
Chapter 167.

"Are you still feeling Sun's pain?"

Gyeonhui nodded to answer Ojae.

"Did you… tell Sun about your situation, that you feel her pain…?"

Gyeonhui, this time, slowly shook his head.

"If she knew that, then she could hint us on how to get to her somehow..."

Ojae said so because using Gyenohui to feel Sun's pain meant that she could lead him to come and save her.

"I haven't because I was afraid…" Gyeonhui answered with a sunken voice.

"What do you mean you were afraid?"

Gyeonhui only nodded his head.

At that moment, Gyeonhui recalled the time when he had a conversation with Sun.

'I'm actually a little afraid because I don't know why you have changed so much like this. Do you have anything that you're hiding from me? You're not going to make me embarrassed later, are you?"

Gyeonhui couldn't tell everything to her honestly.
