
My SI Stash #7 - An Electric Game by AgelessReaper (Skyrim)

-Considering most Gamer fics tend to be a hit or miss, this one just completely aroused my interest, reading about the SI power leveling his way through Skyrim accompanied by a hawt Dragonborn was more fun than I expected~ And it's the only author I know of that unironically made a Matilda reference/ I'm getting older ;w;

Synopsis: A man dies and is reborn into Skyrim with the Gamer Ability. Rated M for Language

Rated: M

Words: 40K

Posted on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13583894/1/An-Electric-Game (AgelessReaper)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1-3 (exceptional)

A.N. First story attempt I've posted. There have been quite a few I threw away, but this is the first on I've put up. Criticism is appreciated. Thanks for reading! (I own nothing)

[Congratulations! You are very dead!]

Um…. thanks?

[You are most welcome!]

The afterlife is an asshole. Is this because I didn't accept Jesus?

[Your belief in the Christian faith plays no part in this discussion Gamer!]

Was it Buddhism? Was Buddhism the right answer? Wait… I'm hesitant to ask, but Gamer?

[Correct! You have been selected to be the newest Gamer!]


[It is most excellent the newest Gamer is enthused with his nomination!]

This. This right here is by far the greatest thing to ever happen ever! I would say I can now die happy, but dying is what made me happy. Ok, wow. That sentence sounded depressing as all hell.

Wait, you said 'newest'. Does that mean all the others died, or are they all eons old omnipotent beings who will be breathing over my shoulder for the entire experience only to kill me when I no longer entertain them?

*Breathes enthusiastically*

That. That right there. That is the single most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me. It's a pop-up window. How can you convey that much gut clenching terror with a pop-up window? This Gamer thing really tends towards extremes doesn't it? Moving on, and forgetting that ever happened for the sake of my pre gamer's mind sanity. There should be a character creation and all that jazz right?

[Correct! Please select a name and appearance!]

I see a grey mannequin join me in the nothingness and I start customizing. Ash colored hair, similarly colored eyes, make myself a taller 6' 2", athletic build without having bulging muscles. Huh, there's an option to change genders. I mean, sure, I've kinda wondered what the other side is like. Then again, periods. Yep. I'm happy as a man. Submit.

[Please choose a name!]

Ok I was just not going to say anything, but what is with all the exclamation points?


I honestly cannot tell if you answered the question or not.

Hmm, name. I can't remember my old name. That is kind of depressing actually. Oh well, I guess this is a new start. New me, new name.

[Welcome to the Game Dusk!]

[Please select a primary class!]


Mage. Magic is king. Besides, I can train everything else up once my magic is strong enough.

[Please select a specialization!]


The most OP option would probably be necromancer if you're able to get enough bodies, but it will also be the most problematic. What world am I going to?

[World selection will take place once character creation has ended!]

That is tremendously unhelpful. Ok, I guess necromancers out for fear of getting stomped by the authorities. Illusionists are nice until someone sees through you. Just ask Jace Beleran. Oh god. Now I'm thinking giant planeswalking dragons and eldritch terrors. Can I have Gamer's Mind please?

[Generic skills will be granted once character creation is complete!]

[Please select a specialization!]

Ok. Just don't think about it. Abjurer? Too little offensive potential. Diviner? Ha, no. Elementalist? Bread and butter with a pretty solid early game. So a solid option all considered. Conjurer? Depending on the limitations it could be stronger than necromancer, or weaker than diviner. I'm not willing to risk it. Elementalist.

[Please select a primary element!]


Fire is good but too common. Everyone and their mother knows how to counter it. Ice is versatile, plus I have all of fiction to steal ice related abilities from. It suffers in the same way fire does though. It's too common in some settings. Earth is out. Not my cup of tea. Same with metal and water. So lightning or ice? Lightning. I can use it to teleport, move quickly, and deny areas.

[Please select a setting!]

[Percy Jackson, Marvel, Skyrim, Mass Effect, Star Wars the Old Republic]

Options could be worse. Marvel is out immediately. I see a distinct lack of the letters MCU, and I wouldn't go there either. Mass Effect is awesome, but I'm not too keen on hopping into a doomed galaxy. Swtor was a lot of fun, but I'm not backstabby enough to survive in the sith, and the jedi wouldn't let me do anything. I don't want to fight literal mythology either so no Percy Jackson. I know enough Elder Scrolls lore that I should be ok.

[Congratulations! You have completed character creation!]

[Here are your skills!]

[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

Allows the user to view life as a game

Keeps user calm and acts as a mental defense

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

The user's body is now like that of an RPG character

[Observe] (Active)

Grants information about the target

Level difference can obscure information

[ID Create/Destroy] (Active0

Costs 50 MP

Creates a dungeon in place of the real world

Available Dungeons


[Human] (Default race)

This short lived race makes up for their short time with their grit, unless the couch is open

EXP gain increased 25%

[Class] (Electromancer)- Lvl 1/100

Gain 5 INT, 5 WIS, and 2 DEX per Level

[Lightning Bolt]

Costs 15 MP

Deals INT + 20 Electrical Damage

[Lightning Cloak]

Costs 25 MP

Cloak yourself in electricity

Deals INT + 15 Electrical Damage to nearby targets


Costs 20 MP

Stun a target, making them unable to act for a brief period of time

[Chain Lightning]

Costs 50 MP

Send a bolt of lightning forth to your enemy that chains to other nearby enemies

Deals INT + 20 Electrical Damage to any target hit

[Lightning Flood]

Costs 75 MP per 5x5m area affected

Creates a flood of liquid lightning originating from a point you designate and spreads until stopped by caster

Deals INT + 10 Electrical Damage to all caught in the flood

[Charged Attack]

Costs 10 MP

Imbue a melee weapon or your fists with electrical energy

Adds INT + 5 Electrical Damage to any successful hit

I know kung fu. In all seriousness though, brain download for the win. I already love this ability.


Level- 1

Class- Electromancer- LVL 1/100 [0%]

Race- Human

Tier- Mortal

Alignment- ?

HP- 100 [20 per minute]

MP- 150 [30 per minute]

SP - 100 [20 per minute]

STR- 10

END- 10

DEX - 12

INT - 15

WIS - 15

CHA - 10

LUK - 10

MP Regen= WIS x 2

MP= INT x 10

SP/Health Regen= END x 2

SP/HP= END x 10

I know I have no idea how I measure up to anyone I'm going to be fighting, but I feel powerful. I feel ready to take this on. Gamer's Mind maybe?

[Before the game starts, there is an option to gain random perks!]

What's the drawback?

[For every random perk you gain, you will also gain a random flaw!]

Will the flaws last forever, or will I be able to get rid of them further down the line?

[Once you are strong enough, you will be able to remove the flaws!]

I'll take one.

Perk Gained

[Magical Soul]

You have magic in your soul

MP is now INT x 20

Flaw Gained


Nothing is enough

You always want more

Worth it! So worth it! More magic is exactly what a mage needs. I need another perk like that. Hit me again.

Perk Gained

[Broken Limiter]

You have broken your limits

You can learn any skill through effort no matter its requirements

Your EXP gain is also increased by 20%

Flaw Gained

[You Smell Good]

You are irresistible to all forms of monsters

Expect to be hunted constantly

That's a flaw?! I can just hide in an ID if I come across anything too terrible. And the PERK! That is so broken. Hell, one of those effects is broken. The two combined is just downright unfair! Hit me again.

Perk Gained


Once every 5 minutes, redistribute your current MP, SP, and HP however you wish

This can save your life, or give you that last burst of power to end a hard fight.

Flaw Gained

[Martially Inept]

Martial skills are not your forte

All EXP gains to Martial skills are decreased by 50%

On the one hand, god level perks. On the other, my plan to get my other skills up once my magic was strong enough just got dismantled. I still have the bonuses from both Human and Broken Limiter though, so I'm only losing 5% EXP. I can afford one more flaw, then I'll stop.

Perk Gained

[Son of the storm]

Storm Magics(lightning, wind, water, etc.) are 25% more effective

Storm Magics cost 25% less to cast

Storm Magics LVL up 10% faster

Flaw Gained


END, STR, and DEX are all reduced by 50%(One time effect)

Yeeeeessssss! But also nooooooooo! The perk is amazing. The flaw is horrible! How the hell am I supposed to overcome that? I can't lift a smartphone now! That's it! No more! Now I need to grind my endurance and strength like nobody's business. Dexterity will take care of itself so long as I'm leveling up. I suppose I should be thankful it's a one time effect. If this were permanent I don't see any way I could survive. I just need to find a way to live long enough to undo it. I'm ready, send me in.


Level- 1

Class- Electromancer- LVL 1/100 [0%]

Race- Human

Tier- Mortal

Alignment- ?

HP- 50 [10 per minute]

MP- 300 [30 per minute]

SP- 50 [10 per minute]

STR- 10/2=5

END- 10/2=5

DEX - 12/2=6

INT - 15

WIS - 15

CHA - 10

LUK - 10

MP Regen= WIS x 2

MP= INT x 20

SP/Health Regen= END x 2

SP/HP= END x 10

[Understood! Best of luck to you Gamer!]

I wake to the sound of creaking wood and uneven roads. I open my eyes to find myself in the back of a horse drawn cart with a man in red armor driving. In the back with me I find two women and one man all in purplish blue armor with a bear's head emblem on the cuirass. All of whom have downtrodden expressions. There is a somber feeling in the air as I take in my surroundings. I look down to see that myself and my fellow passengers are all bound at the wrists.

Well at least I know when and where I'm starting. On the other hand, GODDAMN ALDUIN! I have 50 HP! How am I going to get out of this?

Quest added

[The Tutorial!]

You have found yourself in the setting's tutorial. Wherein the final boss will come to say hello.

Objective- Survive the tutorial

Bonus Objective- ?

Bonus Objective- ?

Rewards- ?,?

Bonus Rewards- ?,?

Failure- You become an appetizer

Great, I've been here for all of 20 seconds and I already have a 'Survive' mission. This is great. I love this. If I jump off the cart and run will I get pincushioned like Lokir?

Wait, Lokir isn't in this cart. Neither are Ralof or Ulfric for that matter. I look behind us and see another cart following a little ways behind. Within I see two nord men with dirty blonde hair, another smaller nord male with black hair, and lastly a seemingly nord woman, also with black hair. I can't make out too much detail given our distance and the interposing horse and driver of the other cart, but I can see enough to make some conclusions.

Conclusion 1, I'm not in the cart with Ulfric and am therefore not the dragonborn. Conclusion 2, the woman is most likely the dragonborn. Conclusion 3, I'm not the dragonborn. Conclusion 4, I am so dead.

How the hell am I supposed to live without plot armour? The dragonborn lives because everyone goes out of their way to throw themselves in front of the literal fire. For all intents and purposes, I'm just going to be another tasty little mortal. Why did I choose Skyrim? If I had picked Percy Jackson I would have at least lived through the tutorial.

I guess operation glue myself to the Dovahkiin is a go. Anywhere she goes I go. I use her as a meat shield and hide in order to preserve my pathetically small health pool. I make myself useful by demonstrating my magic and play support for whoever we end up following.

I hear a shout from the direction we're heading and look over. I see a wall made of stone bricks and a wooden gate which leads into a small town. Well that trip didn't last very long.

Please let my head stay attached to my body until the surprise dragon arrives.

We pull in and come to a stop in the town's square as most of the townspeople look on from their front porches. I guess a beheading is pretty entertaining when you don't have the internet to waste time on all day everyday.

"Everyone out!" comes the call from our cart's driver.

Slowly we all stand and make our way off the cart. That one Imperial Captain who sentences the player to death is standing next to Hadvar while he reads out names. The Stormcloacks go before me and just as he gets to me the second cart pulls in with the protagonist in tow.


Loyal Imperial

Level- 15

Race- Nord

HP- 750

Thoughts about you- Confusion, Pity

I don't want your pity, I want your hit points.

"You." Hadvar points at me. "Who are you? Your name isn't here."

"Dusk." I respond simply.

"What are you doing in Skyrim imperial?"

Am I an imperial? Am I even one of Skyrim's races? 'Human' makes it seem like the answer is no.

"I came to visit the college. I have committed no crimes. You have no right to imprison me." I responded back.

Hadvar pauses for a moment. "Captain? What do we do?"

The captain meets my gaze with a sneer. "He goes to the block." Her voice brokered no argument.

Hadvar gives me an apologetic look before calling out the names from the other cart.

I make my way into line and tune everything else out as I begin to run through my escape plan. Get to the tower, hide from the rage dragon. Jump through hole left by the rage dragon. Keep running from rage dragon. Hide behind the dragonborn and hope I don't get squished. Not as much of a plan as a prayer.

A great echoing roar pulled me back to reality as I started counting down the seconds. The imperials are confused and the captain is still being a controlling murderhobo. A second roar shakes the land and I prepare myself.

"Svarline of Bruma." Hadvar's voice pulls me back into the moment.

I look over to the woman I assume to be the dragonborn and get my first real look at her. She is a slimmer nord who still manages to have an athletic build. She has raven black hair and eyes, and slightly pointed ears. Wait. She's a half-elf? Those exist.

Svarline of Bruma

The Dragonborn of Legend

Level- 5

Race- Half-breed(High Elf/Nord)

HP- 275

Unique abilities- Soul of a Dragon(Can absorb dragon souls and use their knowledge to learn shouts)

Thoughts about you- You're not as important as her impending death

Huh, apparently half-elves exist now. That's also confirmation of her being the dragonborn. Don't worry Svarline, you aren't going to be executed. You might be burned, crushed, maimed, and you might even get your head cut off in the coming hours, but you won't be executed.

Svarline is trembling as she slowly makes her way to the block. I get ready as she is forced to kneel, and then place her neck against the stone.

I've beat Skyrim more times than I can count. I have experimented with countless builds, and goofed off in the game just for the fun of it. Alduin has never been all that intimidating. As final bosses go, he's actually pretty lackluster. Heck, I killed the guy with one hit from a fork once. I have never taken him all that seriously. That just changed. It's one thing watching a kill cinematic where your character is smaller than a dragon's head. It's something else entirely to be smaller than a creature's head. Alduin is massive. His scales are black as night, and his legs longer and thicker than trees. His very presence screams power.

I'm going to die aren't I?

"What in Oblivion is that?!" a panicked General Tullius yells.

The World Eater lands atop a house and roars. The ground shakes and the sky breaks as meteors begin to fall.

Yep. It's time to tactically retreat with extreme prejudice.

I start running towards the tower and see Ralof and Svarline already ahead of me. I arrive just before they close the door and slide in.

As we catch our breath I take the chance to observe Ralof.

Ralof of Riverwood

True Son of Skyrim

Level- 8

Race- Nord

HP- 425

Thoughts about you- You are not a dragon or an imperial so you're an ally

Good to know he's not going to stab me in the back at least. Oh, hello Ulfric. Didn't see you there.

Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak

The True High King

Level- 56

Race- Nord

HP- 1580

Unique Abilities- Thu'um(Can use the ancient magic of the dragons)

Thoughts about you- You're not a dragon so you aren't important

Well screw you too 'True High King'. I sure as hell didn't vote for you. Man Gamer's mind must be working overtime if I can crack jokes right now.

"Jarl Ulfric, what is that thing? Could the legends be true?" Ralof asks his king.

"Legends don't burn down villages." is Ulfric's reply.

"I hate to interrupt," I say to the room, "but how are we going to get out of here." I punctuate my sentence by casting a charged attack on my hands and use it to melt my bindings off. Before I dismiss it I reach over and do the same to Svarline's. She gives me a thankful nod and turns back to the group.

Ralof looks around for a moment before motioning to the stairs. "If we get to the top of the tower we'll be able to see the best path." He starts off and Svarline and I follow him.

We continue climbing and I make sure to stay at the back. When Ralof reaches the second floor the wall collapses in on itself. Alduin shoves his head in and blankets the interior in his fire.

"Against the wall now!" Ralof cries as he throws himself out of the way. Alduin flies off but his fire is still slowly spreading towards us.

"The building over there!" Ralof points. "Jump!"

He goes first followed quickly by myself and Svarline. We hit and roll to our feet.

"Come on! I know of a keep we can get to!" Ralof says to us before he leads us into the chaotic streets. We dodge in and out of debris as we slowly make our way towards Ralof's destination.

What seems an eternity later we come to the keep the player escapes through in the game. "Inside quickly!" Ralof calls.

We all throw ourselves in and shut the door behind us.

"What in Oblivion is happening?!" Svarline practically shouts.

"Was that a dragon?" Ralof asks quietly while he catches his breath.

I move over to the equipment rack and start arming myself. "As far as I'm concerned, questions can wait until we're safe. I would prefer to be alive and confused about our situation, than illuminated and dead." I say as I pull on a belt and sheath a sword and dagger in it. Looking down at my new equipment I cast observe.

Iron Sword

Deals STR + 10 Slashing or Piercing Damage

Iron Dagger

Deals STR + 5 Slashing or Piercing Damage

So both of these are effectively useless for me right now. Great.

"He's right." Svarline says to Ralof as she pulls on some light armor. She grabs a sword and dagger as well, before walking and grabbing a bow and arrows.

I guess when Skyrim is no longer a game you can find better loot in the starting area.

"Alright." Ralof says as he grabs an axe, dagger, and shield. "Let's get out of here."

Ralof leads the way deeper into the keep while we all keep our guard up. "It's clear, let's move." We run through an open area where we should have met some imperials, not that I'm complaining, and move down the stairs.

"Wait!" Svarline says once we are halfway down the stairs. "I hear voices below us."

We continue to inch closer to the doorway and slowly take a look around the corner. In the potion room where I remember 2 or 3 enemies at most. There is a congregation of 7 imperials.

Imperial Soldier

Level- 1

HP- 125

"Maybe we can reason with them?" Ralof asks, then immediatly cringes when he sees the looks Svarline and myself are sending his way. "There's a dragon attacking! They'll be reasonable." he argues.

One of the imperials perks up. "Everyone quiet! I heard something." She looks out the door and right at us. "Get them!" she shouts and they all charge.

Rather than waste time reprimanding Ralof as I so wish to do, I cast lightning flood on the ground between us the moment they start charging. I keep powering the spell until my MP dries up, then draw my sword and fall back behind Ralof.

When I'm better positioned I turn to see 3 of the imperials rolling around screaming in the liquid lightning and another 2 dead to the side with arrows protruding from their throats. The final two are being held back by Ralof at the door. I get behind Ralof to obscure myself from the imperials and stab down into the leader's foot. He screams and drops his guard letting Ralof dispatch him.

Losing his buddy left the remaining imperial open to another arrow from Svarline's bow. I move past the first two bodies and start stabbing the still moaning imperials who were hit by my spell. It was great for cloud control but they're still alive. Ralof and Svarline see this and quickly join me.

Once they are all dead, we partake in the most glorious of traditions! Looting the bodies very quickly so as not to get crushed when the evil dragon collapses the building on our heads. Svarline and I replace our swords and we all grab up what money we can.

Imperial Sword

Deals STR + 15 Slashing or Piercing Damage

84 Septims added

That done, I rush over to the shelves and barrels and pull out what potions I can find.

Minor Healing Potion x4

Heals the target for 25 HP

Minor Mana Potion

Restores the target for 25 MP

Minor Fire Resistance Potion

The target takes 15% less damage from fire

Given our party make-up I give Ralof 2 of the healing potions, then give one to Svarline and keep the last one. I also give Svarline the fire resistance potion. It won't be much use here, and she has a career as a dragon slayer ahead of her.

"Let's move." Ralof says. He leads us down deeper into the keep. We don't meet any resistance until we get to the torture chamber.

Ralof is the first one down the stairs and screams bloody murder before charging out of sight. We hurry after him to find the assistant stabbed through the back in the process of cutting up a stormcloak corpse. The overseer starts casting a fire spell but I stun him before he can get it off. Svarliene takes the opportunity to put 3 arrows into his stomach. Both imperials fall at the same time and we look around to make sure the room is clear.

Ralof is still curled over the desecrated stormcloak when I start to loot the room.

147 Septims added

Healing Potion

Heals the target 50 HP

Minor Mana Potion x2

Restores the target for 25 MP

I move to the mage and find Svarline has already got the cage open and taken all the gold. "Do you mind if I take the enchanted gear and the spellbook?" I ask.

She shrugs, "Feel free, I'm not too great with destruction. More of an alteration mage."

I bend down and strip the mage of everything of value.

Ring of Shocking

Shock spells deal 10% more damage

Necklace of the Student

Wearer gains an extra 5% EXP

Lightning Teleport Grimoire

Costs 100 MP

Fire a lightning bolt and teleport to the location where the bolt hits

Requires level 50 Electromancy

I put the necklace on the moment I observe it. More EXP is always welcome.. I put the ring on and looked at my stats. I have quite a few bonuses to my lightning magic. Not going to complain about that. I then walked behind the door frame to put the grimoire in my inventory without drawing attention.

Ralof is still knelt over his friend when I return. I put a hand on his shoulder and said, "We need to go. It's only a matter of time before the dragon destroys the keep. Mourn later."

Ralof starts to argue but stops himself. He grabs his axe and moves out of the room without a word.

Svarline and myself follow him out and down the corridor. Past cells with more rotting corpses. And to a wooden bridge. Ralof pulls the lever and the bridge comes down with a loud *clang*.

"What was that?!" someone on the other side shouts. Soon several more imperials are charging towards us.

"Use the bridge as a chokepoint!" I yell, once more blanketing the ground in lightning.

Ralof takes up position in front while Svarline backs up to the stairs to get a better angle on the approaching imperials. Two have already fallen to her arrows when they finally reach the lightning.

The few in front try to stop, but are forced forward by those behind them. They go down and I send a lightning bolt into the next closest, sending him into the lightning as well.

Another pair falls to Svarline's arrows before one finally makes it to Ralof. They clash, but Ralof easily dispatches her after she had been stunned by me. With nine down we are through all but the last.

Imperial Captain

Level- 5

Hp- 750

He's going to be a problem. I quickly stun him to buy more time when his armor suddenly turns into paper. He looks down confused in time to see an arrow and a lightning bolt connect with his now vulnerable sternum. He's pushed back and tries to regain his balance but Ralof is on him too fast. Hacking into his stomach until he stops moving.

I look back over to Svarline to see her panting. She meets my eyes and says, "It's really hard to affect items that people are wearing."

I toss her one of the mana potions and she downs it in one go. Svarline retrieves her arrows and we all loot their gold.

84 Septems added

"Come on, we're getting close." Ralof says before moving to the other end of the cavern.

Svarline and I go to follow when we hear a rumbling. The entire floor starts shaking and pieces of the ceiling fall around us.

"Move!" Ralof bellows as we all charge through to the cave on the other side. Not a moment too soon as a stone falls behind us. Sealing us in.

"Well that was close." I say. Before the others can reply, a loud hissing sound echoes down from above us. I look up to see a sea of red eyes all looking directly at me.

Frostbite Spider

Level- 2

HP- 55

Unique abilities- Frostbite venom

I reach up and cast chain lightning at the nearest spider while backing away. The spell connects and begins to chain to the other spiders. It does little to deter them as every single one of them zeroes in on me. Svaline takes one down with her bow, and Ralof intercepts one, but the other five all converged on me.

As they start to bite and pummel me I lose 35 HP immediately and come under the effects of a poison.

You have been Poisoned!

SP regenerates 50% slower for 10 min.

SP is reduced by 50% for 10 min.

This is bad. I cast lightning flood centered around me to catch all of the spiders in it. I then cast lightning cloak to cover each of them in even more damage. One goes down, two go down. I get bit again and lose another 20 HP. I cast a second chain lightning and the two more go down. The last one is getting ready to charge me when Ralof's axe imbeds itself into the spider's head.

With the main threat out of the way I down a minor healing potion and a magicka potion to fix myself up a little bit.

Svarline rushes up to me and her hands start to glow with a bright golden aura. She presses them into my chest and I instantly feel better. The poisoned status fades away and I gain another 10 HP.

"Are you alright?" she asks when her spell is finished.

"I will be when it stops hurting." I reply.

Ralof unlodges his axe before saying, "You must smell pretty good. They were all over you."

Oh. Oh that flaw is so much worse than I thought. I have instant everything aggro now. As a mage. If I get out of here, I need to hide in IDs for a solid month to get stronger.

Ralof cleans his axe off then moves to the other end of the nest, "Come on. There's probably a way out through here. Only way the spiders could have eaten without inciting the ire of the imperials."

I stand up and give my thanks to Svarline for the healing before following Ralof.

We moved forward through the cave until we heard a roar. We all tensed up expecting a dragon to burn us away any moment, only to see a bear angrily charging at me. We all relaxed, and Svarline and I took it down with lightning and arrows.

We kept walking until we saw light coming from an opening up ahead. We ran forwards and found ourselves outside of the cave. We let out a collective sigh of relief, and then had a shared heart attack as a massive shape flew directly over our heads.

"Down!" I whispered forcefully, and we all dropped.

Alduin let out one final roar before lazily flying away in the direction of the mountains.

We waited with held breath for a whole five minutes before relaxing once more.

"Looks like he's gone for good this time." Ralof sighed as he collapsed against a rock.

"Yay! We lived! Now let's never ever do that ever again." I said as I too, collapsed.

Svarline let out a chuckle and joined us on the ground.

Quest Completed!

[The Tutorial!]

You have found yourself in the setting's tutorial. Wherein the final boss will come to say hello.

Objective- Survive the tutorial(Complete)

Bonus Objective- Help the Dragonborn escape(Complete)

Bonus Objective- (Help Hadvar or Ralof escape(Complete)

Rewards- LVL UP x1, 1 Gacha Coin

Bonus Rewards- LVL UP x2, 2 Gacha Coins

You Leveled up! X5

+50 Stat Points!


Level- 5

Class- Electromancer- LVL 4/100 [67%]

Race- Human

Tier- Mortal

Alignment- ?

HP- 250 [50 per minute]

MP- 600 [60 per minute]

SP- 250 [50 per minute]

STR- 25

END- 25

DEX - 22

INT - 30

WIS - 30

CHA - 10

LUK - 10

MP Regen= WIS x 2

MP= INT x 20

SP/Health Regen= END x 2

SP/HP= END x 10

Guess I level up after dungeons, not during. Good to know. The extra levels from the quest are also nice. Hmm, I wonder how Svarline and Ralof are doing.

Svarline of Bruma

The Dragonborn of Legend

Level- 8

Race- Half-breed(High Elf/Nord)

HP- 350

Unique abilities- Soul of a Dragon(Can absorb dragon souls and use their knowledge to learn shouts)

Thoughts about you- You saved her life, and reminded her what it is to have comrades

Ralof of Riverwood

True Son of Skyrim

Level- 10

Race- Nord

HP- 490

Thoughts about you- You saved his life and fought beside him, you are his friend

They're both stronger as well. So dungeons level up the whole party. Good to know.

What's this 'comrades' thing? Am I going to have to sit through a tragic backstory at some point? Way to check your cliche box there game.

"What now?" Svarline asked the two of us.

"My current plan is to enjoy not being dead. Once I figure out a long term I'll let you know." I responded.

Ralof chuckled before adding his two septims, "We could head to Riverwood. It's not far, and my sister has a home there. She'd be willing to take us in while we figure out a plan."

I look over to Svarline. "Better than anything I've got."

She nods and says, "Ok, Riverwood it is."

We all pull ourselves up from the ground and start slogging our way towards Riverwood.

Quest Added

[Riverwood Ho!]

Objective- Reach Riverwood

Bonus Objective- Reach Riverwood in less than 5 hours

Rewards- A place to sleep, food to eat

Bonus Rewards- ?

Five hours? Oh no. The world scaled up didn't it? This is going to suck.

As we move, Ralof tells us about the stormcloaks, and not so subtly tries to recruit us. I politely turn him down explaining that I'm here to study at the college, and say I might be able to find a way to bring down the dragons if I work with the mages there. Svarline also turned him down by stating she's in Skyrim to find someone, not fight a war. Ralof is obviously disappointed, but doesn't push the issue.

We walk for nearly two hours before we come to the standing stones. Guess the developers had to scale the continent down to keep people interested.

Ralof explains what they are and how he took the warrior. While he is explaining everything in depth to Svarline I take a moment to observe them.

The Warrior Stone

Mythic Item

This stone will grant whoever touches it The Warrior Stone perk

The Warrior Stone grants a 50% increase to all martial skill EXP gains

Will remove other stone blessings

The Thief Stone

Mythic Item

This stone will grant whoever touches it The Thief Stone perk

The Thief Stone grants a 50% increase to all thievery skill EXP gains

Will remove other stone blessings

The Mage Stone

Mythic Item

This Stone will grant whoever touches it The Mage Stone perk

The Mage Stone grants a 50% increase to all magis skill EXP gains

Will remove other stone blessings

That is a full 30% more powerful than in the game! Ok, choice time. Thief is out, don't need it yet. I could take The Warrior and completely negate my flaw, but that seems like a waste. I need to get strong quickly. I already have increases to my magic EXP gain. If I multiply it even more I can get ridiculously strong with little effort. Once that's done, I can just come back and switch to the warrior to grind martial skills. Besides, I don't have a martial class at the moment. That will make progress that much slower. Mage stone it is.

I walked up and touched the center stone. I felt a connection and watched as the stone slowly started to glow. A beam of turquoise energy then shot out the top and kept travelling until it was out of sight.

New Perk Added!

The Mage Stone

Grants a 50% increase to all magis skill EXP gain

Cannot hold any other stone perks while you holw The Mage Stone

Very nice.

"Well isn't that shocking?" Svarline drawled as she walked towards the stones.

I paused for a moment while my brain caught up. "Did you just make a pun?"

She just smiled at me before touching the mage stone herself, surprising me slightly. She seemed like she would be a stealth archer, not a mage.

Ralof let out a sigh drawing our attention. "I'm surrounded by the cleverfolk." he snipped playfully before turning and continuing towards Riverwood.

We continue on for another hour when we hear a nearby howl. We stop and look towards the sound only for a wolf to jump me from behind. I lose 25 hit points as I feel fangs sink into my shoulder.

Clever girl.


Level- 3

HP- 75

I bring up my lightning cloak and cast a charged attack on my fists. I begin to lay into the wolf as 3 others circle around me. As I finish off the one chewing on my shoulder The ground underneath two of the others turns into a very soft mud and they start to sink. Ralof runs in on my right and falls upon the one spared from the mud with his axe. Killing it instantly.

I throw the wolf's body off me before flooding the mud with liquid lightning. Roasting the trapped wolves with ease. I turn in time to see Svarline shoot an arrow into the wolf that originally howled. Dropping it with a well placed shot to its shoulder.

We finish dispatching the wolves and take a breath.

"I am so done right now." I say to my companions as I start back on the path.

The others fall in behind me and we walk for another 45 minutes before a stone wall can be seen. We've made it to Riverwood.

Quest Completed

[Riverwood Ho!]

Objective- Reach Riverwood(Complete)

Bonus Objective- Reach Riverwood in less than five hours(Complete)

Rewards- A place to sleep, food to eat

Bonus Rewards- Shocking Blade

Shocking Blade

Uncommon Item

Deals STR + 20 Slashing or Piercing damage per hit

Deals INT + 10 Electrical damage per hit

Not bad at all. Too bad I'm currently martially inept.

We walk into town and Ralof leads us to his sister's home. She welcomes us with little fanfare, prepares us a meal and beds then goes off to talk with Ralof. Leaving me and Svarline alone.

We don't talk, too busy inhaling the food. Once we are done we share a look, before looking to the beds. With an unspoken understanding between us. We both clean our dishes and crawl into bed to go to sleep.

Chapter 2

[You have rested in a bed for 8 hours!]

[HP, SP, and MP restored!]

[EXP gain increased by 15% for the next 6hours!]

Resting gives some pretty good bonuses.

I slowly sit up to find several people sleeping on the various beds around me. Svarline and I were given bedrolls while Ralof, his sister Gerdur, and their family are passed out on beds packed with fur and straw.

As carefully as I can so as not to disturb anyone, I get up and make my way upstairs. I grab an apple off the table and walk out the front door.

The sun isn't visible yet but the horizon possesses an orange hue signaling that it will soon. I sit down onto a bench next to the door and start on my apple while I think.

So… yesterday happened. It was hectic, but I'm not dead! What do I do now?

I have a good idea of what comes next, but I'm hesitant to rely on outside knowledge for anything other than concrete fact. The last thing I need is to run into a crypt expecting a spider and meet a draugr overlord. Instant game over.

Anyway, back to planning. Important question, what am I trying to accomplish? Right now, I need to focus on power leveling to the point where I can survive being sneezed on. I also need to avoid anything that is able to sneeze me to death. Meaning dragons, vampires, giants, and the stronger draugr should be avoided if at all possible.

As a pathway to power leveling, I need to abuse the hell out of ID create. I also need to figure out where the heck I need to go. I'm fairly confident Ralof will ask either Svarline or myself to let Whiterun know about Helgen, and Whiterun is fairly close to the center of Skyrim. Making it a good place to start. After I get there, I need to do what keeps me alive longest. I'm a mage, so college is the most obvious option. That is if I can live through the hundred of so frost trolls I'll encounter because of that irritating flaw. That thing really limits my options. Until I'm strong enough to survive on my own I'm going to need backup.

Which leads to the million dollar question. Do I stay with our lady dragonborn? Pro, she's got some pretty useful alteration magic that's great for crowd control and tough enemies. Con, I'm almost certain to get dragged into the main storyline. Pro, she also has some restoration magic, and healers are ridiculously useful. Con, followers, because that's essentially what I'll be, have a tendency to die in hilariously painful ways. Pro, I'll have someone watching my back to help with any creatures that catch a whiff of me. Con, if I get swept up into the main story grinding levels is going to become significantly harder.

I let out a sigh as I finished off my apple. This sucks.

Ok, options other than hanging with Svarline? I could try to miracle my way to Winterhold and find the Eye of Magnus. Maybe even become archmage if I play my cards right. I could just find a cave to hide in while I abuse ID create to level up. Only emerging when I'm strong enough to not get dead. I could also try to get myself changed into a vampire or werewolf for the instant power boost.

Wait… vampire. I know where Serana is. I could totally break her out and get harkon to change me.




That is the worst idea yet.

Skipping over the part where I would need to solo one of the harder dungeons in the game. Filled with undead hordes, giant frostbite spiders, master vampires, and gargoyles. Putting myself anywhere near Harkon is a hilariously bad idea. The only reason the MC makes it out in game is because they paid money for the DLC. If the developers had him act like his normal assholey self and kill you, it would've made for shitty content. I have no guarantee he won't just say, "Thanks for the Elder Scroll!" *CHOMP* So that plan's out.

Honestly, the best plan for right now looks like hanging with Svarline. Tell Balgruuf his lands have a slight case of world ending dragon, maybe get the dragonstone and hope and pray no watchtowers are burnt down.

I look up and see the sun beginning to peek over the horizon. Guess I'll keep hiding behind the dragonborn until I come up with something better.

Well now that that's out of the way, time to grind.

I go to stand up and cast ID Create when the door to Gerdur's house opens, and out walks Svarline.

I cry internally. I just want to become all powerful! Is that really so much to ask you damn univer..., I mean, you damn Godhead?!

"Hey." she says when she spots me.

"Uh, hi. How're you holding up?" I say back as I sit back down.

She pauses for a moment and looks at the slowly rising sun. "That really happened yesterday didn't it?" She asks weakly.

I give a weak laugh. "Either that, or we all shared one hell of a skooma trip."

She quiets down for a moment, then takes a seat in one of the nearby chairs. "So much happened in such a short time. It's hard to believe half of it's real. Let alone the giant murderous dragon."

I nod and say, "Ya, the amount of shit we just lived through is truly ridiculous."

We lapse into silence for a few minutes before the door opens once more, and Ralof pokes his head out. "Come on in," he says. "Gerdur's got breakfast ready."

We both stand and head inside. We sit down at the two empty seats and everyone quietly eats their food. Once we all finish, Hod, Gerdur's husband, takes their son Frodnar outside to give us some space.

"Alright Ralof," Gerdur begins. "you've rested and eaten. So now I need you to tell me if what you said last night is true or if you were just drunk off your ass."

Ralof's gaze unfocuses as he responds. "It's true. The Imps captured us. They were going to execute Ulfric to end the war when oblivion opened up. A giant black dragon destroyed the entire town. I don't know who all got out. The only reason us three made it is luck."

I'd argue that point if it weren't so true. I need to get stronger fast.

Gerdur forces Ralof to look her in the eyes and holds his gaze. After a few moments she lets out a sigh and releases him. "If it's really that bad, then we need to do something. Riverwood isn't equipped to fight off large amounts of bandits, let alone a god's be damned dragon! Someone needs to take this to the Jarl, and it won't be you Ralof." She says as he goes to speak. "There are too many Imperial sympathizers in the city. If they see your face they'll hang you before they let you talk." Gerdur turns to Svarline and myself. "I thank you for bringing my brother back alive, but I need your help. We need the Jarl's aid in dealing with this, and I can't go myself. Would the both of you be willing to help?"

Quest added

[Riverwood's in Peril!]

With a dragon on the loose, Riverwood is defenseless. Go beseech the Jarl for aid on their behalf

Objectives- Tell Jarl Balgruuf of the dragon threat and get help for Riverwood

Reward- ?

Time Limit- One Week

Well when you put that question mark there I have to accept. "I'll go." I say, and Gerdur gives me a grateful nod.

"I will as well." Svarline says. We share a look and give each other a nod.

Gerdur leans back in her chair and lets out a breath. "Thank you both. I don't mean to evict you from my home, especially after your ordeal, but you need to leave as soon as possible. I'll prepare some travel packs for the two of you. Be ready to leave in three quarters of an hour." She stands up and walks down the stairs. Presumably to go pack us some supplies.

Ralof watches his sister go before turning to the two of us. "Thank you for this. I'm sorry you can't rest more but she's right. The longer the town's without defenders the worse off we are."

"It's no trouble. Thank you for letting us stay the night." Svarline says and I nod my agreement.

Ralof leans in and looks between us. "I didn't thank you before, we were all too tired, but thank you both. It's a fact that I would be dead right now if it weren't for you. Whether killed by the Imps, or crushed while still sitting over Jollond." At the name his expression falls, before rising to us once again. "Thank you, if there is ever anything I can do for either of you, you need only ask."

"Well since you mentioned it," I start, "would you mind pointing me in the direction of the trader here in town? I'd like to stock up before we head out."

Ralof smiles. "Sure thing."

He leads me outside, being careful not to be seen, and points me toward the center of town and gives me some directions.

I head off and do my best to follow Ralof's instructions but the town is nothing like in the game. It is at least twice as large and not built to make sense to a city slicker like myself. After about 10 minutes of wandering I find the Riverwood Trader and walk inside.

"...well if you had just locked the door like I…." comes a shout from inside.

Ya, no. Skip!

"Excuse me!" I call, "Is this the general goods store."

A dark haired man and woman both look towards me before shrinking in on themselves.

"Oh, um, yes! It is! Welcome! How can I help you?" The man stammers out while the woman walks behind the counter.

"I'm looking for spellbooks, and books on enchanting and alchemy." I say as I make my way to the counter.

The shop is different as well, at least twice as large with three times as many shelves. Meta knowledge, the greatest weapon of SI's everywhere, oh why have you failed me?

"Sure thing!" The woman says a little too chirpily before walking me to a particular shelf. "These are all the spells we have. They're a little hard to come by so we don't have much. I'll go grab you what we have on those crafts you were after."

When she walked away I looked over the five spells.

Summon Wolf Spirit

Costs 50 MP

Conjure a spectral wolf to fight by your side

The wolf is as strong as a typical wolf and lasts until killed or dispelled

Summon Fire Elemental(Requires Conjurer or Summoner Class)

Costs 175 MP

Conjure a fire spirit to fight at your side

The spirit as as strong as a journeyman pyromancer and lasts until killed or dispelled

Stone Barrage(Requires Elemental mage level 35)

Costs 80 MP

Rain down a hail of boulders on your enemies

Fires INT boulders that do INT + 20 crushing damage on hit

Spectral Armor(Requires Conjurer or Summoner Class)

Costs 200 MP

Don a spectral armor that lasts until dismissed or broken

Absorbs INT + 50 damage


Costs 30 MP

Heals the target for INT + 10 damage and neutralizes weak venoms and poisons

Ok game I have some questions about the magic.

[I will answer any question I am able!]

Why can I use the wolf spell, but not the fire elemental? Can I get more classes, and how do I find more lightning spells?

[Excellent question!]

[To start, any mage can use the basic spells of any other discipline, but they must be specialized to learn the more potent magics!]

[You can have 1 combet class and 1 crafting class at a time, and you gain more when you max your current ones out!]

[You can receive new lightning spells by leveling up or by finding them in the world!]

[Once you get truly powerful, you won't even need spells!]

[You will instead be able to shape your lightning however you see fit and use it in ways limited only by your imagination!]

There's some potential there…

Thanks game.

[You are welcome Gamer!]

Camilla came back with two books, one on alchemy and one on enchanting. I grabbed Heal, and summon wolf spirit off the shelf and followed her over to the counter. "How much for all this?"

"300 septims."

Well crap. I've only got 231. I choose you bargainfu!

"How about 150 and I trade this grimoire?" I say as I put down the teleportation tome. I'll probably get it when I level to 50, and even if I don't. I need this stuff now.

Carmilla looks it over, "250 and the tome."


She smiles. "Deal."

We exchange goods, and I leave with two new spells and two crafting books.

On my way back to Gerdur's house I look them over.

Alchemy skill book

Grants the [Alchemist!] crafting class

Enchanting skill book

Grants the [Enchanting!] crafting class

Enchantments good but best at high levels. I'll take alchemy for now.

Class gained

[Alchemist!]- LVL 1/50

Brew potions, and poisons to use on your journeys

Gain 1 INT, and 1 WIS per level

As I gain the class I gain a few simple recipes. I can now make minor potions and poisons whose effects are simple, healing, harming, etc. Not a bad investment at all. Even if I'm broke now.

I make it back inside the house right as Gerdur's is coming up the stairs with two knapsacks.

"I packed you some rations, tinderbox, bedrolls, a map, all the usuals." She says as she hands them off to the two of us. "Take this as well." She says as she pulls a ring from her pocket. "The Jarl will know I sent you if you present him with that."

Svarline takes the ring and puts it in a satchel she didn't have when we got here. She must have gone shopping too.

We all move to the front yard and Ralof walks up to shake our hands. "Thank you again for all you've done. Until we meet again my friends."

Svarline and I say our goodbyes and start down the road in the direction of whiterun. Using our newly acquired map of the hold as a guide.

It takes us around 15 minutes to get out of town at which point I summon my new dog. Without having to worry about him timing out I can just keep him with us for the whole trip.

Svarline looks down at him, then back to me. "You have a ghost hound." she states.

With one hand petting him I look her in the eyes and say, "His name is Mr. Rogers and he is perfect."

She looks at me for a moment as if she can't decide what to do, before smiling and saying, "I don't know about perfect, but he is pretty pawsome."

My hand froze on Mr. Roger's head.

"This is gonna be a thing isn't it?" I sighed.

She just smiled even wider and continued on.

I sighed and followed.

Not 30 minutes later we got jumped by wolves.

Luckily, now that we hadn't just run from the firstborn of Akatosh we were able to dispatch the pack fairly easily.

And the next one.

And the next one.

And the next one.

Oh look a bear!

A bear

Level- 5

HP- 175

Svarline and I shredded it from range while Mr. Rogers distracted it. He is best boy.

After two hours of walking we had killed over two dozen wolves and three bears. This flaw is a curse. I guess that's kind of the point.

On the other hand…..

Level Up! X3

Gain +30 Stat Points

Thank you very much, absolutely ludicrous EXP gain.


Level- 8

Class- Electromancer- LVL 7/100 [82%]

Crafting Class- Alchemist LVL 4/50 [47%]

Race- Human

Tier- Mortal

Alignment- ?

HP- 300 [60 per minute]

MP- 900 [90 per minute]

SP- 300 [60 per minute]

STR- 30

END- 30

DEX - 28

INT - 45

WIS - 45

CHA - 20

LUK - 20

MP Regen= WIS x 2

MP= INT x 20

SP/Health Regen= END x 2

SP/HP= END x 10

I guess it's also a blessing so long as you're only in an area with trash mobs. Not looking forward to the higher level zones.

"This is the most animals I have seen in the woods at one time," Svarline comments after the second bear. "And they are all after you."

"Nature hates me." I respond simply.

We walked for another 4 hours, killed another three dozen wolves and two bears when we came to the top of a hill and got our first view of Whiterun.

Once again, the city was much larger than in the game. It took up three times the space and the walls actually looked maintained. They weren't all crumbly, but instead solid bricks.

Svarline looked as if she was doing mental math before she said, "Looks like it will only be another hour until we get there. If we hurry we'll still have some sun left."

I look up to see the sun about a fourth of the way from the horizon. "Well then, let's get going."

We walked for half an hour when Mr. Rogers started barking up a storm. Svarline and I paused to look where he was looking and saw a very big thing lumbering towards us.

Forest Troll

Level- 15

HP- 525

Unique abilities- Troll physiology(Regenerates 10 HP every 5 seconds and can regrow limbs, ability is negated by fire and acid)

Well this is bad.

"Mr. Rogers, run literal circles around him to keep him distracted! Svarline, we have to hit him, and not stop hitting him!"

Svarline and I took up positions on a nearby rock and started laying into the troll while Mr. Rogers used his superior speed to keep the troll from hitting him.

We threw everything we had into him. I did my level best to turn him into a fried chicken, and Svarline made him into a pincushion.

It was working, but slowly. Everytime we let up for even a moment the arrows would fall out of him and the flesh would close up Wolverine style.

On one of his passes, Mr. Rogers came to close and got smacked with a ginormous hand.

He yiped and faded into nothingness.

"You killed my dog asshole!" I yelled before covering the ground in lightning. I turned to Svarline. "Do the thing with the mud!"

She looked at me for a moment before nodding. She gathered mana and changed the dirt beneath the troll into a deep mud. Stopping him from moving out of the lightning.

With his healing effectively negated by the lightning flood, we doubled down and began to tear into him from range once more.

He tried to struggle his way out but finally succumbed when an arrow embedded itself into his eye.

Well that was fun.

Level Up! X3

Gain +30 Stat points


Level- 11

Class- Electromancer- LVL 10/100 [23%]

Crafting Class- Alchemist LVL 7/50 [64%]

Tier- Mortal

Alignment- ?

HP- 300 [60 per minute]

MP- 1360 [136 per minute]

SP- 300 [60 per minute]

STR- 30

END- 30

DEX - 34

INT - 68

WIS - 68

CHA - 30

LUK - 30

MP Regen= WIS x 2

MP= INT x 20

SP/Health Regen= END x 2

SP/HP= END x 10

We took a few minutes to catch our breath before standing. I resummoned Mr. Rogers and started petting him.

"You're ok. Ssuuch a goood boy! I'm sorry the big mean troll hurt you. You're safe now." Mr. Rogers nuzzled my hand and panted happily.

Svarline walked over to the dead troll and observed our handy work. "Well," she said, "we really did this troll dirty." She looked back at me and grinned like a lunatic.

That's a modern phrase. How the hell does she know it?

I groaned and turned back to Mr. Rogers. "When we get to Whiterun we need to get a new travelling companion. This one's defective."

Savrline laughed and we continued on our way.

Half an hour later we had made it to the farms surrounding Whiterun. The sun was close to setting, and I was happy. There was no giant! We didn't have to tangle with any lanky monstrosities today! No sir! We can just walk right in and….


Godamnit Murphy. I will find a way to neuter you.

Svarline and I looked towards the scream to see a blue skinned monstrosity in a loincloth heft a tree trunk over its head and slam it down. Turning the man beneath him into red mist.


Level- 52

HP- 5670

Thoughts about you- The puny people must die

Oh look, it's sentient. How nice. We can probably reason with hi... LIGHTNING BOLT!

Mr. Rogers charged forth while Svarline started casting a spell. I just kept hammering the giant with spell after spell. Targeting his knees to make it harder for him to walk.

The giant grunted in anger and started trying to move towards us. He swung at Mr. Rogers with his tree but was too slow. So he settled for a field goal kick. Sending the phantom pup flying through the air all, and the way back to Oblivion.

I heard shouting behind me but tuned it out as I sent lightning into the ground, then resumed my kneecapping. The giant stumbled but kept getting closer.

I threw everything I had into my magic but the giant just kept coming. He opened up into a full sprint, his arms pumping, his loincloth swinging violently. He was quickly closing the short distance between us.

I was running out of ideas when a loud *GONG* echoed out from the giant. The hulking figure bent in half to grab his… solid steel loincloth? Oh that poor bastard. Eh, an opening is an opening. I redoubled my efforts now aiming for the beautifully conductive clothing article causing the giant to scream in agony. Svarline, now done with her spell, started shooting arrows into his joints as we backed up to get more room.

The giant was still writhing on the ground in pain when several figures charged past us from behind. Each carrying a weapon and adorned in heavy metal armor.

The one in the lead let out a war cry before bringing his sword down into the grounded giants shoulder.

Hello Companions.


The Brains of Ysgramor

Level- 78

Race- Werewolf

HP- 945

Thoughts about you- You put yourself in danger to defend these people. You are a worthy warrior


The Strength of Ysgramor

Level- 76

Race- Werewolf

HP- 920

Thoughts about you- You put yourself in danger to defend these people. You are a worthy warrior


The Huntress

Level- 73

Race- Werewolf

HP- 670

Thoughts about you- You're not too bad, for a spell flinger

More arrows join Svarline's and an axe finds its way to the giant's other shoulder. Each strike from a companion hits like a freight train, and the giant, wounded already, stands no chance.

He falls with one last sword strike piercing his neck.

Level Up! X4

Gained +40 Stat points


Level- 15

Class- Electromancer- LVL 14/100 [79%]

Crafting Class- Alchemist LVL11/50 [32%]

Tier- Mortal

Alignment- ?

HP- 400 [80 per minute]

MP- 1840 [184 per minute]

SP- 400 [80 per minute]

STR- 40

END- 40

DEX - 42

INT - 92

WIS - 92

CHA - 40

LUK - 40

MP Regen= WIS x 2

MP= INT x 20

SP/Health Regen= END x 2

SP/HP= END x 10

"Well fought!" Call the black haired Vilkas as he removes his sword from the giant. "I am Vilkas, of the Companions."

"Farkas." his brother adds as he starts to clean his axe.

"I'm Dusk." I say, realizing this is the first time Svarline's heard my name. We didn't really have time to introduce ourselves ever.

"Svarline." My companion replies.

"And I am Aela." the huntress replies as she cleans off the arrows she was able to salvage. "What say you two join us in Jorrvaskr for a celebration of the kill?"

"We would be honored." Svarline answers for me, "but we must speak with the Jarl or his advisors first. We bring word from Riverwood."

The three Companions pause, and look towards us with unconcealed interest. "Riverwood still stands?" Vilaks asks. "When that beast was spotted flying away we feared the worst."

Huh, apparently people have eyes in Skyrim. Who'd a thunk it?

"Riverwood stands yes, but Helgen's gone. We were there when it fell." Svarline replies.

"We must get you to the Jarl then," Vilkas stresses, "he will want to hear your story first hand."

With that the Companions wave down a guard and tell him to clean up the giant's mess before leading Svarline and myself towards the gate. The steel gate rises to accept the trio and we are not even given a second glance. Guess the Companions understandably have a lot of pull in the city.

Once more I see streets and buildings I don't recognize as the companions lead us at a brisk pace towards the north end of the city. After a 10 minute walk we come to the bottom of a castle built into and on top of the mountain. It's actually a fairly pretty sight with the sun slowly setting behind it.

"Come." says Vilkas as he begins the trek up the large staircase.

I feel like Po walking up to the Jade Palace for how many stairs I have to climb.

Eventually, we make it to the top and are stopped by four guards in front of the large wooden doors.

"These two bring word from Helgen and Riverwood." Vilkas says, and the guards let us pass.

We come into a large open space leading to the throne, and a mass of bickering people. Oh, I can't skip the politics this time can I? I'll just let Svarline do the talking unless I'm needed. Oh god. I've already started thinking like a follower. I'm doomed.

We move forward and go unnoticed until a dark elf woman stops our approach.

"What is your business here that it cannot wait?" Irileth says as her hand drops to rest on the pommel of her sword.

Svarline steps forward. "We've come from Riverwood, and Helgen before that. Helgen has been destroyed and Riverwood calls for aid."

At her declaration the many voices in the room die as all eyes turn to her. I very smoothly move away from all the attention. A public speaker I am not.

A blonde nord sitting in a large chair says, "Come forward, let us hear your words."

Svarline takes the lead as I try to disappear into the background.

Stop looking at me. I hate this. I hate politics. I hate talking to people. I hate talking to assholes, and 90% of these guys are most definitely assholes. Can we just go to Bleakfalls already? Come on! I am so done with this. One day soon I will be all powerful! I will move mountains and earth with my magic and you shall all tremble before me! Then, you will all worship the ground upon which I tread! You will speak my name in the same breath as the very Gods! This I swear! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh they're talking.

"...in large part thanks to luck." Svarline says. "The city was collapsing around us and we were able to make it out through a cave system. The way fell in on itself behind us, so I don't know if there were any other survivors. Once we made it out, we made our way to Riverwood where Gerdur took us in and asked us to request aid on her behalf." she finishes as she pulls out the ring and holds it out to the Jarl.

He stands up and takes it, to the shocked gasps of a few of the nobles. Must've broken some stick-in-the-ass etiquette or something.

Balgruuf turns to Irileth. "Send any troops we can spare to Riverwood. Send a caravan with them containing food and other supplies. We will not lose Riverwood." He states with finality.

Quest Complete!

[Riverwood's in Peril!]

With a dragon on the loose, Riverwood is defenseless. Go beseech the Jarl for aid on their behalf

Objectives- Tell Jarl Balgruuf of the dragon threat and get help for Riverwood(Complete)

Reward- 1 Gacha coin

I really need to find a time to use those damn coins.

Irileth nods, bows and then starts walking away as the nobles in the area all start spouting nonsense about labor costs and other bullshit. The only ones present who don't ignore them are themselves.

The Jarl looks between Svarline and me. "The two of you come with me." He turns to the Companions, "Thank you for seeing them in. I will be sure to make sure anything else divined here will be passed on to you."

The Companions thank the Jarl then turn and walk out.

Balgruuf leads us through a set of hallways until we come to an isolated room with two figures hunched over a table.

One is a black haired man who wears a long black robe while the other is a blonde haired woman with simple leather armor.

The Jarl walks right up to them, interrupting their conversation. "Farengar. These two have brought news of Helgen's destruction." The mood in the room instantly sours. "They were there, and saw the beast up close. I need you to…"

"My Jarl!" a panicked voice interrupts whatever Balgruuf had planned to say next.

We all turn to look at the door we just came through to see Irileth. "My lord, the Northern Watchtower is under attack! It's a dragon!"


A.N. Thank you everyone for reading, and thank you everyone for all the feedback. It was nice to see.

Grim-Riper: Considering this is my first real try at a fic I'm not to confidant doing any romances. I have somthing planned if it gets that far but we'll have to see

Ruberforumfree: You could not pay me to willingly select Dark Souls for the soul purpose of EXP gain. It is practically a part of the lore that everyone dies horrible deaths and suffers for all time.

Zyriarch: Yeah... sorry about that. I realized it after writing it how dark that sounded but couldn't bring myself to remove it.

Soda-fiedPsycho: Thief is really potent, but only against small groups. When undetected you are untouchable but can get brought down easily when swarmed and spotted. Already had plans for metal as you can see this chapter. I agree with you. DEX is insanely important when I said DEX will take care of itself I was reffering to how he gains 2 DEX every level. He doesnt get and END or STR.

Chapter 3

Balgruuf did not hesitate in the slightest, simply saying, "Everyone with me. Irileth, what do we know?"

We all fell in behind him and Irileth began to give her report.

Two of the guards we had stationed at the tower ran here to report. The rest stayed behind to fight the beast. The runners say they left the tower a little over 30 minutes ago. There's no telling how much damage the dragon has been able to do in that time."

Balgruuf looked to Svarline and said, "How long did it take for the black one to burn Helgen."

Svarline froze up a little at the question. "I… I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. I was too focused on getting out." She looks like she's starting to zone out so I pick up the question for her.

"It couldn't have been any longer than 45 minutes at the most. If I were to guess I would say it took around 25 minutes to bring everything down."

Balgruuf cursed as we made our way back into the throne room. We were immediately rushed by a horde of nobles blabbering about their holdings, and needing protection.

Balgruuf stopped it all with a yell. "Enough! No one in this room will speak unless spoken to." The room grew deathly silent almost immediately.

Damn this dude has a presence. Now I'm curious.

Jarl Balgruuf

Jarl of Whiterun

Level- 54

Race- Nord

HP- 450

Thoughts about you- Your experience could save his hold so he needs you right now

Ya, he's a bit of a badass.

"Hrongar," Balgruuf turned to his brother. "Send a runner to the Companions immediately. Tell them of the situation and have them send any warriors they can to the front gate. We'll need as many men as we can get. Irileth, gather any guard we can spare and send them as well. Farengar gather any potions and scrolls you have that might be of use and get them to Irileth. You will stay behind in case the beast heads this way. You two." Balgruuf turns and looks to Svarline and myself. "I cannot order you to aid me in this endeavor, but you have both seen these things up close. Your support could be invaluable. If you fight I will see to it you are rewarded."

Svarline freezes for a second, before her face hardens and she steps up, "I'm with you." she says, then looks at me.

Fighting dragons! Just the thing I wanted to avoid when I came here. I don't know if I'm willing to do this.

Quest added!

[Slay the Dragon!]

A dragon has destroyed the Northern Watchtower and could move towards the city. Kill it before it has the chance!

Objective- Slay the Dragon

Bonus Objective- Slay the Dragon without more then 40 defenders dying

Bonus Objective- Slay the Dragon without more than 20 defenders dying

Bonus Objective- ?

Rewards- ?, ?

Bonus Rewards- ?,?,?,?

Oh, those damn question marks are going to be the literal death of me. Wait, Northern watchtower? Isn't it supposed to be.. You know what? Not important.

"I'll fight." I say, prompting Svarline to smile and Balgruuf to give a grateful nod.

"Go to the front gate and wait for the rest of our force. Thank you both." Balgruuf says to us before rushing over to another man in heavy armor and issuing more orders.

"Suppose we should get going." I say looking over to Svarline. She looks, excited? Great. Just throw it on top of the 'worry about later' pile I guess.

She nods and says, "Let's go kill a dragon." With that she takes off running out of the castle and I follow on her heels. We exit the building to see the sun slowly sinking below the mountains. We have maybe an hour of sunlight left before we'll be fighting at night. We need to do this fast.

We weave our way back through the streets and towards the gate we originally came through.

A short run later we come to a stop before a mass gathering of people. A few dozen guards all armed with bows, and swords. The alchemist Arcadia, and her… apprentice?, who are passing out a number of potions with various effects. As well as a group of over two dozen Companions with Farkas, Vilkas and Aela among them. More people trickle in as we stand and wait for the order to move.

"Hello again." Vilkas says as he walks up to us. "Didn't expect to see you again so soon. Are you here to fight with us?"

"Yes." Svarline answers. "The Jarl believes that since we've seen one up close we'll be able to help.

Aela grins as she joins Vilkas. "The more the merrier. We will bring this beast down yet!"

Before anyone can say more a group of heavily armed and armored men with Whiterun's crest emblazoned on their chests arrives behind Irileth. Now that I'm looking at them I realize they were standing guard in Dragonsreach. Balgruuf's personal guard? Or maybe just elit soldiers? Wow I need to focus.

"I'll keep this brief." Irileth says as she arrives. "That worm in the sky is a threat. It has already shown hostility towards us, and might attack us here. Attack our homes, our families. So we will kill the beast, and be remembered in song as the first heroes of the age to fell a dragon! Move out!"

A loud cheer erupts from the assembled warriors and we all start to jog towards the tower.

No words are shared as we make our way. Everyone prepares for the battle in their own way.

I summon Mr. Rogers to my side, getting a few strange looks before everyone accepts it. He barks happily and starts running at my side. I don't expect him to do any damage. I'm going to have him take part in search and rescue. Finding the wounded so Svarline or I can heal them. I want those bonus rewards damnit.

Speaking of rewards...

Gacha Coin x4

Use this trusty coin to get one random item or ability from the Gacha store. You could get the Infinity Gauntlet! Or Goldilocks's too cold porridge. Care for a spin?

Please in the name of all that is holy give me something good.

-1 Gacha Coin

Item Added

A Mop

Use this trusty mop to clean up all sorts of messes and spills.





Are you kidding me?!

A freaking mop?!

I am walking into a battle with an age old entity that yells fire!

We are going to do this again, and you are going to give me something useful.

-1 Gacha Coin

Spell Added


Costs 175 MP to cast

This mana equivalent works just the same as the chakra version. It grinds and slices anything you touch to the sound of chirping birds!

Ok I am really grateful to receive such a useful skill, but I meant useful as in it can be used to survive the impending dragon fight! I have to be within arms reach of the thing to use this! Arms reach of a freaking dragon! I'll be long dead by then!

Please please please please please give me something I can use to live through a dragon attack.

-1 Gacha Coin

Item Added

A lucky penny

This penny will always land on heads when flipped

This is it. I am actually going to die. I didn't last two days in this nightmare.

I'm begging you! Please give me something that will let me live.

-1 Gacha Coin

Spell Added

Godspeed- Speed of Lightning

Costs 300 MP to Cast

Infuse yourself with lightning to overcharge your muscles to become as fast as lightning! Warning! Excessive use can result in the user being unable to activate this ability for as long as a week.

Thank you! Thank you so much! I can live! There's a light at the end of the tunnel! I have a way out!

None too soon either, as we had just come within sight of the crumbling remains of the watcher tower.

"Spread out and watch each other's backs." Irileth called. "It might not be gone."

The company split up into smaller groups as we began to look around.

Mr. Rogers put his nose to the ground and started sniffing around. Don't ask me how a ghost dog can smell. The only answer I have is magical shenanigans.

Mr. Rogers sniffed around a little more, then looked towards a piece of collapsed tower and barked. I ran over to find a still living guard bleeding out under a large piece of stone. The man tried to talk but I ignored him in favor of pulling the spear out and casting three heals.

"No!" He cried when he could talk once more. "It's using us as bait! It's still here!"

The entire company pulled their weapons up and began frantically searching for the beast. Mr. Rogers started sniffing around the area again. He pauses, looking at another piece of debris and growling. Something wasn't quite right about it. It seemed translucent, but not, so I took a closer look and activated observe


Allegiance. Strong. Hunt.

Level- ?

Tier- ?

HP- ?

Thought about you- ?

Huh, my first question marked opponent. I should really commemorate this day by living to the end of it.

The wise ass blended in with the broken tower to get the jump on us. I yelled, "It's here!" and covered him in liquid lightning to act as a beacon to my allies.

Everyone looked over as the lightning fell. Once it impacted the now visible stone colored dragon, he let out an earth shaking roar as he stood to his full height. Time to run.

I cast Godspeed, causing my hair to turn from ash in color to a bone white as lightning danced across my skin. I grabbed the guard that I just healed and ran.

Mirmulnir opened his maw and let loose a torrent of fire in the place I was just standing.

Having got over the shock, most of the warriors we brought with us began to rain arrows down on the dragon. Most clinked against his scales and harmlessly bounced off, but there were a few that found a weak point and slid into the dragon's hide. Not that they did much damage. They might as well have been pine needles for all the good they did.

I let the guard go once we were out of the danger area, then ran over to Svarline. She jumped when I suddenly appeared next to her. She relaxed a little when she saw it was me and I spoke. "My lightning won't get through his scales. I need you to transmute one of the arrows stuck in him into copper. The bolts will be able to completely bypass his scales that way."

She looks confused for a moment before saying, "Ok, but I need to wait for him to be closer."

"Ok, just do it as soon as you find an opportunity." I started moving to a place Mr. Rogers was indicating and found another downed guard. He looked like he got caught in the fire earlier. I heal him twice so he is able to move, then I kept going.

I looked up to see the dragon flying in circles around us as he played with his food. All of the lightning from my spell had fallen free of him at this point.

I'm glad this guy is arrogant as all hell or we would be pushing up daisies right now.

We need a way to ground him. If he stays in the sky we're done for. If I could get some chain lightning inside his wing, then it might at least drop him if not cripple him. I look around the battlefield until I spot Aela letting loose arrow after arrow. I deactivate godspeed and run up to her.

"Aela!" she turns at my call. "I need you to put an arrow about halfway down one of his wings. It needs to be deep."

She regards me for a moment before nodding. "I'll get it done."

I run back over to Svarline and say, "Aela is going to put an arrow in his wing. Change that one into copper as soon as you can!" She nods and I move on.

I look out over the battlefield and see devastation. I've never seen a man burn to death before, it isn't a pretty sight. I probably would've lost my lunch if I didn't have Gamer's Mind. I move around healing anyone who has a chance to live while waiting for my chance to strike.

"Got it!" I hear Aela call, and look up to see half an arrow sticking out of the dragon's left wing.

"Svarline!" I call.

"I know!" She shouts back. "Be ready the next time he passes over!"

I stop healing people to regenerate a small amount of mana and wait for Svarline's spell.

Mirmulnir sweeps overhead once more prewing his fire into a group of Companions and I see Svarline cast her spell. "Now!" she yells.

Not needing any more prompting, I reach out and send some chain lightning in the direction of the changed arrow. I don't need to be precise, just close, because I've successfully turned the dragon's wing into a lightning rod.

The bolt hits the copper arrow and the wing seizes up. Without any ground to get rid of the charge, Mirmulnir is left spasming in the air as he begins to fall. He comes crashing down hard, unable to counteract the effect.

"Now men!" comes the voice of Irileth as she leads the charge towards the downed dragon.

Mirmulnir goes to prop himself up and take flight but I hit the arrow with another spell, locking it back down. He lets out a howl of pain which is quickly cut off as Irileth unleashes a torrent of frost magic directly down his throat. Vilkas and Farkas move as one and batter the dragon's right wing after seeing his left effectively out of action.

I focus on making sure he can't use his left wing as the assembled warriors fall upon the downed beast.

Mirmulnir tries to burn everything near him with his fire but Irileth counters a large portion of the effect with her frost magic. I see two arrows embed themself in both of his eyes at the same time and he howls once more. Aela and Svarline keep hitting him in vulnerable places with their arrows while all the melee fighters seek out any chinks in his armor.

We have him grounded, we've cut off most of his avenues of attack, but he just won't die. He is simply too tough.

I come up with an idea, but dismiss it as too risky and keep firing bolts into the copper arrow.

Mirmulnir uses his tail and catches two guards and a companion in one swing. They're all sent flying like rag dolls, and end up in an unmoving heap.

Screw it. This isn't working.

I send one final bolt into the arrow to give myself an opening and reactivate godspeed.

The thing that makes the chidori so effective is the speed it's practitioners possess. Able to take advantage of any opening. Along with their eyes that allow them to see attacks coming before they happen, to create new openings. Now, I'm nowhere near as fast as Kakashi, but I'm cheating with magic. My eyes might not be able to predict minute movements, but my target is a freaking dragon. I won't miss.

As fast as a lightning bolt I appear under Mirmulnir's throat and cast a Chidori in either hand. I then thrust both arms up into his long neck.

Mirmulnir lets out a wail of agony as my hands slide through his scales and keep going.

He delivers an off balance kick to my stomach in a desperate attempt to get me away from him and I'm sent flying.

-327 HP

He took out over 3/4ths of my HP with one hit. It wasn't even a solid hit! He sissy slapped me, and it almost killed me! No wonder we're dropping like flies.

I look up from my place in the dirt to see Mirmulnir with two gaping holes in his throat. He desperately tries to take to the air once more.

I cast another lightning bolt as I stand that keeps him grounded. Prompting a growl of frustration from the beast.

He looks towards me, and gets ready to shout at me.

I prepare to dash away, but it's unneeded.

As he exhales an axe embeds itself where my right hand was, and a greatsword finds the gap left by my left hand.

Shout abandoned, Mirmulnir goes to bite at the two Companions when he is stopped cold by two more arrows.

Irileth follows the attack up by unleashing frost magic into the dragon's feet. Freezing the ground and making movement next to impossible.

Mirmulnir looks scared. He looks mortal.

What guards and companions remain all collapse onto the dragon to hopefully end it with one last charge.

Vilkas and Farkas dig and twist their weapons. Tearing as much of the dragon's flesh as they possibly can.

Irileth and I take away his mobility by crippling his flight, and destroying any traction he can find on the ground.

Aela and Svarline cover everyone by making sure an arrow always blocks any attack the dragon could make with his maw.

The rest of the warriors we brought with us hack and slash any place that bleeds to increase the flow of red.

The dragon's movements grow slower, and slower. He tries to break free once more, only to find a guard's warhammer knocking him back into the death trap.

He weakly tries once more to fly, but a combination of my spell and Farkas's axe bring him back down.

Vilkas takes the opening to thrust his sword as far as he can into the gap he has been hacking at. The remaining scales give way beneath the blade, and Vilkas sinks it in all the way to the hilt.

The dragon goes still. Then slowly starts to fall.

I see a blast of hot air escaping his snout, showing he is still alive.

"I am immortal." Mirmulnir weakly exhales. "You will never truly kill me."

He begins to dryly chuckle as we all move in for the kill.

An arrow disappears into the gap left by Farkas's axe and the dragon's eyes shoot wide open and fixate on Svarline.

"Dovahkiin?!" he cries in alarm. "Noooooo!"

He uses the last of his strength to unleash his fire in Svarline and Aela's direction, but it is once more diverted by Irileth's frost. Igniting the area around them in flame, but leaving the both of them unharmed.

"Nooooooo!" The dragon lets loose one last cry as his skin starts to smolder apart and flake off of him. He collapses as his flesh flies away leaving nought but a large skeleton behind.

"Back away now!" Farkas yells, as he and any others close to the skeletal form dive away from the floating ashes.

"What is this?!" Irileth cries as the particles surge towards Svarline.

"Help!" She cries as she tries to swat the now translucent ash away. "Stop it!" The beams of yellow energy seep into her skin and she glows a brilliant gold as the soul is absorbed.

The glow dissipates and Svarline is left standing unharmed with wide eyes.

Everyone uneasily looks towards Svarline. Unsure if the danger has passed.

"What in Oblivion just happened to her?" Irileth shouts at me.

"Don't look at me! I've never seen a dragon die before." I say, technically truthfully, as I begin to heal my hit points back.

"Do you feel ok?" I ask Svarline as she stares down at her hands.

She looks up at me, then back down to her hands. "I feel….. I feel powerful."

"You're dragonborn." We all turn to see one guard staring open mouthed at Svarline.

"Dragonwhat?!" Irileth asks.

The guard looks to Irileth before looking back to Svarline. "She is dragonborn."

More of the warriors begin to look at Svarline in a new light.

"What in Oblivion is a dragonborn?!" Irileth cries. Still uneasy, and wondering if the fight is truly over.

"A warrior with the soul of a dragon." Aela answers as she studies Svarline. "Said to be able to steal the souls of dragons she slays. Taking their power for her own."

Irileth begins to relax as she looks towards Svarline as well. "And she's this dragonborn?" she asks the group.

"We can't be sure." Vilkas responds. "The dragonborn is said to be able to use the language of dragons to produce a thu'um. Can you shout?" he asks of Svarline.

"I…. I don't know. I…" she looks up from her hands and gets a faraway look in her eyes. She looks up to the sky and shouts out, "FEIM!"

Her body turns into a ghostly version of itself, not unlike Mr. Rogers's form.

Huh, guess she wouldn't have unrelenting force without Bleakfalls Barrow, but where did she get Become Ethereal from? Questions for later.

After a few seconds where everyone stares at the ghostly woman. The shout expires and Svarline returns to normal.

"I'd say that proves it." Farkas says, breaking the silence.

We lapse into silence once more as everyone takes in the damage around them, the corpses of their comrades, and the skeletal remains of the dead dragon.

Quest Completed!

[Slay the Dragon!]

A dragon has destroyed the Northern Watchtower and could move towards the city. Kill it before it has the chance!

Objective- Slay the Dragon(Completed)

Bonus Objective- Slay the Dragon without more then 40 defenders dying(Failed)

Bonus Objective- Slay the Dragon without more than 20 defenders dying(Failed)

Bonus Objective- Ensure the dragonborn lands the final blow(Completed)

Rewards- 3 Gacha coins

Bonus Rewards- 2 Gacha coins, Portable Alchemy Lab

Portable Alchemy Lab

This Alchemy kit can be kept in your inventory at all times, and is fully stocked with the equipment needed to make potions. It also has an extra dimensional space you can use to grow ingredients but it doesn't start with anything grown. You must collect ingrediants on your own.

Level Up x32

For killing an enemy over 100 level higher than you, you level up an additional 5 times!

Gain +260 Stat Points


Level- 52

Class- Electromancer- LVL 52/100 [93%]

Crafting Class- Alchemist LVL48/50 [77%]

Tier- Mortal

Alignment- ?

HP- 1300 [260 per minute]

MP- 6160 [1232 per minute]

SP- 1300 [260 per minute]

STR- 125

END- 130

DEX - 128

INT - 308

WIS - 308

CHA - 125

LUK - 130

MP Regen= WIS x 2

MP= INT x 20

SP/Health Regen= END x 2

SP/HP= END x 10

For Reaching Level 50 in the Electromancer class, you have unlocked higher tiered lightning magic!

Lightning Form

Costs 200 MP

Turn yourself into living energy, halving damage from all sources.

Any equipment you are wearing or holding changes with you. Cannot change other creatures

You may pass through objects in this form so long as there is space to move through(An iron gate can be passed, but a solid stone wall cannot)

Any enemy who comes into contact with your form takes INT x 2 Electrical Damage

Electric Sphere

Costs 100 MP per 5 meter radius

Create a custom sized sphere of lightning with various effects.

Can be used as a prison, grenade, etc.

When the sphere comes into contact with a target, the target takes INT + 75 Electrical Damage and is forced back in the direction they came from. Stronger opponents can resist this effect

Lightning Teleport

Costs 100 MP

Fire a lightning bolt and teleport to the location where the bolt hits

Cannot bring any other creatures with you

Call Thunder

Costs 200 MP

Call a bolt of lightning from the sky to devastate all nearby targets

Must be cast with clear view of the sky

Bolt deals INT x 3 lightning damage to all targets within a 5 meter radius

Electric Weapon

Costs 150 MP

Create a weapon made of pure energy with which to wield against your enemies

Weapon deals INT + 25 lightning damage and STR + 30 Slashing or Piercing damage

For reaching 100 STR you gain a perk!


Attacks that would normally stagger and disrupt you can be withstood

For reaching 100 END you gain a perk!


HP and SP now equal END x 15

For reaching 100 DEX you gain a perk!


You can jump twice as high, three times as far, and move twice as quick

For reaching 100 INT you have gained a perk!


You are able to follow two trains of thought simultaneously with no drawbacks

For reaching 200 INT you have gained a perk!

Research assistant

Any task that requires research(alchemy, spell creation, enchanting, etc.) has its research time halved

For Reaching 300 INT you gain a perk!


You have learned a lot about the world, and have become an excellent learner.

All EXP gain increased by 15%

For reaching 100 WIS you have gained a perk!

Mana Battery

You regain your mana twice as fast(MP regen=WIS x4)

For reaching 200 Wis you have gained a perk!


You can enter a meditative trance.

While in a trance, all curses, poisons, venoms, and spirit injuries are healed/removed over the course of 5 hours

Can be used as an alternative for sleep

300 WIS you gain a perk!


You've been around the block before and have the experience to prove it

Once per week, may gain insider information on a specific area or creature.

For reaching 100 CHA you have gained a perk!


You are 50% more likely to get a better deal when you barter

For reaching 100 LUC you have gained a perk!

Felix Felicis

Once a week for 1 hour you will become extremely lucky


Level- 52

Class- Electromancer- LVL 52/100 [93%]

Crafting Class- Alchemist LVL48/50 [77%]

Tier- Mortal

Alignment- ?

HP- 1950 [260 per minute]

MP- 6160 [1232 per minute]

SP- 1950 [260 per minute]

STR- 125

END- 130

DEX - 128

INT - 308

WIS - 308

CHA - 125

LUK - 130

MP Regen= WIS x 4

MP= INT x 20

SP/Health Regen= END x 2

SP/HP= END x 15

That was a ridiculous number of pop-ups. I guess I did just help to kill a dragon. Svarline got the final hit? Huh, wonder how she's looking?

Svarline The Dragonborn of Legend

The Last Dragonborn

Level- 64

Race- Half-breed(High Elf/Nord)

HP- 2940

Unique abilities- Soul of a Dragon(Can absorb dragon souls and use their knowledge to learn shouts)

New Ability discovered!- Soul Devouring(When absorbing a dragon soul, if the dragonborn dealt the killing blow, the dragonborn steals more than the dragon's knowledge. Siphoning the dead beasts strength and power for their own. Can be used to obtain a number of benefits.)

Thoughts about you- You are her friend. The two of you have been through hell together. You are an equal

Ya, she got a pretty huge boost too. New ability too. That is broken if there's no ceiling on it. Especially if she goes through the main quest and killa Alduin. Name and title change too? Does that have something to do with the new ability? I'll figure it out later.

Looking away from my considerably better stats, as well as Svarline's new changes, I look at the bodies littering the field. We lost over half of the number we set out with. Most of them were taken by the fire while Mirmulnir was still airborne, but a not insignificant portion was also killed while he was grounded.

Looking around at the other survivors, I see the Companions celebrating the kill, while the guards mourn their dead. Different lifestyles I suppose. Looking over at Svarline, I see her clenching and unclenching her fists. She has a large grin on her face as she tests her new strength. She almost looks high.

She looks up and spots me. Her smile grows even wider as we make eye contact. She walks over to me and says, "We just killed a dragon! I just stole a dragon's power! I feel so much stronger now!" Her smile now borders on manic as she looks at me.

I smile back at her. "Ya, we just brought down a damned dragon!" Because we just brought down a goddamn dragon. I'm allowed to be happy about that fact.

She looked to the corpse then back to me. "What was that thing you did to his chest? We wouldn't have been able to kill him without it."

I hold up my hand and cast a chidori. "New spell, it grinds down and cuts through whatever it touches at a very high rate."

She looks at the chidori for a moment before meeting my eyes again. "When did you learn this if it's new?"

Ummm, how do I answer this question without saying anything about the Gamer?

Svarline continued to look at me expectantly.

Half-truth it is.

"I get stronger when I overcome great danger." I say, "I got this after we made it to Whiterun."

She stopped to think for a moment. "We just killed a dragon. I can't think of anything more dangerous than that. Did you get anything from it?" She asks looking back up at me.

I would really prefer to keep as much of this as close to the chest as I can, but she's the damn dragonborn. If there is any ally I want, it's her. "Ya, I got quite a bit from him actually. I'd prefer not to demonstrate in front of an audience though."

Her expression immediately grows guarded as she looks down to her fist again. She looks back up and nods. "We'll talk later." she says.

Moving back to the group, we see all the bodies have been gathered together, and the survivors are preparing to return to the city.

Irileth sees us approaching and walks towards us. "My men tell me the two of you kept them alive during the fighting. Thank you for that, and for what you did to the beast itself. I doubt this would have gone as well as it did without you here." She looked over to the pile of corpses, then back to us. "I just wish the cost wasn't so high."

This is the first time I've seen her official demeanor crack, and it helps to drive home the fact that the NPCs are actually people now.

"I'm sorry we lost so many." I console her.

"Me too." She turns back to the remaining warriors. "Alright, time to head home. The sun's all but gone, and I want to be behind walls before night sets in."

I go to follow the group when I realize we're missing someone.

Where's my dog?

I look around but can't find him.

"Mr. Rogers?" I call out.


I look towards the sound and find Mr. Rogers with a dragon femur in his mouth. He wags his tail at me as he tries to drag the oar sized bone over.

He is best boy.

Seeing the group walking around the hill I move over to Mr. Rogers and quickly inventory the massive bone. "I'll pull it out for you later."

He wags his tail and pants as we both run to catch up.

We make it back to the group and Svarline smiles when she sees Mr. Rogers. "I'm glad he's ok. I would have been furious if he'd been hurt."

I give her a deadpan stare. "He's a ghost dog. That doesn't work."

She tilts her head, "Really? Huh, you wouldn't be able to tell if you weren't looking. He's a dead ringer for the real thing."

I continued my stare. "That one was somehow magnitudes worse."

"That's how you know it's good! When everyone else hates it!" she says enthusiastically.

"To think you killed a dragon not ten minutes ago." I sigh.

She smiles and goes to respond, but is interrupted by a thundering sound that seems to emanate from everywhere at once.


Oh, I forgot about those guys.

A.N. Thank you to everyone who reviewed!

Edit: Had a math screw up. Been doing infinite series for so long I forgot how to multiply :)

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