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Some of the other game modes of the Overwatch were also released, and the vitality of the game was greatly extended.

Chen Mo was considering updating Overwatch every two months, adding some holiday skins, new maps, new playstyles, new heroes, etc., To try and keep the game popular.

" 70 new heroes a year" was just a lie. It was impossible to do that much. However, the new heroes had to be made appropriately, or it would be impossible to maintain the popularity of the game among the players.

There was a lot of work to be done, and Chen Mo didn't have much time to think about the first game of the year, so he didn't think about making a new game in the first month after Chinese New Year. Instead, he asked everyone to take care of Overwatch and League of Legends.

Chen Mo also told everyone that he was going to be a coach at Shanghai University, and everyone was very surprised.
