
A Sudden Attack

編輯: Henyee Translations

But why had Weyland Corporation sent a bus of people here at noon? To bask in the sun?

Very quickly, however, Luke frowned.

Something was wrong with the way these people were acting.

They were too professional! They looked more like well-trained soldiers than employees of a telecommunications company.

Furrowing his brow, Luke patted Selina and said, "Let's go and see what those people are up to."

Selina instantly got up and closed the insulation box. "Dollar, grab the box."

Dollar quickly swallowed the food in its mouth and gripped the handle of the box with its teeth, before it trotted after Luke and Selina.

They struggled to squeeze through the crowd in the square and reached their car on the roadside not far away.

As plain clothes officers on duty, they had registered their car with Stark Industries' security so that they could park their car here.
