
You wanted to play this game, didn't you? Very well

On the way to the 43rd-floor meeting room, Xia Sha catches a glimpse of Xia Qi Feng rushing out from her office towards her. 

"Xia Sha, wait, I need to talk to you." He stopped in front of Xia Sha. 

"Can I not? Because if you did not notice, I'm busy, you know saving this whole company after several years of stagnation." Xia Sha shows a fake smile at her dad. 

"I heard you have a meeting with Guan Xian today, Are you crazy?" Xia Qi Feng completely disregards her attitude, whisper angrily at her. 

"Geez dad, thank you. As if my therapist hasn't told me that." Xia Sha rolled her eyes. Xia Qi Feng takes a deep breath, trying hard to surpass the urge to scream at her face. 

"You know the internal battle between the Government and the big four aren't you? How could you invited one of them to our company, how can we explain to the government?" 
