
Chapter 3: It All Started With A Clan




Summary: Garrick Ollivander tells them in order to complete their Core Meld project, they must get the components themselves. Time to join a Hunter Guild!

It was seven in the morning. The weather was dreary today with a bit of rain. Jon and Harry dashed off the Knight bus unto Charing Cross outside the Leaky Cauldron, both not wanting to get their beaten old knapsacks wet. They each had their runic gloves set, aprons, masks and books in it, but the broken zipper and numerous holes in the backpacks discouraged them from even risking getting it wet. Ghost poked his head out of Jon's unzipped bag, panting happily at the drizzle falling on his face. They wanted to reach Diagon early and head into Obscurus' bookstore as soon as they opened so they could browse Curse breaking manuals.

Jon was in a grumpy mood after reading the paper. Harry explained to him how The Prophet affected the relatively quiet life and culture of Wizarding Britain. They took shelter under the canopy hanging over the pavement as the bus warped back into traffic.

"Is this Tom fellow really trustworthy? Or was Mistress Tonks easily tricked out of her coin?" Jon asked, rubbing his hair of any excess drops of rain. He wasn't sure that the man really could control the spread of information.

"I really don't know. But until we get another way in, this is it. Keep your face down, and just follow me," said Harry. "Our robes make us seem older, might be a good thing to avoid too much curious eyes. Hood up." Harry drew his hood up as far forward as it could go, and walked in with Jon in tow.

There were a few wizards and witches having a morning tea with scones. The two boys walked through with only one or two curious glances their way. Harry made sure not to wear his glasses to avoid recognition. Jon walked with purpose, Harry noted, and that made him stand out. They both exited out the back without any words between them and through the wall into Diagon Alley proper.

"Per chance there be lodgings here?" Jon asked as they made their way to the book store.

"Leaky cauldron has rooms. I stayed there before." Harry made a rolling motion with his fingers, and Jon caught on that he meant in the past. "It was ministry affiliated with Fudge though, the moment you try to room there everyone will know. Ollivander could help you out. "

"I know he can. Weapons smiths are usually popular with both sides of the law. Powerful men with proprietary knowledge of a valuable commodity, do not underestimate them. I prefer to find my own way, if I can. Master Ollivander seems trustworthy, but I have been fooled easily before."

Harry nodded, but Jon's nature was rubbing off on him. Mr. Ollivander seemed so harmless before when he first met him, even if he was a bit creepy. He was naive then. The old man probably put on airs, depending on who he was dealing with. He didn't even blink when he deduced that Harry was older than he appeared. Parents, children, Hit Wizard or Time Travelers made no difference, he was in his element when it came to clients. The only person he was perplexed by was Jon, and for good reason. A person from a different era, or a different reality was something Harry was sure the wand maker never came across.

Did the sage know, or suspect Jon not being who he said he was? He mentioned that he would have to design a wand for Jon before he proved his theory on the phoenix wand. Tonks' reaction to them being apprentices also was in line with the fact that either he believed Jon was his grandson, or that the both of them were too interesting or suspicious for him to not have under his watchful eye.

They walked into Obscurus' and bade Mr. Ridgewell a 'Good morning' who returned it with a smile.

"Just here for quick research this morning," Harry said pointing at the library area shelves.

"Right you are, take your time. Good to see young men taking on their studies seriously over the holidays!" Mr. Ridgewell commended while he sipped his tea. Harry looked around, tip toeing to see behind the high sales counter. "Katie comes in a little before eight, if that is who you are looking for."

"Ok," Harry said, and both boys walked to the shelves. "Thanks."

"Enchanting permanent resistance into clothes or items, correct?" Jon asked as he perused the titles.

"Yeah. Also ... any kind of books related to craft, or curse breaking rituals for wizards. That should also have information we need."

The both of them sourced a few texts and were making little notes and references for renowned Curse breakers and their relevant biographies and written material when the doorbell chimed after half an hour. A tall blonde wizard walked in. Harry went still and gave Jon a look. Harry indicated his ears and pointed to the front counter. He waved a quick notice me not charm with his borrowed wand. The air in front of him felt hot, then cold, then there was a slight shock.

Jon gave him an irritated look. Harry shrugged. Both of them pulled their high quality hoods over their foreheads and looked down directly into their books, carefully listening in.

"Edgar," Malfoy greeted. "How are things?"

"Good, quite good Mr. Mafloy!" Mr. Ridgewell responded eagerly.

"Did you get the shipment I donated?" he asked smoothly.

"Yes, I believe it did come in a package yesterday afternoon. I'll have Katie look into it as soon as she comes in, Mr. Malfoy. It was quite generous of you, if I say so myself. Mrs. Obscurus' will be delighted with the addition of that line of product. She sends her thanks and will owl you her regards soon."

"It is my pleasure, Edgar," came a cordial reply. There was a few moments of silence.

"You needed something else? May I offer you some tea?"

"Thank you but I must politely decline. I was hoping for a look at the contents of the shipment, but young Ms Bell has not arrived?"

Harry heard the slight tone of impatience creep into Lucius Malfoy's cultured smooth accent. Draco's was similar, except it was much easier to detect.

"I... believe she would be in just before eight," came the reply. "Maybe if you return after eight she would have the packing list organized and the books in the staging area prepped. Would that be acceptable?"'

"I was hoping to catch her earlier than that, but alas it cannot be helped," Mr. Malfoy said. "I will return, but might she postpone that task for... early tomorrow morning... could that be arranged? I wish to be here when the package is opened. I hope you would advise her to pop in a bit earlier, hmm?" came the smooth, deep voice.

"Of course! that is definitely not a problem Mr. Malfoy. I'll see to it that she comes in a bit earlier."

"Excellent," Malfoy said. "Thank you Edgar, and I will await word from Mrs. Obscurus. Please send my regards if you happen upon her before then. Have a good day."

"Will do, and thank you once again, Mr. Malfoy." There was the sound of footsteps and then the door chime tinkling as Malfoy left.

Harry and Jon looked at each other before Harry indicated that they should pack and leave. They cleared the table they were using, and then searched the main area for books and journals that they decided will help with their plan.

"I'll have to get this by proxy," Harry whispered, once they spotted it available. "Don't want to let Edgar get any ideas." They left the store without picking them up and up Diagon Alley way towards Ollivanders. "What does he want with that package anyway? Didn't he donate it in the first place?" Harry said aloud.

"It is a front. It is young miss Katie Bell he is focused on, more than the package," Jon said softly.

"What?" Harry said. "Why?"

"From what you told me about those cursed items, it seems that Mr. Malfoy wants to activate it as soon as possible." Jon rubbed his arms, uncomfortable. "But to activate this one, you said it needed a strong emotional connection. You said the girl wrote into the diary and divulged her deepest secrets?"

"You think he is trying to give it to Katie?" Harry said, confused. "Katie isn't Ginny. Why would she need a diary ? She seems popular and isn't really the emotional type." Jon shrugged.

"You told me the wizard slipped it into Ginny's possession right before school started. I would have done it sooner, if I had the chance. The opportunity presents itself every day at that bookstore- Ginny was a spur of the moment decision from what you have told me. "

"You have a point. Still can't see Katie writing into a diary like a first year student," Harry frowned. The more he thought he knew, the more he realized that there was a lot he didn't know. If what Jon suggested was true, why target Katie? Harry pondered this as they walked.

They arrived at Ollivanders. Mr. Ollivander was wiping down the glass display at his storefront with a clean cloth.

"Good morning, sir," Harry greeted. Jon did likewise.

"Ah, yes. Good morning lads. I have a list done up inside with supplies..." he paused. "I see you got your robes already, very good. And apron?" They nodded. "Gloves, mask?" Again they nodded.

"Very good! Come, on mornings you will enter this way," he picked up his bucket of water and his cleaning cloths. "Hold this for me. Oh this would be a duty you would alternate between yourselves every morning." Harry took the cleaning stuff, nodded and the two boys followed him around the side of the building.

Mr. Ollivander opened the work area door at the side of the building, closer to the back of the property. He lighted a lamp with a tinder box set aside on a shelf right next to the door. Next to it he had strips of matchstick wood in a small box. He ignited one and lighted multiple other oil lamps with the matchstick. The workshop was fairly large, with complex wooden and metal contraptions looking like magical jigsaw tables, sewing machines, presses and what appeared to be a spindle in the corner. The opposite wall had shelves with hanging racks of files, pairing knives and sharp tools, all organized by size and tooth grade. Towards the rear of the building there was a large service counter with a shop window cut out of the wall. Next to the service counter was another door which lead into the visible store room holding shelves and crates of raw material. On the opposite side, leading to the storefront, was another open door. This led to an office, with desks, shelves of books and metal storage filing cabinets.

"Okay, rule number one, it is not the most important, but it is important. Avoid use of your wands or magic as a general overarching rule. It is used at certain points in the craft, but not for other tasks. Cleaning, moving, lifting, tasks that can be done by hand must be done by hand. This place is the equivalent of a magical gun-powder or ordinance factory. While the muggles have flammable and explosive stockpiles of dangerous material, we have sensitive and costly magical material. Ignition, summoning, and transfiguration magic upset the delicate balance of raw material and also of the finished new wands. Also, it has happened only once in our family's history, but a cataclysmic magical chain can occur, igniting the entire building. We do not wish this to occur ever again. Only in emergency should we cast spells within these walls."

"I was wondering why you were cleaning by hand, Mr. Ollivander," Harry nodded.

"Oh that," Mr. Ollivander said. "It is just a habit of mine. On a whole... cleaning charms do not work as well as soap and water. Even in the healing profession bandaging and cleaning wounds by hand is best practice. Did you know that the house elves clean linen and robes by hand, in soap and water? Their magic can do it, but it is engraved in them to give the best result possible, and hand washed is better. Magic leaves a residue on all it touches, and the more magic something is susceptible too, the more tainted it becomes. Which leads me to rule number two. Magical gloves of at least level 3 are to be used whenever handling wand material. Let's see what you got there, I have a feeling you may have gotten the wrong thing, lads."

Harry and Jon took out their gloves. Mr. Ollivander inspected them and nodded. "Excellent choice. I had a feeling that was the reason you were that far inside Knockturn. Well, your basic list is done, now just your bracer list items to collect. We'll get to that. For this first week, I will ask you to read certain books and get familiar with the equipment and stock we have. Speaking of stock, let's get started! We'll do a stock check! Very exciting," the old man laughed as he got clipboard, parchment and quill. Jon chuckled softly alongside him. He knew how tedious stock taking was.

Mr. Ollivander gave them each duplicates of the stock list and kept one for himself and ushered them to the store room. "The main large crates of wood are what we call 'raws' in the business. Straight from the various floral suppliers and guilds. The smaller boxes contain some basic handle and stem designs that are quite popular . Shelves have a simple alpha-numeric system and each box, bin or crate stays where they are, remember that. They are assigned to that shelf so we are never confused where items go. The cores, finishes, varnishes, service parts etc are kept in the smaller boxes across here. Some cores, however must be kept moist in their native ..um state, so those are kept in there-" he pointed to a sealed glass cabinet filled with cauldrons of various sizes and shapes. "All requisitions must be entered here," he pointed to the huge log book complete with ink bottle and quill on the service counter dividing the workroom to the store room.

"Rule number three, and probably the most important rule - the wand is different in all of nature that it is probably the only non-living entity that has, I can only describe it as... a personality. There is no real term for it. Wand makers all over the word have tried to quantify it, but it is impossible. There may be a connection to the stars, to the date of birth, height or zodiac sign, or there may be not. It may choose a wizard while reject another. We call it magic. What is definite, is that a master smith has a reputation which is quantifiable. My family may be regarded as the 'best' to some, but our main business is what you may call 'mass produced wands with personalized customization'. Our forefathers," he looked at Jon, "were comparable to what the eastern nations called a master sword smith.

He paused for effect.

"They did not work for the nobles or governments to make mass produced swords for soldiers, they made one of a kind weapons to special individuals, and only one at a time until that weapon was completed. A true work of art."

Harry and Jon nodded solemnly. Ollivander laughed.

"You two are way too serious," he laughed. "Well, that time has long gone. We make wands for profit mostly, but that doesn't mean we make substandard wands mind you! You should have seen yourselves, visions of grandeur etched into those young faces."

"But your wands are the best!" Harry reinforced. Mr. Ollivander smiled, but shook his head slightly.

"Our 'best' wands were commissioned to my family via one on one basis, and is built to exacting specifics. Minerva's wand took me almost three months to build. Her father was a very well respected man in the scholarly circles, he wrote many journals ,learned and documented spells from all over the world. I was young then, and on the 'rise' in terms of skill. He offered me a challenge, as a friend, and an honor it was to me, to be given this opportunity. Hers is made from very rare materials. That was my last masterpiece. The trick with this, is that the factors which make a wand truly great, also rely on the owner's magical acceptance and bringing forth the best of its capability."

"There are... people... out there with tremendous skill. They craft weapons that even I cannot compare. I call them the eternal six. Of the six, I know of such a wand, that it can only be attained through mortal combat. The wizard or wizards who created these weapons, thrive on the legend their work inspires, more than the craft."

"Do you know who they are?" Jon asked.

"Ah- ah!" Ollivander said shaking his finger. "Those are trade secrets bound by Masters' oath."

Mr. Ollivander clasped his hands behind his back. "But anyway, for now I will show you around, get this stock list done, and over the course of this week I shall demonstrate the use of the equipment, theory, techniques and we would practice on a simple wand and core combination. After lunch today I will give you your supplies list for the bracers . Tomorrow we move on from there. Also I will help you plan the steps to determine how your own wands will be made. Agreed?"

"Agreed," said Harry.

"Yes, Master Ollivander," Jon said formally. Mr. Ollivander looked amused at Jon's style of speaking.

"Let's begin then... row A1, Birch 21 pieces by one foot..."

"The Curse Breakers guild. Apothecary's guild. Hunter's Almanac and Trade guild. Arithmancer's Guild. Let's hope we could afford them..." Harry said as they were walking down Diagon alley after they had lunch. "We might have to wait until next month to get all the stuff he told us to get."

Jon walked alongside him, nodding. "I believe not all require high entry fees for membership. But we shall see."

"You seem to know about how things work here," Harry inquired. "This is all news to me."

"I know nothing, Harry of House Hollow." Jon watched Harry, a crooked smile on his face.

"There was a joke there somewhere, right?" Harry countered, eyes narrowing.

"Forget it," Jon said. Jon did remember that Harry did say his jokes needed work. "This place reminds me of my world, in a sense. Except there are no street fights or soldiers on patrol. But the basic rules apply. Some of those guilds can actually be profitable to us."

"How?" Harry asked, perplexed.

"We become members, and we are paid based on required jobs."

"Oh, okay."

"Others may be qualification based to acquire restricted knowledge. That arithmancer one sounds like it could be one of those. Examinations and the like."

"We'll invite Tonks when we have to go down Knockturn by CBG again, Jon. That Hunter guild is even further down so we could do both that day. A qualified witch would be a big help, just in case; y'know ...'Winter is Coming'," Harry said.

Jon gave him a disgusted look and shook his head as Harry laughed.

"Anyway, this is the Apothecary's guild. Let's check it out."

"Hello?" Harry ventured as he walked through the door. The place was a narrow room almost stuck unto the side of the Apothecary main store. Both walls on either side of the room were covered in numerous notices and ingredient lists with stamped dates on it, some dates in the past and some yet to arrive. Harry was getting accustomed to the people being somewhere in the back instead of at the counter and took his time looking around the place, and at the back wall where extremely tall shelves held jars and bottles of various shapes and colours.

"The main store is next door, luv!" a lady shouted from the back room. "You sure you're in the right place?"

"Yes, I think we are in the right place," Harry called back .

"One moment!" she replied. Harry spied her putting away a bowl of food and hastily wiping her mouth on a well used cloth. A woman in her thirties with shocking red hair came out, plump and chubby face to go along with her stocky build. "Hiya lads, what can we do for ya?"

"We wish to go ranging for these items. I believe we need a guild membership license?" Jon said, handing over his parchment list.

"We have some of these available next door, luv," She said, frowning. She mouthed silently some of the items on the list. "You gentlemen are brokers or something?"

"I got this," Jon stage whispered to Harry. Harry nodded.

"We want the freshest samples of these ingredients, preferably direct from the ranging missions themselves. Three of those items are class B regulated imports. We wish to apply to your guild membership to legally be in possession and import said items."

"I have a hunter team booked on a mission that includes these three," She said, her finger pointing at the parchment list and then opening her massive log book. "Our AG has to meet them at the port when they retrieve it by next Thursday. "

"AG?" Harry asked.

"Apothecary's Guildsman," she replied, watching him a moment before going back to her logs.

"That means you must contact your Hunters by Monday, if you want to meet our team in Calais, well, before they leave camp on Tuesday morning. That's the soonest you can get your Wild Bog Boar urine, and Elfen Bat wing. Those are easy. The Diablo's claws... well. Hope you got your hunter team prepared for that."

"Yes they are. That would be fine, Milady," Jon nodded. "What is required of us?"

"Fill out this form and forty galleons," she took out a roll of parchment. "That fee is nominal for your level of import license, lasts three years." Both Harry and Jon took their time and filled out the forms. "This paperwork is sufficient for the I.C.O.P. wizard at Dover's Apothecary. His name is Rook Littleborough. "

"I.C.O.P?" Harry asked.

"International Co-operation Port Authority," she replied, eyebrows coming together.

"Roger," Harry replied with a nod. Basically a wizard's customs officer, he deduced.

"He is above board and does things legitimate, please do not, and I repeat, do not try to bribe or slide things through. Your official import/export license will be processed within six months. But don't worry about the British Ministry, this is a legal document and you can go about your business for now. You would only be able to export goods into France when you get your official license, so please do not cause any International incident by carrying restricted goods there."

She took out a huge stamp with a PAID print and slammed it down on their contracts. The woman looked at Jon's face out of curiosity, then back at the table where she rest her bowl of food. The front page of the prophet was clearly visible. She turned around in shock, then smiled a brilliant smile. It totally changed her face."You ready to sign the roster?"

"Yup," Harry said, already having his paper cut spell at the ready. Both young men signed with the enchanted Quill provided.

"Good work yesterday, Black. That Sticky Six was a pain, always got off... slap on the wrist because he never had the stolen goods on him, even though everyone sort of knew he did it. Out in a year or so tops. This time he got put away in Azkaban for a Tenner. Here you are," she gave them their scrolls of Guild Association parchment. "Right. Remember, let your hunter team get in contact with ours to meet at base camp before Tuesday morning in order for you to bring back in your goods at Dover Port."

"Thank you," Harry said.

"Oh, and Lord Black," she added. "Try to keep your hunter team away from the French Port pub, will ya? Some of them are fiery lads and don't like each other much. Keep it clean down there before they get all rowdy."

"Your advice is noted and well received," Jon bowed slightly. "Thank you."

"Well alright then luv! Prosperity and Safe travels upon you," she added as a farewell.

"Profit and Honor to you, Milady." Jon replied. Harry sort of mimicked the bow awkwardly, and both of them left the guild.

"What was that Profit and Prosperity bit about now?" Harry asked, falling in stride next to Jon.

"Prosperity and Safe travels was a blessing set upon Traveling merchants," Jon said. "Profit and Honor is a blessing set upon Store Merchants. A person can be both, but it is usually used in the appropriate setting when conducting mutually profitable business."

Harry looked at Jon with a sense of awe. "Well alright then. You got this whole trade and guild thing down," Harry nodded.

"I know a few things," Jon smirked. "Now we are to become Arithmancy Guildsmen. Hopefully there are no difficult pre-requirements." They walked towards Flourish and Blotts bookstore.

"Good afternoon," Harry said to the young male clerk sitting at a booth to the back called AMG. His feet were perched on top the counter, leaning back while reading Potions Quarterly. He had a horrible slick hairstyle with glasses that were too small for his face."We would like to join the Arithmancy guild, please."

"Ravenclaw's holy knickers," the store clerk said, watching the two boys in annoyance."What is it this week? A bushy haired first year girl joins a couple days ago and now two more? At least you two dress fitting for the title." He sighed as he took out a clipboard with parchment. "Names, please."

"Harry Potter."

"Jon Black."

"Right," The store clerk said, looking at them again. He squinted through his glasses. He cleared his throat when he realized it really was them. "Ahem. The Prophet had you taller, though."

Jon just looked at the youth, then shrugged.

"Here, read these," the clerk said, handing them scrolls.

The two boys read the agreement. Harry deduced it was more a Knowledge club than a guild, but then lower down read that certain formulae or experiments could be commissioned for a nominal fee within the Guild. If you were hired to create a formula for a spell or ritual, or even a potion idea tested and created; this was the Guild to do it and be paid. This was also the only way to lay claim to a new potion, spell, or equipment that you have created. Harry now understood why Mr. Ollivander wanted them to join. Their designs would be new to this era, and the Guild has international ties that restrict a copyrighted creation from being used without permission or royalties.

"You ready to sign?" the clerk asked when they were through.

"The membership cost says only five galleons a year," Jon said.

"Yes. That is for just being able to get updates on meetings and read the subscribed scholarly papers if you wish to purchase them through owl delivery. But any intellectual property and magic you create you will need to pay the Senior members in the guild to peer review your work, and make you the official Architect. All works you produce will accumulate royalty based on how useful, remarkable, or groundbreaking it is. This membership is also necessary to get your product out to public market, and legal according to law. But what do they know, anyway? People create good stuff all the time. Potter, you of all people should know this. Your family created Sleek-Eazy, Pepper Up and Skelegro. Come on," the clerk said in a haughty voice.

"You and Percy hang out a lot, don't ya?" Harry remarked. Harry didn't even know about the Potter legacy to begin with. Something to think about.

The clerk scrunched up his face in annoyance. "Please don't. He's a prat who should never have even come close to earning a badge."

Harry grinned . He knew that would have ticked off this guy. Most Ravenclaws hated Percy. Was it because of Penelope? Harry decided that he didn't really care either way. He did the paper cut spell on his thumb and Jon did the knife cut again.

"Very well," Jon said as he signed with the enchanted quill. Harry did likewise afterwards.

"You can come back later for your finalized documents and account number to link to any Gringotts details. Like, tomorrow later," the clerk said, and went back to reading Potions Quarterly.

As they walked down the road back towards Ollivanders, Harry stopped Jon and pulled him out of sight between two buildings. Snape was walking towards Obscurus'.

"Malfoy senior and Snape visiting there on the same day. This can't be good."

"Who?" Jon asked, eyeing the talk dark haired man with billowing black robes.

"'Reformed' Dark wizard, former Voldemort servant, who get this... now works for the school Headmaster as a double, or is it a triple agent? Let's say... well yeah.. a double agent. Works both sides. And his own. Whatever."

"A turncoat," Jon spat, disgusted.

"If you keep turning the coat inside out every other week, does it make you a bigger, more scum groveling turncoat or simply ...a platinum sellout?" muttered Harry, touching his lip in contemplation.

"What?" Jon said, bewildered.

"Forget it. Let me see if I can cast silencio with your wand," Harry said, holding out his hand. "Need to silence the door chime so we could sneak in and hear what he wants." Jon handed Harry his wand.

"Silencio!" Harry pointed at a mewing cat by the rubbish bin. The entire alleyway was engulfed in a rush of deafening silence and the cat jumped two feet in the air, crashing into old boxes of trash without making a sound. It fell over, its legs pointing in the air, the legs kicking erratically. Jon bent over double with the absolute shock of his own heartbeat slamming within his ears. The silence spell was so strong the entire area become a vacuum what Harry imagined the silence of space to be. Harry quickly waved the counter spell before the tremendous shock of his magnified heartbeat burst his inner canal.

Both boys were sweating, gasping at the pain their jaws and ears were feeling. The poor cat feebly rolled over, unable to get its balance and retain its footing.

"Well, that didn't work so well," he said, giving Jon back his wand. "That's a freaking cannon!"

"Let's not give ourselves away by doing rash tasks," Jon said as he made his way back to the workshop. "We need to get that Hunter's license today, if possible. The quicker we get it, the quicker we can arrange to tag along with the AG team. Would Mistress Tonks be able to come with us on short notice?"

"'No time like the present', is what she told me if I recall," Harry grinned. "Let us go to the owl shop. They got owls that would send a quick message."

Tonks happened to be finishing her lunch at the table when the Owl perch chime 'hooted' through the house. She saw a spotted owl sitting patiently at the window. She flicked her wand to open it and the Eyelops Owl's emporium messenger came zooming unto the back of the chair closest to her, leg outstretched. She took it and read it. The owl hooted once for a reply. She summoned a quill from the writing desk in the study opposite and replied on the reverse side.

Give me fifteen minutes.

"He was here again, this morning," Edgar said. Snape nodded, but did not ask more at the counter.

"Is there somewhere we can talk?" Snape said in his droll tone. Edgar motioned for him to follow.

"This is the fourth time for the month he's come," Edgar said uneasily. He rubbed his arm unconsciously. "I was a nobody, a nothing! The ministry never suspected... why is he coming around so often now? Does he know? What do I do?" Edgar said in a low voice.

"I... do not know why he has been here so often. Sticky was caught yesterday, and Dumbledore told me his inside man at MLE got out from him that his main target was Malfoy, but Malfoy seemed to be in a wary and in a very foul mood. That's why he went for Potter instead-"

"Potter, as in Harry Potter?" Edgar said. "He was in Knockturn yesterday?"

Snape pinched the inner corners of his eyes.

"Edgar, you are an idiot," Snape said. "Did you not read the papers?"

"Katie did call a boy Harry yesterday..." Edgar said, remembering their conversation. "I had no clue that was Potter, he seemed a tad older than what I thought him to be."

"He was also here in the bookstore?" Snape said.

"Yeah he came to get two books," Edgar nodded. "Katie would remember if I asked her."

"No, don't bother," Snape said. "Potter buying a book is of no major consequence. I rather you play along with whatever Malfoy is doing without alerting young miss Bell of anything amiss. Keep your ears open tomorrow when he visits, and simply try to remember any details of what he does. That is all I require of you."

"Alright. He tried to play it off, but it seems he was a bit desperate," he replied.

"Desperate to see his own donation on the front shelves?" Snape scoffed. "I believe he wishes to have legitimate reason to be in your stock room at a time when no one else is likely to see him. But I am purely speculating. Do not follow him in when he comes tomorrow; stay where you usually are at the counter, unless invited of course. Simply eavesdrop or plant a spying crystal ball somewhere out of sight. If he by chance detects it, tell him it was placed there a while ago because of past instances of theft from the temporary staff. Is that clear?"

"Understood," Edgar nodded, rubbing his forearm again. "He gives me the creeps," the older gentleman said.

"You should be careful," Snape agreed. "But do not be afraid or nervous. Use a calming draught if necessary tomorrow morning." Snape turned on his heel and made his way back out of the store.

Edgar sat down, rubbing his hands together in the private office chair. He flicked his wand and sent a reheating charm at the tea pot on the nearby kitchenette counter.

Tonks made her way to Ollivanders that afternoon with a spring to her step as she walked up Diagon Alley. She had no clue what those guys wanted but they were up to something again, she knew it.

She knocked and entered the Wand store and Mr. Ollivander came from the office room to the front counter. "Ah, Miss Tonks, welcome. What can I do for you?"

"Oh, just popping in. Your lads asked me to meet them here, if that's all right with you Mr. Ollivander," she responded cheerfully.

"Not a problem, one moment if you please," he said and disappeared back through the door. Within a minute both Harry and Jon came out the front. Tonks had a twisted smile on her face.

"Well. You boys look the part," she said in a mock apology. Harry took off his gloves and apron, smiling as he stashed them in his backpack.

"Sir, we still have to check the last two places," Jon said.

"Will she be with you?" the old man asked.

"Yeah," Harry added.

"I will?" Tonks countered.

"We do hope she will escort us," Jon said formally. "If it pleases Milady," he added with a slight bow.

"I told you cut it with the bowing and milady stuff," Tonks said. "And where are we going ? I hope not to Kno-"

"Oh its' just back to CBG and H.A.T," Harry cut her off. "She'll be fine, I mean we'll be fine with our manacle throwing heroine to protect us," he teased, nudging Jon. Tonks rolled her eyes.

"HAT?" Tonks said, perplexed.

"Hunter's and Trade guild," Harry explained.

"Oohhh, you mean the HG," Tonks corrected. "At least get your abbreviations right," she threw back at him. "This better be good."

"Tomorrow same time, lads," Ollivander reminded in a cheerful voice. "Make sure and read up tonight."

"Will do," Harry said, zipping up his bag. Jon nodded in agreement and both of them followed Tonks out into the mid afternoon sunshine. Ghost joined the crew as soon as he spotted them from his cool resting spot by the side door of the property.

"You guys are crazy. You are going back to where they almost stole a half a grand of gold from you. Nuts."

"Nah we're alright. We didn't walk with all that coin today anyway," Harry said.

"I will be more vigilant as well," Jon said. "These robes also are better spell resistant so whatever spell they used would be less effective at distance," he added, brushing off some wood dust.

"I don't know. They don't call him Sticky six for nothing. Look how far he got you with that pickpocket spell. I think those guys come up with a different one every time," Tonks said.

"A woman told me that he was sentenced to ten in Azkaban, was it?" Jon queried Harry for clarification.

"Considering that was only yesterday that was- " Harry began.

"The fastest I've ever seen a petty thief get a court hearing and sentenced, right?" agreed Tonks. "I wonder if it was because it was the Mighty Lord of The Black and The Immortal 'Harry The Boy Who Lived Potter' were the intended victims of such dastardly crimes, hmm?" she joked.

Both Harry and Jon laughed nervously.

"Oh come on," she huffed. "That wasn't so bad," she argued good naturedly. That earned her a few more heartfelt but equally fake attempts at laughter. "Whatever. So, what are we doing in Knockturn today? Ghost you ready for some action?" she asked the little wolf. He yipped in confirmation. "Good lad."

"How good are your combat skills, Mistress Tonks?" Jon asked in a light, airy manner.

"My what? And what did you just call me?" she asked, stumped at the question.

"Can you fight?" he said simply. Harry was watching her trying not to burst out laughing. Jon didn't play!

"I can, erm... hold my own, thank you very much!" Tonks said, watching him as if he grew another nose.

"Would you wish to join us as we create a Hunter's Clan as a founding member? We are on our way to register."

"You can't be serious."

Jon raised an eyebrow at her, a slight smile on his face. "I think it would be quite, exhilarating, don't you, Harry?" Jon turned to face her. "I'm as serious as I can be or my last name isn't Black," Jon challenged.

"Oh now I know you're kidding me. Serious and Black in one sentence is something only a Black would laugh at, or have the guts to laugh at. You're only Lord Black because he has lost familial rights until he is out of prison, you know," Tonks retorted to his challenge.

Harry's face went blank.

Oh crap I forgot that he doesn't know!

"Tonks, Jon doesn't know about Sirius," Harry said contritely. "He's still getting accustomed..." he tried to explain to her.

"What do you mean 'He doesn't know about Sirius'? His own uncle?" she was getting mad.

"He found me after the place he was staying at, the caretaker died suddenly," Harry made up on the spot. "She was like a mum to him. Kind of why I wanted to bring him yesterday to help him...sort himself out," he added in a soft tone, lying his guts out for all it was worth.

Tonks was instantly chastened. "Oh." She stammered. "Oh, well. I... didn't know either, Jon. Sorry."

"Let us cut the chatter along this stretch, shall we?" Jon said, never breaking stride. His voice was all Lord Commander again, Harry noted. "We are going to register, I do hope you are willing to accompany us."

Tonks remained quiet and just led the way, internalizing it while she kept alert to the people's movements about her. These lads had guts.

"Its right here," she said after a few more minutes of walking. They entered into a barely occupied pub that was dark and dimly lit with torches on the walls. There was a large notice board almost covering the entire wall on the opposite side. To the right was bar counter and more notices on smaller boards behind the bottles on shelves.

A loud wolf whistle went up when Tonks strode forward towards the bartender who was replenishing his stock. A group of wizards sitting at a table in the back were whistling and shooting her appreciative looks. Jon glanced their direction, then dismissed them as nothing.

"Sign us up," she said, getting straight to the point.

"One of you got to be of age," he said, crouching low to reach in a cupboard. "I'm guessing that would be you," he answered her, wiping a bottle free from dust and placing it on the shelf behind. He did this a couple more times with a box he had by his feet before getting up and looking at them all. "This is interesting. Aren't you the Lord Black. Well fuck me."

Jon inclined his head a notch. "Yes. Do you require proof?"

"No. This is not the normal line of work for high bloods like yourself. You really want to get into this? Or is this just a teenage phase," he smirked. He looked hard at Tonks. "My. Well. If the rest of you looks as nice as your face," he leered. "I might be able to help you out," he smiled, fixing his robes a bit to look more presentable.

"Just give us the details and sign us up," Tonks said, her hand close to drawing her wand. "You have no status," she spat. "I don't know why you barmen feel that all women like your type anyway..." she said clearly.

One of the wizards who were cat-calling her laughed.

The barman's eyes narrowed. "One moment," he said, and went to the back. He returned with a scroll. "Here," he handed it to her, but when she went to take it he jerked it away and set it before Jon. "Let the Lord Black take a look at this," he said to her as he kept his hand on the parchment, eyeing her in direct challenge. Harry was getting mad. Tonks wasn't backing down from the stare either.

"It's cool, T. A round of the 12 year scotch," Harry intervened, handing over the required amount. The barman held the stare with her for a few moments longer, smiled broadly, then took the money and began pouring drinks. Jon was reading through the parchment, a frown on his face.

"I knew something like this would be an issue," Jon spat.

"What is it?" Harry and Tonks said at the same time, reading over his shoulder.

"A Clan can only be formed by a witch or wizard of age," he explained, pointing at the text. "But they can take on no more than four underage apprentices at any given year. Apprentices must pay twenty galleons per year until they are of age. All earnings from sales must be accounted for and ten percent commission must be accredited to the guild representative body for the first year in existence. "

"Lord Black is right, sweetums," the barman said as he put three glasses in front of them. "Its forty for the Clan Witch. Twenty for each apprentice. Ready to sign up, chica?" he grinned, holding an enchanted quill in front her face .

Tonks drank her shot in one gulp, took out her wand and cut her thumb with the paper cut spell. She took the quill and signed her name, then the others followed suit and galleons were given.

"Oh. You need an official name to allocate to your account, for you know, money purposes," the barman grinned, pointing at the top of the parchment. "How are you going to get paid with no name sweetums?" he smooched at her.

"Give him a name, Lord Black," Tonks said, still not breaking eye contact. Jon thought a moment, his memory focusing on the crest of his Black name on the Gringotts scrolls. On top of the parchment he wrote The Crows' Vambrace.

The Barman took the scroll, frowned, then watched the young boy who didn't even flinch under his gaze.

"The Crows' Vambrace huh?" he nodded. "That'll do." He waved his wand and tapped the parchment and then pointed at the huge notice-board on the wall. "Remember, if you do not accept a mission once a year, your Clan is disbanded. All new clansmen must sign on this record, for clarity of association, and of course, if there is any issue with pay. And you can join another clan at the same time only if at least one of the your founding members is present when signing unto the new clan. "

Harry nodded. "Keeps people from being a turncoat, right?"

"Right. I am going to get your Hunters' guild licenses." He turned and left into the back room. He returned with three leather pendants on leather strings. He put them on the table and pointed to the main notice board. "You got regular bounties there, you get special requests here," he pointed behind himself. "Any job you do and you wish to keep it quiet outside of the known hunter guilds, that's up to you. Nothing that you do outside we can mediate or verify your claim to upgrade your rank level, or if things go bad within your clan. I advise you to do the work clean until you get a more, well, solid reputation. We pride ourselves on keeping internal clans from each other's throats, but if you do fuck up enough times, we simply look the other way if we're really fed up of you. Happy hunting, Lord Black of the Crows' Vambrace. You too, sweetums. And who the fuck are you, anyway?" he asked Harry.

"Just a friend of these two," he answered with a grin. "Nobody, really."

"Very well, Friend who must not be named," the barman said. "My name is Vince Greyback. I'll be your guy when you need international portkeys, or a foreign contact. I'll hook you up." He looked appreciatively at Tonks. "Once your Goods are profitable," he smiled at her reddening face, "You'll do well here in the trade."

Jon nodded, got up off the bar stool and took up the pendants.

"We'll be back for those port keys, soon," Harry said.

"Anytime, friend who must not be named. I'll be around." The three of them left the dark pub and back out into the mid-afternoon sunshine. Tonks' mood changed immediately after stepping out of there.

"The Crow's Vambrace, huh?" said Tonks. "I like it." Harry was really beginning to like how Tonks said those words.

"Yeah Jon. Spot on," Harry agreed whole-heartedly.

"It suits," was all Jon said as they made their way to the CBG.

"Why did I even agree to this," Tonks said dramatically. "I've got enough going on without playing 'I'm a badass hunter now' games with you two!"

"We got a mission lined up from next week Tuesday to Thursday already," said Jon, not breaking stride as he walked into the CBG.

"Stannis! STANNIIIISSS!" the lady shouted at the back. "Black is here, again!" she called, fiddling with her Wizard Wireless Set as she tuned into Rita's Skeeter's 'Word on the Street' program.

Stannis came out from the back, wiping his hands on a clean cloth. "My Lord Black. What a surprise," he deadpanned as he leaned on the counter.

"Mr. Stannis," Jon greeted with a nod. "We wish to join the guild."

"What? No," he said, smiling with yellowed teeth.

"And why not?" Tonks said.

"You can't join twice. With the purchase of your Onyx set you already are part of the members guild. You may subscribe to the owl magazine, everything. Even attend meetings. Paid services are for qualified CB, and you need some certifications for that. Why you want to join?"

"Need a," Harry looked at his list."'Magical artifact creation' license," he said.

"Ho ho ho. Well if you want to create an artifact, you need to get a license, don't ya lads?" Stannis went in the back, reappearing within a couple minutes with a form.

"It's nothing, really. Just a formality. That'll be ten galleons each, lifetime membership Artificer's license."

"Tonks you in?" Harry asked, counting out the galleons. Stannis grunted a negative. "She can only hop on your CBG membership if the three of you are already in a recognized clan as members." Jon put his fist up to Harry who connected immediately. The two of them displayed their Hunter's amulets. Both young men grinned in expectation at Tonks.

Tonks was flabbergasted. Her both hands were covering her face. She nodded behind them.

"Done!" Stannis said as he presented them with the famed enchanted quill. A couple signatures and sore thumbs later the three of them, the Crows' Vambrace were walking along Diagon Alley with licenses to create powerful magical artifacts of their choosing, without the MLE bearing down on them.

Tonks was in a semi state of shock. How could these two have done this to her?

"You guys are crazy. I really mean it this time." They kept walking further up on the other side of Diagon to get something to eat when a breeze cut through a narrow alleyway between blocks, bringing a stale, metallic scent with it. "Oh, phew, why don't they ever clean out that place?"

Harry smelled it too. "What place?"

"The old cauldron facility-workshop-place-shop-whatever! It closed down from there when they got big and opened up fresh lower down at the more fashionable storefront location. What's his face again? Potage's Cauldrons," Tonks explained.

"I want to see this place," Jon said, turning direction and heading along the narrow alleyway. Harry shrugged and followed, leaving Tonks looking frustrated and weary. She stomped her foot and went in after them.

"Perfect," Jon Black said. "Absolutely perfect." He had already opened the half rotted wooden door and was looking inside.

The afternoon sun came straight through the doorway and would have also come through the large windows if they weren't boarded up. Tonks and Harry lit up a Lumos and followed him inside. The main area was an abandoned store front with hanging hooks welded into the ceiling and racks of metal shelves with a few broken cauldrons left to rust. The majority of the space was empty, with two doors leading off from the main area. One led to a medium sized passageway with a staircase that went down to a cellar, and adjacent to it, a stairs that led up went to the first floor. The other door led to a metal smith's workshop with an abandoned anvil and metal forge pit. Strategically placed venting pipes and chimneys were all over, along with a cooling basin made of what seemed to be marble. The back of this room had a large metal rolling cage gate, which was closed in by grand, heavy, metal reinforced wooden doors. Jon walked into the workshop and pointed at the rolling chain gate. Harry used his levitation spell and the gate groaned and squealed upwards, a chain pulley winding down next to it. Jon began to work the winch arm and the chain wrapped around the metal contraption with a satisfying clink-clink-clink of chain links. When the gate was fully raised Tonks opened the wooden doors with an alohomora, and they creaked open to let in the afternoon light. The Heavy double doors opened to the back of Diagon alley. Harry looked at both sides either way, there were business places' old discarded equipment, boxes and even some neat seating areas with hammocks and tables.

They went back inside and explored the upstairs which seemed to be a double bedroom apartment with kitchen, washroom and a main sitting area which had a patio overlooking the back of Diagon alley. The view from the patio upstairs allowed Jon to see over the wall and showed a muggle park, which had a few small ponds dotted in between the walkways and plenty of trees.

"Whose property is this, did you say?" Jon said with a gleam in his eye.

"Come on, I'll introduce you," Tonks said, sighing as she went back down the stairs.

"Home sweet home," Jon said, rubbing his hands together.

AN: Thank you for reading. Chapters should be coming in once or twice a week. Uploaded Book Art. Read and review...

Until we meet again.

