
Chapter 23


I woke up the hours after feeling heavy and with dry throat. I moves to my side and found a note on my side table.

You better rest for the day, just do what you want and eat more. I'm ready to hear your explanation when all my schedule is done, I wont be mad and just listen. You better free your coming weeks. I'll book us a trip somewhere. I'm sorry for leaving you behind and for being immature.

Text me if you get this message.


His not mad. Thats a good news.

I stood up and felt my head getting heavier. I let the dizziness fade first before moving to the kitchen and grabbing some water bottle and some aspirins. I gulped two tablets and the water letting it do its work on me.

I thought about Mark, his not mad. Maybe he saw how immature his actions were or maybe the guys talked to him but I guess thats not important anymore. Whats important is now and we are both in good term. Although i still need to explain to him what happened and thats going to be really messy.

I sighed and went to one of my coucher before turning on the tv. I saw my bad lying on the tables opposite to mine so I grabbed it and saw my phone inside. The guys must have took it inside the Marks car last night. I opened my phone saw a lot of notifications from the hospital and from the guys but nothing from Mark which made me sad a little bit. I opened the notification and read the ones coming from the hospital.

Emergency: Are you free today we need extra doctors?

Oh its okay now. You dont have to go. Thank you Doc.

Kim: Where are you? I've been trying to call you. I've discharge your friend Bambam. We need to talk

Yah!!! Why aren't you responding. Have you gone insane? Where are you? Give me a call if you can. You are making me worried

Boom: Noona, everyones worried about you? You just left without any instructions or word to us. Are you okay? Did something happen?

Im sorry noona for making you worry about me finding out about your secret. I wont say anything to anyone promise. 

Annie: Doc we asked Doc Kim to take care of Bambams discharge papers cause we couldnt find you. Where are you doc?

Doc the presidents assistant came to look for you. I told him you are on your rest day today.

Thats disturbing. Why did the secretary look for me? And how long was I out for them to get this worried. I continued scrolling down and saw one unfamiliar no.

Unknown: Hey! This is Minhyuk. Try to call me when your up. Lets hang out again sometime. I hope your relationship with mark gets well soon.

I saved Minhyuk-ssis number then went back to reading some more messages.

Jb- Hey! Are you feeling fine now? Mark told us you got so drunk last night he had to fetch you and bring you home. He was so sleepy during the pictorial thay guys wondered if he slept at all. Txt me if you can.

Yugyeomyy- Nooonaaaa!!!! Hyung told us you got drunk. Why did you drink so much? Are you okayy? Did something happeeen? Hyung wont tell us anything. We are all worried.

Bambam- Nooona! Please be careful next time we are all worried soemthing might happen to you if you get so drunk again. :(

Jackson- Yah!!! Who told you to get drunk alone?!! You should have asked us to join you.

Jinyoung- Hyung said you got drunk. Aigooo who knew you were such a drinker. Make sure to take care of yourself. We'll visit you when we can.

Youngjae- Yah!!!! For a doctor you suck at taking care of your own self. What happened anyways? Why did you have to get so drunk? If you have a problem you can always talk to us you know. :(

I smiled to how the guys reacted but they didnt have to do this. I tried responding to all of the telling them I was fine. I scrolled through Marks number and decided to send him aswell a message.

Me: Thanks for taking care of me. Ill try to free my days and i know i owe you an explanation and i hope that you really understand when that time comes. Im sorry for causing trouble. Take care. Xx

I pressed send and decided to make my day a bit more productive than just slouch in my house. I packed the things I'll need on the new apartment, i might need to shop a little bit later so I can stuff the place with some food and utensils. I havent checked the place yet so im not sure what to buy so maybe i should do the shopping later when i've checked the place.

While I was packing the news was currently on then something caught my eye that made me increase the volume.

"For Idol news. Mark Tuan of Got7 was spotted earlier this morning having what seems to be a date with Twice's member Sana. This two has been spotted by some civilians having  a coffee at a very private shop around Gangnam. After an anonymous paparazzi took a photo of them, its been going around SNS and Naver, gaining a lot of attentions from all their fans. Now since both parties came from the same company we are still waiting for JYP entertainments statement about this rumor but its seems that theres nothing to clear since the picture itself, says a lot. " The network announcer said, i felt a tug of pain in my heart. I mean why should I feel this way? I should be more aware of this, they've always been so close. I shouldnt feel anything such as this.

I heard my phone rang and when I looked at it, it was Jinyoung so I answered the phone.

Jinyoung: Eunjee-ya we need you. Youngjae is currently feeling unwell. Can you come to our dorm and check on him. He just suddenly felt ill and we currently cant go anywhere other than our dorm or the studio.

Me: I guess I could come.

"hey is that Eunjee!! Tell her not to watch the tv no matter what" i heard Jacksons voice at the background and I assume his talking about whats going around the news and sns.

Me: Tell Jackson i already saw and that its okay.

Jinyoung: are you sure you're fine? It doesnt mean anything Eunjee-ya. Shes lile our sister im sure nothing is going on.

Me: its fine. Im fine. I can still go there. Im still your doctor so i must take care of you guys. Ill be there in 20 minutes.

I told Jinyoung before hanging up. Right O cant be swayed now, I still have a job to do so i must focus on that first before anything else.

I called the movers then told them ill wait for them to get my things to be tranferred and they did come right after to get my things, they took all my things and left me. I took a quick bath and went to see the boys. I searched my bag for my keys but i remembered I left my other things back at the hospital so was my car. I sighed and dialed Jinyoungs number.

Jinyoung: yeah?

Me: Jinyoung i cant make it there within minutes I forgot that I left my car back at the hospital. I might just take a taxi then come over. Can Youngjae stand a little bit more time?

Jinyoung: Jb's coming to get you his around the area. Just wait for him a little bit. I forgot to tell you awhile ago.

Me: Okay. Thanks

I waited for Jb to come around and about minutes after he finally came. He waves at me and I smiled before getting inside of the car.

"Hey!" He greets the moment I entered the car and I smiled again. "You okay?" He randomly asks before reversing the car and going to the main road.

"Yes Im fine. Im not affected and decided to just focus on my job and nothing else" I said to him and he justs laugh

"For someone that says shes not affected you look like you could kill a lot of people right now if they ask you again how you are doing." He tells me after making a right on the freeway

"Well I dont. I mean...i just dont care anymore" I sighed and fiddled with my dress. "I cant get distracted...so those kind of things can wait" i added and he spares me a glance.

"Well. Maybe this could help you. They were out there because Sana saw how exhausted Mark was and asked him if he wanted some coffee but being the kind of guy who doesnt let girls serve him. He offered to come with her instead rather than make her go to the coffee shop to fetch him his coffee. They were waiting for the other orders when that photo was taken....." He pauses before finishing " And I was there. We were both with Sana when they bought the coffee. Its just so happen that I was talking to someone else on my phone when they were alone at the table. I just came from the agency and explained my part. The company will release its statement later." He explains and I felt as if I was being thrown into air. I feel like the block inside me was finally lifted up and thrown away from me but I didnt show that to Jb.

"Well I still dont care. It his life. If he wants Sana then he can just go and Date her. I dont care anymore. We'll probably get divorce soon so I might aswell start distancing myself from him." I tried hiding my feeling but it was obvious how affected I was whenever Mark was involve.

"Trust me Eunjee-ya. You care but you're just too afraid to admit that you do. Im sure Mark cares for you. Well he wouldnt dare take my keys without my permission if what his going to was not important. Its Mark we arr talkinh about he woud rather sleep than do anything at all. But he did take my car keys while I was sleeping and drove of early in the morning with my car and without all of us knowing...just so he could take care of you." He points out "The very fact that he immediately came to your rescue was a clear indication that you just become one of his priorities."

"Well maybe you make sense but his making me confuse Jb. I dont know how am I going to handle all of this. Its too complicated and its making me scarred" i admitted and Jb seems to understand but he didnt answer instead he suddenly pulls over and there I realized that we finally reached their dorm room.


I'm currently in front of my manager and JYP-hyung as they try to come up with something to redirect the attentions of the netizen on my current dating scandal. Sana has a recording today so she was allowed to go after Jb explained what happened earlier.

See Im really not dating Sana, sure shes nice and sweet from time to time but I already have Eunjee. But maybe if Eunjee didnt came in the picture I would have dated Sana. I mean we've always been so close, she gets me and I get her but I do also think that we both wont work because shes just too good to be true.

As my manager and Jyp-hyung come up with a plan I tried distracting myself by thinking of good places to go. Since the rumor started this morning, my manager collected my phone this is to prevent me from doing something stupid, like maybe explaining myself on naver or releasing a public explanation without my companies consent or just by calling Eunjee and explain myself. My manager said he'll handle everything, handle meaning being totally silent until they come up with something.

"Mark I want you to just keep quiet about the issue. It will die down eventually. If we release a statement they'll just keep on asking about it. We just need to pack you up with more projects to divert their attention. Starting tomorrow, your break will start. Go home and spend time with your family. Come back here exactly after 3 weeks because we need to schedule you with more pictorials and advertisements. That would shut up the media for now." Jyp-hyung said and my manager agreed as well.

"Fine. But please if something comes up do tell me right away" they both nod

"Tell the publicist to spread upcoming events about Mark and Got7. Make sure that this rumors will cover up Mark and Sanas issue. Also make sure to inform the Twices manager about the things we talked about" Jyp hyung instructed my manager before excusing him first. So i was left with Jyp-hyung alone. "Mark-ssi, you need to explain this to Eunjee-ssi very well. I got a call from President Lim a couple of days ago. He wanted me to excuse Eunjee-ssi for awhile because she needs to focus back at their main hospital. I dont think hearing about this issue would make her focus on her job. " Hyung told me and i now understand why he made me stay.

"Hyung, did he say anything else? Like maybe making us stay away to Eunjee again?" I asked

"Well, it seems like he didnt get the memo thar you twi cant seperate so he gave up on that idea" he explains and I nod.

"Well hyung ill go home for now. Ill meet you again after 3 weeks I guess" i bowed he nods. I went of Jyp-hyungs office and went to my car before driving back to the dorms.

I saw Jb's car parking at the driveway and saw Eunjee coming out of his car. She comes out running and so was Jb. I parked my car behind Jbs and followed them behind. I opened the door and saw the guys gathering up to Eunjee and Youngjae on the couch.

"His temperature is way above normal. Did he show any sign of discomfort lately maybe some sort of coughing or sneezing?" Eunjee asked while she keeps on checkinh Youngjae. Bambam saw me and made way for me to see clearly whats happening. Youngjae was sweating so hard but he was also shivering which doesnt make sense because he was sweating a lot.

"His been complaining about soreness all over his body last night but thats it. We practice until late few weeks ago so I thought it just because of that" Jb said

"Ill prescribe him some medicine but ill have to go to the hospital to get some iv fluids. You guys should start taking care of yourselves. Last time it was Bambam now its Youngjae... Let him rest firts. Make sure to let him drink this first. Then ill come back as soon as I get the things i need" She instructs us and that when she saw me. All grew silent after realizing the situation, it was until Jb distracted us by fishing his keys back from his pocket ready to drive Eunjee but I interrupted him by pulling Eunjees hand and bringing her down the building to my car.

She didnt say anything but she kept staring outside the window it was obvious how awkward the atmosphere was between us. I sighed before clearing my through and taking another glance to her.

"Are you okay?" She was looking at me and she was worried.

"Im fine. How about you? I specifically told you to rest for the rest of the day. What are you doing now? Why are you here?" I asked

"News flash one of your members is sick and needs my attention. So what do you exoect me to do? Ignore him?" She asks

"Thats not what I mean.... Im sorry" I silently told her because I didnt want to fight anymore. Not now when I can just spend the rest of my weeks with her. "Listen i know you already know the issue going around. Its not true okay. Everything is just false rumord and I know it looks bad but ill never hurt you like that. I wont go behind your back and date someone else. Im not that kind of guy" i told her giving her another glance but she wasnt looking.

"I actually dont care Mark. Right now all i know is that we both need to focus on our seperate jobs and thats it." She says

"Jyp is giving me 3 weeks break starting tomorrow. If i ask you to come with me and visit my parents for a week. Would you come?" I glanced at her again but she is still not looking. 

"I'll think about it" she answers

We arrived outside the hospital and she immediately got out and went inside. I waited for her outside because the parking lot was a bit packed

I waited for Eunjee for awhile until she calls me and instructs me to meet her at the basement. I followed her instruction and saw her carrying a bag full of stuff. I stopped right in front of her and was about to help her in but she waved at me before rushing inside and buckling up.

"We should probably go. My boss is about to come out and I just cant let him see us together." She rushes me  and I just droved and when we finally hit the freeway she releases a deep sigh and looks at me again. "Sorry. I had to rush you out of the hospital. I cant let him see us together or he'll think of another way to ruin us both" after what she said I stepped on my breaks and she  immediatly covers her mouth realizing what she just said.


Mark was looking at me intently and i know i was so stupid to let what I just said slipped out of my mouth.

Back at the hospital when Dr.Kim rushed beside me and told me that the President was coming, I made sure to rush back to Mark so I could avoid having to interact with him. I also made sure that Mark comes and get me from the basement instead of the lobby because thats where his coming and I cant let him see Mark or he might say something. But because of my tattle mouth, Mark is looking furiously and waiting for me to clear what I jusy said.

"What do you mean by ruin us both?" He asks again, his also trying to relax his tone it was obvious by the way his breathing in and out.

"Can we talk about this when were back at you dorm. Youngjae needs this things now so please" i tried begging and it seems to work because Mark took a one last glance on me before grabbing the steering wheel again and releasing the breaks making us move back to the freeway and towards their dorm. The car was obviously very silent, i cant even think of any excuse to what I said. How can I be so stupid, this is the reason why we are so awkward to each other then here I am blurting it out like it was nothing.

I dared to look at Mark again and i saw how white his hands now, gripping hard on the steering wheel, i wanted to comfort him. Awhile ago i wss being silent on him because I cant look at him and not feel guilty about hiding something so big from him. I know he deserves to know and maybe he can also help me, but I also didnt want him to worry to much and for him to cause any trouble after hearing this problem.

I tried hiding the tears that threatens to come out of my eyes by looking outside the window and letting the scenery pass by me but by each passing time, i feel like my hand is slowly slipping away from Mark. Even if we go and spend time together, we can never get away from the media that wants him and the life he chose.


"Hey! Aren't you going to address the issue between you and Mark? I mean i just saw Jyp talking to Mark awhile ago. Arent you going to talk to him aswell?" Momo asked me

"But theres nothing to address, i mean i've always been so close to Mark-oppa I dont think this rumor would harm us both. Its bound to happen anyways" i gave Momo my perfect smile

"What is bound to happen? You getting in this kind of issue or you dating Mark oppa?" She asks me

"What do you think it could be? I means its easier to make things real rather than deny them right?" She eyes me " and everybody knows that eyes were always set for Mark oppa. Maybe this is a great opportunity for the both us to get more closer to each other" I smirked and Momo slowly shakes her head in disagreement.

"Your being delusional again. He only sees you as one of his sister. You should know better than think that Mark oppa would take another glance at you. She thinks of you as a sister and not as lady" he paused before giving me some ice coffee she brought awhile ago "Here you might need to something to literally kick you insticts back in." She lefts me again and thats when I thought of a perfect plan to take Mark Oppa to anyone that is with him. As long as he is still not married his mine and no one else can take him away from me.
