
Unique Arrow

Xin asked the System,' Hwy System how did Stella get that weapon?'

System,' If I'm not wrong that weapon is the materialize of your own god energy that you transfer to her'

Xin was confused,' How that happens, i don't remember giving her a weapon except for the one that i buy in the System Store'

System,' Host you didn't give her a weapon but you transfer some of your god energy to her when you save here right?'

'That excess energy materializes into a special mark in the body of the girl you save, remember?'

Xin nod,' Yes Kuina got an Animal mark and Stella got a Weapon mark if I'm not wrong'

System,' That's right, the Mark appeared in their body is the excess god energy that they receive from you'

'While the type of type of ability they get is base on their own aptitude'

Xin asked,' Then in future, Kuina will get a materialized object from the mark she has?'

System,' I don't know Host, we can only know if after we see Kuina again'

Xin thought a bit,' Well your right, but what about the blessing that the weapon has?'

System,' I can feel that the blessing did not come to your godly energy, in my observation it comes to the goddess that gives the blessing'

'So you're saying that when the bow materially a certain god or goddess bless it with their power?'

System,' Your right host, and not only that the materialize weapon that she gains is not simple as you think'

'The weapon that Stella got is the symbol of a certain goddess'

Xin confused,' Meaning?'

System,' Stella has gained a chance to inherit the legacy of that goddess, in short she can become goddess in future'

Xin was shocked,' WHAT!'

System,' You don't need to be shock host, there is a large chance that she fails to gain the legacy it up to her how she can get tath legacy'

Xin was shocked, he couldn't respond properly in what he learned, he hurried to ask,' Then System, Kuina get a certain chance like Stella too?'

System,' Just like i said Host, we can only know after we see her again'

In just months of training, Koala got a special skill. While Stella got a chance to inherit a goddess legacy.

While Xin was digesting all the information he learns, Stella whispered at him and said.

"Umm …. Master, can I tell you something important?'

Xin snap out and nod," Sure, what is it?"

Stella placed her hand in front of Xin and said," I actually got a special item beside the Bow"

Stella's hand shine and a violet arrow started to materialize in her palm, at first Xin thought that it was just a reishi arrow when suddenly the nature of the arrow starts to change.

Harpie, Chaos, and Melan activate their 'Aegis' to protect Xin, while Sora creates a bunch of magic barriers around them.

Xin shocked in what he sees, an arrow made from pure godly power and some mixture of violent elements.

Xin instincts screaming at his mind while his agohe like fallen leaves as if fainted from scared.

Xin gulp and ask," Umm .. .Stella what's this?

Sora ran at her and shouted," Idiot Master, that thing is a weapon of mass destruction! From the magic that the arrow releases. I can tell that its power is equivalent Breakdown Phenomenon in my world"

Harpie stare at the arrow and said," She is right Master, this single arrow can destroy the synapse without a doubt"

Xin used his magic eye to see the property of the arrow.


The Spear of Lugh "Shining One" (10%)

The "Invincible Spear" or the "Spear of Victory" and it had properties similar to the Sword of Nuada - when thrown, it momentarily hit its target. The spear was blazingly hot, and it became hotter the longer it was used.


Intense Heat S+

Pierce S+

Hit S+

Evil Vanquisher A+

Chaotic Destruction A+

Note: Can only use once a month, Can use as arrow.


Xin lisp twitch when he sees the property of the arrow, and he never thought that little arrow is not really an arrow, it was actually a spear.

Xin asks," Stella, did you even try to use this spear?"

Sora confused," Spear? Are you wrong this is an arrow, not spear Xin"

Xin shakes his head and said," No this is not an arrow, it was actually a piece of mythological item from another world"

"Its name is 'The Spear of Lugh "Shining One"... a piece of mass destruction item"

Stella asked," Is this item really powerful?"

Xin nod," Yes it was powerful that even myself don't know if I can defend from it"

Stella feels relief in what she heard," Thank goodness i did not use it once"

"Don't use it ever, only use it if necessary only sue it as trump card"

"If I'm not wrong, it looks like an arrow because the energy in your body is insufficient to materialize it as spear" Xin explained.

"But even it was small the power from it was powerful enough to kill an Admiral after all the arrow that fired never miss its target"

Stella was confused," What's that mean Master?"

Xin smiled and said," The arrow cant dodge, you can only defend yourself, from the power of the arrow i can tell anyone hit by it will be fatal infrared"

Stella feels that she is getting closer to reaching her dreams. And that is to be helpful to his only Master.


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