
Chapter 48

"It's time"

Shino was staring at the full moon above her. She had a feeling in her gut and she knew well enough to trust it. It's time. The nomu would show up soon. The city will be thrown into a pandemonium. She could sense it. She could feel it. She adjusted her headphones and pressed her invisible button. The band over her head disappeared leaving the pods alone. When the band faded a red visor appeared in front of her eyes. On it displayed the video feeds from her drones. She smiled, happy to see her improv modification working perfectly. She reached up and pulled the microphone over to her lips. She was very proud of her quick mod. She deemed it very useful at the moment. She'll enhance it later when everything is over.

"Dispatch and search"

At her command her drones did as told. The bugs were released into the air successfully. Now that that was taken care of she just had to keep an eye out. She was the eye in the sky, literally.

She felt like batman from her place on a high towers overlooking the city. The was crouched and everything.

"I always dreamed of doing such a thing" she said to herself. "I.... Am Batman"

Enough playing around. She spotted several of her drones around the city. Success. They were unnoticed by even the most skilled heroes.

"Creati, you there? "

"I'm here" the voice in her ear was smooth and undisturbed. So her mics were working perfectly. "See anything? "

"Not yet " Shino stared down at the city. "It won't be long now though"

"Oi, am I being ignored" an annoyed voice entered her hearing and she rolled her eyes.

"You're full of yourself Zero"

"I told you not to call me that you damn bastard! "

"Please calm down Kacchan" Izuku's small voice rang out.

"Oi ya nerd! We're supposed to use our codenames! "

Shino flinched. Why did Katsuki have to yell? He's wearing a mic for crying out loud.

"Sorry I forgot"

"Bakugo you're being loud" a seemingly emotionless voice said bluntly. Shino grinned when she heard Katsuki growl in anger.

"No one asked you iceyhot! "

"But you really are being a loud idiot, Zero" Sora said casually. There was the sound of someone munching on the other end.

"Psion are you having a snack right now? "

"Why yes I am Athena. I would offer you some, but we're nowhere near each other "

"This team is rediculous" Akio's voice could be heard in a sigh. "Why are you fools always bickering? "

"Arsenal called you all fools" Daichi snickered.

"You too Pinpoint"

"That's mean"

Shino chuckled and continued to gaze upon the city beneath her. She received permission from from mother to form her own little team with the available heroes in training. She planned on pulling Sora, Katsuki and Izuku into this team. Somehow she ended up with Daichi, Akio and Shoto as well. She was not gonna complain. The more merrier. Besides she knew how to work with each of them and got along splendidly.

"So no one spotted anything yet? "



"Nothing here boss"

"Everything's a ok on my side"

Shino sighed. The calm before the storm. "Don't let your gua-"

"Crap I see something. Its that portal! " Daichi exclaimed. He went quiet and there were sounds of wind blowing in the mic. "Oh no, this is bad"

"Pinpoint what's going on? "

"Drone 6. Drone 6"

Shino immediately switched her feed to the suggested drone. The video feed displayed the purple portal and coming out of it was a winged Nomu.

It's time

"I see a portal too" Came Izuku's voice. "Drone 2"

The feed switched again. Shino was met with the same image. She growled and jumped from her place on her tower. A web was shot and soon she was soaring through the sky. Things were goingto get hectic. Soon all her teammates had spotted a portal and with it more Nomu.

"Holy cow! There's a whole army of the things! " Daichi shouted.

"Calm down you fool" Akio said calmly. Footsteps could be hear through the mic. "Remember the plan "

"I got it. Disable before any damage can be caused. Inform our mentors immediately after spotting those things"

"Then get to it"

"Athena are you sure these things will work? "Sora questioned.

"Of course they will. Just plant them on any Nomu you come across"

"Athena, Astrape is already engaged in battle. She's outnumbered " Momo said rushed.

Shino hummed and made her way up a building. She had her own mission at the moment.

"Shoto, inform Helios of this, tell him to head north"


Shino shot herself straight through the window of a nearby building and skillfully manoeuvred herself over the multiple desks and walls. Half her attention was focused on the feed she was getting from one of the bugs. The bug had found Stain. He was who she was focused on. There was another feed on her visor. This bug had been following Iida. He was angry. She could see it. His brother must not have awakened yet. And if he did Iida was not letting this go.

Out the corner of her eye she saw a building on fire. The first casualty. She mentally located the bug or drone nearby and pulled up the feed.

"Huh, reckless bastard"

It seems the cause of the fire was Endeaver himself. He didn't even show any care about what he just did. There was no hero nearby who could go into the building and help the people out. It was an apartment complex. That meant families. Children.

Shino immediately changed her route. She wasn't too far away. She could make it. There was no one nearby focused on her, so she teleported herself to a closer location.

Iida and stain had met. That was dangerous, but Shino had to Help those in need.

"Anyone got a hand to lend? "

"Salamander is clear "

"Psion is locked, loaded and ready for action"

"I can lend my assistance as well" Shoto said calmly.

"Good. Im sending you a map right now and I need you to follow it. Idda is in danger"

"Don't tel me.. " Izuku trailed off, not wanting to say it in fear jinxing it.

"He spotted Stain and is going after him. I planned on going to help him myself, but there's a nearby building on fire" Shino explained as she sent the map to the three boys. She was confident in their ability.

"That's reckless"

"Right now he's not thinking logically, Shoto. Go help him"

She got words of agreement from the boys before they set off. Shino was close enough t the building that the smoke was too strong for her. She had to pull on her respirator. The metal device was secured over her nose and mouth and helped with the overwhelming scent. She sighed in relief and scanned the nearby road. Endeavor was dealing with a Nomu twice his size and struggling. In the distance she spotted Momo rushing towards the building as fast as she could.

Another Nomu entered the fight against Endeavor and he was sure to lose.

Shino Shino and fished two devices out of one of her pouches. She blinked and her eyes changed. Within them one could a scope similar to that of a sniper riffle. Her eyes honed in on her targets. She took a deep steadying breath and threw the devices with such force they sent the beasts stumbling back upon impact. They were immediately immobile.

"That should do it"

Shino landed in front of the flaming building just as Momo arrived. The girl was panting as she stared up at the building with worry filled eyes. People wer leaning out the window, shouting for help. Some had managed to escape the building and stood by helplessly.

"We need to help them" Momo said desperately.

Shino's mind was running a mile a minute. She counted ten people in total. Four children. One infant. Three men. Two women. The children needed to get out first. Especially the infant. Their lungs could not handle the intense smoke.

"Momo I need ten respirators, goggles and a couple of cool fireproof blankets" Shino said calmly as she eyed the building and calculated its height.

"It will take some time" Momo said worried. It would take too much time.

"I'll help you" Shino placed her hands on the other's shoulder and activated a recently made quirk. Upon activation Momo felt different. She felt as if something wit her was working faster than normally.

"Shino? "

"Another Booster quirk I came up with" Shino said as she gripped Momo's shoulder. "I've boosted your quirk so you should be capable of making the needed items quickly "

Momo nodded and got to work immediately. There was no time to wait. She was shocked at how fast she was capable of creating items now. Her time was reduced by more than double. It was amazing. She felt amazing. Shino was amazing.

Soon the needed objects was created and handed to Shino.

"Be careful"

Shino smiled and quickly kissed her before shooting off.

"I'll try! "
