

The two girls from the Archinviel Adventure Group quickly started drinking the water as their Mana was being replenished in a rapid rate not to mention their energy.

On the other hand Leo who is only seconds away from being eliminated shouted "Thunder Condor! Use Thunder Fury!!!"

His shout was resounding as the Thunder Condor which was busy from fighting the Six Eyed Devil Snake and was anxious from it's master quickly started emitting sparks out from it's body.

It then let's out a piercing cry as it quickly flew towards it's master and the electricity around it only becoming stronger.

The Six Eyed Devil Snake breaths out a black smoke towards it but it ignored it and continue to fly towards Leo.

The Thunder Condor was covered with black smokes but because of the electricity sparking out of its body it managed to destroy the dark energy from the smokes.
