
Heil's Residence (1)

Under the moonlight that paved away a shallow light which made the scene heart-warming like no other. Clasping with each other's arms, they were relinquished from the uneasiness from whatever they had have. With at least 5 minutes had passed, both of them had finally settled down and headed back to their room. As much to Zero's surprise, a familiar person is found seating down on the couch sipping tea. Zero could still see the mist that the tea was creating, indicating that she had arrived from their house just a while ago.

"What are you doing here?" Zero shifted his gaze from the uninvited gist and back to his mum with annoyance.

"What is she doing here?!" Still confused, Zero shrugs his shoulders, expecting someone to give him a clear explanation from what was happening around. He knew that he rushed out first right from the infirmary where he had left Lilith and Dr.Xia behind.

Zero's face might have showed what he meant and it was quickly been studied by Lilith. She sips her last ounce of tea and afterwards clears her throat " I… rushed over here as soon as you sprinted out. It wasn't easy to know your house so I needed to use your information from the student's data base"

He had clearly forgotten that girl in in front sitting on the couch, the same woman who had been stupi… arrogantly sipping some free tea that he personally bought, was indeed the president of the academy despite both of them being a first year. Earning the highest score in the entrance exams, even achieving honourable titles from her previous elite grade school, she was the most monstrous genius I've ever seen in my whole academic year. Besides, he was just fooling around with his current grades and it was not like he had flunked any subjects (quite fortunate). There might be a chance that if he studies hard enough, he will be able to reach the grasps of his presidents' palms, or so he believes. Right now that wasn't the issue. The problem was

She's sipping his hard earned tea for free. He knew quite well that Lilith had been from a wealthy family and being a guest in his house meant he can offer something out of generosity.

But this is…. Beyond exceptional.

He was too tired to think of anything to make a nonsense commotion out of it. He fell flat on his couch and seated right beside Lilith.

"Mum, care to explain what happened here?"

Thus, his mum briefly stated the important parts and excluded the teasing ones. His mother thought that the girl who had been saved by his son would mean further escalate in the future.

Moments had passed by and the only resonance that were audible in their room are the buzzling insects swarming around the light source outside, visible from their windows.

"I'd bet you're tired, honey. Get some rest. According to director Snow, the both of you are required to attend his first class. Especially you, Lilith. You should probably stay here for the night and warm yourself up and head tomorrow morning. I prepared some fresh clothes for you… but I think they're kind a bit loose. Well, as long as it fits, I guess that would be alright.

"Mrs. Heil, I think I should go…" Lilith utters and slowly starts packing her things. But apparently, Zero's mother restraints her arm and refuted.

"Nonsense! Come on, hurry up and take a shower. Go go~"

I neither want her to stay nor throw her out. It was a disgrace of a man if I had kicked her out of my house in the middle of the night.

Still contemplating on my good and evil side, I stood up and placed my hand on her shoulder

"It is unexpected but for now stay here inside our house. My mother's right here so I wouldn't dare touch or do something funny to you. Call your mum or someone that you'll be staying on your friend's house."

Speechless as if she was completely muted from her senses. Eyes gazing below, hands fidgeting… bowling in rage.

"Did I said something rude?" Zero thought to himself. And then he came to a realisation.

"You're not in good terms with your family, aren't you?" Lilith gave me a reluctant nod. Zero swore he saw her lips moved trying to force her words into something from her mouth. "You know, when the right time comes we'll talk about this once again. Right now, you're kind of our guest for today and a temporary family who needs to be babysitted" giving her a wide smirk, sarcastically or rather teasing Lilith to ease the atmosphere.

"Why you…" his life was more endangered right now than those who had called themselves as the dark deception, creating a large *bam* in the dusky night.

Lilith's point of view************

"What was that for?" Zero growled at me as he rubs his head towards the area I had smacked my hand from before

"That's what you get for teasing a girl" I blurted out and stick out my tongue.

"Now now, kids. No teasing allowed inside my house. Lilith, you should go take a shower first and wear these clothes afterwards, okay?" While Mrs.Heil handed out the freshly washed clothes for me to use.

I gave her a wry smile to indicate my sincerity. Wearing home clothes which weren't mine have never been comfortable, but the thought was quickly rejected when I felt her warmth touch against mine.

"Don't be shy, Lilith." She gently pats my head as if I was her own daughter which made me blush all the way to my cheeks.

The warm of a mother's hands, the silly things that family does inside the house, a lively place which I can call it my home

everything that I yearn for was inside this compact apartment. The furniture's weren't great, the designs around these walls aren't elaborated compared to my mansion but

The energy found here was missing from my own.

We were rich yet poor. Beginning from my parents where they had expected great things from their youngest daughter, aiming desperately high reaching from above; grasping the back of my sister. My older sister, Tricia Sinclair, is the most talented person ever graduated from the academy earning the highest spot in the ranking boards. They, my parents, expects me to follow my sister's path for whichever she wanted them to do and obliged blindly against her will. I myself staggered beneath my path and carelessly following the shadows of my dear sister, who was once I had felt the warmth inside our hearts… then the introduction of magic ruined everything.

Everything I had wished was for blown away like balloons on the northern skies, unaware they are headed to. Sails which kept voyaging 'til the land of the unknown land, still venturing in the wilderness.

Remembering the memories of my once fun childhood… makes me want to cry in pain.

"You're not in good terms with your family, aren't you?" abruptly, I suddenly found myself holding on the tears that could overflow like a running river. I was about to cry

No… I wanted to cry

But a hard press, not heavy enough to make me fall but a weight that caught my attention off guard suddenly brought me back to my senses.

"You know, when the right time comes we'll talk about this once again. Right now, you're kinda our guest and a temporary family who needs to be babysitted" Zero said while giving me a radiant smile. I felt secured, like the thorns inside my chest are slowly pulling away easing my heart.

"Yes… thank you" I mumbled. I think he had not heard what I said but I was thankful

that a guy like him exists in my world.
