
Koala's Abiltiy

"Jie Hahahahaha~ now let's see if you will drown first or you will drown first" Shiki proudly said while laughing at them inside the ball of water.

"Do you think having Devil Fruitcan me strong? Naive, Devil Fruit can make you strong but at the same time can make you weak."

"Everyone knows that Devil Fruit user's major weakness is Sea Water and that is a huge problem for every Devil Fruit User, so having you close inside of that Seawater already ends the battle."

Harpy looked at Koala and asked," What is that moron said to SIster Koala?"

Koala only shrugs her shoulders.

"He said that we are Devil Fruit users." Chaos answered.

"Devil Fruit? But we are not? Is he an idiot?"


"Let's end this now, I don't want to stay here anymore, Master is going to cook and he needs your helping hand later." Harpy then shot "Prometheus" making a huge hole inside of the ball of water.

Chaos on the other hand spread her wings protecting Koala inside from high intensive heat coming from "Prometheus".

"I-Impossible!! How can you still escape after getting drenched from seawater!!"

"Idiot, we are not Devil Fruit users, of course, seawater is useless to us." Koala said.

"No! You're lying to me!! How can you not be a Devil Fruit user!" Shiki hysterically shouting towards them, he can't accept that a group of kids is so strong that he can feel threatened by them even though they are not swordsmen nor Devil Fruit users.

Shiki snorted and started attacking them, this time he stopped holding back and started using all his strength to take them down but it's useless.

Chao and Harpy's speed is just slightly slower than Kizaru's speed while Koala's power is stronger than Akainu's magma ability.




in the sky.

Countless magma rock, falling from the sky making the whole sea become wavy from the impact.

Huge islands, ships,s and even dead animals start to flood the sea, all of this comes from the sky while a beam of light, a huge violet colorado explosion shows from time to time.

"Damn kid!! I will not let you wait for this mess!!"

"He~ only you? Not too strong."


"You look down on me too much!!"

"This man is the Legendary Golden Lion Shiki!! A man who will rule the whole world!!"

Veins on his forehead were already beating violently, he did not expect to be despised by a group of bear kids.

Facing this group of kids made him not only desperate but also angry.

"Jiehahaha~ don't you think i don't notice that you're protecting the small island below?"

"Who's there? Your mother? Brother? Sister? Love once?"

"But i don't care, you destroy my plan, i will destroy all that you try to protect!"

"You dare!" The three of them angrily shout, they don't want to disturb Xin. That's why they take the initiative to fight him up in the sky but he wants to bother their Brother, that's unforgivable.

"Then try to stop me!!"

Using Armament Haki has covered the famous sword with both feet.

He raises his hand making all the island that is left float above him, he then uses his swordsmanship to cut all of it in medium size then throw it downward to pulverize Xin who is watching below.

"Initial Form: Thunder Goddess Armament!"

Koalas' appearance changes. Her hair becomes swept back, with a few fringes gathering together to form two horn-like appearances on her head. The sclera of her eyes also darken. The most obvious change, however, is the appearance of two ribbon-like objects with diamond-shaped objects attached to them that hug around Koala's arms. It is likely a mass of compressed energy that can easily pulverize anything.

With a zip, Koala disappears in front of them, they can only see a beam of light travel downward, and then she appears above the island looking at the falling object that Shiki throws.

"Lightning Attack Spear"

Koala raised her hand, from the ring around her, a spear made of thunder started to form, with one wave all of it flew straight to the falling rock around them, evaporating all of it instantly.

Even though she has a strong bunch of it, the number of rocks that Shiki throws is still plenty. He then gathers the diamond shaped object on her arms and slowly raises her hand.

Her hand and the diamond object start to form a beam of light in the form of a sword, he then slowly waves it down.

"Thunder Punishment"

A violent airflow instantly spread out in all directions.

The endless air current raged wildly on her clothes and hair.

The space began to crack and the sky turned bright, cold instantly disappeared and the sea cut in half showing a deep abyssal in the middle.

With a loud thunderous noise thus swept out an extremely strong air current.

The entire floating island began to vibrate and even faltered as if it would collapse at any time.

There was another loud noise and this time the floating island finally couldn't bear the aftermath of the attack.

Then it starts to crack on numerous pieces while several people start to fly away from it.

"So strong!" Vivi sees everything, she clearly knows how much power comes from that single slash, she feels that even an Admiral character can't take that attack easily.

"That's of course, Koala-chan looks cute but if she gets pissed she is scary as hell."

"What about everyone?"

"Don't worry, everyone is safe, Chaos and Harpy always inform everyone if they notice a Koala suddenly getting angry, except Shiki's crew, everyone is safe."

"That's good then, let's go down, I want to ask Koala-chan for some pointers."


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