
A strange fate (part.1)

The emperor was already ready to leave for the meeting hall accompanied by his servants and followers, this would be a long meeting. In the great hall, the figure of Emery wearing a pale outfit of a celestial blue tone stood out between the black of the naked statues, the red of the long carpet, and the gold items that graced the room.

Ade and Emery's eyes met, the emperor got nervous and asked everyone to go on without him, of course, the imperial guards stayed close by in case anything bad could happen.

"Is your body okay?" Ade asked after a short silence. He didn't know how to broach the subject without looking like he was pressuring Emery to accept the position of empress.

"My body is already recovered, I'm a half-dragon, you know, I'm not so weak," Emery said with a bit of petulance, which showed he was in a good mood.

"So... Emery, did you remember about our talk yesterday?" finally the emperor asked what he had wanted to know since he awoke.
