
Whitebeard Pirate

The execution day finally arrived.

On the island of Marineford where Marine Headquarters resides lies a large city primarily inhabited by the families of Maine Soldiers.

Currently, all the residents have been recommended to evacuate to prevent them getting harm from incoming war.

And so via monitors on the nearby Shabondy Archipelago, the people; stand and watch the public execution that comes closer.

Reporters and cameraman from far gather to witness the historic event that everyone knows will change the current world.

They gather here to deliver the breaking news of the whole world as efficiently as possible.

Patrol ships are sent to first by the Marine one by one, to prevent useless damage if the war finally starts.

There has yet to be a confirmed sighting of Whitebeard and the tension around the base is so high.

As the time ticks, the execution time is coming closer.

Famous Marien all over the world gather for this particular event.

Around one hundred thousand Elite troops waiting for the battle to start.

Surrounding the Crescent Bay and the island as whole stand fifty Marine Vessels.

Aligning the coast stand countless heavy cannons and visible upon the coast at the very front of the Marine Troops.

Standing the five most notorious pirates who will determine the outcome of the battle, the Shichibukai.

Meanwhile at the very rear of the plaza, upon towering execution platform itself, the center figure of the conflict, Second Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates

Portgas D. Ave awaits his fate.

Watching from the elbow stands Marine Headquarters Greatest Military Force.

The three Marine admirals.

Marine Headquarters Admiral Aokiji

Marine Headquarters Admiral Akainu

Marine Headquarters Admiral Kizaru

Opposite them are the Guild Part, which is sitting as the Guild Guardian and representative of the Guild, the three main forces of the Guild.

Three Great Guardians.

Uranus Queen, Strategic Battle-Class: Type-Alpha Angeloid "Ikaros" who is still holding a watermelon on her knee.

Delta, Attack Base Battle-Class: Type-Delta Angeloid "Astraea" who holds a bunch of snacks eating like a pig while watching everyone with great relish.

The Everyone Big Sister, Tactician Battle-Class: Type-Zeta 2nd Generation Angeloid "Hiyori Kazane '' who watches everyone with a soft smile making the forefront soldier daze while looking at her.

Well, the other officer also watches her from time to time, looking at her angelic image that contrasts to the solemn atmosphere around.

Above the flatform sitting with Ace, Xin, who is looking below while Garp and Sengoku are standing behind him.

All the forces of the World Government standby, waiting for the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirate, ready to prevent the retrieval of Ace.

"Are you sure about your plan Xin?" Sengoku nervously asks while watching everyone below.

"I'm pretty sure, don't worry grandpa Sengoku, everything is fine, no one will die from this brave soldier, the medical unit is fully prepared and on standby."

"What about you Garp?"

"Do as you like, let me sit down with this kid to prevent him from doing something stupid." Garp reply.

Just like their plan, Sengoku reveals that Ace is the Son of the late Pirate King Gold D. Roger shocked everyone in the world.

They did not expect that the infamous Pirate King had a Son, but surprisingly, Ace denied it and only accepted Whitebeard as his only Father.

Xin smashed his head and said," idiot, you also have Grandfather, don't give all the Title to Old Whitebeard."

"W-well…." Ace embarrasses look away, of course, he knows it inside but he is too prideful to accept the fast even though he fully knows he accepts Garp as his own family.

"Bwahahahaha, don't embarrass the kid Xin, just give him a face." Garp heartfelt laughs while Tsuru smacks his face to shut him up.

Just like that, the serious and solemn atmosphere is destroyed by Garp and Xin, making Sengoku feel embarrassed to continue.

"D-Damn you Garp!! Guard take this old man, handcuff him and hang him outside of the fort!!"

"S-Sir please calm down."

"Ye sir."

The people on the execution p[altforme try to calm down Sengoku who raging fro manger, he prepare a great speech just to destroy by this stupid fool.


"Go on."

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, i bring an urgent report!!"

"The Gate of Justice are opening without any authorization, we can't seem to obtain contact to the control room!!"


From far, they can see shadows of ships, it's a lot that they can easily cover their view on the top of the flatform.

"They're here!!:

"All hands prepare for battle!!"

From Afar, a huge Fleet of Pirate ships is coming closer, and from below the sea, a gigantic whale-looking ship comes out coated with bubbles.

"I-It's the Moby Dick!! The Whitebeard Pirates are here!!"
