
Foolish Decisions

Lucci and his other members feel frustrated, feeling lost again with Xin, the same person who broke their record 5 years ago.

This is the same as when they challenged him in a match and lost miserably in front of many Marine and CP9 Officers.

"Damn you!! You have the guts to lose, you should all execute! You're all useless garbage!!"

"The World Government wasted a bunch of Devil Fruit on your group and you actually lost easily how pathetic your group really is!"

"You should all die!! Die here with this stupid shit kid!! Die! Die!"

Spandam seems to snap out and start cursing all of them, hi's word is sto unbearable but the CP9 can only silently take all of it.

"Hehehehe~ do you think you still have a face to remain in the organization, don't worry all of you are going to become a tractor, tractor of the CP9."

"Even though you guys are useless, you are still useful for me and for my promotion."

Spandam hurriedly crawled behind his desk and clicked the emergency button below it calling for backup to save him.

And only a couple of seconds pass, a bunch of CP9 appear around the room, almost filling the whole room with people.

"Hahahahaha let's see if you can defeat thousands of CP9 Officers, crush him!"






"Hold him down, don't let him escape!"


Like a tidal wave, people start swarming everywhere trying to outnumber Xin but they only get punished when they get near.

They punch, kick, slap, push, everyone one of them recessive 2 to 3 attacks before fainting.

But still even though their men are being eaten one-sided, the CP8 did not even step back but still they tried to drown Xin with their number.

"What are you doing! Use your Devil Fruit don't fight like stupid!" Spandam angry shout.




"Rankyaku "Lupus Fall"

"Air Gun!"


"Spring Kick!"

Bunch of attacks start flying everywhere, dozens of them have strange Devil Fruit with weird abilities like dush ability, rust ability, sponge ability and many more.

"You can't defeat me with this kind of strength," Xin said, catching one of them and throwing them out of the window.


"And even if you outnumber me, numbers are not different from fighting alone." He jumps then kicks the three flying in the air.


"And even there some of you can use Haki, the gap is still huge." He grabs one of them who is using Armament and smashes him in the floor creating a huge hole in the floor.

"But even if you guys have Haki, the gap is still huge."

Looking at the CP9 who scattered on the floor, Spandam knows that they belittle their enemies this time.

Number is not everything and he know that, but he thought that he can out number Xin using all the people in the headquarters but he fails

He fails miserably and he is now waiting to be punished because of his failure.

Spandam fully knows that failure means death or for mild punishment is imprisonment, and hsi mission this time is to hold Xin or accuse to weaken his department strength.

'This is not good, I can't fail here, I don't want to die! I can't die here!' Spandam looks at the phone bug and presses a unique button on it.

The Silver Den Den Mushi, a breed that serves as the receiving line for its Golden counterpart, generates a loud vibrating alarm sound upon receiving the signal. It is about the size of a standard specimen and apparently possesses a solid silver shell.

The specimens receiving both Spandine's and Spandam's Buster Call orders were visibly aged, with white mustaches and beards.

That's right, Spandam is idiopathic enough to call for a Buster Call.

The Buster Call is the ultimate form of military attack used by the Marines. It is a result of the Marine doctrine of Absolute Justice.

The "Buster Call" is the strongest military action possible, performed only under special circumstances. The target of a Buster Call is usually to destroy anything from a criminal or group of criminals to an entire island that has proven to be extremely dangerous to the World Government. The reasons for the known uses of the Buster Call are:

5 years before this happened, Ohara was attacked because its scholars were able to read the Poneglyphs and decipher information about the Void Century.

And now, he is idiotic enough to use it just to save his self, and his target? None Other than their own coworker.

He did not think about the consequences of his actions and what kind of embarrassment the World Government will have after this accident.

Spandam's only thought is how to save himself and ensure that his position will not be taken away from him.

'Let see how you can escape this time kid.' Spandam delicious laugh.

Meanwhile back to Marineford, everything is in mess, they dont know why the Enies Lobby calls for Buster Call.

But still the officer incharge gives the permission to use Baster Call making everything more complicated and hilarious.
