
Chapter 6

"Good morning everyone."

"Hey Eun Byeol-sshi, this si the first time ever I've seen you late to work."

"yeah sorry, I slept late and forgot to set my alarm. when does the meeting start Secretary Park?"

"no worries, the meeting starts in about 5 minutes so yiu can go ahead and go to the conference room and wait."

"ok thanks."


heading towards the conference room I wondered if taehyubg had gotten back safely. Was he at work right now? did he really have an important meeting or was he messing with me? Reaching the conference room I pulled opened the door and headed inside.

"Ah eun byeol-ah, come and greet everyone they're the people we will be working for, the documentary filming remember?"

"Ah yes hello, its nice to meet you, Kim Eun byeol- imnida."

"hello, I'm a manager from bighit entertainment, Oh Yoo joon. please to meet you, I hope we will all get along while working with the bts members for this project."

"ah yes of course let's get along—wait what?! I'm sorry did you just say Bighit entertainment and Bts—I'm working with BTS?!"

"ah yes you weren't informed?"

"a-ah noo...not really."

"ah well considering your reaction, you must be a fan right?"

"fan huh? I guess you could say that."

"well thanks for supporting our artists, I hope you will enjoy working with them."

"yeah, I hope so too."

"well now that the introductions over shall we start the meeting?"

"ah yes, sir."

"ok, sit down then eun byeol, lets get started on the planning."


"So that will the schedule and the concept of the movie over all. We will inform you later on how many film crew members will be following you on tour for filming."

"Ah yes, thanks we will send you our schedule and the first concert date via fax. I look forward to working with you."

"yes thanks Yoo joom-shi, it was really nice meeting you. Lets all hope for the best for this project."

"Of course, see you soon then, goodbye." the manager exited the room followed by the rest of the staff members as eun byeol sat dazed in her seat. she couldn't believe the such a coincidence could happen to her. she was half happy and half worried. I mean ofcourse she is happy to be working with her love but what if they get discovered while working together. Knowing taehyung he definitely won't hold back his exictedness when seeing me on tour with him.

"Ah man are we really going to be ok?"

"eun byeol-shi, are you alright?"

"huh a-ah yes, I'm fine."

"you must be exicted to be working with bts right? I can't believe we will be seeing them so close and even go on tour with them. We are so lucky to be working for this company."

"haha yeah, but we have to stay professional remember, no fangirling in front of them, secretary kim."

"arrasso, arrasso."(ok, ok.)


I got home late at night after having a meeting about the concepts and plan for the film with the crew. It read 10:32pm on the clock as she walked into her apartment.

As she got out of the shower in her pj's she laid on her bed and grabbed her phone of the night stand. Seeing she had 3 messages from her bestfriend, 3 calls and 10 messages from taehyung?! what the hell, why did contact so many times did something happen? she quickly dialed his number hoping he would still be awake. The bell rang only once before he answered.

"you answered so quickly, don't tell me you were waiting for my call?"

"so what if I was, how come you didn't answer? you had me worried!"

"Sorry, you know I was at work. We had a meeting so I kept my phone on silent. I just got home and checked it."

"Who has such long meetings, it will tire you out. If its such a tough job why don't you quit. I will support you, you can have anything you want."

"its not a hard job honey, its my passion. I work as a photographer and we were discussing a new project for a documentary film we got."

"a film? whats it about?"

"umm....about that. our team is going to be working with a kpop group on their upcoming tour."

"Really a kpop group?who is it? Is it someone I know?"

"Yeah, you knew them really well actually? you see its bts...the group im working with."

"Ah bts, I see.....Wait BTS AS IN US!?! As in me? you and me are going on the tour together."

"yeah, we are going to be working together."

"Yesss, I was wondering about how much I'm gonna miss you on the 1 year long tour and I can't believe your going to be coming with me! but wait why don't you sound as excited as me?"

"cuz I'm worried about a scandal. what if we get got and knowing you it will be quite easy. you can't lie to save a life even."

"oh dont worry, ok I have gotten much better at lying since the last time you saw me."

"oh really?"

"go ahead and test me."

"ok, how many girls have you gone out with?"

"ah, umm....pass?"

"See you already failed! ugh we are doomed."
