
Tell me how much your family pays for me?

An awkward silence filled the whole table, and Xia Sha enjoys every second of it. 

"Well, It's good to put the bad memories behind. What did young people like to say these days? Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery." Grandfather Xiao said the quotes in fluent English. 

"Yeah, there is absolutely nothing to revisit in the past." Xia Sha said lazily, looking slightly sideways.

"It's true you shouldn't live in the past. But you should learn from it." Xiao Zhan said tight smiles to Xia Sha. 

Xia Sha tilted her head. "Oh, Mr. Xiao, care to tell me what should I learn from my past?"

"Well, for example, you shouldn't easily trust someone and let them enter your life so easily." Xiao Zhan has turned her body and directly looked at Xia Sha with irritated looks.

"It's like how I trusted you and you-" 
