
Chapter 70.

"What more does she want me to do? This is outrageous."

"... For what? What did she say to you?"

Gyeonhui started to speak with a short sigh of frustration.

"She asked me to stop pretending that I have changed because a person who actually changed wouldn't know that they had changed."

"Oh... I can't argue with that."


Ojae, who had not seen Gyeonhui's sharp gaze, continued.

"It's true. A real friendly person doesn't realize that he is kind to other people. Why? Because they just do what's natural for them, but a person who knows that he is kind to other people is the one who actually pretends to be kind because he did something that's not a real part of their personality."

"You're the one who told me to take care of her!"

Gyeonhui's soaring voice astonished Ojae.

"... I know. I know." Ojae quickly tried to agree with him.

"Ha... Why is it so complicated?"
