
Chapter 76

You're right," I whispered. "I am nowhere near the same person I was 6 years ago. I know it was my choice to leave, but I have gone through things that I would even trade with high school experiences."

Hunter's eyes opened wide as I looked towards them. "You can't be serious," he said with shock. "Nothing could have been worse than what you went through."

I sighed, "things can get a lot worse. If you're desperate enough, you will do anything to survive. And I had two young children to support."

"We could have helped you," he insisted with some anger in his voice. "You could have come back and we would have helped you immediately."

"I couldn't come back, not yet. Honestly, if this thing had not come up with your health, I may never have come back."

Hunter quickly separated our hands as he looked to me with angry tears in his eyes. "Are you saying you don't need any of us?"

I shook my head as I began crying again. "Throughout my pregnancy, I lost my mind and mentally gave up on everything. If it had not been for the twins, I probably would still be in that mental state." I heard Hunter take a hard gulp as I stated those words. "I have been trying to build myself back up, but I'm still nowhere near the person you used to know. You only got a glimpse of how the world treats a male Omega that is pregnant. I have had to live that horror every day for over 6 years. It has made it very difficult to continue and I did not want to put any of that burden on any of you. It is my cross to bear and I plan to keep it that way."

"Well you came back so now you need to be straight with everyone." I bowed my head with regret, "please, Will."

I looked to him with regret, "what do you want to know?"

He pulled his fingers through his hair with annoyance, "what the hell are you doing with all these guys?" I looked to him with confusion. "Elijah, Asher, that Alpha. Who do you actually want to be with?! You are lying to everyone! I think you are even lying to yourself!" I froze as my heart skipped in worry, "I know you, Will! I know you better than anyone! You make have changed a lot, but you are still you!" Tears began flowing down his face, "you are everything to me! You have protected me, always! Even when I hated you and I tried to protect you, you still protected me!" He began shaking and I fought back crying. "You let those Alphas rape you in my place! You let that Beta and his friends rape you just to keep me from knowing you were homeless! You became a porn actor just to try to get enough money so that you would not need to rely on me for paying for your medication! You ran just to keep me from seeing you go through the shaming you had to experience! And now you even went above and beyond just to find me a donor!" He grabbed my hand, "please explain all of this to me! I want to protect you from making mistakes that you will regret for life! Just explain it to me!"

I gently wiped the tears off his face and gave him a soft smile. "Its not simple, Hunt. You can't imagine what it's like to have a destined partner and how it affects you."

"But you don't have to give into those urges! You can't lie to me and say you want to move on from Asher! You have never been as happy as you were when you were together!"

I shook slightly, "I told you I will always love him! That isn't a lie! But it's also not a lie that we can never be together!" I pulled my hands from his, "even if you and everyone else doesn't want to believe it, I also have feelings from Jayden!"


Hunter looked to the door in shock as I turned around. My body trembled as I shot out of my chair and grabbed my ring.

"You still grab that spot, even though you gave the ring back!?" Asher asked as he came in and shut the door. "We want to hear the truth, Will. Don't lie and say you love that man!"

My mind raced as I saw his angelic being and the sadness on his face. "Hunter and I are talking alone. Please leave."

He moved closer, making my heart speed up. "I'm not leaving until we talk. You can't just give up on us without giving me a say in it."

My face became flushed, "there is no us!" I yelled as I squeezed the ring harder. "I chose who I wanted and it wasn't you! I know it's not the answer you hoped for, but it was my choice!" I began crying, "it was one of the hardest decision I've ever made, but I made it! I am doing what's best for everyone!"

I backed into the wall as he suddenly rushed towards me, "if we were really over, you wouldn't hold that place!"

When he shoved my hand off and saw the chain peeking out of the collar of my neck, he stopped. He quickly continued and yanked the ring out from behind my shirt.

"Who gave you that?!"

I couldn't speak. He's so close and so hurt that I couldn't bring myself to answer. My body became hot and aroused, but I also felt sick. Tears filled my eyes as I met his and my heart ached. Did I pick wrong? I love him, even after everything. I want him in every way possible.

"Answer me, Will!"

I was startled back to the moment and lifted up the ring into my gaze. "I...," I began to lie, but when Hunter met my eyes, I stopped myself. "Jayden gave it to me. It only has the kids names on it and their birth stones. It has no other meaning but to keep my kids with me."

"But why did it have to be in the same place as my ring?!"

I looked to the ground, "because Jayden noticed that, whenever I am nervous or stressed, I would hold this spot. He feels bad that he has to take me from you!" I met his eyes with power, "he knows what you mean to me but also knows you can never give me what I need!" I squeezed the ring again, "being a destined pair is just as it says. We are destined to be together and can only find safety and enjoy life with each other. It doesn't matter who we love or how we feel, we will always end up together!" I covered my face as I cried, "I can't make you happy! Please, just let me go! I can't stand watching you being so miserable and hurt."

"Are you giving up on us for that monster?!"

I looked to Hunter and then to Will, "I am."

"What can he give you that I can't?! I love you in ways he could never imagine! An entitled, dominant Alpha can never love you fully!"

A frown came to my face even though I still was crying. "He has changed! He has done anything he came to help me and support the twins! He even....!" I covered my mouth and slid down the wall to a crouching position as my legs lost strength.

When the door opened, I looked up to see Elijah, Chase, and the twins. The look on Elijah's face made my body freeze. A twisted smirk came to him, "he was going to let out his little secret. Jayden has tricked and manipulated Will into thinking he cares about him and loves him." He took a breath and I quickly stood. I knew what he was going to do and I can't stop him, but I can save them.

"Chase, get them outta here. Now!" Chase and the twins looked to me in shock before he grabbed their hands, rushed them out the room, and shut the door.

"He forced Will to never be free of him."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Asher hissed as he looked to Elijah.

"He saved Hunter."

I looked to my lap as Hunter jumped to his feet, "what?!"

"The only donor they could find...was Jayden." Elijah said as I choked, "he agreed to be your donor if Will would be his mate and be recognized as the father of the kids."

"Don't twist things, Elijah! I approached him; he didn't force me!" I shook but did not lessen the intensity of my gaze, "I offered the deal and it was not to be his mate! I just give him some of my time and he meets the twins once a week!"

"He's the donor?!" Hunter yelled as he stared me down. I finally looked to him with sorrow.

"Yes, he is!" I took a deep breath so that I would not bawl. "It was the only chance I had to save you! I told you I was willing to do anything!"

Everyone froze as Hunter rushed at me and punched me in the face. "You betrayed me!" He screamed as I touched my burning cheek as I sat up off the ground, "I can't trust you! Get out and don't bother us again!"

My body rattled as I looked to how serious he was. "Hunter..." Asher tried to begin, but stopped as he met eyes with him. He then turned to me and held his hand out to help me up.

I looked to the ground and shook my head. I slowly got up to my feet and walked over to Elijah. "I thought you were here to help me." I whispered as he gave me a sad smile.

"I'm trying to save you. He has warped your mind and you wouldn't listen to me. He's monopolizing you and entraping you!"

I gave him a wicked smile, "wait until he gets ahold of you," I growled, "don't come near me or my family again."

I walked out of the room and rushed to the elevator. I quickly wiped my face and tried to gain some outwards composure as I came to Chase and the twins. I rushed to pick up Archer as Chase held Ashley.

"Follow me, quickly." I whispered in a painful tone as I led him to the elevator. We got in and I hit the level number. As the doors opened, I rushed over to the woman at the small desk. "These are Mr. Peters' kids. Can you please place them somewhere to wait while I talk with him? It is urgent."

She quickly stood, unlocked the doors, and led us inside. I set Archer down and Chase took his hand before they followed the woman to another area. I ran to Jayden's room, threw the door open, and ran to him. I collapsed beside his bed as I lost all my composure and began crying as much and as hard as I could.

Jayden quickly rushed out of the bed and embraced me. I clung to him as I lost my mind in loneliness. "God, Will. Take a breath. Your heart rate will jump again. Just try to breath."

He pulled my head off his chest so that we made eye contact, "just focus on me." Even though his eyes kept going to my injured cheek, he did not ask. "I'm here. You're safe. Whatever is wrong, we will work though it together. You aren't alone anymore. I will protect you."

As his gentle words flooded my ears, I slowly was able to calm down enough to breath. He looked to me with sorrow as I gripped his shirt in my hands. "I want to go."


I looked to him with all the confidence I had left, "let's live together." His eyes widened as a hopeful look came to his face. "Elijah betrayed me and I realized you're the only one that has our best interest in mind. Please, I don't want to go back there ever again."

He embraced me fully and began kissing my neck, "I will make you happier than he ever could." He looked to me and gently wiped the tears from my face before kissing me gently. "Let's go home." He whispered before aiding me to my feet.

I was lost as my mind went completely numb. I went through the motions of getting my stuff together and getting the kids informed on the basic idea of what was going to happen.

As we went down in the elevator to the main level, I leaned into Jayden's shoulder. I took his hand and he quickly intertwined our fingers.

I noticed the kids looking to us, but I didn't move away. Archer nuzzled into Chase's shoulder as he could see how upset I was. I looked to Ashley as she pulled on my shirt. I let go of Jayden's hand, picked up Ashley, placed her on my hip, wrapped my arm around her to support her, and took Jayden's hand again.

When the elevator opened, I kept his hand and walked beside him. I was rattled slightly out of my numbness when I caught the glance of Cam, Shannon, and Sean, who were moving to come into the building. They froze in shock and I quickly looked away from them.

I will follow Hunter's request and not bother any of them anymore. Following his request is all I have left to give him. My entire body and mind went numb as I realized I was actually alone. This time, there is no one left at my side. Without Hunter, I am nothing.

This wraps up volume 1 of the story! I know it was super sad, that's why I'm going to create a second volume! Let me know your thoughts and ideas for this chapter and the upcoming second part!


K_B_Bloomcreators' thoughts