
Welcome Party

"Welcome back Lu Jn!"

Lu Jin's whole body went rigid.

His slightly widened eyes met the smiling eyes of the people in front of him.

The banner with 'Welcome back, Lu Jin! We miss you!' was boldly raised up high. The golden confetti was flying around the room, some of it fell into his hair.

There were colorful decorations around the room. It looked like a party intended for a child.

Not to mention, that everyone was wearing a birthday party hat.

Lu Jin who was always composed was stunned at this moment.

In Lu Jin's almost thirty years of experience in this world, he had never had such a party like this. 

The colorful designs were childish and too much for the eyes. Compared to other parties Lu Jin attended before, this party was mediocre.

However, for some reason, this surprise welcome made him feel warm.
