

Tycondrius rolled his eyes, "Because of the mana overload. We discussed this. Now please attack her seriously or we risk the young mistress violently exploding."

Her eyes suddenly gaining clarity, Athena twisted her head towards Tycon, "Wait-- violently what?"

...Oops. He let it slip. 

Tycon unsheathed his two Decani swords, "My apologies. I had withheld that information."

He somewhat regretted not having explained that. He was worried the young lady would have been hesitant to process such a high concentration of mana, had she been aware it was plausible she would violently explode. 

"SIR TYCONNNN!!! IM GONNA EXPLODE??!?!" Athena shrieked. She directed her palms towards him, glowing icy blue with concentrated frost mana. 

Oh, that didn't look good. 

"Not... necessarily?" Tycon offered. 

