

Chapter 38

After meal time was over, the crowd gradually dispersed, Hu Xiaoli did not see Qin He come down to eat, inevitably became a little worried.

In Han Ye's default sight, he took some food with a tray and followed Han Ye's steps to the elevator to the top floor.

Although he knows that Qin He does not like to eat in his office, since he has the precedent of yesterday, Qin He should not be too angry.

Hmm ... if he's angry, then he will apologize and run quickly with his stuff!

Hu Xiaoli was holding the tray, thinking dumbly.

Except for the elevator, he was very familiar with the entire floor, and Han Ye had to back to work, and did not continue to follow him.

Hu Xiaoli holding things in front of the Office of the President and desperately took a deep breath, he didn't know how long, he stood there before finally having the courage ...

And knocked on the door with his foot.

He can't help it. It's impolite to go in without knocking on the door with the tray in both hands!

A few seconds after knocking on the door, a low voice was heard and said lightly, "Come in."

Hu Xiaoli took a deep breath again, pressing the door with the other side of the tray, and pushed open the non-lightweight solid wood door a little.

"That ... I brought you some food." Hu Xiaoli smiled slightly at Qin He who cast his eyes not far away. "This time I did not do it, it was done by the chefs. It is very delicious."

Qin He Put down the papers in your hand and set his eyes on the tray.

Well, by looking at the colorful and scented plate, he knew that it is a masterpiece of his company's chef.

But looking at such food, he suddenly lost his appetite.

Because of his physical condition, he didn't feel hungry again, so he refused coldly: "Send it back."

Hu Xiaoli bit his lower lip nervously, and the dry lips were instantly covered with a layer of crystal water.

"Eat something, it's bad for your health."

Not being hungry is one thing, not eating another thing. The body does not ingest the nutrients in food because it is not hungry. This is the last word that little fox who have just form into a human a few months knows.

He was impressed by his persuasion, Qin and glanced at the side of the coffee table.

"Put it there."

"... It's better to eat it while it's hot."

"Don't let me say it a second time."


Obediently put things on the coffee table, Hu Xiaoli sat in the position he sat on yesterday, and staring at a tray of food in front of him.

Is there any way to keep warm.

Gently looked up at Qin He, and found that he had buried his head in processing documents again. For this man, eating and business must be important business. By the time he finished his documents, the food was probably cold.

... Are there any appliances that can be used as heat on this floor, such as microwave ovens?

Sitting on the sofa thinking wildly, Hu Xiaoli always felt that the food was probably cold. He reached out to the bowl for the fifth time to test the temperature. He felt relieved and exhaled.

After a while, he tempted the bowl of rice bowl for the sixth time ...

"Bring it."

A cold voice stopped his hand in the air.

Hu Xiaoli froze, and formed a silly smile at the corner of his mouth.


He held up the tray and strode toward the desk.

The opposite happened, perhaps because he was too excited. When he walked to the side of the coffee table, he barely took a few step, before tripping over a inclined table leg, and his whole body fell forward-


Hu Xiaoli felt only a sting in his hand The warm liquid dripped from the palm of his hand, causing him to take a deep breath.

The next second, he was pulled up by a strong grip on his wrist. He was half-kneeling, before he felt his waist being grabbed suddenly by a hot strong arm.


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