
Lower Realm Exploration; Blazing Ashura Nation





[A God has fallen!]


Just before me, a holographic window appeared, alerting me of an event that I wouldn't really understand until very later on…

"A God has fallen…?"

I asked the rest of my family if they got such a message, but it seems that I was the only one who got it.

What did it mean?

How can a god fall?

Did he just trip over to the ground? Maybe a Divine Banana Peel was on his way?

No… That's just too idiotic. But how can a God fall? What does it mean? Did it die? How?

Aren't Gods immortal? How can they die?

I guess they aren't immortal then.

Alright, okay, I don't get it.

Is this… Somehow related to the god I stole its dungeon from?

But how could a God just die from getting its dungeon stolen? Can't it just make a new one with their godly powers?
