
Vs CP9

Spandine teasing said," Is the marine quality start to decline? Even a small fry can easily fight a Marine Admiral?"

"You should guys just remove all rank and start to the lowest"

Aokiji stare him like an idiot, he knows that World Government and Marine have lots of contradiction so they don't like each other.

Spandine see that looks so he got angry he said,"Sir Admiral can we go now we have a mission to complete"

Aokiji roll his eyes and said,"We can do that but can you pass the enemy in front?"

Spandine said,"Why not use the lower rank marine as cannon fodder to make way for us"

Aokiji stare him intensely,"We are not your dog! So if you want you can defeat the enemy first and don't think about using as a bait"

Spandine angry said," What a bastard marine"then he gave at the people that come to him.

He asks," Laskey can you finish that man so that we can advance"

Laskey serious said," Okey let me do it"

Meanwhile, Akaino cant feel his arms and leg right now,he feels that his body is too heavy while some parts of his body hurt a lot.

He doesn't know what kind of technique the enemy use at him but he feel that it's super effective, even if he successfully defends the attack the effect still penetrates on his muscle.

Xin run at him and give him a corkscrew punch to end the battle,eh already content on what he experiences so he made a decision to end the fight.

After all, there's others waiting for him.


A clean hit land on Akinu's chest, he feels that his heart stopped beating while he can't breath air from his nose, he tries to punch his opponent but his eyes start to blur.


Akainu whos Marine Admiral defeated by an unknown enemy using the barehanded technique.

Xin walk at Akainu and grab his neck, he looks like he is grabbing a dog while walking at Aokiji whos standing not far from them.

He then throw him at Aokiji, while Aokiji hurry catch his comrade, he hurry to check for injured and feel relieved when he only sees some bruises all over his body.

Aokiji shout," Medic! Come here and tend the wound of Admiral"

The medic run fast to check the injure of Aokiji when he see the overall condition of Akainu's body, he feel amazed even that the body of Aokiji is full of a bruise but he can see any major damage from him.

Overall the muscle of Akainu is like a dough that will knead using a strong hand, overall he needs to rest so that he can recover fast.

Spandine said,"Let us CP9 handle this and you dog marine just need to watch how we do this kind of work"

Laskey and another cp9 officer walk at Xin.

Xin grin at them and said," So it's this CP9 this time



The two CP9 suddenly disappear and appear at both sides of Xin.

"Finger Pistol"

"Tempest Kick"

Two incoming attacks coming at Xin, Xin use his super reflect to bend his body to dodge the Finger Pistol and kick to counter the Tempest Kick.


The other CP9 officer who tries to kick Xin feel that his legs kick something hard, he almost broke his legs from it.

Xin counter Laskey with an uppercut from below.

"Iron Body"


Laskey use Iron Body to defend his jaw but who thought that X uppercut is not just a normal uppercut.

His uppercut has penetrating power and explosive force, Laskey jump upward to nullified the force from it, if not maybe his head will be smashed into pieces.

"Self Create Art: Void Step"

Xin suddenly appear up in the air, more precisely in front of Laskey.

Then he gave another punch him at his face, seeing the incoming attack Laskey hurry cover his face with his arms.



Laskey feel that he was hit by a cannonball right in his face, he was sinking into the ice.


Suddenly the other CP9 office appear behind Xin and place both his fist at Xin back.

"Six Styles Secret Skill: Six King Gun"

A huge shock wave travel to the fist and then hit at Xin back.

Xin hurry twist his body and let the shock wave travel into his body to his arms and then to his fist.

He punched back at the CP9 officer then release the shock wave that he gets from him.

The CP9 office face suddenly become pale he want to use Iron Body to defend himself but the attack is already connected at his chest.


A shock wave directly hit in the unfortunate CP9, it is fine if the shock wave is ordinary shock wave but Xin add some vibration from the shock wave.

And the result,the unknown CP9 muscle start to vibrate and crumbles, his muscles become much as he goes into a super massage spa.

The unknown CP9 officer thrown beside Spandine while white foam coming in his mouth.

Spandine face suddenly twitch in what he sees, the two best CP9 defeated by unknown enemy easily.


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