
The Dragon Left, Leaving Ice

After finishing up with Tatsuya, I had totally forgotten anything that happened at lunch. So, when I walked into the classroom and looked to see Ryuu missing, I was caught off guard.

Don't tell me he's skipping?

I went straight to my desk to question Akira.

"Hey, did anything happen after I left?" I asked quickly since the teacher could arrive any minute now.

"Well, there was a bit of a stare down between the Dragon and Yuu-kun." Akira sighed. "It's was pretty scary, honestly. I swear they were using telepathy because after a few minutes of looking like they were gonna kill each other at any second, they just left at the same time."

Oh God. I hoped I didn't trigger something by having the two meet.

I looked for Yuu, who just so happened to be staring at me. After getting caught, Yuu just smiled and waved. Not knowing what else to do, I did the same before turning away.

He... seems fine. I don't know what's going through his head, though.

Either way, class started again. Ryuu didn't show up, and as time passed, I was beginning to think he wasn't at school at all anymore.

It might be too late to realize this, but some measly words may not be enough to completely change someone.

Ryuu may have soften up, but I think his instincts and habits haven't adjusted.

Even if you learn something's wrong, after doing it your whole life and not knowing better, you can't simply stop.

I definitely think Ryuu's violent and possessive tendencies are not gone. That much I know from lunch.

I just didn't think they'd also apply to friends!

Maybe if I help him make more friends, he'll lighten up. I mean, that was the plan in the beginning, but now it holds more urgency for the safety of myself and others.

But, getting people to see Ryuu's soft side is hard when he refuses to let others see it. I only managed to by bothering him for a whole month!

God, why do yanderes have to be so high maintenance?!

When last period started, I wasn't any less disappointed, even though I expected it, that Ryuu didn't return.

Right when I finally got up to help around, I got a text. Knowing it had to be Ryuu, I immediately pulled out my phone.

Dragon: This won't work. I'm out.

After I read it, I blanked out for a full minute before I felt my anger.

Just because of lunch, he's out?! He didn't even try!

Bitting my lip, I replied.

You: How can you just decide that after not even one day?

A minute passed.

You: Are you ignoring me now?

And another.

You: Fine. Have it your way.

"Ooo, don't think I've seen a mad Haru yet." Akira sounded amused. "What's up? Is the Raging Dragon making you rage?"

"He's being ridiculous!" I growled as I slammed my phone down. "Just because something doesn't go so well on the first try doesn't mean you can just give up!" I vented to Akira.

"Oh, would this have to do with Yamamoto-kun and Yuu-kun fighting earlier?" Akira asked as he propped his head in his hand. "Actually, why did you suddenly want to eat with him today? Did you have something in mind?"

I sighed to cool myself down.

"I just wanted to show others that Ryuu-kun isn't such a scary person." I answered as I slumped onto my desk. "He was so against it from the start because he thought that I'd get hurt or that he'd ruin the mood and other excuses." I muttered with a pout.

"Haha, that's what I thought was going on." Akira smirked. "You ever thought maybe he is scary, and you just happened to be the one person he softened up on? Because, to me, I don't think he'll be nice to everyone. Sure, he could get to a point where he doesn't beat people up, but I don't know about making friends with everyone." Akira spoke as if he knew Ryuu's character.

Of course, it made me suspicious.

"How do you know?" I asked while studying him.

"I guess I don't know for sure, but it's just the feeling I get from him." Akira innocently smiled. "Anyway, we should get to work. It's not nice being lazy while our classmates work." Akira brushed our conversation aside as he stood up.

"Okay." I couldn't argue because he was right.

I'll just have to drop it.

This time around, things didn't go as well as yesterday. I could tell most of the class didn't even want to be near me. Whenever I offered to help, they just denied me. After going around trying to help anyone I can, I ended up back in my seat, watching everyone.

What a typical high school setting. After hanging out with the scary yankee, everyone avoids you like the plague.

I sighed.

What to do?

"You knew this was coming, right?" Akira pulled up a seat in front of me.

Geez. For someone who said we shouldn't be lazy, you sure do like sitting and chatting.

"Yeah, but I was hoping with Ryuu-kun here things would go more smoothly." I huffed.

"Uh, why?" Akira asked like that was the last thing he expected me to say.

"I could've been beside him and helping show others he isn't so scary, which would show them I'm normal, too." I explained as I watched everyone working on banners and posters.

"Heh, I see." Akira didn't quite laugh at me, but I could tell he wanted to.

"You don't think it would go like that, do you?" I slightly glared at him.

"Well, you heard what I said earlier." Akira shrugged.

Then some fellow peers dragged him away.


Should I just go home? It's almost time for school to be over anyway. I'll just skip after school prep.

Not like I'm needed here anyway.

After looking around one last time and having people obviously avoid eye contact with me, I picked up my bag and left the classroom.

"And where are you going?" I jumped at the chilly voice.

"T-Tanaka-san!" He was standing next to the door with some papers. "Uh, well, it seems like I'm unneeded so I thought—"

"Then come with me." Tatsuya said and shoved some papers into my arms. "Stay here. I'll be back." He then entered the classroom, leaving me befuddled outside.

Uh, what just happened?

I looked down at the papers that were now in my hands. There was a mixture of ads, lists, and agreements? What?

"You've looked through the businesses, correct?" I jumped again.

Damn, he's freaking quiet!

"Uh, yeah. What's with all the ads?" I asked as I flipped through some more.

"I suggested we find sponsors to help raise school funds, and the principal agreed. However, no one on the committee was willing to help out. As such, the responsibility fell onto me alone." Tatsuya coldly explained as he started walking. I quickly followed.

"I see. So, these are some businesses you plan to ask?" I asked as I struggled to keep up with his long legs.

"Yes. We will be going to visit them now." Tatsuya declared nonchalantly. I nearly dropped all the flyers.

"O-Oh, okay." Not like I could argue.

"You were leaving anyway. There's no problem, is there?" Tatsuya asked with a raised eyebrow. I shook my head. "Good. Let's go."

The next hour was spent bustling from store to store. Tatsuya did the talking while I did the secretary work of handing out papers and writing amounts and names.

By the end of the hour, we didn't even get halfway through the list. We had some donations, but most of them were small amounts. I wouldn't call them sponsorships.

Of course, we weren't just asking for money for nothing. The agreements Tatsuya drew up included benefits for the shops based on how much they were willing to give. Bigger advertisement for more money, smaller for small amounts.

Also, I found out that most of these ads were of businesses that had relatives who attend or have attended our school. This wasn't just random door to door gig.

I expect no less from Tatsuya, the future CEO!

Of course, I couldn't say that out loud in fear of raising his affection, though.

"Tanaka-san, prep time is already over." I said after we left the last store.

"Hmph, fine." Tatsuya looked disappointed in me.

Excuse you, I'd don't like working overtime. Thank you.

"We can pick this up tomorrow." I sighed. "It's not like there's a need to rush yet, right?"

"I suppose so. Then, I'll leave you with some work to get done before tomorrow." I deadpanned.

Hey, I just said I didn't like overtime! Well, I didn't say it out loud, but come on!

"Throw away the ads of businesses we've already dealt with today and curate a list for tomorrow. I expect the route to be efficient. That's all." Tatsuya ordered like the young master he is.

"...Got it." I sighed as I shoved the pages into my bag. "Should I organize the current donations list as well?" I sarcastically asked.

"Good idea. Get that done as well." Tatsuya either didn't get that I was being sarcastic or he chose not to acknowledge it.

My eye twitched.

"Then, have a good night, Suzuki-kun." Tatsuya politely said his goodbye.

"Mm, you too." I replied with a stiff smile.

Then, Tatsuya patted my head.

And he left without another word.



Hehe, I actually really like the title for this chapter. I thought it was clever. :3

Surprised as I may be, I probably can keep updating more often than I thought.

Well, I don’t know if it’s because I’m writing more, but I feel like quality isn’t the same though? Like, contents aside. Idk. Maybe I’m just exposing myself to my writing more and seeing my mistakes more. XD

Thank you for reading! I hoped you enjoyed! <3

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