

In the deep night, nearly a thousand ships leave Lannisport. In the harbor was a woman with long blond hair and tears in her eyes as she watched a golden ship leave. Behind this woman was 40,000 soldiers with some fifty city scholars.

Aslan had left the city in silence in the middle of the night, but he knew the news would reach his father, Jon, and Ned the next day. For that he set full sail to the south, he will pass by the coasts of the Reach and then south of Dorne.

The journey from Aslan to the summer islands will take 1 month but Rhaella has to give birth on the ship. There is also the danger of storms and sea creatures like Kraken. The Kraken are gigantic calamari that lives in the warm seas of the South and have been seen many times. This world contains far more danger than it seems.


In Lannisport ...

Cersei began to rule the city like the lord. She was not a military commander but she knew how to deliver fatal blows.

After Aslan's departure, she had to repel attacks from Robert's army. The question would be would she dare to fight her father? The answer is yes.

Nobles have always used their child as tools for benefits. Tywin wanted to marry her to Rhaegar without success despite that he insisted on the marriage until inciting her to run him during his long stay at King's Landing. So yes, Cersei would be ready to face Tywin for his freedom of life and to live as she wants.

The next day, Robert's army looked for methods to break through Lannisport in a short time because they did not want the seat to drag on for months or years. However, around midday, messengers saw reporting to their lord that nearly a thousand ships left Lannisport at night and currently they would be close to the Reach coasts.

"Here is our opportunity! We must attack now that this bastard traitor of Aslan is no longer there! The city must be in disarray without him!"

Everyone nodded because they knew that Aslan was an exceptional military commander with his various merits. He definitively chased the bandits from the regions near Lannisport and he strengthened Lannisport to be impregnable. In addition, he has an exemplary army and various impressive weapons.

Robert's army quickly set up. Morale was low but Robert and the others were confident that the town would be captured.

"Soldiers! Today I tell you! Lannisport will fall and we can finally go home! At the end of the battle, everyone will receive gold to live their lives!" Robert roared with his hammer raised.

The soldiers hearing the mention of "gold" guessed vigorous.

"Now, charge!" Robert lowered his hammer towards Lannisprt with a roar.

"SHAAAAAA !!!!!!!" All the soldiers shouted and rushed towards Lannisport with the shield above their heads.

On the walls of Lannisport, Mereth and Jacob were ready to receive their enemies. They had absolutely no fear. They were 40,000 men against 65,000 men, they had the help of ramparts and developed weapons. They were not disadvantages but on the contrary advantageous.

"Archers! Notch!" Mereth and Jacob shouted on the ramparts preparing the first volley of arrows.

"Release!" Thousands of arrows creating a shadow in the sky rose above Robert's soldiers. With shields above their heads, many soldiers escaped, but some received arrows on their arms, legs or on the chest.

Cries of pain filled the field in front of Lannisport. With calm expressions, Mereth and Jacob prepare the second volley.

"Archers! Notch!" With roars, the archers took arrows and put them on their bows preparing to release their arrows.

Mereth and Jacob did not target the wounded soldiers in the first volley, no, they let the soldiers pile up at the foot of the ramparts for more men who were massed like a crowd. The men at the foot of the ramparts were like chickens, raising their heads to look at the ramparts but this time they were greeted by thousands of arrows fallen from the wall. This time there are many dead and few injured because the arrows retained their power and many arrows touched the head and the chest.

Mereth and Jacob also wanted to leave the wounded of the first volley unharmed and except to increase the load of Robert's army and the cries of the wounded at night was very negative on morale.

It was a psychological tactic that Aslan taught them. Aslan was inspired by it by reading numerous works on the first and the second world war. During these wars, there were many seriously injured and the desperate cries of those wounded still haunted veterans.

Robert and the others had ash faces seeing their men being killed by arrows. Robert who wanted to go to fight was arrested because currently if he died a real pandemonium would explode on Westeros and his coming on the battlefield would be useless currently.

Robert's army finally began to lay stairs to climb the ramparts, but the soldiers had difficulty climbing. Arrows fell on them like death and when they arrived on the ramparts they found themselves facing soldiers wearing heavy armor with large shields in front of them and a spear in their right hand. Robert's soldiers failed to break through this shield wall and were killed when mounted.

It was a real massacre, the corpses decorated the ground outside the walls of Lannisport and at the feet of the city guards blood painted the walls in red instead of the usual gray.

While the combat continued, the soldiers of Robert and Lannisport held a definite line, on the ramparts, the combats resounded in all the city but a message changed everything.

"Messenger! Messenger!" A messenger came to see Mereth and Jacob who were each on a different wall. The two unfold the sealed letter and read the message. Mereth after reading the letter closed his eyes with pity but Jacob displayed a wild smile.

"Ah ... what a pity ... let's hope they don't suffer much."

"Hahaha! The young lady is really decisive like the lord! I like that!"

The two reacted differently to Cersei's order, but the two immediately followed that order.

"Soldiers! Bring the bullets!"

Minutes later, cannonballs were brought in by soldiers. The bullets were brought carefully because they were highly ... "fragile" weapons. The slightest movement and all the walls could explode.

The balls were put on the catapults and the catapults were loaded. Mereth and Jacob looked at the men with axes and they nodded. The soldiers cut the rope holding the catapults and black balls were sent.

The looks of Mereth and Jacob followed the balls attentively. Robert and the others also because they were afraid of the weapons used by Lannisport.

Under the gaze of all the battlefields, the cannonballs crashed to the ground and they rolled for several tens of meters crushing a few soldiers.

Seeing these cannonballs, Robert sighed in relief with the others because they were normal cannonballs.

"Hahaha! These are simple b-."


A terrifying explosion echoed on the battlefield.

The iron balls exploded raising a black fire with black smoke around. Robert and the other lords watched the area where the balls exploded carefully awaiting the disappearance of the smoke. When the smoke disappeared, the sight horrified everyone.

A 20-meter crater appeared and at least thousands of soldiers died with serious injuries and cripples, missing arms or legs. Some also had holes in their bodies.

Mereth seeing this macabre and cruel scene sighed with pity for them, but there was no regret in his eyes.

"What a pity. These weapons are too dangerous, especially this one."

Jacob, on the contrary, was like a child, cries came out of his mouth continuously.

"Hahaha! It made BOOM! BOOM! Hahaha! The lord is exceptional for having created such effective weapons."

These balls were so dangerous because they mixed black powder and wildfire. These iron balls were divided into two parts inside, one part was filled with wildfire liquid and the other was filled with black powder. The two were divided by a thin wooden barrier that would break during a violent shock, like when it fell on the ground, as a result, the ball exploded, breaking the layer of iron and projecting these pieces of iron killing and injuring several people. Aslan called this ball, "the explosive ball." (It's not a great name, I know)

The soldiers of Lannisport seeing the destructive weapons of their coasts had iron morale but Robert's army was broken. For them, Lannisport looked like the city of a demon.

Seeing their men get pushed back easily, Jon, Ned, and Tywin rescue their heads and they understand that bringing down Lannisport is currently impossible.

The three wise men of the armies advise Robert to withdraw now because their men on the walls were being massacred. Ned and Jon did not want to let their soldiers die because they thought emotionally, they did not want to have widows and orphans on their territory. Tywin, on the other hand, wanted to save his military force although the majority of his army sent to Lannisport are recruits and not elites.

Robert hammer in hand furiously opposed the soldiers' retreat with bloodshot eyes. Robert was furious, for days he and his large allied army were pushed back from the wall and above all, Aslan fled Westeros with the Targaryens, leaving Lannisport alone and despite this he did not manage to enter the city. Robert has never felt more humiliated than now.

Robert did not know that the Lannisport was controlled by a woman, if he knew who would know apart from the Gods what he would do. While Robert was opposed to the decision of the other lords, the soldiers began to flee without orders. When Robert saw this, he felt his sight be colored red, even at his defeat at Ashford his men who were massacred did not flee.

"RHAAAAA !!!!!!" With a loud cry, he crushed the table with his war hammer.


Meanwhile, in the Lord de Lannisport's office, a woman was looking out the window at the battlefield with a thin smile. The woman had long golden blond hair and emerald green eyes accompanied by an enchanting face. A slender and graceful body but a generous chest.

"I will protect this city until you return my love. I will not let anyone rape the city where you accepted me."

Cersei smiled when she saw the fleeing army.
