

"Well this bloody trip was a disaster."

Brandt leans back in his chair. He has a few hours before the hastened dinner that his father suddenly decided to have for the Rouvas. He curses under his breath for starting this whole Vying thing.

'I should have just married Lady Siv.'

He sighs.

Brandt sits up and starts writing letters to monarchs of the neighboring nations, to inform them of the situation in the East.

"Your Highness." Shelby repeats.

"Yes." Brandt finally hears him. "What is it Shelby?"

"You need to prepare for dinner, my prince."

"It is not a formal dinner, I can just go like this." Brandt answers without looking up from his papers. Shelby repositions his glasses while eyeing him in a peculiar way. Brandt has always done things properly, so his response is out of character.

"Your Highness, I suggest you take a bath first." Brandt finally looks up and stares at his assistant for a moment.

"Are you saying that I smell badly?"

"May I be blunt, Your Highness?"

"Of course."

"You do." Brandt bursts out laughing. "The bath would also help you relax from your stressful journey." Shelby adds.

"Right." Brandt pushes to his feet and heads to his room to start getting ready.

His whole family is waiting for him at the dining hall, and as soon as he greets them, the Rouvas are asked to enter. Lord Benson rushes in as soon as he can, he walks to the prince, and whispers in his ear.

"What do you mean Lady Siv is nowhere to be found?" Brandt asks, keeping his voice as low as possible, but Bodil who is sitting next to him hears.

"Her maid said she left for dinner half an hour ago accompanied by a palace servant." Shelby explains.

"Brother, she would never miss an invitation from father." Bodil says, her voice enlaced with worry. Brandt nods at his sister then stands and walks to the king.

"Father, Lady Siv is missing." He whispers to him.

"I beg your pardon?" The king is loud enough to get everyone's attention. He clears his throat. "My apologies, It seems that we will have to postpone our dinner dear Rouvas." He addresses the five ladies, noticing for the first time that Lady Siv is in fact not present. The ladies are guided out of the hall while King Ronald and Brandt hurry out of the room, Shelby follows them closely.

"What happened?" Queen Ylva asks no one in particular.

"Siv is missing." Bodil informs her.

"How is that possible? Was she kidnapped?" Bjarte asks, a little nervous that their encounter with Tova's brothers might be the cause.

"I don't know, Bjarte. I just heard Lord Benson tell Brandt." The queen seems to be lost in thought for a moment before snapping out of it. She rushes out of the hall without uttering a word.

Brandt takes off his formal jacket and throws it on the nearest chair as they enter his study. It was getting too suffocating for him.

"Shelby, call the guard captain on duty, to report."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Should we notify her family, father?"

"They have all left back to Lohja after they learned of the Vying being revoked." King Ronald answers feeling the bitterness of the words. He still feels guilty that he was not able to convince his son not to go through with it.

"Oh." Is all Brandt says. He didn't know her family left.

'I guess it could be seen as humiliating to go from fiancee to Rouva.'

Brandt presses his lips together. He feels awful that he might have caused Siv any kind of sadness. He wonders what she must have felt when the announcement was made.

'There is no doubt, I am a brute.'

He is brought back from his tormenting thoughts when Shelby is back, followed by Captain Krum.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness." He bows.

"Captain, can you report on the activities at the gates this evening?" Brandt asks. "For the past hour, that is."

"Of course, Your Highness." The man opens the booklet he has brought with him. "There were only two people who left the palace; one soldier from the South gate and a servant from the East gate, Your Highness."

"Is the servant a man or a woman?" Brandt asks, not sure what he is hoping to discover.

"A woman, Your Highness. Oydis Halpain is her name." The captain adds. "She had a written permission."

"That means Lady Siv is still in the palace." The king stands. "Search every corner without fail."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Brandt contemplates the situation, and comes to the conclusion that there are only two possibilities.

'Lady Siv was either abducted and, since no abnormal activity has been detected, that means they are still in the palace. The second possibility is that Lady Siv has left of her own accord. Maybe, like her family, she felt humiliated by the Vying. But since she hasn't been seen leaving the palace, that means she is also still here. Unless…'

"Find the servant who escorted Lady Siv, and increase the guards around the palace." Brandt orders.

"Right away, Your Highness." Both the captain and Shelby leave in a hurry.

'Have I shown her the secret passage before?'

Seeing the expression on his son's face, the king places a hand on his shoulder and squeezes it. He gives him a sympathetic smile which surprises Brandt. This is the first time in years that king Ronald has shown him any fatherly concern.

"We will find her, son. Everything is going to be fine."

Brandt eyes him for a moment. He is tempted to let his father wrap his arms around him and reassure him more. Tell him that the decisions he has been making are the right ones. That he is managing the issues in the East the best way possible. That he is a great crown prince and that someday he will be a great king. But he doesn't. He pats his father's hand a few times avoiding his gaze and pulls away from him.


Brandt spends all night getting reports and giving orders. He even goes to check the secret passage. He finds evidence of recent use, but he knows that Gary uses it sometimes, so he would have to ask him first before coming to any conclusions.

Unfortunately, the searches don't lead to anything. Neither Siv nor the servant is found. Needless to say, Brandt can't even think about sleeping. He watches from the window as the sunlight slowly spreads across the dark skies.

'I really hope she is alright.'

"Come in." He calls after he hears a knock.

"Well, you look awful." Brandt turns to face the person who has just barged into his study and freezes in shock.

"What are you doing here, Your Grace?"

"Oh please, you know how much I hate it when you call me that."

"Fine, but why are you here, Saga?"

Oh my! Indeed, what are you doing here, Dowager Duchess Dolph?

MeriemRcreators' thoughts