
BDSM Hermione?

Fleur notices them and waves them over to the two places she'd saved for them. Obviously this has the curious Gryffindor's looking over and becoming confused at why Reima and Ciri would be close with what should be an enemy champion.

Reima sits next to Fleur with Ciri sitting on her other side with a satisfied expression.

Fleur "You two are late?" she asks.

Reima's about to reply but someone else does for him.

Luna "Reima was giving Ciri his sword for Christmas." she says with a smile, before returning back to talking with neville.


Fleur gives Ciri a look but Reima immediately corrects the situation, "I give her a sword as a Christmas present." he quickly says, making Fleur give an "Oh."

Reima "That reminds me... Merry Christmas Fleur" he says, handing her a golden necklace with a sapphire prominently placed at the centre of it's pendant. It's one of many that he'd stolen from Lordran but he's not going to tell her that.

Fleur shakes her head, "Non... Ze dress you gave me waz enough." she quickly says.

Reima stands up and puts the necklace around her neck as he'd not take no as an answer. "Matches your eyes." he says which causes Fleur to blush. "Zank you."

Harry leans over and questions, "Er, what's the deal with you three? You seem close..."

Reima shrugs, "We're all going to the ball together." he says bluntly causing Harry's mouth to drop to drop to the floor.

Harry "W-what? I thought you could only partner with one person?"

Reima "If there was a rule like that it's too late now... Oh right, Merry Christmas Harry." he says, handing him a Silver Dagger.


Harry "What's with you and giving people weapons? Luna almost took my head off earlier, and don't get me started on what you gave Hermione."

Reima "You know about it? Huh, didn't think she'd use it on you until you two got more intimate..."

Harry smirks, "She didn't use it on me... Krum tried to push her into going to the Ball with him, I was about to stop him when she pulls out a whip and starts swinging it at him."

Reima laughs and looks over to the Slytherin table where Krum has indeed got marks that are clearly from a whip on his face.

Harry "Thanks for the gift... Here." he says, handing Reima a package. Opening it he finds some sweets...

Harry "Not everyone is rich enough to go around handing people weapons." he snarks at Reima's lacklustre reaction.

Reima throws a sweet into his mouth, "No, it's just that I was expecting something else. Thanks mate."

After breakfast everyone is given some free time before having to get ready for the Ball, Reima wants to spend some more time with his dates but they leave to get "Ready", he still has no idea why it'd take so long to get ready but he just shrugs and endures it. He spends his idle time wandering around the school with Snuffles, enjoying the snow an idly talking to her, despite her not being able to reply. Eventually he has to return to the Gryffindor common rooms to get ready for the Ball, he felt it was too dangerous to leave Snuffles on her own so he just decides to take her along. He washes and brushes his white hair before having the strands tie themselves into a bun, something he took great joy in making Gryffindor girls watch as he could feel their envy wash over him. His outfit didn't really look out of place in the magical world despite it being slightly armoured and a lot more expensive looking than what other people are wearing. He has a funny idea and decides to slip a small top hat onto Snuffles head to make her fit for the occasion, she seems to find it funny so she keeps it on.

Reima sees Harry and Neville standing nearby and walks over, Harry's wearing a black dress robe that resembles the one he wore in the movies. Though Reima isn't sure how he got it as his relationship with Molly Weasley probably isn't the best right now. "You guys good?" he asks from behind them, which causes Neville to almost jump out of his skin.

They turn around and almost gape at the robes Reima is wearing, he looks like a king when dressed like this...

Harry nods while Neville stutters out, "Y-yes."

Reima smirks and claps them both of the shoulders, "Cheer up guys, you're both taking beautiful girls to the Ball. You should be thanking god you're not like those other poor sods who couldn't even get a date."

They both nod at this thinking they were indeed lucky to be going with their dates.

Harry "Where did you get those robes? I don't remember seeing anything like them in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley."

Reima raises a brow, "You been to those places recently?"

Harry nods, "Professor Mcgonagall took me when she saw I didn't have any robes prepared."

Reima "Well these are... From Greenland." he says with a smile.

Neville seems to completely believe him. "Ah, ok."

Reima "Right, let's go find our ladies shall we?" he says before he starts walking to the staircase. At the bottom he sees Hermione and Luna looking absolutely beautiful. Hermione smiled at them though her teeth were still slightly larger than normal but that didn't take away from the sight. She was wearing a pink dress that looks exactly like what she'd brought in the movies. Her hair was straighter than it's usual bushy state and seems to shimmer in the light.

Luna was wearing a white dress that looked as if it could be be used as a wedding dress, it had frills and fit her perfectly. The innocent smile on her face seems to brighten the area around her. Her hair was left freely trailing down her back but seems to look more formal than her usual style.

Hope you guys like the chapter, if I missed anything please let me know.

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts