
Chapter 106. Yang-ing up

Silva POV

A few days after my time with Salem, I went back into my routine at Beacon, and the weekend was just around the corner. Salem sent me some confirmation that she is now pregnant by examining herself through magic, well the deed is done, and it's too late for regrets now. Thinking about my future child, I feel worried and dread at their future, and I hope to at least cut a deal with the Brothers if she/he turns out to be immortal as well.

For now, I will make the best of it as I can. I got up earlier than usual and decided to take a walk to kill some time. As I enjoyed the rising sun, I saw Pyrrha going through her morning routine, and I went up to her.

Silva: Morning, Pyrrha.

She turned towards me and gave a light smile as she replied.

Pyrrha: Morning, Silva, care to join me?

Silva: Why not.

I shrugged and joined her on her in stretching and morning jog before getting into combat practice. We did a bit of a race as we jogged, and after, we took a short break. I asked her.

Silva: So, how is it going to be a team leader?

Pyrrha: Daunting at times but also rewarding.

Silva: I'm surprised you haven't dragged your team out with you for your morning routine.

Pyrrha sighed then explained.

Pyrrha: I did at first, but there are different issues to that.

Silva: Such as?

Pyrrha: Well, Ren already has a morning routine of his own; Nora can sleep through a lawnmower going through our room, and it takes a boatload of pancakes to wake her up, and Jeanne does her own routine in the evening.

I nodded in understanding and relaxed as she tells me some bits and pieces of living with her teammates like Ren is practically Nora's personal chef; maybe I should give him one of my chef bots so that he can take the occasional break. Nora is a hyperactive chatterbox that always needs something to do to keep her entertained, or she causes some mayhem. Jeanne has a knack for getting into odd or funny situations. Pyrrha then gets up and then asks me.

Pyrrha: Normally, I go through my stances and footwork plus some shadow boxing for my routine, but how do you feel about sparring with me this morning?

Silva: Sure. With or without weapons?

Pyrrha: With, if you don't mind.

We called our lockers to our locations and equipped ourselves. We stood a few meters apart from one another, and I quickly downed a can of soda then said.

Silva: Okay, I will toss this can in the air, and when it hits the ground, it will be or starting signal, agreed?

Pyrrha: I'm good.

I tossed the can up in the air and quickly got into my stance with my great sword. The can soon hit the ground and Pyrrha, and I charged at each other. Her Javelin met my greatsword. Pyrrha quickly shield-bashed me to get some distance to make use of her reach, and I staggered back a step. Pyrrha did not stop there. She positioned her weapon, and a gunshot went off, launching her javelin at me while keeping it in reach, and I countered by deflecting it.

I took a step forward and smashed the ground with my sword creating debris that I launched at her with my weapon. She blocked it with her shield, and I used Flash Step to appear on her right and slashed at her. She didn't have time to react and was knocked back a couple of meters. She crouched down as she skids backed and stopped the momentum by planting her weapon in the ground.

She quickly shifted her weapon into its rifle form and fired at me. I blocked the shots with my sword until she needed to reload her gun, and I fired off an Aura Slash at her. I made Sliver Rose shift from its inactive state to its gun form and fired a couple of Aura Rounds at Pyrrha to keep her off balance, but she created a shield made of iron sand in front of her.

I smile at the fact she still uses iron sand with her semblance and has gotten even better at using it since she used her semblance first. I will use mine now. I brought out Cerberus in a smaller, more compact form about the size of a large dog and sicced him on Pyrrha. She saw Cerberus run around the iron sand as it charged at her.

Pyrrha broke down the iron sand shield and bonded Cerberus's legs together. I started taking potshots at her, but she kept up her shield to defend herself. I then charged at Pyrrha with Midnight held high and slashed at Pyrrha as she raised her shield. The ground beneath her cracked into a spider web fashion at the force of my blow.

I scrapped at Pyrrha's shield with my sword, and she thrust her javelin at me with all her strength, and I skid back a meter. As I was about to make my next move, Pyrrha stopped me.

Pyrrha: That's enough for the morning, Silva because anymore we will wake up the whole school with our spar.

I relaxed and sheathed my weapons, and I heard Pyrrha sigh, and I asked.

Silva: What's the matter?

Pyrrha: Oh, nothing.

Silva: Pyrrha...

I stared at her intently, and she caved and started telling me.

Pyrrha: I know you're still holding back a lot, Silva and I am not sure if I should feel frustrated or glad that there is a greater height I can reach.

Silva: Pyrrha, if you want to fight me at my full strength, just say so; we can do it this weekend at the castle if you like.

Pyrrha: I am curious at just how strong you have become, so definitely.

I smiled and then said.

Silva: We both better grab a shower before everyone else wakes up.

Pyrrha: True, we did have quite the workout.

We put our weapons back in the lockers, and I went back to my room, and for some reason, Pyrrha followed me back to my dorm.

Silva: Pyrrha, if you keep on following me, I will take that as a sign you want to bathe with me.

I smirked at her in a joking mood, but her reply stunned me.

Pyrrha: Would that be a bad thing?

She brushed her hands against my torso and leaned in for a gentle hug. I looked at her in the eyes and saw that she was serious, and I asked.

Silva: Are you sure? I thought you wanted to take things slow before we fully get back together.

Pyrrha: I did, but I have seen you fool around with Emerald when you think no one will notice, and I felt a little jealous at the intimacy the two of you have more than once.

I smirked at her as I asked.

Silva: So, you WANT to bathe with me then?

Pyrrha blushed and twirled her hair when she gave me a slight nod, and I couldn't help but shake my head in wry amusement. I told her.

Silva: I'm warning you I will probably get more than a little handsy with you if you get in the shower with me.

Pyrrha: Who's to say I won't return the favor?

We soon reached my room, and we both stripped down and went into the shower together. I took a moment to admire Pyrrha's sexy and athletic form with a pale complexion. I started the water and got in with Pyrrha, soon following me with deep red blush adorning her face, and I taunted her.

Silva: Having second thoughts?

Pyrrha: No...

She got in with her back towards me, and as the water hit the both of us, I placed my hand on her back, and Pyrrha stiffened in surprise at my sudden touch. I dug my finger into her back muscles and used vibrations to massage her. Pyrrha relaxed after a minute as she hummed in contentment, and I told her.

Silva: Pyrrha, while I did say I will get handsy with you, I won't do anything you don't want me to do to you.

Pyrrha: I...

I wrapped my other arm around her waist and pulled her in, pressing my hardened member in between her buttcheeks. I then whispered into her ear.

Silva: Steamy enough for you?

Pyrrha replied by quietly nestling against me, causing her picture-perfect bottom to rub against her cock. I then asked her as I adjusted my iron rod between her thighs, touching her moistened vagina.

Silva: Pyrrha, how far do you want to go?

Pyrrha clamped my cock with her thighs and gently stroked the tip of my cock, and replied in a husky voice.

Pyrrha: Just some fooling around; after all, I have classes.

Silva: You just skip them today and keep me company instead.

I reached for her clitoris and gently rubbed it, making Pyrrha shudder with pleasure. Pyrrha returned the favor by grabbing my shaft and massaging it. She then told me.

Pyrrha: Tempting, but midterms are only a few months away. However, could we maybe spend our two weeks off after midterms together back at Argus?

Silva: I would like that.

I kissed her neck, then gave sucked it that would form a hickey later, and Pyrrha gave me a sweet moan in reply. I then told her.

Silva: Since we're both hot and bothered, how about we take care of each other real quick.

Pyrrha: Certainly!

I started to pump myself in between Pyrrha's thighs after I lubed it with soap. In one, I have one of Pyrrha's breasts, rubbing her nipple between two of my fingers, and in the other, I am working on her clitoris. Pyrrha is holding my arms to keep balance. I channeled my vibrations, making her cum first. I then turned her and made her face me.

She looked me in the eyes, and I leaned in to kiss her. I felt her arms wrap around my neck, and I continued to pump myself in between her thighs as I massaged her tight ass with both hands. I soon blew my load. Pyrrha and I separated from kissing, and she told me.

Pyrrha: Still as good as I remember, but we better stop here, or I won't be going to classes.

Silva: Okay then. See you later.

Pyrrha: But we should try first actually clean ourselves up because we only succeed in making ourselves more sweaty.

Silva: True.

Pyrrha and I stopped fooling around for the most part and got cleaned. She went off to see her team, and I got ready to see Glynda for today.

( After school)

Silva: Okay, is everyone ready?

Ruby: Team RWBY is ready!

Pyrrha: We're all set as well.

Coco: I am ready for the spa and hot springs.

I opened a portal to the castle, and everyone went through it, but I stopped Yang.

Silva: Yang, a moment of your time.

Yang frowned but told the rest of her team to go ahead of her. I closed the portal after everyone else went through, and I got started on the awkward conversation with Yang as she demanded, clearly not happy with me.

Yang: What?

Silva: Yang, just has your panties in a knot against me? I already apologized for keeping my relation with Raven a secret from you. What more do you expect?

Yang huffed in annoyance and told me.

Yang: I'm not angry about that any more...

I looked at her in surprise and asked.

Silva: Then what are you angry about with me!?

Yang looked away from me and kept silent, and I groaned, feeling a little frustrated.

Silva: Yang, come on, at least tell me why you are mad at me!

Yang muttered quietly, and I could barely hear her, and I told her.

Silva: Yang! Speak up! How am I supposed to know why you are mad at me unless you tell me!

Yang then bellowed with her usual lilac eyes, now blazing red.


I picked the part the caught my interest the most.

Silva: So you like me?


I shrugged and bluntly told her.

Silva: Ah, because I find her attractive and the feeling is mutual between her and me.


Yang deflated at the last part, and I saw a whirl of complex emotion flash through her eyes as they flash between lilac and red. I took a seat on my bed and patted the spot next to me, gesturing for her to sit next to me. Yang hesitated a few moments then sat on the other end of the bed. I then asked my favorite blondie.

Silva: Yang, have you talked to your mother about why she married your father in the first place?

Yang laid back on the bed and replied.

Yang: Only asked why she left in the first place.

Silva: From what Raven told me, she did not have any real romantic interest in your father, but she got drunk with her team after one mission and found herself sharing a bed with Taiyang, naked. After her period did not come, she did a pregnancy test and found she was pregnant with you and had only been with Taiyang at that time.

Yang looked at me as I continued with rapt attention.

Silva: You see, she never had any real intentions of getting pregnant in the first place, but when she did, she decided to make Taiyang take responsibility which he gladly agreed. She only married him in the first place to ensure you were not born a b*stard child. And as for the rest, you need to talk to her yourself.

Yang rolled to the side to look away from me and asked.

Yang: Just how am I supposed to feel about that? And how you and she are screwing each other.

Silva: Only you can decide that you are more than welcome to hate me if you want to. I won't hold it against you, but if you still like me despite this, then we can talk in detail about what to do next if you wish for a relationship with me.

After a heavy silence fills the dorm, I then said.

Silva: For now, let's head to the castle before everyone wonders what we are doing.

Yang: Fine...

Yang POV

Silva really does not play fair. I mean that whole " you are free to hate me" line; how am I supposed to stay angry afterwards? I sigh as I soak in the large tub with Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, Jeanne, Nora, Coco, Velvet, Emerald, and Ilia. Silva really does have a massive bathing area; I mean, why does he need a tub big enough for everyone here and then some!

My dear little sister asked me for the umpteenth time looking worried.

Ruby: Yang, are you sure you are alright?

Yang: Yes, Ruby, I'm fine, just a bit lost in thought.

I smiled at her to assure her and continued to soak in the bath as I made a pun.

Yang: I mean, the things between Silva and me are a bit "hot and steamy," but we just talked.

Ruby: Okay, Yang, but if you need anything, just ask.

Yang: Sure thing, Ruby.

Silva has given me a lot to think about, and I guess I need to put aside my anger and have a serious heart-to-heart with my mother. I sighed once more and wondered why there was so much drama in my life.
