
The Cafe

I walked around while glancing at my phone. I didn't actually know where this cafe was located, so I had to look it up. It took me some time, but I finally found the shop with "Ranimer" proclaimed across it.

As I entered, a bell tinkled above me to announce my arrival, and the smell of caffeine hit me.

It was a small but classy establishment and was very much a "true" coffee shop with a lot of classic brews and some more exotic mixtures. The atmosphere was... manly? The colors of the interior design were dark yet elegant. The decoration was minimal but comforting. There was a bar with velvet stools, and dark wood tables lined up against the walls of cafe.

A few customers were here with cups of coffee. Some were chatting. Some were working. But of course, most were male.

Gosh, the MC was either really bold or really oblivious to have walked in here. No cute Japanese teenage girl would enter here of their own accord alone!

Luckily, since I was dressed as a guy, no one gave me a second glance.

"You!" Well, except for this guy.

I acted surprised as I faced a certain dragon who was behind the bar.

He was currently wearing a black button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his well built forearms. Over the shirt was a dark blue apron that was tied tightly around his waist, letting me admire his build. The outfit really let you see his broad shoulders and muscles but also his slim waist. I couldn't help but ogle.

God, his hair and eyes really made a nice contrast against the dark uniform, too. The way he styled his hair with one side slicked back really solidified the look.

Ryuu was currently glaring at me and beckoned me over with a finger. I obediently walked over. When I sat down at the bar, he glanced around before settling on me.

"What are you doing here?" He lowly growled so that only I could hear. I shrunk back.

"I just wanted a latte while I read a book. Decaf, of course." I calmly explained as I pulled out my phone. Ryuu's eyes sharpened, and he swiped the device.

"I don't believe you. You found out I worked here and wanted to take a picture as proof, didn't you!?" Ryuu spat as he clenched my phone. Scared he'd break it, I quickly spoke up.

"Nonononono! I didn't know you worked here! I'm just as surprised as you! I swear!" I rambled as I worriedly glanced at my phone. "I promise I won't take a picture or tell anyone!"

Ryuu scrutinized me before slowly handing back my phone. I snatched it back as soon as I could. Ryuu still glared at me.

"Besides, if I do take a picture, you'd hear it, right? I'm not using headphones, so you'd hear the shutter. If I take a picture, you can crush my phone before I leave." I offered the compromise. Ryuu fiercely leered at me before clicking his tongue.

"If anyone else finds out, I'll destroy you." Ryuu threatened before walking to the coffee machinery. I sighed.

As he started making a drink, I watched with great interest. I never knew how to work an espresso machine and thought it was neat. Watching the handsome Ryuu work it really distracted me from trying to actually learn, though. His broad back, slender waist, and *ahem* cheeks were eye candy I couldn't ignore.

God, I never knew Ryuu was so handsome as a barista! Now I wonder what the others would look like if they were baristas? Actually, do I have a thing for baristas?

Was I always this thirsty for coffee?

I was disturbed from my thoughts when I heard a clatter in front of me.

A simple white porcelain cup on a matching saucer filled with a latte was placed in front of me. The smell was pleasant. Since it was Ryuu, I didn't expect any art, but there was a simple design that resembled a flame.

I immediately lit up in excitement. I wanted to drink it right away, but I was a girl who had a cat's tongue. I have to wait a bit before enjoying.

"Thank you." I smiled at Ryuu as I pulled the drink closer to me.

"Tch, whatever. Pay when your done." Ryuu passive-aggressively stated before walking away to attend to other duties.

The way to slowly get closer to Ryuu was to constantly be around him. He was one to reject anyone getting close to him, so if you stick to him even though he pushes you away, he'll eventually expect you'll stay by him. As such, he'll slowly open up to you. As long as I show effort in trying to be near him and act friendly and harmless, he should grow fonder of me.

Ahhhh, it's gonna be a slow process no matter what. Both Tatsuya and Ryuu had walls around them. They're also both boys who need to be pampered.

I sighed before picking up my phone and browsing web novels.

I spent about an hour drinking and reading. During that time, I also observed Ryuu. While he wasn't particularly nice to customers, he was polite. He worked smoothly and skillfully. His interactions with coworkers were the bare minimum, as expected. Whenever Ryuu caught me staring, he'd slightly narrow his eyes before going back to whatever he was doing.

Once I finished, I stood up and went to the counter to pay. Ryuu wasn't the one working the cash register, so it went smoothly. When I finished, I gave Ryuu one last glance. I found he happened to be looking at me. Seeing this as my chance, I smiled and gave a slight wave before leaving.

That wasn't so bad if we ignore that fact my phone almost became a casualty.

Progress is slow, but that's what I expected. Unlike Yuu, who only needs someone to be cute to be infatuated with, the other two need more coaxing.

Tatsuya is already happy with me. Though, any further development is gonna be hard. Right now, I'm a useful tool. Going from a tool to anything else is a tall order. Not that I really need to? No, wait. If Yuu were to kidnap me at this time, Tatsuya would be disappointed but would not doing anything to help. I need to go from a tool to an... irreplaceable tool....


As for Ryuu, the start's going to be slow, but once I get past initial wave, it'll be smooth sailing. I'll go from annoying pest to... friend? Lapdog? Hmm...

See, I don't know what'll happen after getting more friendly with them. In the game, you go from no one to loved one. As a guy and someone not falling in love, what do I go to? Friend is the best thing I can hope for, but that's not guaranteed in this dating sim world. I don't know if fate'll pull a fast one on me and have them not care about my gender or expose me.

God, please, no. Thanks.


I blinked.

I just stepped into my room when my phone alerted me of a message. My heart raced at the sudden noise.

I pulled out my phone and opened the message.

BFF<3: Yo! You home?

I narrowed my eyes at the screen.

This was just a coincidence, right? He just happened to ask this right as I walked into my room, right?

You: Yeah, just got home

BFF<3: Lol, same. Practice was ruthless today! I'm currently a corpse. T-T

You: Then why don't you go to dead sleep if your so dead?

BFF<3: How could I not text you after getting your phone number? I needed to make sure you didn't delete mine! >:(

You: Wow, I'm ashamed that I didn't think to do that :(

BFF<3: HARU!!!! >=[

You: Oh, the emoji became longer and straighter. Does that mean you're angrier? lol

BFF<3: Even over texts you're so mean to me! D:

You: Did you expect it to be different? I'm still the same person? (-_-;

BFF<3: ...

You: ...

You: I'm gonna go now

BFF<3: Eh??? I just started texting you tho???

You: And? Shouldn't you go to sleep anyway? Actually, since you're a corpse, shouldn't you be asleep now?

You: Am I talking to a ghost?

You: No, zombie?

BFF<3: asfjdiemxnkss

You: Oooo, spam. Time to delete this number.


BFF<3: GN :)

You: Night

I couldn't help but laugh a bit as I looked over the conversation.

I had to admit. Even though Akira's annoying, he's funny. If only he was just the menu system of the game and not the secret character, I would've loved to be "BFFs."

I sighed at the lost.

BIG NEWS: VOTES ARE WORKING AGAIN! I’m glad that got resolved. Phew.

Does my writing show who I’m bias towards? lol

The texting was fun to write. XD Really hope I didn’t put any illegal characters again tho. =_=;

Hope you enjoyed! Since votes are back, I hope you’ll vote for this book. Comments are also fun to read! ^^

Thank you for reading!

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