
Sending Someone Home and No Comment on Love Life

編輯: Henyee Translations

On his way back, Luke met Selina on the road.

He folded the bike, threw it back into the trunk, and got back into the car.

Selina said gloomily, "The traffic is so bad I almost want to take a helicopter."

Luke said, "Wouldn't you still need to look for a place to take off from first anyway? Let's go."

Selina asked, "How's Claire?"

Luke said with a smile, "She didn't lose even a strand of hair. She even shot and injured a criminal."

"That's good." Selina didn't say anything else.

Claire was under Gold Nugget's protection, so she was completely safe, which was why Luke could calmly ride his bike over.

Although he sounded relaxed, he still treasured his sister very much.

After a busy day, Luke and Selina picked Claire up after work.

Today, the police academy didn't require students to return to the school. After reporting to their instructors, they could go home and rest.

There were two considerations for this step.
