
Beginning of the Banquet

Han Qingshan knocked on the door and opened it when he heard a sound from the inside.

He was wearing a black suit with a burgundy tie. The burgundy tie was made to match with the color of Jiang Yingyue's dress, but Yan Meilin had refused to let Han Qingshan see her dress before now, the moment they were supposed to set out for the banquet.

When he opened the door, Han Qingshan was about to say something, but upon laying his eyes on Jiang Yingyue, every word that was about to leave his mouth turned to nothing, and his body instantly stopped in his tracks, his entire body dumbfounded.

In front of him was Jiang Yingyue. She was dressed in an evening gown in burgundy. It was a mermaid-like dress, it was tightly fitted on the upper body, but around the knees, it was flowing outwards, like a cloud.

The dress was backless, showing off Jiang Yingyue's perfect body, her shoulder blades were exquisite, her spine and the dip in her back were enough to make any man go crazy for her.
