
Guest 2 Appears

Okay. Let's sum up what I need to do.

Talk with Ryuu.

If that doesn't work out, I'll just need to be careful around him. There's not really much else I can do about him currently.

As much as I don't want to, it's time to be chummy with the Tanakas and help them be a family. After, I'll carefully approach Tatsuya as a "dear" friend looking for help.

Be on the look out for Yuu because I got a bad feeling.

And be the same as always with Akira.

...That's it? I think?

Ah, I just wanna get out of here.

Wait. Right! I haven't even thought about that since the beginning!


But, like, what would thinking do? I don't have the slightest idea how I got here or how to leave or if I can even return. I doubt I can find clues here either...

Ugh, think me! How do other stories with transported protagonists go? Uhm, some are told right off the bat how to get back. Others are later told they can't return. Sometimes it has to do with magic. Uh, God moving souls is also a thing...

I can't think of a situation like mine! In the first place, I don't know if I'm reincarnated or transmigrated!


The only thing I can think of is surviving until the end of the game, which is in about a year.


There's no way I can survive a year at this rate!

Geez, should I just look up transmigration or interdimensional travel? This game world is basically the same as mine, but maybe it has some different information floating around? It wouldn't hurt to check the library tomorrow since I'm going there anyway.

Okay! Add that to the list!

You may be defeating me now, Deepest Desire, but I'll won't go down without a fight!

"Ow." I moaned after I passionately threw my fist up to the ceiling.

Uhm, but maybe don't throw anything else at me for now, hahaha...

The next morning, I woke up to my phone's text alert.

I was vaguely confused why a text woke me up instead of my usual alarm as I groped around my bed for the device.

Expecting Akira to be checking up on me, I groggily opened the message without a second thought.

Unknown: Hi Hi! It's Yuu~ :3 I got your number from the group chat since you never gave it to me T^T

Unknown: Hey hey, since we made a promise for lunch today forgetting it was an off day, can I come over? UwU

Unknown: We can hang out and I can help you since you're hurt! :D

I stared at the messages for about 5 minutes before the cogs in my brain started turning.

Shit! I did promise him that yesterday! And I forgot in all my misery that today was a Sunday! Fuck!

Unknown: Haru~ Pls~ I'll even bring over some chocolates we can share! \(*u*)/

Unknown: I also promise I won't stay too long since I know you need rest u_u

Unknown: So? So?

Ugh, the bribe is strong, and I did promise him...

Ah! Why am I so nice!?

Hah, but at this point, if I try ignoring Yuu, I'm pretty sure I'd end up with his bad ending. I don't know since when, but his route has been open for awhile.

Once a route is entered, there's no going back. And it's not like I can restart, either.

You: Kk, come around noon for lunch?

You: And you can't stay past 2 hours

Unknown: Yay! \(^o^)/

And with that, I let go of my phone and turned over in my bed to return to sleep.

I'll deal with that later.


It's later, and I don't wanna get up.

"Ugh, I got to tell granny we're having a guest today." I groaned as I rubbed my eyes.

Why do my Sundays recently concern the targets and food? Can this not be a reoccurring thing? Please?

After being presentable, I rushed down to tell grandma the news. She was a little upset I told her so late, but her delight at having Yuu come again clearly outweighed that. She then pushed me off to do some quick cleaning before he came.

"You do know your granddau—son is injured, right?"

"You're strong! That's no excuse!"

Ah, would that change if you remembered I was a girl?

Anyway, I ended up doing the bare minimum with my shoulders throbbing.

I really should have just turned him down. We could've met tomorrow, no problem, but here I am. Suffering... as usual.

Damn it all!

The door bell rang.

"Hurry, Haru! Don't make him wait!" I rolled my eyes.

"I got it!"

I opened the door and was blinded.

"Hi, Haru!" Yuu's grin was the biggest I think I'd ever seen it be.

The shine from his white teeth burned my pupils.

"Hey, welcome." I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes as I held the door open for him. "My grandma's been waiting for you."

"What about you?" Yuu asked the next second, startling me.

Whoa, calm down, please. We just started talking literally a second ago. No need to be so agressive.

"Uh, yeah, sure." I awkwardly answered. Yuu giggled.

"Hehe, that's cute." He offhandedly commented as he took off his shoes. I blinked.


"Oh! These are the chocolates!" Yuu pulled out a little red box from his shoulder bag. "We'll share these after lunch as a dessert!" Yuu shook the box excitedly before putting it away.

"Okay." I answered slowly. "Let's go to the dining table. Granny's almost done with the food." I led the way.

"Yuu-kun! Welcome back!" Grammy beamed from the kitchen.

"Thank you for inviting me and making food, Oba-san!" Yuu returned her energy.

"Oh, it's nothing, dear. I'm just glad you came again." Her face crinkled as she smiled happily.

Hey! Why aren't you ever this cute around me!?

I sulked as I sat at the table.

"Haru, you need to set the table!" Grandma barked as soon as my butt hit the chair. I inwardly groaned and was gonna get up, but I was stopped by a hand landing on top of my head, pushing me back down.

"Oba-san, isn't Haru hurt? I can do it if you show me where everything is." Yuu said as he patted my head from behind me.

"Oh, is that alright? I'd rather he not, but it is rude for a guest to help." Granny sounded conflicted.

What a liar! You made me clean before he came! Wtf?!

"It's okay! It's also to show my gratitude for the food." Yuu cheerily said as he bounded over to the kitchen.

"Geez, Haru's friends are just the most polite kids I've met." I heard granny gush to Yuu.

"Eh? Has Oba-san met others?" Yuu innocently asked.

I stiffened.

Oh, I should butt in, right? It would be bad if he heard Akira came by yesterday. But, it shouldn't be that surprising since he knows Akira took me home yesterday.

"Yes! That adorable boy, what was his name? Hm, Arata? No, Amitsu? A—"

"Akira-kun?" Yuu clarified. I unconsciously flinched when I heard the dead tone.

"That's right! He was a polite and handsome boy." Granny spoke fondly.

Why are you so attached to these teen boys you barely even know!?

"Eh? What about me, Oba-san? Don't you like me more?" Yuu cutely pouted.

"My, of course! You're the cutest and most charming boy I know, Yuu-kun!" Grandma admitted as if she was embarrassed.

You literally said you liked Akira more just yesterday.

Was granny always such a two-faced person?

"Oba-san, is lunch almost done?" I finally had enough of their chitchat.

"Have some patience, child! Food takes time!" She scolded me. I rolled my eyes.

"Uh huh." I tiredly replied as I leaned back in my chair. "Maybe I should go change my cooling pads." I mumbled as I felt my shoulders.

"So, it is your shoulders." I jumped when I heard Yuu behind me.


I swear he was just in front of me placing down the utensils! The dude's a fucking ninja!

"Y-Yup. Just some bruising and soreness, haha." I forced a smile as I turned around.

I froze.

Yuu's eyes were unamused as he darkly stared at my shoulder and anger lingered around him. When our eyes meant, he frowned sadly and made his eyes glisten with sympathy.

Ahhhh, yup, he still unnerves me the most.

"How'd you get hurt?" Yuu held out his hand in the air above my shoulder like he wanted to touch but knew he shouldn't.

"Uhm." I turned back around to avoid eye contact.

I never did think of an excuse! Akira wasn't one to keep pestering me as long as I told him I didn't want to talk about it. Yuu's more stubborn.

"I just had a bit of a fight with a friend. It's nothing serious." I sheepishly answered before getting up. "I'm gonna go change the cooling pads before lunch. I'll be right back." I quickly excused myself and speed-walked to the bathroom.

I really hope he gives up the subject for the rest of the day after that.

After changing the pads, I headed back to the dining table to see lunch was served.

It wasn't anything too fancy. It was a usual Japanese menu consisting of rice, vegetables, a soup, and some karaage (fried chicken).

"Just let me know if there's anything else you need, Yuu-kun." Grandma continued spoil Yuu.

"Okay~ Oh, Haru's back! Come on! Let's eat!" Yuu waved me over. "This looked so good! I don't want to wait another second!"

"Oh, Yuu-kun." Grandma said bashfully.

I deadpanned at her disturbing attitude.

I'm gonna lose my appetite at this rate.

Haha, I realized I had my days all wrong since the Golden Week break. Oops. >.> I should really keep better track of these things.

So if you feel off about the days, that's why. I already went back and fixed the chapters mentioning the days. Hopefully, I got them all.

I'm bound to forget a lot about what I've already written, too, so take this as a warning. XD

Thanks for reading! And I hope you’re ready for Yuu! >:)

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