

Boom! With destructive blow Shadowslash's chest was blown into bits and he spat out blood as he felt the entire world slowly fading.

'So this is the end of me huh?'

'I...I...I won't accept it!'

Roar! He lets out a roar full of defiance, his body starts to burn and his eyes were blazing with fury.

He was now doing something that would shock everyone.

He was burning his bloodline, this move will be his death but he no longer cares since he would be dying anyway.

The golden haired shark riding Aqua Race fighter who was just celebrating his successful attack froze, Shadowslash then grabs him and tore him into two.

He then charged towards the other fighters, powerful explosions and loud collision could be heard throughout the battlefield.

After a full day, the entire situation in the battlefield calms down as the soldiers on both sides became confused because their leader's have not return.
