
Brother-in-law, can you stop being so dramatic?

Guan Xian's face changed color from red to blue to green before becoming purple. Ji Cun Xi and Jian Ju were holding his body back as a preventive move before he went berserk. 

In Wang Kai's phone, the girls are blushing and giggling as three young men move their hips. As Ji Cun Xi tried to analyze, Xiao Ni seemed to ask them to dance to- the three-bear family song (?). Guan Xian's body is trembling as his stomach clench funnily. 

Guan Xian tries to avert his gaze from the view. But whenever he steals a glance, he would subconsciously shudders. 

Wang Kai, Jian Jun and Ji Cun Xi: "…" 

How can this drama king is our friend? He appears to be very suitable as an actor than the president of Guan Cooperation.

"I- They!" Guan Xian wanted to vent his anger into words. But he couldn't find a word to describe his burdened heart right now. He opens his mouth angrily, then closes it with a disbelief face. 
