
Chapter 28: 12 Years too late!

Six days has passed and everyone was taking their time off for the 6 days they have worked so hard for the promotion of their new project.

And to award his staffs hard work Lance decided to throw them a little party before they went home. They all went to a bar. Lance wouldn't want to go but his staffs keep on bugging him to come with them which he granted. Lance made sure to drink moderately he doesn't want to get drunk. He made sure to give his staff another day of extension to enjoy themselves. But he already book a flight next thing in the morning he wants to go home to his wife as soon as possible.

He was drinking quietly at the bar table observing his staff enjoying the night life, dancing and drinking. When he felt the presence of someone who seated beside the stool he is sitting in.

"They seem to be enjoying the night?" Bea said sipping to her mojito. "So why aren't you joining them?"

"Dancing is not for me. I'd rather stay here and see them enjoy themselves."

Minutes passed but nothing happened. Bea knows that the Alpha wouldn't going to make a move to her so she orchestrated a plan in her mind to make sure that she'll be able to close the gap between her and Lance. She keeps on ordering strong drinks. After a while she said told him that she will be going to her hotel room but she trip herself the moment she got up from her sit and knowing Lance she wouldn't let a helpless woman to fall so Lance caught her just in time. Just like a movie Bea look deep within Lance eyes hold his face and started kissing him.

Lance was caught off guard by what Bea did. When he finally regain a hold of situation he immediately pulled Bea's lips away from his. The girl quickly apologize to him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to. It must've been the alcohol. I'm sorry I'll be going home now." Lance fully knows that Bea is too drunk to go back to her room so he took Bea back to her room. Lance helped Bea to lye on her bed when the woman grab him by his collar and started kissing him again. Lance refused and pulled away from the kiss.

Lance walked back to the room's entrance and closed the door to make sure no one would hear what he was about to say.

"What the hell do you think you are doing Bea?!" Bea begun tearing up.

"Don't begin me with the water works Bea!" Lance is getting frustrated that he can no longer hide it. His pheromones is starting to show up.

"Lance I love you. I want you back. I want us back" Bea tried to push herself up.

"But I don't love you. Why can't you understand that?! I've been trying to be reasonable here but you need to understand there's no us." Lance is now pacing back and forth one hand on his temple.

"Can't you give me another chance? I'll be good I promise."

"Twelve years too late Bea. We can no longer go back." Lance wanted to tell her that he's already in love with somebody and that is his wife but the mere fact that they almost did till the end, two months ago is keeping Lance from blurting out about his beautiful and amazing wife. He's afraid that she might use it against him and his wife. Fearing that his relationship with Liam will come to an end.

"Ok, Ok I get it already but you can't tell me what and not what to do." Bea said. She's determine not to let a big fish like Lance go. No man has ever said no to her and she knows it is only a matter of time before the man can say yes to her by hook or by crook.

"If that's how you will then we can no longer work together." Lance said. He doesn't want to have anything to do with her. He doesn't want to jeopardize his relationship with his wife.

"You can't just waste your team's effort." In that six days she works with the guy she noticed that the man takes great pride with his employees work and effort which earns the man his employees respect and best effort in everything they do.

"three months, we will terminate our contract after three months. We will no Longer push through the two years contract which you just signed." Lance said with finality. Three months time is enough for them to find a new face for their project and to start producing the materials for replacement. He knows sudden termination of the contract will cause them enough money and a lot of issues and speculation which can lead to bad publicity for the new project. But for Lance that is nothing compare to the loss and emptiness he would feel if ever he will loss Liam's love.

"Ok, Ok I won't be pushing my feelings with you. Please forgive me." Bea knows that three months won't be enough to make Lance fall for her again. She can see it clearly now. She will be needing all the time and possibility she can get to make sure that Lance will fall for her once more. Backing down for now is the best move. *All good things come to those who wait.* She told herself...

"I hope none of these will ever going to happen again." Lance storm out of the room.


"Aaahhh home sweet home, finally after being hospitalized for ten days I finally got a go signal from the Doctors to go home." Terrence wife is so happy to be finally home and Terrence could only shook his head from his wife's cuteness.

"Do you really want to stay here? I mean if you want we can have auntie to leave with us."

"No I want to stay here."

Terrence leaned down to plant a small kiss on Chester's temple who is now lying on their bed. "If you say so."

*Terrence couldn't really say no to him* he thought.

"Ow by the way. I think I'll be coming home late on Saturday night a friend of us will be hosting an event and me and the others have been invited." Terrence is currently taking out their things that were inside the bags.

"Do you want to come? Or if you want I can just stay here?" He looked at his wife who is still lying on their bed not moving an inch.

"To be honest I don't want you to come but they are your friends. Besides I don't want people looking down at you. Only a few knows that you are married and I don't want them to think less of you just cause I'm your wife." Terrence can feel the sadness on his wife's voice.

"I told you I already took care of the video. You don't need to worry about that."

"But still a lot of people saw that." Chester argue.

"I don't care what they think of me. What matters to me is I love you. Don't think less of your self for me you are more than what you believe your worth is." Terrence tried to comfort his wife that seem to succeed cause he saw his wife's radiant smile that he loves the most.

"Don't seduce me with your smile pretty I have been holding myself back." Terrence warns.

"What I'm not doing anything, much more seducing you." Chester said laughing. He knows that his Husband has been holding himself back so Chester reached to his Husband and pulled his arm which made the Alpha to fall on top of him.

"Pretty I told you stop seducing me." Chester didn't mind his husband and get up only to sit on the floor in front of his husband who is now sitting on the bed. Chester unbutton and unzip Terrence pants. "If I can't make love to you, I at least want to have a taste of this." Chester cupped his buldging member that is still cage from his boxer briefs.

"Ok then if you insist, I'm just a man who can't say no to such tempting offer." Terrence gave out a wicked smile. "Specially if the one who's offering it is as pretty as you."

Chester pulled Terrence pants and underwear for him to have full access of his Husband's proud glory.

Chester licked his lips before taking in his mouth the fully erect member of his husband. He slowly sucked it as he push and pull it inside his mouth gently and slightly licking the tip of Terrence member. He can already here his Husband's grunt and hissed as he starts to take his pace a little faster taking it deeper to his mouth, occasionally wrapping his mouth as he continues to make Terrence hardened rod appear and disappear using his mouth.

"NNNNGGGHH, Arrrgghhhh, That's hit kitten. That feels good, aaaaahh." Terrence keep on moaning as he continues to take Terrence using his mouth faster and faster he can also feels his inside throbbing and wet. Makes him want to feel his Husband inside of him.

Terrence grab his hair guiding him to make it faster which he gladly do so. He made sucked his Husband's tower harder and twirl his tongue around and licking the tip as he sucked on his husband. Soon Chester felt his Husband's hot rod throb inside of his mouth indicating that he is near. He kept on on doing it until he heard his husband's loud grunt and felt his Husband's legs spasm and taste his Husband's seed inside that keeps on filling his mouth. He quickly swallowed it before pulling out his Husband's member out of his mouth.

Terrence wipe the remains from the side of his mouth. "Why did you swallowed it? You could have spit it out." Terrence said looking at his wife.

"If I couldn't have it inside me maybe I could just ingest it inside me by swallowing it." Chester said innocently. Terrence sighed at his wife's cuteness.

Terrence stand up only to picked his wife and throw him gently on the bed. "I know you are wet down there but since we can't do something that will strain you so I'll just going to hug and kiss you." Terrence cuddled to his wife. "I'll make it up to you I promise for now let's just stay like this."

"Terry as much as I want to stay in this position like this with you but your thing is poking me. Please put on some pants." Chester's statement made the Alpha laugh and just hug him even tighter.


"Seb what time will the plane arrived?" Liam asked. Sebastian blows a loud breath. He was told by Lance to not tell Liam of his arrival for the later wants to surprise him but Liam keep on bugging Sebastian which in the end he did spilled anyways and now there they are waiting for Lance at the airport. The Omega even made a huge banner with words written. WELCOME HOM MY LOVE I MISS YOU SO MUCH!. He should just prepare himself from his young master's wrath.

"Seb, Seb I think that's him. I can see my husband he is over there. LOVE! LOOOOVVVEEEE! OVER HERE! HERE!" Liam is waving his hand while on his other hand is the banner which he made himself. Sebastian can only face palm out of embarrassment. They've been getting too much attention.

When Lance is finally near, Liam can't help but run leaving the banner to Sebastian. He immediately jump right to his Husband and kissed him passionately. "I think someone has been missing me that he actually went here himself to welcome me. Feisty are we?" Liam smile at what his Husband just said to him. "Just a little." Liam place a small peck on his lips not hinting that he wants to go down from his Husband's embrace. "Welcome home." Lance smile "Yeah I'm home."

Lance is still carrying Liam that's why he got Sebastian's attention to help him with his luggage. Never in Sebastian's wildest dreams that his master would actually put on a public display of affection but he's happy for the two nonetheless.


"Terrence my man, I thought you wouldn't be able to make it." Said the tall guy blond hair that is tied in top knot but didn't lessen his manly stance.

"Of course I'll be here. I Haven't seen you for more than a decade. The last time I've seen you was like when we were still a student if my memory serves me right."

"So how's life Derek? Will you be staying here for good?" Terrence asked.

"I don't know it depends. Dad wants me to handle our business here that's why I'm back. I was told that I already spend enough time for my passion so this time I need to take care of our business." Derek has a big love for photography that's why at an early age he went to study and live abroad and after graduating he traveled all around the globe to see the beauty that the world could offer which he can only preserve by capturing it's perfect moment using his camera.

"Let's take the topic off me, how about Lance? Where is that stubborn man?" Derek asked trying to change the subject of their conversation.

"I don't know. He's been really busy these past few days. But knowing him he wouldn't miss this for the world." Terrence assured. He looked at the crowed and see familiar woman.

"Hey what's with that look? It's like you have seen a ghost." Derek chuckled.

"Not a ghost but a witched." Terrence jaw clenched at the sight of Bea. Unlike the rest of the gang Derek has no slightest idea that Bea and Lance has been long time over but it is not his place to bring the news to his friend so he decided to just let it be. As long as Bea won't interfere with Lance and Liam then it is all good.

"Hey guys looked what I found?! The CEO of the Montero Empire!" Lee excitedly point his fingers at Lance.

"Welcome back Man." Lance and Derek did a man hug.

"Yeah thank you. Ow I just saw someone earlier that can make you happy." Derek tease.

"Not interested." Lance snorted.

"Anyways Mom as been asking me to have you guys be auctioned in tonight's event. If it's you guys she's sure that a lot will participate." Derek cheekily said.

The two married man immidiately turn the invitation down but the man is persistent and keeps on insisting.

"Come on guys it's for charity!" Lance blows a loud breath.

"So what's the catch?" Lance finally asked.

"Well you will be auctioned as I said and who will be the highest bidder will have you as their date for the rest of the night." Derek explained in one go.

"Profit from that will go to the charity right?" It was Terrence who asked.

"Yeah." Derek confirmed.

"I have to make a call." Terrence went out to call his wife to asked for a permission to join the auctioned. Seconds later Lance also excused himself to do the same. Both Omegas granted their Husbands the permission to join the bidding. It was for a cause and they trust their Husbands so they said yes.


The gentleman was asked to step forward to the stage. As soon as they were aligned in front, people standing behind them started tying a blindfold to them. "Now gentlemen don't be surprised we just want to spice things up. It will be much thrilling for you not to know who will be the lucky person who will get a chance to date you gorgeous gentlemen."

The bidding started by asking the men on the stage to step one by one. Each one who was asked to stepped on the center of the stage was given a screen name and fake identity and hobby descriptions. Lance can hear the people's voices battling on who can give the most reasonable price to have a chance in dating men like them for a night.

Lance was assisted to the center of stage indicating that it is now his turned. "Now looking in front of you is A.K.A Mr. Max. 6'3" in height. 6 packs abs, well toned biceps. Who wouldn't want to be embraced by that? He is also a black belter in Karate and knows Mix Martial arts Come on guys?" The host enthusiastically tried to describe him the best that he can. "So the price bidding starts at 10,000. So anyone for the 10,000? Oh for the girl over there 10,000." A girl shouted from a distance 15,000. Lance can only hear people bidding higher price just to have him as their date for a night. The bidding ended with a girl who bid for an 80,000.

After all the gentlemen have been auctioned, they were asked to go down the stage not taking off their blindfolds. There were people assisting them till their reach the table where they will be seated together with their date for the night.


Terrence was now given a permission to take off his Blindfold. In front of him is a girl with a brunette big waves hair that reach under her bosoms. She has a light tan complexion that complements her Black floral see through Lace Long Sleeves, low V neck front slit With Slip Side Ball Gown. "So how are you Mr. Tom? or is it really Tom?" The girl asked with a hint of flirtation in her voice.

"I think let's just go with Tom." Said Terrence wouldn't want to reveal his real name to the lady in front of him.

"If that's what you want to handsome." The woman said gently sliding her hand to Terrence arm.

"Yeah I get that a lot, but there's this one person who never calls me that rather he always calls me ugly." Terrence suddenly remembering how his wife sometimes addresses him when he is annoyed or really embarrassed.

"Really, I don't think that face of yours would do justice for the word ugly. But you see---" The woman leaned forward to him till her lips reached his ears. "I'm interested in taking this date else where so are you up for that." She whispered seductively, Slightly bitting her lips.

"Terrence laugh. "No can do I'm married." Terrence showed her his ring. The woman reach for his hand and look at the ring closely.

"I actually noticed it earlier but I can also do married man. You wouldn't have problems with me in the future if that's what you are worried about." The woman said trying to negotiate with him.

"I'm not worried about that what I'm worrying is my wife leaving me because I did something like that. The only thing I can offer you is this simple dinner date tonight till this event ends but anything more than that then it's a no." Terrence said confidently.

"I can't believe you."

"If I somehow won't be able to satisfy you with this date then I will gladly pay you all the money you spent for this date." Terrence doesn't want to drag the conversation further he knows what the woman wants. If he was not married and in love with his wife he would have agreed to the gorgeous woman in front of him but he wouldn't risk his marriage just for a temporary pleasure.


Lance was a little surprised to see Bea as his date. He didn't know that the woman in front of him will join the bidding.

"Hey don't be too upset just because I am your date tonight. I didn't do it to cause trouble for you. I just want us to be friends again. To go back how we were. I know it is already 12 years too late for our relationship but not for our friendship." Bea hold Lance hands with both of her hands.

"Lance and Bea look really good together don't they?" Derek Mom complimented the two childhood sweethearts. "Yeah, their relationship is growing strong each passing years." Derek seconded.

"What?! So Beatrice Salvacion has a boyfriend all along?" One of Derek's mother friends asked in surprised. "So who is the new man? She just recently divorced her husband."

The mother and son were surprised by the news that Bea just had her divorced. There were a lot of questions filling their minds. Never did they thought that their little slip of a tongue will cause a lot of trouble for the married couple.


Author's Note:

Another one update please enjoy reading.
