
Time For A Plan



I need to get away. I want to get away! How do I get away!?

"Hahaha, from that reaction I can see no has." Yuu continued as he gazed at and held my wrist with the matching bracelet.

"Good." It was soft. I almost didn't hear him but I did. How I wish I didn't!

"W-Well, I'm a guy. How could a guy be called c-cute?" I finally managed to string together some coherent sentences in this moment of mental panic.

"Eh? But so many people call me cute." Yuu calmly rebutted as he softly played with my bracelet. His smile looked content as he stared at it.

For a second, the bracelets abruptly looked like a pair of handcuffs with one end around my wrist and the other cuffed to Yuu's.

I instinctively jerked my wrist back.

"What's wrong?" Yuu puffed out his cheeks, but I didn't fall for it.

"W-We're finished today, right?" I asked in the direction of the president. She seemed startled at the sudden question thrown at her but nodded nonetheless. "I should go. I, uh, need to take care of my grandmother!" I scrambled to come up with an excuse.

"Okay, lets walk home togeth—"

"No!" I yelled. Everyone in the classroom jumped and was now staring at me. "I-I mean, you can't. I, er, need to go grocery shopping! A-And I don't want to bother you with that." I was flustered, but I was already standing and edging towards the door.

"I don't min—"

"I'll go ahead then!" I cut him off once again before dashing out the room and down the hallway.

I ran until I was at the shoe lockers. I looked back to make sure I wasn't being followed before rushing to change my shoes. When I closed the locker and looked again, I was greeted by a smile.

"Gah!" I swung the locker open again to slam into the person's face.

"Ow! What the heck, man!?" ...Yuu would never say that.

"Akira-kun?!" I closed the locker again to see a red nosed and grumpy Akira.

"No, it's Patrick." Akira replied back sarcastically and then held his nose. "Damn! And here I was waiting like a good friend to walk home together."

"No thanks!" I spat out and sped walked towards the school gate.

"Hey! You can't just refuse me like that!" Akira kept up with me. "How could you after I waited for you?! And broke my nose?! That's too mean!"

"Ugh, I'll make it up to you later. Just leave me alone for now!" I snapped as I kept walking.

"Jeez, someone's pissy. What happened?" Akira looked a mixture of hurt and concerned. I sighed and glance back again. Seeing a lack of Yuu, I stopped and faced Akira.

"I'm sorry. I just want to leave and have some alone time right now. I'm a little pissy, as you said, and can't deal with anymore shit right now." I explained as calmly as I could. Akira was silent for a second and then nodded.

"Okay. I understand. We'll talk tomorrow, yeah?" Akira smiled to lighten the mood. I nodded with my frowny pout. "Cool. Have a good night, Haru." Akira rubbed the top of my head.

"Don't do that." I whined as I pulled his hand down. Akira chuckled. "And thanks for understanding." I mumbled.

"Of course! We are gonna be best friends, after all! I'm here for you, Haru." Akira warmly smiled and squeezed my hand in reassurance. "You can rely on me no matter what." I nodded again. "Now, get going. I promise I won't follow you anymore."

"Thanks again. I'll give you my phone number tomorrow." I managed to give him a little smile. Akira laughed.

Akira saw me off and stood at the gates until I turned a corner, and he could no longer see me. I kept up the pace and went home as soon as possible. When I entered the house, a sweet smell entered my nose.

Thank God it's the day Grandma bakes! I can drown my despair in sweets!

After stuffing my face until Grandma cut me off, I went to my room, changed, and face planted onto my bed.

How am I on Yuu's route when it's only been 2 days? 2! Fucking! Days! And I'm a guy! Guys aren't suppose to be cute! Hell, Yuu finds dudes to be completely unappealing!


He figured out my disguise?

But, how? I don't think I've slipped up. No one has said anything. Then, his intuition? Yuu may seem a bit air headed, but he is sharp. Maybe he saw through me the second he saw me. Or, he just genuine thinks I am cute, regardless of my gender?

That doesn't make me feel any better.

I can try avoiding him. Argh, but I can't because of club! Then, should I do something to my face? A scar or something? But I'd rather not inflict pain on myself... Oh! What if I start wearing a face mask? Ugh, that has two possible endings: Yuu loses interest or he becomes aggressive in wanting it off.

Is there nothing I can do to undo this tragedy!?

At this rate, I'd rather go for someone else's route! Preferably one I wouldn't die in!


Is...Is that the only solution?

No way! Hahaha! That's ridiculous! Hysterical! Insane! Hahahahahaha....

Damn it, I can't think of anything else, though!

Yuu hates conflict and being judged. It's because he's such a goody two shoes and wants to fit in. If one person sticks to me after Yuu tries to isolate me, he'll probably still deal with them. After all, Yuu is obsessed with this particularly cute specimen that he's willing to do anything.

But, that might change if it's Ryuu or Tatsuya.

Ryuu is strong, and even though Yuu said he'd protect me from him before, I know he'd struggle. Ryuu has some resistance to drugs from his whole family affair (Yes, he tried drugs before. How could he not when his mother offered him some?). I honestly believe that no matter what method Yuu uses, Ryuu would be able to gravely injure or even kill Yuu before it kills him.

Tatsuya is from an affluent and famous family. Tatsuya's death would immediately be known, and news would spread everywhere. Money can move people, and those people will find evidence leading to Yuu fast. I'm sure Yuu would realize this. He would not risk it.


So, it's a choice between a diabolical dissector, a mislead abuser, and an imprisoning heir?

Ahhh, what has my life come to?

For now, I can only rely on Akira's stickiness. Yuu will try to separate us for a bit. During that time I should try getting closer to Ryuu and Tatsuya. Whoever I manage to befriend first will be who I raise favorability points with. I won't throw away Akira if he's still willing to stick by me after Yuu's pestering because he could be a hidden trump card. I still don't know his backstory, and he could possibly have some defense against Yuu for all I know. It's better to have more protection.

I'm really hoping the others remain straight. Yuu may not discriminate because his desire has nothing to do with romantic feelings. However, the other two are clearly in love with the MC. Tatsuya would never "taint" his image and potential as an heir by fooling around with another male. Ryuu would not...

Actually, Ryuu might not mind.

He's mentally confused. Who's to say he's not sexually confused? (I know, big assumption there. XD) He saw his female and male parents split for no reason. That could have painted a bad image of opposite sex couples to him. I'm sure he's never encountered same sex relationships before. It might blow his mind if he did. Besides, he might not mind such a girly boy such as myself. Also, abuse is how he knows love to be. It might even make sense to him since the receiver is also a tough guy and not some fragile girl.

Ah. Scary.

Ryuu may be my favorite, but I'm too lazy and weak to deal with his baggage!

For future's sake, lets come up with a plan to counter Ryuu!

If Ryuu gets rejected, he will beat me everyday. He gets the idea after being rejected that if his mom had only been persistent and didn't let dad go, he wouldn't have left. Thus, he puts that into practice. He also doesn't mind if he's hated. As long as the MC never forgets him and pays attention to him, he's even willing to be hated. Ryuu prevents the MC from telling any authorities with threats.

...I guess Tatsuya would be a good counter?

He's observant and could find out for himself. When he does, as long as I'm useful to him, he'll be willing to help. He'll tell the authorities with some evidence and get Ryuu taken care of. I'll just end up with a massive debt to him.

Mmm, I don't like that, but I have no other option. I'll need protection from Ryuu for the rest of my life. I could get that from Tatsuya.

But what if, on the slightest chance, Tatsuya ends up gay or figuring me out?


Fuck, you know what? There's no solid way to escape everything! In that case, I'll just stick with Ryuu! As I said before, he's the only one who could end up with a decent future! I'll just have to endure a bit, but I'll live. Maybe I can even start early and explain to him why it's wrong, unlike the actual MC who just accepted it.

I'm curious about Akira, but he's such a wild card. I can't get a read on him, and I have no clue what he's like on the inside. I'd rather stick to what I know.

Ah, I think I'm getting a headache.

In the end, I can't really plan for what I don't know. There's too many uncertainties. I'll just have to go with the flow and wing it. I'm bursting too many brain cells trying to think of every possible outcome and solutions.

Okay! For now, phase one of the Save Haru plan will start tomorrow! Objective: befriend the Ice King and Raging Dragon!

When you go from avoiding to befriending. Is the title even accurate anymore? XD

You know how last time I said I struggled writing the chapter. Well, it was the complete opposite for this one! I wrote most of this in one sitting. ^^

We break the 15K word mark this chapter! Woo!

Thank you everyone for reading! I hope you look forward to the next chapter! <3

SkyHighLimitscreators' thoughts