally found the person who can give me the family that I want, the love that I need and the home I have been wanting. Everything that I dream off. Please don't ruin this for me."

"I can give you all those things that you wanted..... I can still be the man that can fulfill those things." Nicolas laughed like he was about to loose his mind. He just doesn't know how to make Zeejay understand.

"And then what? Zee I don't want to be kept in the dark anymore just like before.... No I can no longer do that. I don't want to be your mistress or side lover in the shadow while you play house with your wife. I can't raise a family where my child won't be able to bring his father in the public. I don't want to say that I'm married but no Husband to show to them..... Let's face it Zee you can't be the man that I need. You don't want me for being me, you don't even love me.... Let me ask you this question. Are you doing this for love? Do you love is that why you are doing this?" Zeejay didn't answer.

"Hhhhhmmmm see? Almost 13 years since the first time I asked you the same question over and over again whenever we cross paths but I still get the same response from you. You can't answer me because you know that you don't love me. You just want me for fun, you just want me for my body not because of my love for you. You can't give me what I want and what I deserve. That's why for thirteen years I tried to move on from you cause I know loving you won't get this relationship anywhere. I'm tired being kept in the shadows and I'm tired of loving you. Please get out and don't show your face again."

"But Nick, Nick... please..... please give me more time...." a loud sound of slapped echoed the room.

"Time? There is no more time to give Zee. You are married and I won't be your mistress and that's final. NOW GET OUT! GET OUT WHILE I'M STILL BEING NICE TO YOU!" Nicolas shouted but Zeejay hold him to his shoulders as he pulled him for a kiss. Nick tried to push him away only to be pulled back to the kiss.

"You are mine Nick.... You don't belong to other people,..." Zeejay was getting desperate he can already see in Nicolas eyes the determination of severing all his ties from him. He can tell that the Omega is serious of forgetting about him and he can't accept that.

Nick gathered up all the strength that he has and then punch Zeejay in the face. "GET OUT! GET OUT, I DON'T NEED YOU. I DON'T BELONG TO YOU.... LEAVE ME ALONE! JUST GET OUT FROM MY LIFE." Nick fall from the ground sobbing, he doesn't want this. He doesn't want any of this. Why is it that when he's trying to move on from him that he always comes back to remind him that he will always belong to him. Even though they are not bonded it seems his heart is bonded to him one sidedly.

"What else do you want me to do? I wasted 16 years of my life for the reason that I love you.. Now that I'm finally moving on you came back barging in to my life again. Can't you just let me be?" Nicolas looked at him with tears from his eyes.

"I'm sorry Nick but I can't give you what you are asking me. I can't give you up." Zeejay said in a whispered.

Nicolas laughed mockingly at his answer. He rested his face at his knees. "You don't even love me. How can you even say that when you don't even love me."

"If I tell you I love you will you believe me?" Zeejay asked. Nick stayed silent for a second before he shakes his head no that is still resting on his knees.

"The reason why I didn't answer thirteen years ago was because I still don't know the answer just yet the same when you asked me in that hospital lobby five years ago but after I saw you at Lee's house with someone else it made me realize that I don't want to hand you over to anyone. I couldn't sleep for several days thinking only about you and what we could have been.... And the last reason why I didn't answer you earlier when you asked me was that I know you won't believe me when I told you that I love you." Nicolas raised his head that is wet with tears to look at Zeejay.

"I want to show you just how much I love you. I want to fix us, I want to show you that even a coward selfish man like me can give you all those things that you wanted for a man to have..." Zeejay reach out his hand and run his thumb to Nicolas face to wipe his tears away. "You have chase after me for years so from now on I will do the chasing till you say yes to me."

"My Mother doesn't belong to anyone and most specially not to you. He is not a possession for you to take ownership with. He is not a toy for you to play only when you want to play with it and will put in the display rack once you are done. His heart is not your little toy." Zeejay looked at Zai who is standing beside Drake.

"Zai...." Nicolas whispered.

"Kid stop calling him your Mother cause he won't marry your father. He won't be your Mother cause I will make sure he will be the Mother of my children." Zeejay's statement made Zee smile.

"You are right he won't marry my father cause my father is a selfish jerk. I'm even against the union if ever there will be but him being the mother of your children I doubt that to ever happen. I will make sure that will never ever going to happen." Zai said with full determination in not letting his Mother to give birth to another child with his father.

Zeejay could not understand Zai's statement. He thought the kid wants his father and Nick to be together but why does it seems that kid is against it.

"Zai, son that's enough. Drake please get him inside he shouldn't be listening to this kind of things." Nicolas looked at Zeejay. "And you please go. Don't ruin this for us that's my last request from you. Please just go Zee." Zeejay got up.

"Nick I'll go for now but I will show you that I can do everything just to have you back so have a little faith in me. For the last time have a little faith in me. I'll fix everything. Don't marry anyone but me, don't be Zai's mother, mother only my child." Nick smiled at him.

"I'm sorry but I'm Zai's mother and nothing can change that." Nicolas answered that made Zee frown.

"Then I just have to make you change your mind." Zeejay bend down to kissed him on the forehead before bidding goodbye. "I have to go, but I'll be back to do what I promise. Even if I have to snatch you away from your boyfriend I'll do it." Zeejay declared before he walk himself out of the door.

Nick just cried there after Zeejay left. He doesn't know what to think of the situation. A lot of questions runs to his mind and one of these is after all these years why now? Now that he finally given up and accepted things. Now that he finally considering opening his heart to someone else. Nick just stayed there crying till he felt someone hug him.

"Mom don't cry.... You shouldn't be wasting your tears for the likes of him." Nicolas burry his face to his son's embrace. He wonder since when did his son grown up to be this mature?

"I won't leave you and I won't hand you to him. He said he will take you. That will never going to happen. He said you will be the mother of his children. One is enough Mom I won't let you Mother another child of his. If you want to have another child as my sibling I won't mind if it's with uncle Drake but not with him. He is just another sperm donor nothing more." Nicolas lifted his head that is burry from his son's embrace.

"Don't worry, I will never going back to him. I'm happy now as it is. It's enough for me that I have you. I'm thankful each day that you love me this much. Thank you Zai." The two spend their time just hugging each other while Drake just stand there as he watch both mother and son.

Zeejay wanted to Comeback to take Nicolas away from that apartment but with the state that the Omega is in he knows that he needed to wait and be patient. He needed Nick to open up to him once again and in order for him to do that he needed to have Nicolas trust him once again. He was brought back to reality when the door of the elevator open but things seems to move slowly and the wind felt like suddenly went ice cold but the sweat on his forehead starts to form as his eyes followed the person who just came out of the elevator and passed him by. The person whom they know was already dead for five years now. Zeejay got stuck to the place that where was standing for a minute before his feet starts moving to the Direction where the man went. He hide in between the post and discreetly followed the man till he saw it stopped by the apartment he just came out earlier he even heard Zai's voice.

"Uncle Theo! Let me help you with that." Zeejay over heard Zai called the man.

*So he really is Theo, all this time we thought he was dead. We even light up a candles and said prayers for him but all this time he is alive. Fuck and why is that kid calling him Uncle but when it comes to Nick he always calls him Mom? Ggggrrrr you'll see I won't let your father marry my Nick.* Zeejay thought.

"Lee, Terrence and Lance needs to know this. That their precious friend Theo whom they mourn his death is alive. I need to call the boys." Lee whispered to himself.

"Why are you at my office again?" Lance is massaging his head as he looked at his friends that are inside his office. Adrian who is sitting on the couch who's face can't be painted and behind him there's a fat man standing in a suit. Same goes with Terrence who's face can't be painted the man looks like he's really angry and frustrated like someone just forced him to come. Derek was just sitting on a single sofa patiently waiting for the man who told them to meet up in Lance's office and Lee on the other hand being weird again is feeding the fish with coffee grains.

"Lee what the fuck are you doing?" Adrian asked.

"Feeding the fish" Lee simply answered.

"With coffee? Seriously?" Adrian shouted.

"I just want to know if fish won't be able to sleep once they had a caffeine." Lance can feel a head ache coming just from hearing Lee talks.

"Fish don't sleep Lee, they don't need caffeine to help them not sleep." Terrence answered.

"Ow my bad." Lee leave the fish alone and sat at the arm rest of the single sofa where Derek was sitting. "So what's this all about?" Lee asked.

"I don't know Zeejay called saying emergency meeting same place." Derek said.

"Me too he said it was an emergency and didn't gave the details." Adrian added.

"He said he will just explain everything once everyone is here..... but everyone is already here except for him Fuck! I need to finish a lot of things. I won't be able to make it to my boys trip if I won't be able to finish all my work before after tomorrow. Fuck I will kill Zeejay if I won't be able to come because of this!" Terrence vent out that everyone's eyes landed on him.

"What?" Terrence asked in frustration.

"Did I heard it right? You are going to a trip with your boys? Not with your girls or other flings and sex friends right or maybe Trina?" Adrian asked.

"I said with my boys.... My boys... it means with my sons Uno and Dos." Terrence explained.

"Fuck! miracles do happen don't they?" Lee commented. Terrence throw him his shoes in response.

"Fuck I'm gonna tell Dexy!" Lee shouted.

"Pussy!" Terrence snorted.

All eyes went to the entrance when Zeejay came in out of breath. "Guys you need to hear this. Theo Teakyun's wife is alive." No one said anything special those who knows about Theodore real deal.

"You must have mistaken him for someone. Cause he's dead. It has been 5 years since he died." Derek said.

"No.... no I followed him and I'm sure it was him." Zeejay insisted. Adrian only gave out a fake and awkward laugh. He doesn't know how to respond to that the only thing he knows is that Lance and Lee plus him now are the only ones who knows that Theo is alive but it seems Zeejay accidentally found out about it too.

"No that can't be it. Theo is dead." Lance said.

"No I told you that Theo is alive I even heard that kid Zai called him Uncle Theo..."

"You met Zai?" Lee asked.

"Yes why? That kid is a brat I swear that kid must have took after his father. He has a nasty attitude" Zeejay said.

"I highly doubt that." Terrence said.

"Wait why does it seems that you guys don't look surprised at all? And does it seems that you guys met this Zai kid?"

"Don't group me with them I still haven't met this Zai kid that you are talking about." Adrian quickly doudge the question even though he knows about Theo but he sure is telling the truth about that Zai kid that Zeejay is talking about.

"Theo is dead don't push it Zee." It was Lee who finally said it.

"I knew it you three knows about Theo. You knew he was alive all this time." Lance close his eyes with how things are now he needs now to admit that it's all true and have to convince both Derek and Zeejay to keep it a secret. Lance took a deep breath before opening his eyes when he didn't expect to see the last man he would want to hear what Zeejay's discovery. Out of panic Lance literally jump over his table to hold Zeejay down to stop him from talking. The two ended up on the floor while Lance desperately tried to cover Zeejay's mouth.

"Be quiet...." Lance whispered yell.

"Lance what are you doing? Enough with that. It can no longer be helped, he already saw him. We have to tell him the truth now." Terrence said, Lance keep on signaling him to stop talking but Terrence could not understand it till he heard someone talk.

"What truth?" Everyone's eyes landed on the last person they wanted to know.

"Zee, is that true?Is Theo still alive?" Teakyun asked with cal.mness to his voice.

"Tea you misheard, I mean Zeejay mistook someone for Theo." Lee explained hoping his brother would buy it but instead he walked towards to where Lance and Zeejay is who are both still on the floor where Lance press his body over Zeejay and his hands on his mouth to stop the other one from moving and talking.

"Zee is that true?" Zeejay push back Lance. "Yes I saw it with my own eyes. I know it couldn't be just any other person because he's with Nick." Zeejay explained.

"Where does Nick stay?" Teakyun asked

"Tea, I'm sorry if we lie to you but please just let Theo be. He is happy now." Lee place his hand over his brother's shoulder.

"Everyday and every night I kept on wishing that he will come back even though I know that will never going to happen but after hearing today that Theo is alive I can't help but feel happy. I know I should be angry to all of you for keeping this from me but I do understand why you have to do that." Teakyun look up as if by doing so will prevent his tears from coming out.

"I know I don't deserve a second chance but I at least want to try working for it. All I want is a chance to make my relationship with him right again. All I want is for someone to at least believe that I could make it right again. So please I want to see him, I want to try it again. I want to work hard for the chance that I lost five years ago." Teakyun beg his brother. "Even if I have to kneel I will just tell me.... Tell me where he is." Teakyun was about to kneel in front of Lee but Lee stopped him from doing so.

"Don't kneel in front of me I'm no Saint for you to kneel and I'm definitely not your wife to kneel in front of me. Teakyun, Theo doesn't love you anymore. If you are ready to face the Theo that no longer loves you then I'll tell you where he is but you have to promise me that once he didn't accept you even after trying, then you will respect his decision. I know it's tough but it is the reality which you have to face." Lee said to his brother.

"I will, I promise. If Theo no longer loves me then I'll just have to make him fall for me again." Teakyun said with full of determination.

"It won't be easy but I wish you luck. If you ever manage to succeed then make sure not to hurt him again and please do it as soon as possible. I want him to attend my wedding. He doesn't want to come cause you will be there."

"But your wedding is in less than one month."

"Why can't you make him fall for you in less that a month?" Lee asked with that smug smile on his face. "Here you will find him here. He lives together with Nick and Zai. They plan to stay here for less than 3 weeks after that they will go back home. it will be hard to persuade him once he's back to his family. His parents have been overly protective of him. You know how they are." Teakyun hug his little brother before he run towards the door.

"Are you sure about this?" Terrence asked.

"Yeah, I have seen him suffer because of him. He already learned his lesson and he finally knows Theo's worth. I don't think he will be dumb enough to repeat his past mistakes." Lee explained.

"But Theo no longer loves him anymore." Lance said.

"It's still too early to say that....."

"3 3 3 3 weeks?, 3 weeks." Zeejay's mumbling the same words over and over again.

"Guys what's happening to Zee?" Derek asked.

"I don't know.." They gathered around Zeejay who is spacing out while mumbling 3 weeks over and over again then he suddenly grab Lee's shoulder. "You mean to say they will only going to stay here for less than 3 weeks?"

"Ye..... yeah why?" Lee asked but Zeejay just let him go and run towards the door while shouting. "Teakyun WAIT FOR MEEEEEEE!! TAKE ME WITH YOUUUUUU.... I need to make my move!!!!!"

All five men look at each other before Lee, Terrence and Lance realize what Zee was about to do. "Fuck Zai!" Lance said he run to where Zeejay went.

"We need to stop him." Lee seconded

"Damn it why do they have to bring that kid with them. Fuck!" Terrence commented who is now running after the two.

"What is happening?" Derek asked.

Adrian blow a loud breath before he got up to say. "I don't know let's just follow them."

To be Continued...


Chapter 14 Sneak peek

"You...." He looked at the man who just point at him.

"M-me?" He asked.

"I thought you don't exist... I thought I can only find you in my dreams but you were just here all along." He was confused to what the man in front of him was saying all of a sudden. He never even met him once in his whole life so he was wondering why is the man acting like he knows him.

"What is Derek talking about?" Nicolas asked Lance.

"It is about the man of his dreams, he has been dreaming about him since we were in middle school the reason why he also travelled the world." Lance explained

"Technically speaking. Derek has been in love with the man in his dreams for a long time now." Lee added.
