
I guarantee she will agree to marry you !

As much as Xia Sha would be happy if she ever heard Guan Xian's faith in him, she began to doubt herself. 

"Your grandfather is admitted to the hospital. He wanted to see you."

Xia Qi Feng's ponderous voice rang out from the moment Xia Sha open his door. Fu Qun, who beside Xia Sha, froze like a statue for two seconds before took a step back as if he heard nothing and exit from the room. 

Xia Sha closes the door with a flat face before showing her face in front of her father. 

"What is it this time?" she rolls her eyes and carelessly sat on the leathered couched in front of his father's fumed-oak working desk. Cross her legs while staring at his father in a slacking manner. 

"Hypertension, after her granddaughter refuses to answer his call," his father said shortly. His gaze is sharp and his lips dropped, forming a frown on his face. 

"Care to explain?"
