
Enemy from the past.

Reima continues onto the roof tops and starts walking while admiring the scenery, he can see around the large village and spots various masked people fighting, resting... Sobbing. Most of the people here look to be in some sort of primal state, they don't talk and just do one thing absentmindedly. The ones that Reima is irritated by and seeks are the ones that attack anyone that approaches them.

He spots two people at the edge of the bridge he is walking on, they seem to be watching him, waiting for him.

Reima "You guys gonna talk to me before attacking?"

??? "We have nothing to say to you, Wanderer."

Reima "Right.. Why are some of the masked people trying to tear their masks off, even at the expense of their health..."

??? "They reject their blessing and wish to end their suffering... They are locked away so we don't have to gaze upon their shameful visage."

Reima "Blessing?" The two masked figures, one seeming to be a female and the other is male, take up what looks to be a boxing stance and stops responding to him.

Reima "Can we just be civil about this? I don't really want to beat a girl..." He says as he backs away onto the bridge, the walkway he's standing on is only wide enough for one person so Reima hopes fight them one at a time. The female sprints towards him and sends a couple quick jabs at him, he blocks them with his arms but receives a kick to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Using Observation Haki he tries to watch her aura to see what she's going to do next but fails as he can't interpret her aura's fluctuations. As Reima backs away from the kick to his stomach he forms his hand into a Yrden Sign, causing the masked women to slow down slightly. The lowered speed proves to make the fight much more bearable as he can react quicker to her moves, the Woman tries to an upper cut to his face but Reima blocks it with one arm, grabs her shoulder and headbutts her masked face. She stumbles back while shaking her head as he follows up with a sloppy jump kick at her face which causing her to flip over twice before disappearing into yellow particles.

The make doesn't seem to mind his partners apparent death and tries to stomp on Reima as he lies on the floor from his previous jump kick. Reima uses Aard to create some distance and stands up while the man recovers...

??? "How are you able to use the fold without their blessing!?!"

Reima "Fold? I don't know what you're talking about."

??? "Lies, you're a danger to the guides heretic. Prepare to die." He states this in an angry voice as he charges at Reima, all technique seeming to be forgotten. Without techniques being used Reima is able to dodge the flurry of blows sent his way, seeing nothing to be learnt from this deranged individual Reima grasps his steel swords handle and quickly performs a basic quick slash before sheathing it again.

The man seeming to not understand what just happened, holds his stomach as particles envelop him.

Reima "Man, are all of these people crazy religious fanatics or something?"

As the man fades away Reima notices something on the floor where he was standing, looking closer it seems to be some kind of glowing ball... His Medallion shudders as he moves his hand closer, when he grabs hold of it the ball slowly dissipates as a piece of clothing starts to materialise into what Reima recognises as Uringal Padded Armor from the game... The shirt is damaged and has various tears in it, he can tell the original colour of it seems to be brown, even under all the dirt covering it. Lacking a better place to store it, Reima folds it up and put it into his travelling pack.

Reima "Man, I wish I could get my hands on a bottomless pouch or something soon... I remember in the game your character didn't seem to have a limit of the things he could carry... Maybe with enough study I can create my own inventory like magic here."

Reima continues as the path leads downwards and sees a shortcut back to the shimmering gate, he opens the locked door and continues forward. He walks into an open area that is shadowed by a large building behind him, looking at the far end of the space he spots the individual that had killed Reima many times in the game... Silan. The mask he wears is white with golden decorations on it and two slits where the eyes are. His outfit consists of a short sleeved t-shirt that's brown in colour and leather pants. He has a red band around his elbow and forehead with sandals protecting his feet.

Silan "What do we have here? A wanderer trying to access the sacred grounds?"

Reima responds in a tense voice, irritated by the fact he's already lost despite this being their first meeting. "What of it?"

Silan looks closer and seems to glance at his cat-like eyes, "Not human either it seems... What are you?"

Reima "I'm human if that's what you're asking... My previous training caused my physical changes."

Silan spies the two swords on Reima's back, "Yes... You don't seem to be from around here... Tell me, what do you seek in the sacred ruins of Raslan? There isn't anymore treasure to loot, no secrets for you to find..."

Reima "Why else would I be here? I wish to test my mettle against strong foes."

Silan "A respectable purpose, it's regrettable I cannot let you pass. These grounds are sacred and only to be used for training potential Absolvers."

Reima "I will get past, and I will leave your crumbled body behind if you force my hand."

Silan claps his hands like a Sumo wrestler and slightly dips into his hips, his stance remind Reima of the wrestlers on earth... "You will not pass me. My name is Silan, an Absolver of the Guides. May I know of your name before you die?"

Reima "My name is Reima Ludvig, Remember that while you come back like a damned zombie."

They both prepare for combat as he say taunts Silan.

I personally didn't have any trouble with Silan, but with him being an Absolver who protects the gate that leads to Raslan I think he should have been more difficult.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts