
278. Conquering the Grand Line

Alexander came to the sea restaurant Baratie before leaving for conquering Paradise. He needed to deliver Sanji's sister to him.

The sea restaurant had become quite famous in just a short time. It had 4 floors and 5 chefs. Sanji had started learning from Zeff diligently.

"Boy, I brought someone for you." Alexander landed on the deck.

Sanji happily came out to greet him, "What is it, Grandpa?"

Alexander brought out his sister Reiju. Sanji's face grew a big smile the moment he saw her and ran to hug her.

"Reiju, how? What happened?" He asked.

"Grandpa here saved me. Father was punished by him and brothers were sent with someone to be his bodyguards. I decided to come to you." She said.

"Yeah, she has nowhere to go. She can either live on Dawn Island or here." Alexandre explained.

Sanji repeatedly nodded, "Yes-yes, you can live here with me. This ship has a lot of rooms."

Soon Zeff also came and gave his permission. He knew about Sanji's past and was happy that he could have some family.

With that, Alexander left for the Grand Line. He was starting from the island closest to the Reverse Mountain. But first, he appeared at the Twin Cape.

"How are you, Crocus?" Alexander asked the lighthouse keeper.

"Haha, old man, so you've decided to finally take over." He asked. Crocus was an informant of Alexander. He kept an eye on the ships that enter the Grand Line.

"Haha, yeah, finally. Where is Laboon?" he asked.

"Ah, he must be somewhere close. LABOOON!" He called for the giant whale.

Soon a big cute whale poked its head out of the water. It started making cute noises when it saw Alexander.

Alexander knew about the story of Laboon and the first time he saw him he had many scars on his head. Alexander treated his injuries and slowly they built a friendship.

"Laboon, I brought your favorite food." He said and took out a huge piece of deep-fried fish.


Alexander turned around and noticed Noodles also looking at Laboon's food longingly. "Haha, I got some for you too. Here"


Meanwhile, a small group of young and ambitious boys and girls decided to set sail and make a name for themselves. Though the most excited one of them was Luffy.

Franky alone built a ship from scratch for his group. It needed to be big because so many of them were going. The crew had Luffy, Law, Robin, Sabo, Franky, Gina(Baby 5). Not to mention Rina and Gali also tagged along for fun. Their group already was strong enough to beat any Yonko with Rina and Gali.

They first came to Shells Town where they found a man named Zoro. He quickly joined their already big Pirate group after a good beating from Rina.

"Luffy, we still need a navigator," Franky informed the captain of the ship.

"Then let's go and find one for ourselves, a good Navigator." Luffy carelessly shouted.

"Navigators don't grow on trees, Luffy. They require a lot of studies and hard work. I don't know where we'll find them," Sabo added. Law nodded behind them.

Robin suddenly had an idea, "Maybe we can find one on Conami island. Grandpa told me once that a young girl lived there who loved reading sea navigation books. Her name was...aaa... Kami... I guess."

"Kami? Who names themselves God?" Zoro interjected.

"All right, let's go to Conami island then." Luffy enthusiastically shouted.

So, they went ahead but on their way, they also met Ussop and Sanji. Luffy tried to hire Sanji as they needed a cook. Sanji refused initially, but after a long round of persuasion, he and his sister also joined.

Like that he slowly moved to Reverse mountain while slowly completing his crew.


Alexander had just finished his work on Cactus Island. There weren't many people living there but he did find out about a secret organization. The secret organization Baroque Works had claimed the island and set it up as one of the bases of operation responsible for bounty hunting for money.

Alexander destroyed it and started investigating it. "Dobby, call Connor and ask if he has any intel on this organization."

Soon they received the info that it was set up by a Shichibukai named Crocodile.

"Haha, so much for being the government's lapdogs." Alexander scoffed and they moved to the next island. Every island Alexander visited he would leave behind some warships and men there and also erect a big fort.

His next target, an island called Kyuka island, it was very easy. It was just a holiday island. He just erected a fort there and put up many warships. A slight compulsion on the Mayor made sure he didn't sell out to the Marines.

Next, he went to Little Garden. It was a Prehistoric Island and as such was still in the age of the Dinosaurs. Alexander found two giants there.

He learned from the blokes that they had been in a duel for the last hundred years because a little girl asked them who caught the biggest fish. So they came to the island and started fighting.

"You dummies, that girl has probably died of old age by now. I am going to need this island, so decide what you will do. Leave to the seas or return to Elbaf?" Alexander asked.

Dorry angrily shouted, "No, a duel should not be stopped. It is sacred."

"Then why the hell has it been going on for a hundred years? I'll give you one last chance. Fight and finish it. The rules are simple. The one who falls to the ground with their back touching the ground loses." Alexander ordered. The two quickly agreed because Alexander threw off some of his dangerously oppressive aura.

Soon their duel ended with Borgy winning. He then sent them to Elbaf and put the island as a nature preservation area. The naval fortress was made a distance away from the shores of the island. Alexander also picked up a female T-rex and put her in his Dimensional pocket.

Next, he went to Drum Island. It had Drum kingdom in it. It was affiliated with the world government so Alexander had to use his might on them to subdue Wapol, the king of the Drum Kingdom. Eventually, he successfully opened another Golden justice Army fort there. The island was known for its doctors so Alexander gave them some more books about various fields of medical science.

The Boin Archipelago was easy to take over as it was just a series of flower-shaped islands in the Grand Line. Within them were various gigantic bugs and vicious man-eating plants.

Then came Nanimonai Island. It was an uninhabited island. In reality, the island was actually the feces produced after a giant goldfish ate a whole island. The fish was named Island Eater and its height was 700 meters. Alexander just destroyed the island as fecal land was infested with worms.

After that, he headed to the Alabasta on Sandy Island. The supposed headquarters of Baroque Works. Sandy Island was also a huge dry and desert type summer island.

But in their way, they were attacked by the giant goldfish.

"Eaoooaaaa" Noodles said something.

"Haha, okay, you fight this time." Alexander let him.

Noodles bravely went ahead and confronted the giant foe. Though it did take a little help from Alexander. But still, Noodles had his first victory in a battle that day.

Alexander let Noodles roam around the shores of the island and went to Alabasta with Dobby.

Dobby was reading something from his notebook, "So, this Alabasta kingdom is said to be more than 6000 years old. Its royal family, Nefertari, were one of the twenty kingdoms but they refused to live in Mary Geoise and stayed back. And they seem to have a poneglyph."

"Haha, they seem like a respectable family. Let's meet them," Alexander interjected.


Meanwhile, Luffy and his big group had now reached Alabasta's shores where they met Vivi.

But they all stopped and looked at the sea near them. They saw a huge Seaking playing in the water with a big inflated ball.

Luffy and the people who lived in the Goa Kingdom recognized him.

"Oye, Noodles. What are you doing here?" Luffy asked. He was always able to talk to him somehow.

"Eaaaa Ooo" Noodles replied and got back to his playing session.

"Haha, Grandpa is here, Vivi. You don't have to worry one bit now." Luffy assured her.

Vivi was confused, including Ussop, Zoro, Nami, and Chopper.

"Who is your grandpa?" they asked.

"Ah, I didn't tell you? That man in the photo." Luffy pointed to the backside of the newspaper Robin was reading.

It took a moment for everyone to digest it before they loudly exclaimed with jaws dropping and eyes popping.

[A/N: If you feel that Strawhats' progress is too fast then keep in mind that between the beginning of Luffy's adventure till the Marineford war, only 6-9 months went by. Meanwhile, for us, 11 years had passed.]

[You can see Laboon, Brogy and Dorry; Drum Island, Island Eater and Alabasta and on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

Thank you for your support!
