
Defensive Pairs

Felicity smiled with embarrassment, "Thank you so much, Miss Maisie."

Elladan nodded, "We'll... uh... make sure that horndog doesn't make any more trouble."

Coraline followed Elladan's thumb, which pointed behind him at one of the unused tables. 

There, Ramon laid, his breath probably still reeking of alcohol and vomit. He was lightly snoring, using the tablecloth as an improvised blanket. 

Miss Maisie walked over to the unconscious man, stroking his horned forehead as if he were a child, "Don't think ya hafta worry 'bout the big lug for tha next few bells-- at least!"

The woman in the Alizeaun maid outfit waved energetically, before practically prancing out of the dining hall. 

She had mentioned drowsiness as a possible side effect of the tincture she mixed for Mister Ramon. It put the big man down like a battlehammer to the head. 
